Monster Truck RETRO MASH! | BeamNG.Drive

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what's going on everybody Welcome Back Eddie soundhead here with soundhead entertainment on a hectic post Martinsville monster truck Tuesday and trust me we will get to all that NASCAR action a little bit later this week because first we've got a retro monster truck Mash VHS special to partake in yesterday for Halloween I got stuck in the time machine and now I'm here with eight classic 80s trucks and a retro track the site of today's Carnage being Bloomsburg with this retro layout that we can not only enjoy some drag racing on but even a little freestyle exhibition later once we add some obstacles and of course to take this track on we've got eight trucks with leaf springs steel bodies and all so needless to say there should be no shortage of excitement here at the track today get yourselves ready because we are about to get round one of racing underway and to get it started I think I know exactly who we're gonna send out there for race one it is the stomper bully versus nightmare pulling out of the pits as we speak about to get this thing rolling as they roll out onto the track now round one will feature four races this one being the first we will then determine which four trucks head to the semifinals of round two and then round three the Grand Final will determine our Racing Champions here today in Bloomsburg who will get it done make your picks now because we're about to go racing effect we are off the green light is on and away they go nightmare seems to get a nice early lead but both trucks a little squirrely off the first set of cars now a drag race to the next ramp nightmare got there first we'll get to the line I can't even tell you that was intent heat almost a photo finish if you will right off the start we're gonna have to slow this thing down and see who actually got that win and it was Nightmare buy a nose a great last ditch effort by stomper who was behind for most that race made it close to the end and he will probably be kicking himself for that one because now he's gonna have to wait all the way until freestyle Stars he's gonna be sitting back there in the pits with all the other moves who lost and now the question answer is who will join somber bully in the back by getting eliminated first coming out for race two here is Excalibur another classic truck once driven by Charlie pocket and he's not making a fire run he's got Bigfoot to deal with the biggest baddest original monster truck this one however being Bigfoot four fun fact Bigfoot four was the first Bigfoot to ever roll over now you know hopefully he won't recreate that here today in this race but if somebody does by the end of the show today I would not be the least bit surprised because they're going to be hanging it all out going for that win and race number two is underway we got a real big match up here that's caliber got a nice push off the cars there a little bit behind Bigfoot showing that muscle over the ramp the far Lane is going to raise Supreme again an Excalibur blows the wheel right off the truck and the chrome bumper flies off the back of the bed all bed up that was a nasty Landing for an Excalibur we gotta look at that one again just caught the ramp with that front wheel and sheared it right off a little bit too much force on that front suspension you know these old trucks they can't take these brutal beatdowns like the modern day ones can you got to be a little bit more gentle with them Excalibur still able to drive it all the way back though it looks like gonna give the fans one last look because I don't know that that one's gonna make it back as badly damaged as it is so Bigfoot got the win but hardly the major story in race two of round one Excalibur looks like he might be done for the day look at that damage I'm glad I don't have to fix that well here we go right into race number three of round one we've got two iconic trucks coming out of the pits yet again in the near Lane will have USA one technically speaking this is USA one two the winner of the 1988 TNT Championship a truck with some pedigree and then the next year I think it rolled over about 20 different times and then in the far length Black Stallion Michael votters made that truck famous as one of the ultimate underdogs a classic Ford versus Chevy matchup coming up next and we are off looks like USA one gets the early jump off the line black style you made up a little bit of ground off the back of the crush cars but USA one's got that power down it's not even a threat taking it easy over the second jump of cars and black stallion out of shape in the far Lane down on the back of the bed hard and then up on the nose but gathers it up that bed has all been up for sure Black Stallion maybe trying to do a little bit too much right there and make up some of that lost ground but it'll lead to a racing elimination either way it might lead to another kind of elimination that bed you might not even need to try and buff that out you just rip that thing off and give it to a fan or something but now that I think about it I doubt anybody's trying to give away old steel body pieces that's that's probably a pretty penny but either way we are moving on race number four of round one is here the final race of round one we will decide our semi-finals with this matchup in the near Lane over there we have Barefoot and then in the far Lane running up the ramp we have Alan piso's original Predator getting ready a Chevy versus Chevy Civil War here to decide the sevies who will get this dub and move on to take on the fierce competition for the championship race is underway Barefoot out to an early lead it looks like this one might already be settled Predator not even in the conversation another one where they can just cruise over the line and Predator didn't even look like he got all four wheels over the crush cars back in the day that would have been a disqualification I don't know if I'm quite gonna hold him to that but he lost anyway so what difference does it make way to go barefoot first round of racing as they'll head