Explaining the Faith - What is the Most Important Devotion? Start with the Precious Blood

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well hello everybody from around the world i'm father chris aylar one of the marians of the immaculate conception here at the national shrine of the divine mercy as always it's an honor to be with you taking you back with me to seminary today we are doing a course in christology which is the study of christ which is a real seminary course very difficult but i've gone back through with the help of one of our theologians chris sparks and we have laid out for you as easy as we can the study of the precious blood and why it's one of the big four most important devotions we have and so we're excited this is our 58th course so you have plenty to choose from but this is very important so let us begin with a prayer and before we do i was just telling the people here because you're all free to come and join us live if you're in the northeast and you're passing through that i have two big announcements that i'm going to make at the end today very important i'm super excited about so i told everybody if you fall asleep just then wake up for the last five minutes and that way you can catch those announcements at the end let us begin with a prayer in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen heavenly father we ask that your son our lord jesus christ pour down his precious blood upon us to guide us bless us and protect us especially in these times from the evil one through the protection of this precious blood we have total trust in eternal life and we ask this through christ our lord amen in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen well thank you again everybody as i mentioned there are many devotions in the catholic church there's hundreds if not thousands of devotions and we hear all the time i used to say this when i was coming back to my faith my gosh i want to do them all and i bet some of you are the same way you got your books and you've got your printouts and your novenas and your litanies and all these beautiful things but it becomes overwhelming it becomes so much that we can't do it then what happens we get discouraged and then we just quit it all together that's not what we want to do so one of the things i want to do is narrow down for you the four big ones these four big ones if you do nothing else you've got the core of our catholic faith and we are pro practicing those here at the marian fathers and i believe that's why god sent each and every one of you here first it all starts with this sacred heart the sacred heart the link between god and his humanity the divinity and the humanity of god through jesus christ so the first one is the sacred heart of jesus we celebrate that the first fridays join us the first fridays we have that live presentation where we walk you through it next is the immaculate heart of mary the first saturdays where we make reparation for the sin and ingratitude against the immaculate heart of mary so we have first friday it's the sacred heart for saturdays the immaculate heart then of course those combine and culminate in divine mercy divine mercy is both the message of the gospel and a very important devotion and divine mercy devotion you've heard me say it is that known by the acronym finch the feast the image the novena the chaplet and the hour of mercy that is the devotion of divine mercy the big three and now you can put it all under the umbrella of the precious blood the precious blood being poured down upon all of us and our faith is protection it's what saved us it's what protects us nothing happens and it's all tied together divine mercy the rays of red and white come from the sacred heart of jesus when jesus was speared on the cross what poured out the blood and the water that came from his heart but what came out blood so it's all tied together the precious blood to the sacred heart to divine mercy all under the guidance of mary these are the big ones and today i've already talked about all those others in detail i've talked about the sacred heart and detail the immaculate heart and detail divine mercy and detail i've not yet talked about the precious blood this is why we're here today so thank you for joining us this is our 58th episode of taking you back to seminary i'd apologize to our lord that i took 58 episodes to get to this most incredible powerful devotion all right now what happens we have this is it very critical the month of july is dedicated to the sacred heart excuse me to the precious blood and as i gave you the idea of why this is so important to begin it's celebrated in july now we worship the precious blood it's not just a symbol or an element we actually worship it because it is jesus himself not just an element of christ not just even an attribute jesus father isn't divine mercy just an attribute yeah it's his greatest attribute but divine mercy is also who jesus is as a person that's why our website is the divine mercy it's not just an attribute it's jesus as a person the same with this precious blood that's why these big four the sacred heart and the first fridays the immaculate heart and the first saturdays divine mercy and the precious blood all connected so to the jews blood was viewed as the main symbol of life so what i'm going to do today is i gave a homily a couple weeks ago i'm going to spend just the first 10 minutes summarizing that homily in case you didn't see it if you did see it this is a good recap because then we're going to take you into why the precious blood is everything it protects us it saves us it purifies us it sanctifies us it's all through the precious blood this is what we have in our faith this is why we're catholic now this is the thing for the jews blood was the main symbol of life when blood is spilled the being dies that is the essence of what we know the penalty for sin we also know is death so the two are connected so if you have sin and the penalty for sin is death and death is symbolized by the spilling of blood what does sin result in the spilling of blood so when there is sin we have death why did jesus die on the cross you've heard me