【4K Japan Walk】A Seaside village. Stroll along the Enoden Railway to Kamakurakokomae sta.
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Channel: Penguin Walk - 4K Japan Travel
Views: 3,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: walk, walking, japan, 4k, 散歩, 日本, 鎌倉, travel, traveljapan, street, alley, 路地裏, 東京, 田舎, 神社, Japan, scenery, back alley, countryside, shrine, ambience, nostalgic, traveler, 外国人, 観光客, 江ノ電, enoden, videostreetviewjapan, seoulwalker, rambalac, deepspotjapan, NomadicAmbience, ambient, sunsetwalk, sunset, tokyo, shibuya, shinjuku, kyoto, relaxing, village, mtfuji, slamdunk, 海街diary, ghibli, explore, virtualtour, cozy, suburb, outland, asmr, ライブカメラ, livestreaming, trip, temple, landscape, kamakura, rulal, ジブリ, 新海誠, makotoshinkai, relax, penguinwalk
Id: fRr_PoNJsHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 32sec (6572 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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