Exploring a Mysterious ABANDONED Mansion in the Woods | Most Haunted

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign what's up everyone it is Big Banks and we are back again for another episode in the France series and today we are exploring a massive abandoned Chateau here in the middle of the woods there is a moat that used to be around this entire property now it's just kind of like a huge ditch and this place is quite cool some even say this is a haunted mansion but you know we don't really do haunted on the channel but if something happens I guess we'll see but this place is known as Chateau Pinky and the urbex community I don't really like the names of the places but you know we're going to go inside and we're going to see what this is like this place has some Chinese culture inside which is really cool been seeing stuff like that all around France and there's one crazy thing about this property that blows me away I used I tried to come here on the last French trip and I was swarmed by bees so it was very very bad and there are still tons and tons of bees surrounding this higher property and stinging needle plants I was just stung on the arm walking up here and my arm is literally burning right now these plants all of these right here you do not want to touch them they have little tiny needles on them and if you touch them they have like a little bit of a toxin that can make your skin itch and burn for about 20 20 30 minutes it's bad if you land in these and there's this place is surrounded by them the thing about Europe is like these this is like the security for places are these plants it's almost like they purposely put them here but I don't know yeah let's not touch them my arm is literally burning right now anyways I just walked up on the Mansion I'm ready to take you guys inside so before we go inside let's take a look outside and then we'll get right into the history of the place and then we'll check out what's all left behind so here it is look at it and like I said there was a moat that went around the entire property of all of this and now it's just overgrowth and there's tons and tons of bees everywhere and I am allergic to bees not in like a crazy way like I won't die if I get stung but it'll definitely leave me in a bad mood but there are bee hives and bees just everywhere at this property thousands of them and like I said before all of these plants have needles on them and they do not feel good I'll tell you that but we're walking up on the Mansion right now and look at how big it is quite a huge property we got Jeremy over there peeking through the through the vines so we're going to take a look inside this place I'm gonna hop into the history we're going to fly off the Drone a little bit hopefully we can get a good look at this place but it is covered in trees but we're out here in the middle of the Woods so let's go inside this Mansion first guys if you don't know abandoned Nashville or Steve Ronan check them out down in the description they've been on this trip with me this entire time and the trip is coming to an end we got two more days and then I am flying back to the States but I'm excited to show you guys this one this is really good I hope you guys enjoy this let's get right into the history [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] everyone so we have made it inside of this abandoned Chateau here in France I'm gonna give you a full rundown of the history here in just a second but I wanted to sit down and just give you a little brief summary of this this place is known as Chateau pinky as I said before mostly because of this pink room right here and the other pink rooms that are in this place and we see that here a lot in France a lot of pink and blue which probably represents boy and girl who's who sleeps in each room things like that this place is also rumored to be one of the most haunted places in all of France we don't know how true that is I've never really done anything haunted on this channel and we're not really going to be making this a haunted video but if something does happen we will record it um we're gonna walk through this entire place this man was a millionaire he owned lots of businesses throughout France and other countries and he loved China and he has some Chinese influence in this room and his whole family lived here with him and I believe this place was abandoned sometime in the early 2000s so I just wanted to give you that little rundown but let's get into the video and let's see what's left behind I cannot wait to show you this place this is one of the last places we're doing on the entire trip so I cannot wait to get back home honestly I miss my bed I miss air conditioning we've gotten about 15 videos so far this is going to be number 15 of the trip and I think we might get two more and then I'm gonna be going home so let's get right into this place again I'm not going to keep you waiting any longer let's see what's left behind in this chateau all right so this is the first room we're entering right here you can tell look at this furniture that's a really nice looking chair I believe this is when they call this place Chateau pinky because the whole wall is Pink looks like we have a little desk here it says illustration and this is like some Chinese stuff right here this is like the second house we've seen with some Chinese things inside of it whoa look at the details on this it's like two angels up there love all the furniture that we've been seeing here in France look at that check out all these books right here I think this room is going to be one of the darkest rooms in the house the rest should be pretty lit up but lots of books left behind so we've