Exploring Japan's forgotten capital | VLOG

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day trip to Kamakura it would be such a shame if it rained on a day when you go to a big trip right well fair not my friends we're still going to see the big Buddha statue anyway if even if it's raining Kamakura is a coastal city roughly an hour and a half train ride from Tokyo first off as always Family Mart or 7-Eleven this time is Family Mart Peak nutrition classic because coffee Just Hits wrong sometimes and it's raining it's annoying but I'm still hungry kamoku is one of the Japan's ancient capitals alongside of Kyoto and nada [Music] it's littered with small shops that don't scream I am a capital at all according to the legend this Shrine called Kamakura has daa was actually built in 736 which means it's almost 1,300 years old still looks fine though be one of the coolest inventions just a umbrella rack that's the closest shot that I can get because I can't really film on the inside it's just not allowed uh but it's insanely beautiful it's actually insanely insanely pretty and here we can see city of Kamakura which is actually on the coast apparently if you turn this rotating Library a specific amount of times you will gain knowledge containing them sadly the mechanism was blocked from rotating so we just had to be satisfied with the serenity of the area and wet yet gorgeous views heading down from the hill and the shrine through one of those incredible Japanese Gardens we saw one lonely thory gate we almost missed that almost behind it there was one of the coolest things we saw that day this is the coolest thing I've ever seen it's fully stealth mode I oh I can't stand now but my head is literally up against the [Music] ceiling well that was an experience I had to literally Crouch so cool since the KN was getting better and better by becoming less wet and clearly full of surprises after loading up with caffeine we've started moving towards the main event of the day after visiting Kamakura Shrine now we're actually finally going to see the massive massive Buddha statue that's somewhere around here although it's kind of tourist and busy area in here so our Lu may may [Music] vary we are finally coming to the budha Buddha stat and going through these Gates that are guarded by these two love fella I don't exactly remember what they were supposed to be doing but yes they are guarding they're scary it's a bit sort of wow okay that's cool well that's a big boy incredibly freaking here although we're saying that in the other place not this Monastery but the shrine is kind of nicer oh Buddha is definitely cool every good Adventure includes snacks and what what better snack than the staple of Japanese Cuisine 7-Eleven onigiri it's kind of mid what's the verdict Shrine versus Buddha statue Shrine Shrine yeah Shrine Shrine was cool bud stue was big I think that's for sure but it was cool too but it was one thing and that's it yeah there I I thought there might be some sort of Garden or something like that in there it sort of was there were a couple trees but that's about it basically we're just basically walking main Kamakura street it's sort of nice we were supposed to go to the smaller streets to explore you know the hidden gems if you will but this one is also sort of jemmy we did both we did both yeah we did both and we'll do a bit more since Kamakura is also famous for his bamboo forest we had it there between Giant Buddha and the forest there was quite a walk 55 minutes to be exact luckily koish swimming canals kept us entertained this is the residence of Kamakura shunet that was build in roughly 1300s it's actually very very tranquil qu place besides me talking you can only hear birds I'm almost feeling bad to disturb that piece of my talking s00 or so y later we were in probably in one of the most impressive Garden a man could be in this is one of the famous raw Gardens and next to not Garden while bamboo forest was cool to look at realistically it was more of a bamboo patch than a forest we somehow forgot that we were in Japan and even forests are minuscule to come back to reality after that incredible Garden we decided that it's time for even more back street to back streets it's always interesting to see how real people not just Shogun live after saying hi to Bamboo which was quite a nice experience it's like a Shogun night Shogun it's more like a summer house type of thing now we are going to see the other kind of cool uh attraction saw the last one today but it's some sort of shrine Castle type of situation going on it's actually incredibly pretty so let's go just look at that unless you
Channel: Vandal Paulius
Views: 112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: U65DH2w9wP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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