EXPLODING Claymore Mine Toy - It's a real thing!

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hey everyone this is jeff of taofledermaus we have something completely different to show you today but it's still pretty fun and cool this is the fifth ops claim or exploding replica toy and this is kind of the kids version of the fifth ops perimeter alarms that we've shown in the past now this claymore mine is kind of GI Joe scale the big GI Joes and man it was it's something I wish I had when I was a kid but hey you can still enjoy it as an adult these utilize just those red plastic caps you can get at toy stores and I've even seen that sportsman warehouse on the back of the package we could see that it has instructions on how to set it up and everything and much to my surprise this is actually made in the United States in the stay and age where everything seems to be made in China hey it's kind of cool that some still made in the United States inside the package we have the little plastic housing which resembles a claymore mine and then we have the steel trigger assembly that kind of resembles a pair of toenail clippers but this is where all the action happens and then I just attached a piece of thread onto the pin on the back and it's good to go and for something so simple you could use this thing in a lot of different applications it's just up to your imagination now to load it up it's pretty simple we just tear off a one of these red plastic caps normally using cap guns we open up the lever on the trigger assembly and then pull back the hammer and hold it with our finger and then we just take the cap and press it onto that brass pin make sure it's pressed firmly down and then we just carefully close it all up and it doesn't hurt to just give a little squeeze there just to make sure it's all the way down and then you just slide it into the clay bar housing like that and just the spring pressure is enough to keep it held in place pretty well and when you're ready to set it off you just give the string a little tug and you're guaranteed drive your family crazy in my tests I found this to be very reliable the only time I had a misfire is when I didn't really seat that cap down onto the pin very well now the caps are quite loud and they will startle you even when you're expecting it you could set this up so that when someone opens the door to your bedroom like your little sister it goes off or you know open the lid of your toolbox when you don't want your kids mess with your tools home and you could also set it up so when the entire Claymore Assembly Falls it'll slip off and also explode and you can also use it without the housing by just putting the trigger assembly inside of a book so when someone opens the book up it'll give them a big surprise or you can prank dad by putting it under his coffee cup there you have it lots of fun probably get you in trouble don't take it to work don't take it to school but you can get this at v op comm I have a link in the description I hope you enjoyed this video I had a lot of fun making it
Views: 384,698
Rating: 4.9069767 out of 5
Keywords: cap gun, claymore mine, gi joe, cool toy, taofledermaus, toy review, kid's toys, slow motion, pranks
Id: MoJ-cUeZ4WQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 30sec (210 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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