Exploring the 6 most powerful wizards of all time - Harry Potter

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and magical Universe of Harry Potter were introduced to many powerful law inspiring Wizards so in today's video we will embark on a journey to discover the six most dominant and influential wizards of all time it is however important to note that there is not room on this list for every single powerful wizard of all time so therefore I've had to make some tough calls and decision making of who would make it to the top six so you might not agree with all the placings but make sure to let me know your own thoughts on the six most powerful wizards of all time in the comments one last thing if my voice sounds funny it is because I'm still sick and that is also the reason as to why this video has been so delayed so with that said grab your wands and let's get started the first powerful wizard on our list is the renowned salsa Slytherin perhaps best known for his influence integration of the School of Witchcraft and wistry Hogwarts Slytherin was a truly talented and powerful wizard he was a parcel tongue which is a rare ability to allowed him to communicate with snakes a skill that would be later associated with salsa Slytherin himself this of course was why Voldemort was able to speak with serpents as well but if you want to know more about that check out my full video on the origins of Voldemort Slytherin hated models and thought the mix of the blood of a wizard or witch and the blood of remodel was a true Abomination therefore he created the Chamber of Secrets a chamber that only a Descent of salsa himself would be able to open inside the chamber there would be a beast and Only The Descendant would be able to control this Beast by use of the parcel turnability salsa not only managed to breed the great basilisk but also made his survive for well over 1 000 years in the chamber surpassing its usual 900th year lifespan a perhaps are known fact to most is that Slytherin also managed to create his own wand out of snakewood and with a bassless horn core but now known that he create the wand he sorted a unique ability the ability to sleep salsa was also a gift to do list and was especially talented in the dark arts of course the unforgivable curses were not unforgivable back then but salsa was able to use them all there are many more things that sounds of stuttering is known for but we do not have time to go through them all nonetheless he was extremely powerful taking the fifth spot is another of the powerful founders of Hogwarts godric Gryffindor he was likewise an extremely talented dualist often referred to as the greatest dualist of his time he was specially dominant in one particular area of magic martial magic also known as combative magic meaning magic used defensively and offensively endures but Gryffindor did not only duel using his wand he's well known for wielding the powerful Gryffindor Sword forged by the finest of the goblin silversmiths ragnook the first the reason godwick had a sword are not simply used to swarm was due to the fact that godric Gryffindor went to Great Lengths to preserve his honor and expect and he wanted a fair fight especially when defending himself against mughals Gryffindor was great friends with Slytherin when they started the creation of the magical school but one fateful day everything would change Salazar wanted to ban all Mongol porn students from the school and as the Brave and just man godwick was he had to oppose Salazar furthermore it is rumored that the Sorting Hat was owned by God Gryffindor himself and that he along with his fellow founders of the school Bewitched the hat so that it would always be able to sort the students into the right house even long after the founders were gone however it is also rumored that Merlin was the one that created the hat so it kind of depends what story you believe next on our list we encountered the mysterious and Powerful Lord Voldemort born as Tom mavolo Riddle Voldemort was undeniably one of the most powerful and fearsome Wizards in the wisting World of Harry Potter his rise to power and dark reign of terror showcased his exceptional magical abilities and cunning intellect but several factors contributed to his rotation as one of the most potent wizards of all time from a young age Voldemort's play extraordinary magical Talent his Mastery over various branches of Magic including charms Transfiguration and Durling was unmatched he quickly outperformed his peers at Hogwarts imprisoned even the most esteemed professors while the most insatiable first for power and immortality drawn to delve deep into dark and forbidden Arts he relentlessly pursued knowledge and sought ways to overcome death making almost invulnerable all the most creation of multiple horcruxes demonstrate his grasp of Dark and Dangerous Magic by splitting his soul and placing it into various objects ensured his survival even if his physical body was destroyed making him virtually Immortal furthermore Voldemort was highly skilled in legitimacy the art of delving into the minds of others this skill allowed him to manipulate and control those around him effectively he possessed an eerie Charisma and the compelling presence which helped him Mass a loyal following among dark witches and visits known as their theaters and those who wouldn't follow him out of loyalty would instead come to follow him out of fear Voldemort was well versed in the darkest and most dangerous spells including the cruciaticus curse the imperius curse and the killing curse he used these spells that are known as the unforgivable curses to eliminate or torture his enemies without hesitation he inherited the Apostle turn ability from the infamous salsa Slytherin which only made him even more powerful at the time of his death many were perhaps consider him more Snake than man while Voldemort's Powers undeniably remarkable was ultimately his downfall and his cruelty and disregard for human life fueled the persistence against him leading to his eventual defeat by Harry Potter nonetheless his legacy persisted as one of the most potent dark Wizards in magical history now we've reached the top three and taken the third spot is Skillet Grindelwald who was another immensely powerful and influential dark wizard in the Westing World predating Voldemort's reign of terror Grindelwald was exceptionally talented in Magic from a young age despite in Proficiency in various branches of History his abilities were renowned and he quickly Rose to prominence as a prodigious Wizards like Voldemort when the world possessed a