back to the pits and sort them oh my God we got a collision here we got some bad blood Predators just bullying Barefoot after the race is over what's going on here I don't know that that's beef I'd say it's probably just a miscalculation either way Barefoot looks fine and able to continue we got to see that again sure enough Predator just comes running up on him and says how dare you knock me out of this competition now fortunately for both of those trucks I think they'll live to fight another day with that minimal damage however Predator is eliminated and that's one hell of a way to end round one now we are on to the semi-finals Bigfoot in the near Lane taking on nightmare in the far Lane nightmare three versus Bigfoot four who is gonna get the job done they look lined up to me the anticipation is building who is gonna make it to that final round and fight for the championship we're about to find out they're off nightmare looks like you got a little bit of an early start but it's pretty dead even off the first set of cars until Bigfoot just drives ahead like Bigfoot does leave midnight Marion that doesn't even a little wheelie over the cars for some added style points that'll sit nightmare down Bigfoot surprise surprise is headed for the final now we gotta watch to make sure everybody makes it back in one piece here nightmare may be eliminated from racing but you want to tear that thing up before oh come on guys you gotta get it together another set of wheel jumping I cannot believe what I'm seeing here with the replay we may have some bad blood out here fortunately looks like no suspension damage no body damage no frame damage so all is well just a little kiss of the tires although I'm sure Bigfoot is not pleased with that however he will be pleased that he's made it to the final now we'll decide who he will face with the second race in the semifinals here Barefoot will be rolling up in the near Lane USA one finds himself in the Far Land for this Chevy Civil War part two who will have the honor of facing the big bad Ford in the final we are about to get it going USA one with an early jump but Barefoot Sky wheelies it over the course gets a little bit of that ground made up USA what pulls away again though on the straight he gets all the way to the cars and barefoot's over Barefoot crashes the truck trying to get back even with USA one and it has ended in disaster we gotta take another look at that Barefoot only got two wheels on the ramp and it just rotated it right over onto his lid up on the nose and hard down on the bed and roof that is gonna cause some serious damage that will almost certainly not Barefoot out of the rest of the show and now we gotta try to deal with this truck laying in the middle of our track before the final we got the track workers out you're even putting in work putting in the man hours they're gonna help get Barefoot back on its feet because that thing we gotta look at the damage once we do let's see this thing come back on its floors here poor Barefoot ouch dented on all cores it seems like the bed totally trashed the nose totally trashed Wonder there's definitely some front suspension damage and I think it's fair to say that Barefoot will almost certainly be joining Excalibur in the list of trucks unable to return however he is able to drive it away credit where credit's due that's gonna be pretty hard looks like he has to use the rear steer to get that thing to turn anywhere so good luck Whoever has to fix that one I'm glad once again that it's not me what I am glad for is that the final is here and we only had to cause a couple of casualties in order to get here but we have done it and what a classic matchup we've got in store Bigfoot in the Ford in the near Lane USA one in the Chevy in the par Lane this is a championship race if I have ever seen one who will take the dug we're about to find out because they are off USA wanted Bigfoot almost even a set of cars this could be the closest race yet headed to the second snack it is super close I have no idea who just won that I get I have it the slightest idea our first and final photo finishes USA one give it a Little Love tab to Bigfoot maybe he thinks he got beat we'll have to check the replay sure enough look at that a genuine photo finish USA one gets clipped by a nose and who would have thought Bigfoot gets hit done USA one not too pleased about it a Little Love tab bent the chrome bumpers up a little bit but they'll live to fight another day Bigfoot is your racing champion are you surprised you shouldn't be because this kind of seems like it's what Bigfoot just does this is its natural habitat winning final races and now we get to see Bigfoot burn it down a little bit give us some donuts right in front of the fans Bigfoot light out here there we go and now you know what's coming up next don't you yeah are not quite done yet but first let's give a little Fanfare to the iconic Bigfoot maybe one day we'll ban Bigfoot like they did back in the day we'll just say you know what everybody else has to catch up big but why don't you take a seat on the bench for a couple of months or whatever but not today Bigfoot will Reigns Supreme Standing Tall on the ramp getting a round of applause a bunch of Cheers from the fans everybody loves to see it and everybody loves to see freestyle which is what we're doing next now back in the day they didn't really do freestyle they did you know a couple of car crashes here they're a little exhibition here and there but never a full freestyle show like you would see today so this is where the hybrid creative Liberties are coming in and we're gonna have a little demonstration for all the fans on here hopefully all of you to enjoy Black Stallion coming back out limping it out here with the bed taken off looks like they listen to my advice Why Try to buff that out you'd be here for four days now I hope you guys know I wouldn't try to make you one a freestyle event where the only obstacles are for racing ramps and a couple of cars that are behind them absolutely not we got the track workers working overtime I pulled out a car pyramid we got a