say this many times because the penalty for sin is death sin is such a serious crime we deserve the death penalty so when we sin it's just not well you know whatever sin has been glorified in our culture today this is where we're on the wrong road but what we have to understand is the true meaning of sin is that it's so serious it's a crime the worst crime because there's a crime against god and through our neighbor is also a crime against god and it deserves the death penalty when you sin or i sin we deserve to die and so somebody did have to die because of our sins jesus christ took our place that's why he died on the cross now when the penalty for sin is death blood had to be shed to atone for that sin so christ did that he shed the blood and one drop of that blood is enough to redeem the whole world one drop one drop leviticus emphasizes the sacredness of blood through priestly sacrifice it's the whole meaning of the mass and as i said in my homily a couple weeks ago god bless our protestant brothers and sisters but this is probably of all the things our protestants missed mother mary the saints of all the things our protestant brothers missed and they've missed many god bless them then i they do have a lot of the truth but of all the things they have missed the single biggest is the meaning of sacrifice non-catholic view is jesus did it all i have to do is throw my feet up on the desk and i'm good to go just profess it with my words no jesus said not everybody who says lord lord will enter the kingdom of god we have to be part of that sacrifice and so we pray for our brethren we love them we pray to bring them back to christ and the true meaning of the sacrifice this is what's been lost now how do we know this let's take a look let's look at levic leviticus 17 11. let me read it this is right from the bible since the life of a living body is in its blood i have made you put it on the altar so that atonement may thereby be made for your own lives for blood makes atonement on the altar this is leviticus 17 11 it's telling us right here this is where our faith comes from and that has been lost everywhere except the catholic church everywhere only the catholic church still has the sacrifice on that altar now it's not a bloody sacrifice anymore but yet we are at calvary in reality for the real sacrifice now this is important and and we have can't forget in exodus moses sprinkled blood on the people to ratify the covenant blood atonement for what sin so the blood of christ is now that way to do it we don't need animal blood the blood of the bullocks jesus did it all yes he did he fulfilled it but his blood is what's precious and we call it the precious blood because it's christ's own great ransom paid for your redemption this is what it is let's look at our next slide this is a beautiful picture this is the sacrifice of christ shedding his blood on the cross which is renewed and i okay maybe i shouldn't say renewed which we are present for at every mass every catholic mass you go into there is a crucifix we have it here at the shrine we have it here at the altar there is a crucifix because you are not reenacting the crucifixion because god is outside of time pope benedict says in spirit of the liturgy that the roof of the church opens up and heaven and earth are connected and you are there at calvary as christ is paying what your debt for sin what was the debt for sin i said it a second ago death so jesus is there paying your ransom by dying for you but you're too busy watching football now i've been there so i'm not criticizing anybody i have missed mass to watch football praise be to god that hasn't happened in 22 years but throughout my college life and in my college career that was more important now we are here to see you are at calvary as this sacrifice is taking place it's not a reenactment it's real and so this is what's going on jesus gave his life his blood was spilled for the sake of all of us atoning for every form of human sin this is important jesus was sent to the cross as i said to take our place now we have to accept that it's just not automatic and accepting that means you live it so we look to the blood of jesus as our redemption for the wage of sin has now been paid what's the wage of sin death who paid it jesus how he shed his blood that's the atoning sacrifice father how do you know that it's we just read it in the book of leviticus you put the atonement and the blood on the altar that altar is both a table and a cross that alters where christ is crucified on the cross and that table is the altar where we share in the meal of the last supper again only in our catholic faith that's why we're catholic so we look upon this that steep price that christ paid should help us to realize how evil sin is sin has become casual now it's become the way of the times you know pius xii said mankind is more sinful today than he was even at the time of the flood i look back my gosh that was in the 1950s leave it to beaver what would he say about us today since then we've had legalized abortion pornography on demand contraception on demand i mean it's crazy and so this should wake us up to realize how evil sin is when you contemplate the precious blood because he had to pour that blood out to save us from that sin this is ultimately what blood does the blood was shed so that our death now becomes life and ultimately that's what blood is for life not death blood can be either blood is your life when it's running through your veins but blood is your death when it is spilled because you you lose your life and jesus did it so that we he died so that we could live now the precious blood is a call to repentance and reparation all of this ties together this is what mary's been asking for at fatima the first step in the way to heaven and since it came from christ as i said one drop could save the whole world jesus taught us in john 6 that we it's so important this precious blood that i'm talking about is so important you got to drink it he says unless you eat my body and drink my blood you have no life in you this is how important it is you literally take it as part of you well father our church doesn't