been seeing a lot here in France many many books of mine nobody really takes books with them this nice couch and we got like a dead tree in here but I believe this is the room why it's called Chateau pinky check out the like how vibrantly pink the walls are some of the paintings that are left here really nice but I really like this chair got a lot it feels like to be really comfy to just sit down kick your feet up read a book do whatever remember even take a little nap look at this it says John F Kennedy on it and this house is literally just surrounded by Nature but yeah look at this room chandelier is still in here literally just out in the middle of the Woods the room right next to this you got this really nice flooring here I love seeing tiles like this your board games are in here this is just like a little small room but it has some stained glass which is really nice it's red and blue stained glass a lot of it's been busted out though this room looks to be all yellow probably the main one of the main doors to come in at so many bees are just flying around everywhere so we got to be really careful but it's all yellow in here a little corridor I believe this is a kitchen so we're gonna come down here now oh wow quite large to say at least all the kitchens kind of look the same here in France they have tables in the middle all the Cabinetry but like everything is left here like here's even a thing of spices still left behind it's really cool look at these olives they're still just sitting here It's gotta be really gross so old too and there's even another one over by the stove in the oven and you can see the mother nature is literally trying to reclaim this place finds it is growing in through the closed window that's crazy there's bees flying around in here the bee stuck in a web right there look at that nasty but yeah this is the kitchen guys I wonder what this was for some sort of contraption if you guys know what this is for let me know in the comments but I can't tell maybe this is for water or something it goes into the ground but I can't I like that I can't tell what it is this giant cabinet or all of the glasses are still left look even right here some more spices left behind like they've never been touched in so long guys there's like game rooms and stuff in this house there's all the bedrooms upstairs this place gets better and better as we go along so you got to keep watching oh we're gonna head on to like the dining room and the game room and you're gonna see some cool stuff left in this mansion but we got to get away from all these bees because I am allergic to them and I just don't want to be stung today that would not be fun I would probably ruin my day honestly so let's come back through the pink room you guys can give another look at that absolutely beautiful we got Steve Ronan look what up guys just chilling here just chilling we're out on a lot and just just chilling like today's just like a weird day yeah like I think it's because it's towards the end of our Fast Trip and it's just like yeah also we got kicked out of the Airbnb this morning oh that's true we did we didn't get enough sleep I guess we're getting charged like a lot of money for a car oh yeah we got a lot going on yeah six if you're watching yeah we're not using your services anymore yeah we do not want to be sponsored by sixth at all it's been a really bad experience have you told them about no not yet but so basically Jeremy had booked a car I think total was like 800 bucks for a whole trip yeah and then like three days after he gets the car and we're already exploring he gets charged for 2 880 dollars for a whole different car that went from Paris to Amsterdam wasn't even us yeah like we didn't rent the car and it took all the money out of Jeremy's account everything and they're not really helping us resolve it so sixth is just not good terrible yeah absolutely terrible yeah hopefully Jeremy gets his money back because that would suck and we'll see what happens though we'll see what happens yeah hopefully he gets the money back because that's that's a big chunk of change that they just took without even like like they it's weird because these people whoever got this car they just had it for like three days and they paid over three like almost three thousand dollars but they took it out of Jeremy's account for some weird reason and now they're not really trying to help so six to get your stuff together oh god dude I thought it was a b okay all right we're gonna head on to the game room here gotta watch out for the floor it's a little bit sketchy so we're gonna enter the game room check this out we have an entire pool table the sticks are still here quite a large room they even got an old piano here look at it it's like decaying it's totally falling into the floor floors really sketch so you got to be careful where we're walking around downstairs like look at that look at the floor there's holes everywhere you got pretty high ceilings but we even have another piano over here let's see if the floor is any good but look this piano is even falling into the floor as well now this is what I find weird about these pool tables is there's no holes for the balls which is very strange I don't really understand like if you guys know what this is like for like I think we thought it was like a book table or something but there's like pool sticks on here and it looks like a pool table but there's no holes for the balls which is just really strange not gonna walk much over here floor just starts to cave in it looks like they're really thin floors but the Elsa could be there's there could be termites in here could be all types of stuff this place is very old