charismatic and persuasive personality that allowed him to get a substantial following his vision of a new world ordered where Wizards should rule over models for the greater good resonated with some drawing many to his cause he never had to use fear as a tool because his charismatic and persuasive nature fit his followers grindelwald's ideology which he turned for the greater good advocated for the supremacy of wizards and subjugation of models to prevent conflicts and bring out a new world order this conviction drove him to pursue his goals with unwavering determination and whoever opposed this great wizard would not only have to face Grindelwald on his following but also the most powerful ward in existence the Elder Wand which is one of the three Deathly Hallows when the world was a brilliant strategist and tactician he carefully planned and executed complex schemes to achieve his objectives often anticipating the moves of his opponent and staying steps ahead and if his opposes finally caught up they would not stand a chance to oppose him he was truly a great Dueler and he managed to use magic that others could only dream of grindelwald's era of darkness ended with his defeat by Alba stumbledore in 1945 long before Voldemort's rise to power despite his eventual imprisonment grindelwald's impact on the western world and his reputation as one of the most powerful dark whistles in history endured for Generations I had a truly hard time deciding whether or not Voldemort or griddle door to serve to take a third spot but in the end I believe Grindelwald was just a little stronger also like mentioned he didn't have to use fear as at all instead his photos primarily followed him out of loyalty to him and course this big difference between Grindelwald and Voldemort because even though Voldemort did have followers like Bellatrix is strange and other defeaters default him out of loyalty most of them probably fallen out of fear an example could be Lucius Malfoy and his family now reached into second place we have a truly amazing wizard one that most Harry Potter fans love and one of the most beloved Headmasters that hawkwood School of Witchcraft and history has ever seen Dumbledore now I know that there probably will be some theory about this as many see him as the most powerful list of all time but in my opinion he really wasn't although he was a great wizard who accomplished great Deeds a clever man with an absorbent mind that allowed him to see the world from a different perspective a perspective that often allowed him to be the one step ahead of her supposed and perhaps one of the most important assessments of Dumbledore must be attributed to this one thing Dumbledore is our style he was the one person with all the more feared and this wasn't a coincidence after all Dumbledore not only do a Grindelwald but also defeated him even though he was wielding to Elder Wand furthermore Dumbledore was an inventor and invented the deluminator figured out 12 ways to use dragon's blood and potions and even evolve the Patronus charm to use it as a way to communicate with others the list goes on and on he was an eternal student and an amazing leader and teacher a light in the darkness who made people feel safe when evil was lurking outside the walls of Hogwarts he was Brave as the days long and even in the face of death he managed to look it in the eye and accept his fate without a tear he was really powerful so who could possibly have been more powerful than him well only a legendary figure often regarded as the most powerful and accomplished wizard in history would be able to triumph over Dumbledore I wish it's so great that even Muggles know his name I am of course talking about the great Merlin unfortunately the series does not delve deeply into Merlin's backstory leaving much of his character shrouded in mystery however here's what we know about him based on the lore and mentions in the books Merlin went to Hogwarts and was among the first students to attend the school Believe It or Not Merlin was sold into the Slytherin house meaning one of his professors was perhaps the mighty Salazar sleren who could have had a big part to play in the skills Merlin developed he earned the title The Prince of enchanters and is rumored to have created the Sorting Hat however like I mentioned earlier it may have been the finals themselves that created the hats nonetheless Merlin is created with several legendary magical achievements he's the founder of the author of Merlin and Order founder the Middle Ages with the purpose of promoting laws to benefit and protect models it'll later evolved from an organization to an award given to witches and witters who performed great Deeds for a good cause in the wisting world he is also said to have created numerous powerful spells some of which have endured throughout history is that he created the powerful disowning spell Expelliarmus however there is some dispute on whether or not he created it or instead was created by a witch named Elizabeth smudgling one of his perhaps most well-known Feats must be the duel between himself and Morgan Le Faye also known as the lady Morgana who is one of the most powerful witches of all time but I'll cover that in another video Merlin's influence in the Western World can still be felt centuries after his time and it is easy to guess as to where to saying Merlin's beard comes from his name carries great weight and respect and he is revered as a symbol of wisdom power and magical ability despite the lack of detailed information in the main series characters in the Harry Potter often refer to Merlin as the epitome of a great visit he is considered a significant figure in the history of magic and is often mentioned alongside other influential Wizards and wizards so what do you think is Merlin the most powerful wizard or do you have another in mind let me know in the comments and check out the video on your screen right now see you soon
Channel: The Viking Wizard
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Keywords: harry potter, wizarding world, fantastic beasts, harry potter behind the scenes, harry potter cast, harry potter theory, avada kedavra, harry potter studio tour, harry potter world, harry potter music, harry potter explained, hermione granger, draco malfoy, ron weasley, emma watson, daniel radcliffe, harry potter spells, tv show review, harry potter lore, voldemort, the dark lord, lord voldemort, bellatrix lestrange, the history of lord voldemort, harry potter game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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