distribute the precious but that's okay i mean we pray that it'll all come back but remember the host has the fullness of body blood soul and divinity so if you only get the host you're still getting the body and the blood same in the precious blood if somebody can't take a host and they're dying you can put a drop of precious blood they're getting the body blood soul and divinity in all forms both forms of the eucharist now this is very important because this is what jesus taught us in john 6. now blood separated from the body a lot of people just say oh it's dried blood over there that's just some material substance nah it's not important yes it is even dried blood has an infinite amount of information about the person who shed it same with jesus christ the purpose of the incarnation is to heal and save human nature all right in in some part of that nature we have salvation or i should say all of it but if any part of that human nature was missing in jesus he couldn't redeem us so he needed everything we have as humans what is that in the incarnation soul body and blood that's why the eucharist is body blood soul and divinity the first three are human the body is his humanity the blood is his humanity the soul is his humanity and it's matched with his divinity so in the eucharist it comes together body blood soul humanity divinity his as god so far import so much important so anyway this is why it's important let's look at our next slide this is what i'm talking about this is the incarnation here we have the body blood soul and divinity you're looking at jesus the mystery of the incarnation now as i said this is the hypostatic union jesus came to heal us what makes us human body blood and soul now in our soul as humans we have spirits it's what makes us different than the animals you know plants and animals have souls i don't know if you know that plants and animals have souls it makes them alive anything alive has a soul it's just not rational and it's not immortal we humans also like an animal implant we're alive so we have souls but we're different than the plants and animals because ours is a spirit that's what makes you human and so jesus came to heal this disorder our thinking our wills our emotions this is why you want to go to healing prayer so he took the human soul as well as the human body and blood so that he could redeem all of it he's physical and spiritual just like we are so having two forms in the eucharist is why we have body in one form blood in another but they're shared that you you get them both we show a separation the bishop not allowing a precious blood and we're praying that it does is okay in the sense that you still receive it all in the host all right now let's go i want to repeat one thing i said in that homily a couple weeks ago because i think it's so powerful let's look at our next slide saint john chrysostom one of my favorite saints he's a saint to the east he made a great point and he said and this is a picture on your screen of what that's passover and i said this in a homily a couple weeks ago but it's so worth mentioning in passover what happened the jews put blood of the animals on their doorposts the the sacrifice lamb the paschal lamb and that paschal lamb had to be eaten or the sacrifice was invalid just like we eat the eucharist and if they put the blood over the door post the angel as you see on your screen who would pass over the house because it saw the blood now it fled in fear because that blood he is the angel of death could not claim the people in the house so the angel the angel of death had to pass over the house now saint john chrysostom said if the angel of death is going to flee in fear over the blood of an animal and a lamb that's on the doorpost of the jews how much more will the angel of death who's coming for your soul at the moment of your death if you have the blood on the window or should say the doorpost of your soul your lips how much more will that angel of death flee in fear if your lips contain the precious blood of the real lamb jesus christ this is amazing and so this is what people don't know it's not symbolic your your doorpost to your temple your your your your soul this is the doorpost to your very being and so you put the precious blood around there it's protected just like the houses of passover now seven times jesus spilled his blood he spilled his blood throughout his life people think he only spilled it at the crucifixion no he was circumcised at eight days old he spilled his blood he spilled his blood in the agony of the garden at gethsemane he spilled his blood at the scourging of the pillar he spilled his blood at the crowning of the thorns he spilled his blood on the way of the cross especially saint bernard clairvoya tells us when his shoulder wound he he said to bernadette clairvoya that was the worst wound of the entire passion was on his shoulder the crucifixion itself and then when he was pierced in the side by the lance seven times he shed blood for us so this is the greatest of devotions that is linked to the others i told you the sacred heart on first friday is the immaculate heart on first saturdays the devotion of divine mercy and the precious blood they're all linked because the precious blood comes from the heart the sacred heart the divine mercy rays come from the heart the sacred heart and what comes out of the heart blood the precious blood and all of that is under the guidance of mary the immaculate heart you got it all right here so his humanity and blood are worthy of our adoration because they unite jesus with us the blood we venerate the sacred heart the divine mercy and the wounds of our lord for the same reasons the sacred heart is his humanity we precious blood we adore the precious blood now our sinful nature has been separated from god's presence through our sins and only jesus's blood can mend that we are washed away in our sins and reconciled back to the father what does precious blood do this is where i want to finish for my homily of the past it rances us ransoms us from death as i said revelation 5 9 it frees us from sin replaces the animal sacrifices of the old testament we know that