and it's just getting neglected here in the woods it's a giant fireplace Phoebus never heard of that this base was actually like broken and somebody had put it back together wow I feel like you have to be really quite talented to be able to do something like this to like figure out every piece put it back together for it to look like brand new again that looks crazy my second little grandfather clock but the insides were taken out just quite a big little game room here and guys this is the dining room feels nice in here huh Steve yeah it does let's see it's comfy yeah like I mean it's just rich people have nice taste and stuff and this room is I mean quite large big table it's almost had a big family at one point it's all yellow in here got the mirrors look at the chandelier that's here what do you think this place jamming love it love it very Charming yeah very Charming out here in the middle of the woods yeah imagine I mean I mean imagine what it looked like with the moat and everything is this wood oh no that's metal feels like carved wood I know I was thinking it was carved wood first we've seen a lot of stuff like this along this France trip and our other expirations Francis does it different I know they just did a different out here even like this this little fireplace right here there's like Angels Above the fireplace I didn't even notice that like they just take so much attention to detail I know into everything it's pretty incredible is that marble right here yeah I believe that is marvelous thing that's Marvel oh no that's some kind of um plaster I think this is painted oh it's painted so it's like hand painted up there yeah I think it's literally hand painted which is also equally as amazing yeah it is marble people who are just talented here with the artwork it's crazy man like it's crazy how they they put their artwork into their homes instead of like doing like canvases and stuff they actually like paint their walls and have murals right and everything like that it just makes it so much more uh like special yeah it really does it's like you can't really put a price tag on the art that people personally paint inside houses on walls yeah 100 yeah I feel like that's why each place that we go to like even though they're all castles it's like exploring a castle for the first time each time we walk into one because they're all so incredibly individual over here yeah it's like it was made for one specific person that's why like we that's why I really like Mansions too it's because like everybody has their own different style and different tastes and I mean you really see it here in France yeah yeah France is a great example of that this is just the dining room guys this is you haven't even gone upstairs yet yeah like there's this little desk right here the mirror they might have been religious too I'm seeing like crosses kind of hanging up on the walls and angels and whatnot check that out all the stuff left behind there's even a little chair here like a mattress I wonder what else we're missing downstairs ah so here's a staircase and it's also pink so this is another reason why this place is called Chateau pinky because of the pink walls everywhere has it my staircase nice spiral staircase seeing this really common in France these really cool spiral staircases but we gotta see what the bedrooms look like so let's go upstairs and let's take a look staircase feels pretty sturdy for the most part it is kind of dark up here there is stuff on the walls it's hard to tell where it's from though almost looks German definitely could be French though foreign still pink all the way up so I must have loved the color pink say we have another staircase that goes up maybe to an attic check that out here a little while so we made it to the top of the stairs we have a baby crib first thing we see there's a bedroom straight that way bedroom to my left here and it might even wrap around but we even have more floors to go well this is quite a large home let's go through these big French doors here come to our first bedroom check that out oh wow that's very nice I love this wow look at that like literally Frozen in Time crazy to see this stuff there's a portrait hanging right above the wall right above the bed wow my goodness this is honestly one of the better bedrooms we've seen here in France so far still got to be real careful on the floors we don't know if they're sturdy enough but this is definitely one of the better bedrooms we've seen check out that mirror everything's just like stuck Frozen in Time love to see stuff like this okay look at the furniture that's also in this room like this is sort of like that chair that we saw downstairs in the pink room but it is like a floral pattern probably has more like blue and white at one point but it's definitely faded over the time that's been sitting here look at this like old letters photos of past people that lived here like I love seeing this stuff seeing these old photos is just so much cooler like I just love it gives you a sense of who lived here and like look how old this letter is definitely a lot older so I'm not gonna put like a label on which room is what first this is quite a large room so it could be the master but we're not gonna say that yet because we haven't seen the rest but this is quite a large room all the magazines look at the the dresser like what a beautiful place look at this look at all the details that were put into making this it's incredible poly stuff drawers some things not a ton some razors I see in here but this room of course has to have a bathroom I think this is it right here has a checkered floor bathroom yep here's the bathtub sink and look at this the