box car box van stack that will probably break most of the trucks that try to even look at it we've got 20 cars lined up by one of the racing ramps that all you'll do is land on crush cars we got Vans we got SUVs we got all kinds of stuff out there and now it's time to make that stuff a lot less nice than it was about five seconds ago nightmare is gonna be the first one to do some damage he'll roll off first and we'll hope for him that this goes well because he is the guinea pig I would not be surprised if someone breaks off all four wheels before this freestyle is over I do not know if they'll be able to handle some of these obstacles some of them couldn't even handle the racing lines that we had going so this ought to be good that's all I know and this has begun nightmare hits the first set of clutch cars and we are underway in this exhibition now I don't really plan on scoring these runs or even having a winner but if you want score them and leave them as a comment down below please feel free as nightmare makes pretty easy work of that box card stack right there maybe I shouldn't be so concerned for these guys help they can take care of themselves by looks of it as he gets over the van stack touches the tops of it it keeps on going taking it a little easy to get things started here I respect the hustle I understand it one to break things in a little bit over the SUV nice and easy now this one could be interesting the pyramid oh just made absolutely beautiful we're coming in a little slap really out of it as well nightmare having kind of a dreamy start to things if you will but now he's at all the obstacles so it's time to get creative and do things a little differently we got some cross threading on the menu how about that look out track workers though he's going for the front motor that is not an obstacle oh my god well that didn't take long he just blew up the trucks front end right on the front loader look at that takes out the chain takes out one of the rear wheels the suspension is shot and that's how fast things could go from good to bad here in freestyles you see the POV of the poor guy in the front loader pretty much taking it like a jam I don't think he came out any worse for where well I know I said we're not scoring freestyles but the way to usually win freestyles is to make an impact on the fans I think crashing into the track workers is a pretty good way to make an impact if you ask me now the way we're gonna do this here is we're just gonna leave that truck laying there we're gonna go ahead and move right on to the next one being stomper bully in that TNT Ski coming at you Wild Bill hopefully he keeps his wildness on the track this time I'm glad the course is as far away from the grandstands I don't trust him not to run into that too after what I just saw is there is a beautiful sky wheelie over the top of the pyramid that was very nice and there goes that SUV that thing is crunched just gone stomped out by stomper bully putting his name to good use with a nice slap wheelie too backwards up the van stack hard down on that single car I like them switching it up from The Nightmare run trying things the other way around we gotta try this box car container stack the other way around two we are indeed in that container does not give an inch you got to be careful that thing will bite you as you know if you watch monster trucks many in a truck has met its maker thanks to a container much like that one but the crush cars make life a little bit easier just kind of sailing over top of them a nice cushy landing on them and we're gonna come back for some more it looks like stomper bully lining up the crush car ramp again the other way gets a little crooked on it but still able to roll it right over on top of pretty much all of them and headed back for this box fan containers stacked sailing it right off the top of it and blows out the tire on the landing ramp that is gonna make doing this a lot harder but I don't see any quit I don't see any give up let's go with nose first over the van stacker there goes another tire blowout one on each side even well one tire blowing out might have been all right but two that is gonna do it two early eliminations it feels like we got four trucks left to go Allen pizzo's original Predator is gonna be coming out next no hesitation we don't need any track safety workers here nobody's running to check on somebody see if they're okay no we just send it here and that's exactly what predator's gonna do car stacking he gets so nice there doing it and a soft pushy landing on the back half of the ram we should have done racing with those I'm gonna I'm having bright ideas here another freestyle started up over the container easy didn't even touch it and the smooth Landing but now he's stopping what's this looks like we might be lining something up it could be a reverse move indeed it is we might have a first reverse of the day will this end of Destruction it's gonna catch that Wheels on the container but he rides out of it that is what we like to see right here that's what freestyle is all about who's gonna bust that first unique move and make an impression on the fans and now we got a little bit of a cross thread Sky wheelie on the van stack Predator pulling out all the stops here doing some unique moves he's not even crashing into track workers while he's doing it that's the real important step to all of this with all the other trucks laying around looking at him are saying I should have done that way you broke too fast and now Predators trying to get a cockeyed lunch over the pyramid he does just powered over it right there the pyramid is not one that you can just go flying at either because I have a feeling you'll just crash into it rather than go over it so I like the cautious yet aggressive approach that these trucks are taking to these obstacles so far and the real question is how does predator cap off this run because so far everybody's capped it off with a crash how about some huge air right there that's not a bad way to do it but I don't think he's done quite yet spinning that thing around back towards the Box