from hebrews 9 hebrews 13 1st john 1 revelation 1. it redeems us and justifies us we know that from acts 20 romans 3 romans 5 ephesians 1 peter 1 peter 1. it reconciles us to god ephesians 2 colossians 1 it equips us for the mission god is giving us hebrews 13 and empowers us to conquer sin revelation 12. i can go on and on we'll study bible later now i gave a talk about eucharistic miracles a couple times what is the basis of the eucharistic miracles when you look at our faith in the eucharist and we talk about eucharistic miracles what does it always involve the blood the host bleed the blood has been tested the blood has hemoglobin and dna from a human origin substance originates from inside a living being it's not external it's not like i cut my hand and then dropped the blood on the host the blood has the properties of being internal not external if i cut my hand and put it on a host and said look a miracle they would be able to tell the properties of the blood are internal not external all right the blood is always a b which is the universal receiver similar to that that's found on lunciano the host and i'm sorry i want to show you on the screen these are the proof of the eucharistic miracle see the blood on those hosts in different forms this is what we're talking about this is what we're talking about the holy shroud has blood on it that blood tests the same exact properties a b the universal receiver christ takes all into his heart studies revealed that the tissue is that of human heart tissue the myocardium and the fact that the outer part of the blood in all these eucharistic miracles has coagulated right for years while the inner part of the blood is fresh and indicates the tissue continues to effuse fresh blood this is unexplainable because it's not attached to a living being where's the fresh blood coming from from jesus furthermore the blood contains proteins indicating elevated metabolism in the person from which the tissue came which was found to be in trauma the properties of the blood basically show that where all this blood comes from the person was in trauma they know that from the properties the blood i said this before has white blood cells white blood cells die in a matter of minutes outside of the human body or outside of the living body the very fact that this blood is years and years old and they're still white blood cells means it's alive it's alive and it was removed from the body when the body was alive or it wouldn't have white blood cells it didn't come from a cadaver so this blood also only has the x chromosome remember how a baby gets its chromosomes remember the mother always supplies the x the father supplies an x or y if the father also supplies an x you have two x's it's a girl if the father supplies a y you have an x from the mom a y from the dad and you have a boy there is not 27 other letters or 26 other letters in the alphabet to make 26 other genders hogwash there's two this blood has only the x chromosome which means it has no earthly father impossible but not for god all right i mentioned i worked a little bit with one of my theologians and i want to assert the things that he he pointed out that i wanted to add to this talk because i thought they were really good do you know the divine mercy devotion which we center on here and we should divine mercy is both a message and a devotion the message of divine mercy is the heart of the gospel but the devotion of divine mercy the feast the image the novena the chapel and the hour of mercy they're all based on the precious blood even the devotional father why are you talking about the precious blood so important i thought you were divine mercy divine mercies based on the precious blood how do we know this look at the chaplet the chaplet is offering the body blood soul and divinity in atonement for our sins and the sins of the whole world what about the image what comes out of the image the rays of red and white what's the ray the precious blood what about the feast how do you get the the graces of divine mercy sunday you go to confession and holy communion what do you receive at holy communion the body the blood the soul and the divinity whether it's just from the host or from the precious blood or both the hour of mercy three o'clock we celebrate the hour of mercy why that was the time where jesus spear the spear went through jesus's chest cavity punctured the heart and what came out blood and water this is the entire thing of the divine mercy what's the prayer we start with every day oh blood and water which gushed forth from the heart of jesus fought to mercy for us i trust in you let's look at our next slide this is from saint faustina's diary this is the prayer for the conversion of sinners father seraphim used to point out all the time he used to always give me the wagging finger you father chris you must always remember you keep forgetting to tell people at the three o'clock hour the main thing jesus wanted us to do was to pray for the conversion of sinners and i would say well father what particular way oh blood and water which gushed forth from the heart of jesus is a fount of mercy for us i trust you that's the conversion of sinners that's the conversion prayer it's on your screen a prayer for conversion of sinners was focused on the blood and the water blood is life and so his life also has his love his beauty his goodness his being his truth when you receive the eucharist and the precious blood you receive all that you receive god's goodness his beauty christ received his humanity now this is fascinating and this is what i wanted to share from you from our theologian christ received his humanity from mary our lady then and jesus got his blood from mary so the font of the precious blood which saves us is from mary and her humanity now that doesn't mean she's the source of all grace of redemption no it's through her not from her through her so our lady in a sense is the fount of the precious blood her dna is in jesus so we have a connection with mary and holy communion don't forget our blessed mother that's why she's part of the big four devotions the immaculate heart of mary all right let's keep going in