BYLETH ONLINE! Getting Elite Smash

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I get this pilot off stage all the zero dead come on patch 7.0 is here and with it comes violent now I've already had a bit of a play around in training mode with Baylor so she is already one of my best characters let's see if we can get her into a lead smash yes here we have what I assumed to be the first of many vial of dildos she is basically I wanna be heavy like all the hits are super strong she just doesn't have the weight to go with it but she does have some of those incredibly powerful hits so hopefully we can be hitting some of those here like reading the role in and getting there I don't know what that down B is called I'm just gonna call it absolute destruction this pilot had no chance now while I haven't played fire in them three houses myself o random to get a kill okay ah basically I just like characters depending on their moveset and buyeth has way more of a fun move set that I could have ever hoped for what that damn B hits behind me well that makes absolutely no sense well you got me by all accounts it does max I actually pull my pant every time by lavro scout and neutral B and does the fully-charged Virginie oh that's IB I still don't know what any of violets moves are this is way more intense than I planned pilot the others are such a huge Ickes there's so many strong moves going around at all times okay he just hung on the ledge as if he was safe as if he could run from that monstrous down in Nice oh my god I can't believe we're versing someone that isn't another violet but it also means that they're actually gonna know how to play the character I was always messing me up right now all right goes off for the dunk - let's see if I can get the violet dunk in return no stop Crippin the leap you stupid lady I want to try and go for the spikes I don't want to grab the ledge it's try to have you know get me back to stage safely and that is not what I'm about at all I want to go for the bigger piece I just did not know you could turn that around you could see it in his eyes way to go around I got made it so hard to come for that grab good on this Charizard I don't care how long you're swinging for iris or like George of the jungle but you just gotta watch out for my gigantic sphere one grab from Charizard and I'm actually just did oh I'm dead anyway [Music] alright looks like I need to get used to which one's of violets moves absolutely destroy your shield you know what let's see if we can try the same thing on her oh my god monkey see monkey do that's what I'm going for right now literally just copied exactly what this vial of did to me Oh turn around jump over in the backend I thought I was so clever didn't I no no no yeah I am just the worst to getting hit by them at a time that I mind you to get up so perfectly Oh oops I came back into the floor what can I do to follow up you stab him then we get the big poppa charge big papa missed [Music] Wow some insane are edgeguarding from this Luigi yeah I cannot believe that work I thought I was dead and then I used him to recover oh my god that is so rude I just usually use like my uber driver back to stage I love violet up he already [Music] maybe I'll take back what I just said about loving violence recovery Oh God how might the worst person ever had dodging down B I always think I could just hit them out of it oh okay apparently I just get an immediate spike to bring her back I mean same as before if you can't beat them just join them all right I'm going off for this up B spot oh I was so dead if I missed it too I loved that option you're either completely dead or you recover and you kill them Oh No who's gonna win [Applause] [Music] that was just like looking in a mirror we both did that down B but that fire look is gonna have seven years bad luck because I absolutely shattered that mirror I'm gonna show him why the female bar look is better here Oh apparently by just ruining my edge guard by the Nair sending backwards I have no idea where violet sneer is ever gonna send them you could say I never know where they're going thanks guys my stand-up comedy is on Thursdays in the Tippie tone all right I want to see if I can get this neutral be snide it's it's so hard to hit on anyone with a brain [Music] okay surely this is the time you know he aired on to the arrow I'll give him that but then we have to smack him down [Music] roll behind and tried to hit me but frankly I don't give a Dean how am I now winning his pilot had such a good lead and then I just get one spike because they messed up there the huge side B covers that entire leg you're not coming back on stage Oh No I jumped back before doing my instant arrow this other violet is an absolute genius that Perry was pretty nice though [Music] there's no way you did at 60% so usually when editing videos I always think the percent lower than what it actually is but though this was actually a 48 not 60% what is this character all my god I nearly rolled into that I made the stupidest mistake ever thank God I accidentally time to right stage yikes what just then goes beside me there I guess because it worked and it worked a second time as well third time is not the charm though viola I'm not gonna let you get away with that one again no you can't just charge up the full of judge arrow in neutral let me give you a different errand one that says you're dead that'll be funny when I edit it in I promise why won't you let me finish my combos she's so rude all right absolutely gonna turn that off stage Edgard around on me why am I so bad get out of here now I see why their names toxic with the teabagging how to blow a perfectly good lead there's my demonstration guys violence actually had a death wish they handed me the game there are you prepared to die yes I like that little combo to start the matches off with I don't know if it's at all a true combo but you know let's pretend it is damn it a bottle if that actually punishes me properly for using down beer you know what instead we're gonna have to go deep for our kills we can't get them on stage it's such a risk trying to go off stage and edgeguard violet because if you miss sometimes you just get randomly up bead and dye it like any % oh you know getting that spike on stage sometimes just put you in the worst position you're like yeah I spiked you to the floor and now I'm above you and you can just juggle me forever that breaks shields alright you know I didn't know that but you learn something new every day and that bottle of was about to shoot it again and then they're like no they just accepted their death with honor all right get this pilot off stage all the zero dead come on serious you couldn't just you can just di into the blast zone violet I mean it killer anyway so that wasn't actually sick I think we've both discovered the vial of meta here you know what I'm gonna stop that for one moment get myself a nice juicy spear here is he just an O get to you I love pie listen therefore edgeguarding as well you can really drop down low probably doesn't work against most of the characters but it's great in viola beginners and at the moment that's all you need online great in fall of doodles okay just like I was talking about before just drag down airs I didn't need it anything else after that y'all buddy's gonna get it straight back with the ups nation I love that SWAT as well why does it never kill are you kidding me what do I need to do how do I get a kill I got no idea wait maybe I got some idea everyone forgets that bat has super armor [Music] oh my god you get 118 percent worth of combos and then one which time and losses to the downbeat oh my god again Bayonetta just gets all these combos here we go can I get some damage back like I don't need the damage no one remembers that you can turn that move around that is so funny I wonder what the damage dealt and damage taken of this matches surely I have not dealt that much damage it doesn't feel like I have [Music] are you kidding me I got sent like two meters off stage and I'm just dead we can't finish it on that one okay I think this is gonna be our last vial of ditto for the day all right now I'm going through yes the old stage of be spike I was so dead if I missed that too sometimes you just have to fully commit oh no this pile of spine straight back cuz I'm so bad again to the downbeat [Music] okay and another near into the stage by that one felt a little bit silly no she rolled into it I read the roll let's see if I can get it again looks like she's being a little bit more careful now I think about you definitely just roll behind and did the worst possible option all right well I think that's a pretty good finish insanely early downbeat kill on the roll Reed remember to Like and subscribe and I'll see you guys in the next video [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Little Z
Views: 877,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Smash, Bros., Smash Bros. Ultimate, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Nintendo, Switch, Little Z, OP, Elite Smash, Patch, New, DLC, Buffs, Nerfs, Buffed, Fire Emblem, Three Houses, Byleth, Fighter, Pass, Online, Highlights, Gameplay, Elite, GSP, Commentary, Funny, Memes, Combo, Guide, Tutorial, 7.0.0, Update
Id: zRhLo7L3v4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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