Q-tips and their shampoo and everything is still left right here I assume that might have been a closet going back there but we'll find out we're going to see this whole place but I saw another door over here so I wonder what that goes to okay this leads to another bedroom be careful on the floor I literally see Holes in the Floor oh my look at that wow so there's two beds in here one really nice bed look at that bed my goodness we'd love to see it check that out that is a beauty I love the I love the headboard and the whole bedroom itself like the patterns on it looks so neat and see this is a common thing in France too where these these like little slots in the wall where the bed would go I only see that here in France I've never seen that anywhere else I love how the mirrors are not broken they're just sitting in here but this bed yeah I love it and there's a second button here and this bed is like the bed frame is really nice like check it out the hand carved details in it kind of a small bed maybe it's like a I don't know what do you call like I'm I get really confused on the size of beds like what actual size they are this actually looks like a queen size bed right here and this is a bit smaller it's like one step down from a queen size but still a really nice save at least there's a cabinet here so let's see if there's anything left inside of it and it looks like it he has some Linens sheets and looks like some blankets maybe in a nightgown on stuffers stacked in here and this I assume is a closet right here in the corner no that's the the sink for them to get ready and stuff sometimes there's a bidet in these rooms too I'm loving this place you can see guys we're literally out in the forest and the moat went all the way around this place right there I wonder if we I don't think we go through this door I think we come out of the master I still kind of believe this is a master it's quite a nice round tell me what you guys think down the comments so we're gonna come out right here we're going to come through here and see another bedroom this is that hallway that kind of leads to the checkered floor bathroom gotta be careful on the floor there's another bedroom right that way too we're gonna go in here first really dark check it out the bed still here still made and this definitely could have been staged by other explorers but I mean nonetheless everything was left either way but this is how we're seeing it as we're walking in walking through the place you have a cot right here a little single bed that's where I see a lot too in Europe is people will share rooms which is really common here look at the nightstand got this carpet I really don't know what's underneath it so I don't want to like step in a hole on accident but I mean check this all out the shoes are still here like old handwritten letters and then I believe there's a bathroom right off of this one too but this doesn't leave anywhere but it's its own bathroom for this bedroom you can see all the cobwebs in the windows it's a pretty cool place to say the least we gotta go find more bedrooms upstairs one right to my right here and it looks quite large so this could be a master or the master but I don't think it is definitely very clean in here wow look at the bed I hear some commotion downstairs so I'm thinking there's bees sound like Steve so we'll go check on them in a second but let's keep looking at this room there's just a lot of bees around this place so we got to be really careful where we're walking don't want to make any bees man clock I said last time I came out here we were literally like on our way to the place and we just got swarmed by bees so I think we either like ran over uh like a one that was in like the ground or something but yeah it was not good this bedroom is super clean we got the carpets there's still dust covering floor and this looks like it's caving in it's falling backwards literally but look at all that I love how these bedrooms are so tall it's like they're really tall it's like if you wanted to watch TV from here you're not gonna be able to this is just in the way it's like four foot tall oh my goodness look at this this looks like a like the first baby carriage or baby this looks like the first baby crib ever made it's just like pieces of wood that they put together like literally like sticks it looks like something you see in like a western home like something like that it's just like it's so neat I've never seen one like this before it's made out of literal sticks [Music] thank you foreign [Music] really nice bedroom to say the least I really like this one I love I love the paintings you guys know I love art and seeing it all around these houses just makes me so happy but it also makes me sad too at the same time you gotta remember guys I love art but I love seeing it but I hate that it's left a rot and nobody is here to claim it nobody cares about it anymore I hate that but I love seeing art I just it just blows my mind foreign this is another bathroom with a checkered floor smells honestly not bad in here maybe somewhere to sprayed some of that stuff smells pretty good in here honestly somebody probably sprayed that freshener I wonder if we can open this it's literally leaning backwards up there it looks like there's a looks like there's some suits and stuff left behind there's definitely more bedrooms we got to see in this Castle all right we're gonna leave this room and I think it's time that we go another floor up so we're gonna go up another floor another slide of stairs hopefully it's not too bad going up here you can see the staircases sort of falling apart right here but maybe it's still pretty sturdy to walk up so we'll find