the oldest document that we have in the church outside of sacred scripture to me i'm history you all know that i love my history do you know outside of sacred scripture the oldest document we have in the church it's from the first century 96 a.d by pope st clement the first who was the fourth pope peter came first linus cletus clement so he's the fourth pope he said quote let us fix our gaze the whole thing he said fix our gaze on the blood of christ somebody said well father i thought it's the cross of christ the cross of christ is the blood of christ the cross is the way to salvation because it's his blood what drew what did the cross do it's not a piece of wood that saves you it's the blood that was drawn out from the cross so we realize how truly precious it is seeing that it was poured out for our salvation and brought grace of conversion to the world that's why we pray father seraphim focused on the three o'clock hour being about conversion through the precious blood i'm sorry i'm getting so excited probably giving you all a headache i i just this is everything i try not to to yell too loud i just this is everything this is why we're alive and this is how we will have eternal life amazing to understand the meaning of the precious blood we must have some understanding as i said before about the gravity of sin the awfulness of offending god is lost today it is required it is so serious that the blood of the son of god that's how serious sin is that it took the blood of the son of god to forgive it we're living in an age where sin has become fashionable that said so devotion to the precious blood is not a spiritual option it's a spiritual obligation don't forget that lack of it the saints tell us cause all our social ills you know devotion to the precious blood is important because it means loving jesus and the blood that he shed for us it further means devotion to the precious blood that we invoke christ under his precious blood both species body and blood that's why the church separating those two before 1969 was a good thing in my opinion but now in the missile they've combined the precious blood and the body of christ in in corpus christi in the old calendar it was separated now to be devoted to someone what does that mean we see some beautiful husband and wife combinations here unions what does it mean to be devoted to someone many things love giving but staying the course is a big one staying the course even during difficult times so loving and suffering love and suffering are inseparable i did this in a past talk father john hardin said pain is the proof of love some of our spouses are probably going ain't that for sure pain is the proof of love and pain is the price of love that's why god became a man so that he might be able to endure the pain especially the pain of draining his blood out of love for us love and suffering are inseparable if you're willing to dice above for someone that's the ultimate love i'm willing to suffer to the point of death for you to give my life for you no greater love hath a man than to lay down his life for another devotion also means imitation you have a devotion to a saint you want to imitate that saint meaning the martyrs you know growing up i always wondered what what's the huge deal about being a martyr other than being in the wrong place at the wrong time right and then i realize there's a lot more to that if christ showed his love for us by the shedding of his blood we too are to show our love for him by the shedding of our blood now we don't necessarily mean physically sometimes yes a hundred thousand christians a year lose their life because of their faith so it does mean physically but it can also mean spiritually when you have to die to yourself every day when you really don't feel like dealing with the children tonight but you still cook them dinner when you really don't feel like helping them with their homework but you still do to help them you really don't feel like dealing with your spouse tonight but you do because you love them powerful stuff so millions who believe in the precious blood prove their life or their love for him by their sufferings well father i got a lot of sufferings that's how you can show your love for god offering them up we can pray for the gift of martyrdom true but like jesus he said let the cup pass me by but here's the thing let no opportunity of suffering go by don't waste it your blood is being shed spiritually every pain joy sorrow pleasure pain in a way is shedding blood that's why the church teaches about the mass that you unite to the cross of christ on that altar this is what the church means when she says that christ offers himself daily on this altar and the sacrifice of the mass so should we we should put ourselves on that altar when that patent is lifted by that priest you should put yourself on that patent being offered back to the father let's look at our next slide you know who this is that's cain killing abel that's a picture of cain killing abel why all right cain and abel both made an offering to god abel's sacrifice was pleasing to god keynes was not so what did cain do killed him it was the beginning of the rise of sin the sin of hatred and revenge and in fact they can be so serious that we even murder our loved ones the worst of all so the bible tells us in very dramatic way that the thirsting earth soaked up abel's blood as it shouted to heaven for vengeance avenge this death now that scene prefigured the scene at calvary where christ's blood cried out to heaven as well but this time not in vengeance but for the redemption of mankind fascinating now it continues through the church and the sacrifice of the mass the blood that christ shed is crying to heaven for redemption the church reminds us that the first drops of blood that flowed for our redemption began the day christ was born well eight days later the circumcision and he's been continuously shedding it ever since i just gave you seven other times so let's look now at our next slide from adam's side came eve right but from jesus's side came what on the cross the blood in the water look at your slide there's a picture of the spear going in the