Car this could be good huge air over top of that as well looks like one of the tires might have got hurt there then he crashes in to stop or bully you know what that might be the perfect ending to this run if you ask me and next up in line is Black Stallion or at least what's left of it now the question is does this give Black Stallion an advantage holding having half a Truck Body it certainly would make it a little bit lighter visibility out the would be marginally better you I guess you could crank your neck and look back there since there was no Hans device back in the 80s and I do believe the fuel tank is now totally both so if this thing bursts into flames don't you dare blame me as here is a fabulous wheelie out of the sky wheelie over the pyramid that is a tremendous way to start your run and now headed for the Sanchez sails it up over top of that thing and lands it hard but fair and on the wheels but that thing around gas tank shining in the sun exposed that is just disaster waiting to happen as black s continues his run down the line here goes the SUV that thing is having a tough life itself missed the pyramid that time that might have been on purpose a little cross threaded getting some guts about him now as a few trucks have gone Black's daddy probably because he doesn't have much to lose he's already lost half the truck across threaded over the crushed cars back towards the man stack huge air over top of that just sailing it now we are in full set mode at this point in the show it would seem flipping that thing around kicking dirt up everywhere this is going to be a lot of speed into this one that's gonna nose down hard right on the front suspension that could not have felt good if black stallions going over there it is a bad bounce is gonna do it that was a short run but a sweet run for Black Stallion my goodness as we're gonna roll right into the next run this track is quickly becoming a truck graveyard Dale Jr would be proud of and I'll wheelie right off the start from USA one getting this thing started the right way gotta believe the big Chevy here is looking for a little Redemption after making it to the racing final but failing to secure the dub now we're gonna tear it down in freestyle and make up for it and that is up here this guy really over the pyramid stacking powered out of it too empowered over the SUV too just laying that Throttle Down letting it all hang out here all right we're getting aggressive I see it is time to play the games are over it is show time for USA one and he's flipping that thing around with Force back towards the van stack we go clears that entirely getting a little bit out of shape with that but no problems at all heading back towards that pyramid with some speed he does send it right up there the wheel is flattened as another one breaks off all rear wheels removed from USA one with the quickness that took no time at all have fun trying to drive that thing around buddy I think you just became an obstacle matter of fact I think he has the same idea would you look at this USA's parking it for bigfoot well that doesn't set the stage I don't know what does we've got one truck left fully intact and I have a feeling that is about to change Bigfoot do your worst it flies off the ramp here in front of the fans let that engine scream this ought to be good there is a lot to work with for bigfoot but only a little bit of time to get it done what will he do headed for the crush cars first it appears that he sails it right over top of them with a little bit of a rebound on the landing but A-Okay now the Box Mana container clear up over top of them another nice landing now flipping that thing around will we need that ambulance in the background by the end of this we will find out he's headed right for USA what he fakes is good salute fake out by Bigfoot one to show off the Speed capabilities first flies the other way over the crush cars now putting on a pure Display of Power before running it into the ground now that is a strategy I gotta respect but he's headed back for this pyramid that bit the last guy who tried it out will it go this time stands here right up on top bangs the chrome bumper off the top car and slap Willies out of it takes over the SUV and headed for USA what he's gonna do it this time it seems he goes right over top of him clears him entirely tough get kinda easy and gets rewarded he's flipping it right back around again is he going back he is the chrome bumper goes flight and he slams right into USA one rips USA one above rips off his own wheel foot is in big trouble he just slams it into the crush cars and doesn't flip there goes another wheel three wheels off the wagon for bigfoot what a finish what a way to cap this event off we just trashed every single truck we've brought here I don't think there's one of them that came out of this thing clean and I wouldn't have it any other way we're gonna remember this one for a long long time I hope you guys sure will because that was a lot of fun I always have fun recording these it's a lot of work once you get to the camera path editor but it's all worth it in the end hell I'm worn out just doing the commentary on this thing so do me a favor hit that like button subscribe for more leave me a comment down below we'll definitely be back in beam doing this again soon as always thank you all so much for watching I love you all and I'll see you in the next one peace
Channel: Soundhead Entertainment
Views: 51,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beamng, beamng drive, monster trucks, monster jam, monster truck crash, crashes, beam monsters, leafer, freestyle, racing, championship, bigfoot, usa-1, usa-1 monster truck, bearfoot, 80s monster trucks, 1980s monster truck, beamng mods, beamng crashes, beamng drive movie, beamng retro, mods, tutorial, black stallion monster truck, truck mods, bloomsburg, fairgrounds, best moments, funny moments, highlights, ed soundhead, soundhead entertainment, soundhead, soundhead monster jam, wreckfest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2022
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