out hopefully we find out and it's not like in a bad way you can hear it creaking it's pretty sturdy though all right we're up on the top floor now of the castle and you can see the roof is like ceiling is a bit shorter as we come up here it's like an old mattress old memory foam all these old papers I see these illustration books everywhere and this is the attic guys the floor is very bad not even gonna take my chances walking in there but you can see all that's left looks like we might even have a couple of bedrooms we're gonna try to check out upstairs here yeah we got one right here and this has multiple beds in it see that got a bed right here so there's two beds there's actually three there's a little looks like a toddler's bed back here in the corner of this room a little pink bed whoa look at this this is something cool wow I love seeing stuff like this looks like a bird that looks like a it looks like there's just birds and these are different kind of animals like I don't know it's hard to it's hard to depict what they are here's a bunch of really old books you can tell they're really deteriorated over time they've just been left neglected the floors are like really clean but they're dusty but they're like they don't have like a lot of debris on them like we normally see I think I saw another bedroom back this way so we have a piano here whatever this room is what is this room oh this is the bathroom it's a sink right there check this out we got a piano have a baby crib right here or this could just be a bed frame for a like a small mattress all right Le corset I don't probably saying that wrong but this is Paris everything a lot of things see Paris in here we're not in Paris but we are close look at this old box spring these rooms don't look as fancy as downstairs so maybe this was like servants quarters or something or maybe this was just like kids rooms but the beds aren't like it's nice as they were like here's even another bed really small room this door looks the door looks a bit more modern so this couldn't have been abandoned like terribly long ago this looks like a lot of doors that we've been seeing in France anyways I got our airbnbs so it looks like they tried to modernize up here a little bit maybe they were in made the renovations and they stopped floor is caving in back there but there's another bed so we're not gonna go back there but you can see it right there the frame and then we just have this room full of books and like old newspapers and all that good stuff but those other stairs that I saw I think they lead up here as well they do actually so the other staircase we saw in the middle of the stairs leads a ride up to this so you guys see this the floor is like a huge hump so I don't want to take my chances of walking on that and falling straight through three stories that would not be good our trip is almost over and don't want to end it with a bad injury I think after this spot we have two more we have a morgue with like a brain in it and we have another mansion that we're going to attempt we hear some bad stories about it but the thing about like exploring here in France is a lot of people don't like to tell you the truth about places I'm not saying that the people that told me about these are lying or not but we've definitely heard stories about some of the places that we were successful with that just weren't true like we went there everything was fine but other people said no it's locked it's sealed don't even try it so you know you can't trust everybody that does this stuff so we're gonna attempt another really cool place after this and hopefully all goes well so I stumbled upon another bedroom it's actually connected to the bedroom with a really nice bed frame it's just a really small one back here has its own sink the mattress is still here there's like books of music wallpaper is just peeling everywhere look at this this is where you hang your coats and your hats but I definitely think they tried to modernize the place a little bit at one time maybe mostly upstairs on the third floor but why would you want to take away the charm of an old castle you know what I mean all right guys well that's the end of today's expiration and end of spot 15 on the trip of France 2.0 and I hope you guys enjoy this place just as much as I did tell me what you like about the place in the comments like what's your favorite room and what you think might have happened to the people that lived here because that part is kind of a mystery to us but I'm glad that we got to see this place and I'm glad that no Bees attacked us on this trip hopefully we make it out without that happening if you guys enjoyed hit that subscribe button leave a like comment your favorite part of this place and check out my friend Steve Ronan and abandon Nashville that has joined on this trip stay tuned for more because we have a couple more places we're gonna hit and until next time big Banks out thank you
Channel: BigBankz
Views: 104,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abandoned mansion, exploring an abandoned mansion, exploring abandoned millionaires mansion, abandoned castle, abandoned mansion with everything left, abandoned beach mansion, abandoned places, abandoned mansion usa, abandoned places in america, abandoned mansions, abandoned celebrities mansion, abandoned glass mansion, urban exploring mansion, abandoned family mansion, abandoned water front mansion, mansions abandoned, abandoned hospital, exploring abandoned, urbex, bigbankz
Id: Ek-WpNwnx5Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 17sec (2537 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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