side of jesus and going all the way through his chest when the when the centurion speared him what came out of his side was actually the spear created a hole punctured the heart and look at this heart there if you look real closely there is the pericardium fluid surrounding the heart that spear as you look at it punctured that and from it flowed out the blood and the water as was found on the shroud of turin so anyway from jesus's open side the blood and the water flowed out these are symbols of what blood and water are symbols of what baptism and communion uniquely catholic christ's side poured out the blood and water this was the symbol of the church the mother of all the living the new eve so jesus is the new adam and from his side poured out the new eve who's the new eve mary who she the mother of the church it all connects you know when i was trying to disprove the catholic faith i wasn't like scott hahn i wasn't smart like him but every time i went and tried to disprove it i ended up finding another piece of a puzzle that seemed to fit into this bigger picture you can't find a piece of the catholic puzzle does not fit perfectly because it's the truth so through this blood and water that came out of the side of jesus he willed to redeem us and lead us to eternal life now it gets better on the day of atonement yom kippur as the one day of the year the jewish high priest could enter into the temple and go right to the center of the holy holies and sprinkle blood right on the mercy seat in atonement for everybody's sins and punishment that has been fulfilled the high priest would make this annual entrance sprinkle the blood for the sins of the people that has now been fulfilled how look at your next slide the image of divine mercy for those of us in person the image right above the altar what's going on there the church sees a much deeper meaning now our divine high priest who is jesus look at that image on your screen is coming out of the holy of holies as chip father seraphim always taught the darkness he's the high priest and on good friday he entered the holy of holies which is not made by human hands nor sprinkled with animal blood but now he comes out after shedding his own blood the true lamb and sins and punishment are forgiven just like yom kippur in the jewish tradition our divine mercy feast fulfills that incredible now upon the altar is the real lamb slain but alive covered in his own blood there is a countless army of redeemed souls that are present at every mass the angels and the saints they are all wearing what white garments why why because the bible tells us they were washed in the precious blood it all comes together in the blood of the lamb you know saint catherine of siena a great saint i was reading in her dialogue she was instructed by god the father remember she was the saint that spoke directly to god the father unlike many other saints in all of history and the father said never look at your sins or the sins of the others without gazing upon the precious blood of jesus as the remedy he's not saying not look at your sins he's saying oh yeah yeah look at your sins but don't look at them without gazing upon the precious blood that's why when i go into adoration i have an image of divine mercy with me if your mind wanders or you're all over the place take an image of divine mercy and then when you start recalling your sins don't get down don't despair i mean yeah use it as a as a as a helpful tool to clean up but god the father told catherine to siena and never look at your sins or the sins of others without looking at the precious blood as a remedy so somebody's driving you crazy people within the church those sins need to be addressed but we need to have that precious blood poured upon them are we praying that the precious blood be poured upon them on our politicians our bishops i'm the first one in line to try to correct them but i'm also now realizing going back to seminary with you i i'm so grateful for this that we're doing this every saturday because these are things i forgot and i'm going back and working with with my theologians and chris and my seminary notes i'm like oh my gosh that's awesome and so this is what is telling if we look only at our sin we'll fall into discouragement despair and anxiety will be scrupulous now that's important we look at sins we're supposed to do examination of conscience every day but the remedy the penicillin is the precious blood if we look at the precious blood then we see that the sin has no hope it's been paid for it's been ransomed no sin is unforgivable except one not asking for god's mercy that no sinner is beyond the mercy of god if he repents but it's not a free ticket well father you're saying i can go do whatever i want no clean up dodge but keep it clean with the precious blood jesus's love expressed in the blood and the water of the divine mercy image is infinitely greater than all the sins of humanity ever committed combined one drop but you got to rely on it the saint gertrude prayer let's talk about the different forms of the most powerful prayers in the church i love this the most powerful forms of prayer in the catholic church all have almost the same exact wordings the saint gerdruf prayer saint faustina's blood and water prayer the angel at fatima let's look at these next slide brother mark's going to put up the next slide the saint gertrude prayer is a powerful prayer asking for relief of the suffering in purgatory it does what it prays to the precious blood what is the sink or true prayer let's read it eternal father i offer thee the most precious blood of thy divine son jesus in union with the masses said throughout the world today for all the holy souls in purgatory for sinners everywhere for sinners in the universal church those in my own home and within my own family notice what she called out there i offer thee the most precious blood of thy divine son she didn't say i offered the divine toenail i offer the divine or the precious blood of thy divine son saint gertrude promised that a thousand souls would be released from purgatory we got to be a little careful there to understand that sometimes that's a