Exploring Legends: The Freedom Mausoleum Tour | Famous Graves and Untold Stories!

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today is December the 22nd 2023 Merry Christmas and happy New Year happy holidays we're at Forest Lawn Memorial Park Glendale California this is the freedom mum we've been here in here before with other videos but I thought I'd do another walk through I think there's about 24 gray visits uh we can see I'm going to do do this video totally from memory because I believe I know where most if not all the locations are the mosim has two levels we'll start out at the upper level this area is called sanctuary of Prayer and there's one there's one famous grave in this area that that I want to show you up towards the top is Robert Cobb he's the owner of the Brown Derby he's also the inventor of the cobb salad which I'll be eating a lot of this new year it looks like they're doing some remodeling here or not it wouldn't be remodeling it' be repairs in a mausoleum next section over is sanctuary of heritage there'll be several CPS that we'll visit in this area starting out on the left is television producer Al Simon he does I Love Lucy Mr Ed The Beverly Hillbillies Green Acres among others now over to the right the Crips on the right wall up toward the top we'll find Marie McDonald she was an actress Singer model she was married seven times sadly she had two children di at Birth a boy and a girl 1949 and 1952 neighbors right next door Gracie Allen and George Burns George makes it the age 100 before he died he'd visit his wife Gracie every Saturday next section over towards the top is singer Nat King Co he has hit records he actually sells 50 million copies of Pop singles country and R&B his daughter Natalie has a ground interment here Janette McDonald was quite a singer has a beautiful high voice I wish I can bring some in but YouTube will not let me next we have Alan lad and Sue Carroll actor and actress Sue was also a talent agent one of her clients was Allan lad they fall in love and get married and just below this is our final stop at the sanctuary at Heritage we have Rex Bell actor also later becomes lieutenant governor for the state of Nevada from which I'm from and also Clara Bo The It Girl there's another stop I want to make down at the end looks like they're doing some patch work probably a rough leag this is lesie Kelly of the Kelly Blue Book recently on my way home from doing a video uh somebody ran a stop sign and I plowed right into them so I'll be using a Blue Book to determine the value of my car if I trade it in or if I get it repaired now we head back down towards the main Corridor the entrance is on the left we're in the freedom maum located in Glendale California the next famous grave we're looking for is on the right we're at at the sanctuary of Liberty up towards the top left is Barbara Rooney she is Mickey Rooney's fifth wife she's also an actress she has an extramarital affair with Milos mvic he ends up shooting her and turns a gun on himself back in 1966 across away in the columbarium of victory is a name I've been researching I just can't find much information but I believe uh Frank steel is a famous grave location Frank a steel dies 1966 I just can't find any information on him if anybody knows please leave it in the comments so we can come back and pair a proper respects looks like his spouse is Zelma F still dies 19 1970 I just noticed to the left actually when I was leaving here I noticed up on the left is era Coy she dies 1978 best remembered for playing Mother Jefferson in the television series The Jeffersons we're now at the lower level of Freedom mum we'll continue our tour in this area it's called the Patriots Terrace we'll make several stops at the lower level our first stop we'll make is Billy Dove she works as a model during her Young Life supporting the family ends up in Hollywood acts and some movies in the 20s and 30s uh she catches the eye of Howard Hughes with her good looks they have a three-year romance they even got engaged but Billy broke it off because she thought he was too [Music] eccentric we're now in the sanctuary of Brotherhood on the left well find a Marx brother gumel Marx he shied away from the stage wasn't comfortable on the stage so he gets into business he manufactures raincoats has a very successful career as we walk across a corridor we're now in a sanctuary of worship up towards the top we'll find another Marx brother Chico Marx he's in 13 movies he's also a train trained pianist so we have two of the Marx Brothers and the freedom mle uh right behind us to the right at the sanctuary of Freedom we have one of the three stoes Larry Fine Mo curle and Larry Larry was not one of the brothers he was the independent three stoe back out to the main Corridor at the top of these stairs we'll find the columbarium of Patriots uh just on the right hand wall we'll find a major R&B artist pop artist Mary Wales she works with Barry Gordy has several hits her biggest hit was 1964 my guy and you can find that on YouTube it's quite a song now we're at the corridor of Independence still in a lower level of the freedom mosum top right way up at the top we'll find the niche of Margarita Pard she starts out in Vaudeville as a child she's in 175 silent films that ran from 1910 through 1927 she dies of heart disease in 1975 while living in San [Music] Diego now we're at the columbarium of blessedness as we enter this area on the right hand side towards the top we'll find the niche of Jim mccre he's a professional photographer to the Stars much sought after after he does albums for many of those in the music industry he does a cover album for the Carpenters now and then he also owns a retail store or owned a retail store providing supplies to photog rers while we're here this is Billy B you have to Google him he's quite a story in his own right and an actor now we're circling back around I forgot about this actress we're back at sanctuary of Warship to the right top you may remember Chico marks but on the left side towards the top is Jasmine Milner she's an actress from the 1970s she's in television series such as Lou Grant Roa Quincy [Music] M we're now at the sanctuary of security we're at the Crypt of meril pie he's an our director he wins an Academy Award for an Alfred Hitchcock movie from North to Northwest or in car Grant he's active in the industry from 1925 until his death in 1975 well I think that pretty much wraps up the freedom mosum again there's two levels we got both levels I'm trying to think think if I've missed anybody I'll probably remember somebody that we missed on the way home to Las Vegas hey thanks for watching everybody I appreciate hearing from you I feel like I'm developing some friendships too it's a beautiful day here in Glendale California everybody needs to be remembered
Channel: Famous Graves with Diamond Dave
Views: 5,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: freedom mausoleum tour, famous graves, cemetery, forest lawn memorial park, famous graves and untold stories, famous graves with diamond dave, the mausoleum of legends, forest lawn freedom mausoleum tour, celebrity graves, cemetery tour, robert cobb grave, grave, al simon, marie mcdonald, gracie allen, jeanette mcdonald, barbara rooney gravesite, movie star graves, freedom mausoleum tour with diamond dave, graveyard explore, cemetery tours, freedom mausoleum adventure
Id: vTJnsm6yis0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 14 2024
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