number symbolically meaning a great multitude a perfect number of souls there are many times precious blood is mentioned in the bible father where is this in the bible i get that every day first peter 1 17-19 revelation 7 verse 14 revelation 12 verse 10 11. i could go on and on the precious blood that is in scripture now it is by the blood of jesus that we are not only washed clean of our past but we're made holy for the future this is the beauty of it it's like protecting you ever get your when i had my blazer in my truck i got an undercoating because there was some rust and they went in there and they cleaned up the old rust on the bottom of the truck sanded it down cleaned up the mess of the past and then they put this undercoat on it as a protective measure for the future and i had that doggone blazer for another seven eight years never a speck of rust that's what the precious blood does for you it cleans up all your grime of the past and then it protects puts a protective layer on the future to sanctify you every day that you get up you should pray to poor jesus to pour the precious blood on you and your family and your loved ones if you do nothing else make that little prayer in the morning jesus please pour your precious blood upon me and my family my loved ones to protect us to cleanse us of our past and to protect us in the future this is powerful stuff all right now this is what we do all right it's appropriate that we join our prayers together with the mass and offer it to the father in atonement for our sins for those in purgatory now how can we make this offering did you hear that prayer eternal father this is a secretary prayer i offer thee the most precious blood of thy divine son how can we make this offering to offer to the father the precious blood of the son you're not god how do you do this the prayer is an extension of the mass well father i thought only a priest could offer sacrifice that's true wait a minute i'm confused you're telling me that only a priest can offer sacrifice yes it's true but then why are you telling me to make this prayer eternal father i offer you the most precious body and blood or body of of your son because by virtue of your baptism you are priest prophet and king this is why we say you are a prophet whereas the prophet do teaches you are called to teach your loved ones your family in the ways of the lord you are a king what does a king do a king governs you to govern your body and health and your family and holiness you are a king but by virtue of your baptism you're also a priest now not a ministerial priest as we always say don't go go around confecting the eucharist or hearing confessions but you are a common priesthood and in the common priesthood what does the priest do offers sacrifice that's why the chaplet can also be made using those words eternal father i offer you the body blood soul and divinity you're making sacrifice that's why i always teach if you can't make it to mass do two things pray the rosary it's like liturgy of the word it's not a bunch of hail mary's it's a meditation on scripture what's the first part of the mass meditation on scripture what's the rosary scripture the visitation the transfiguration the scourging at the pillar the curing of the cross the visitation of mary the rosary is scriptural it's like the first part of the mass meditation on scripture liturgy of the word what's the second part of the mass liturgy of the eucharist what happens in liturgy of the eucharist the priest offers sacrifice what can you do join him because you too are in the common priesthood of christ you can make sacrifice that's why you can say eternal father i offer you i'm making sacrifice it might be the only time you ever do it is through this prayer of either saint gertrude or saint faustina they're almost identical and so st gertrude pointed this important thing out to us now saint faustina gave us a prayer that was very similar let's say brother mark put this one on the screen listen to how similar this prayer is eternal father i offer you the body blood soul and divinity of your dearly beloved son our lord jesus christ and atonement for our sins and the sins of the whole world what prayer is that the chaplet it sounds very identical i offer you what's the common word in both blood blood is the word in both of those so faustina gave us this prayer the chaplet so when we pray the offering of the precious blood we are doing so outside of mass but in a way that's like the mass it's taking the mass home if you could take one thing home with you it's not your rolodex at work it's not your nice shiny file cabinet at work if you're gonna take something home with you take the mass and this is what you do through the rosary and the chaplet it's doing the same thing outside of the mass that we do in the mass using our prayers and petitions our sacrifice through the eucharist there is enough grace in a single consecrated host to redeem the entire world because why jesus is present jesus is present in it so too there is sufficient grace in any consecrated host to let all the souls out of purgatory well father then why does it happen if you're telling me there's enough grace in one host to empty purgatory how can we keep praying as purgatory isn't empty you know why because the catechism tells us the answer the catechism says that the eucharist is the source and summit of our faith right because jesus is present correct body blood soul and divinity it's a real grace not a symbol however god's grace is constrained by your trust and faith jesus said if you have faith you can move mountains but if you don't have faith even he can't work a miracle don't you remember the bible jesus went into the town and he couldn't do anything his father might gain he says he might have cured one ingrown toenail or something but he couldn't do anything because the people had no faith do you realize in the single host that you personally get at communion i'm not talking about anybody else i'm talking to you that single host that you have in your hand is enough to empty purgatory if you have enough trust and faith in your church your sacraments in the grace of god amazing all right we got to wrap up here i know i'm running a little behind so jesus said to saint faustina the graces of my mercy grace now are drawn by the means of one thing one thing you want to get to heaven you need grace jesus don't say faustina there's only one way you're going to get that grace what is it one vessel and that vessel is trust the more the soul trusts the more it will receive if you have the faith the size of a mustard seed you will be able to move mountains jesus said nothing will be impossible for you so the church teaches that how powerful your prayers are depend on you not god god's already pouring it on you but father why come god isn't answering my prayers do you have the faith do you have the belief do you have the trust that's the question so we have to have god's mercy he pours it his grace he pours it but you got to cooperate with it that's where again we're different from the protestants the protestants get it that god's grace and mercy is what saves you we do too we believe that but what they don't continue the the conversation is that you got to cooperate with that grace very important now saint faustina let's go to our next slide this is just awesome listen to what jesus says to saint faustina or what faustina tells us in diary 72 this is what saint faustina said jesus do not permit and you know what we say this every day at the three o'clock hour here at the shrine every day at the shrine you can tune in we say this prayer diary number 72 jesus she says do not permit the loss of souls redeemed at so dear a price of your most precious blood oh jesus when i consider the great price of your blood i rejoice at its immensity for one drop alone would have been enough for the salvation of all sinners this is everything we've been talking about so we're not leading you astray we're teaching you the words of jesus so faustina gave us clarity on how important the precious blood is but there were many others too i just want to briefly mention these in a letter to pope leo the 12th saint gaspar del buffalo wrote this is interesting all the other devotions all other devotions are good in our aids to catholic piety but this devotion devotion to the precious blood and i would add to that divine mercy because it's about the precious blood first friday sacred heart because it's about the precious blood the heart of jesus which it came from and the immaculate heart of mary and first saturdays he said all devotions are good they all aid in christian piety but this devotion the precious blood is the foundation support and essence of faith and our protestant brothers don't have it wow how blessed are you they're doing twice as much with half the tools they're building a house with a simple sawn hammer you've been given entire electronic most advanced power tools in the world and you're not using them he considered the precious blood the source of mary's privileges her immaculate conception her divine maternity her assumption her queenship he said that this devotion can lead a soul this is amazing remember the three levels of holiness i talked to you about before you can find it online the purgative the illuminative and the unitive the perk all three will save you the purgative is basically saying i want to get to heaven just to avoid hell i just don't want to spend hell on eternity you can be saved by that it's enough it's not the preferred way but it's it's it's i don't want to go to hell that's why you turn to god you don't want to go to hell that's the purgative the illuminative is i want to go to heaven because there's something good in it for me for me it would be i can fish all the time mother mark and i can get up there catching bigger bass than we've ever caught right so it's still some selfishness but it's still enough because there's something good in it for us so we turn to god but the illuminati i'm sorry that's the illuminati but the unitive way is i want it purely to be united with god nothing else i don't care about anything else i don't care about what i do in heaven i don't care when i do it in heaven i don't care anything else i just want to be united to god that's the way of the saints now saint um the buffalo gaspar said that this devotion can lead you from the purgative to the illuminative to the unitive that's your goal in the spiritual life work your way and he's saying the way to do that is through the precious blood powerful stuff in 1960 john the 23rd some of you remember him he wrote an apostolic letter inde a preemie which encouraged devotion to the precious blood he said christ's blood was shed at his circumcision as circumcision in the garden of gethsemane and the tortures of the passion and the crucifixion the crowning of thorns the nailing to the cross the spearing of a side we talked about all that and he said if only we would be more mindful of the price of our salvation of christ having to shed his blood for us so that we could live and be redeemed from our sins we would be more likely to avoid sin in the future you want to get the most out of your holy hour you want to know what to do in the holy hour [Music] you want to know how to stay focused and holy an hour split it spend some of the time reflecting on your sins do an examination of conscience gee i did that i went here today what did i do oh i yelled at the clerk in the gas station because the gas pump wasn't working i swore in traffic and i did this oh boy go into the holy hour review your day but don't get discouraged if you leave it at that that's what the god the father said to saint catherine of cnn if you leave it at that you're going to get discouraged then pull out the picture of the divine mercy knowing that god's going to wipe away those sins that you just did with that precious blood if you ask abc a ask for god's mercy and if you really messed up in mortal sin get to confession and that's where the real precious blood will be poured upon you that's why the rays of red and white are confession the cleansing waters of confession and baptism and then the eucharist now in 1916 sister lucia was with francisco and jacinta and the angel appeared to them not on may 13 1917 but actually back in 1916 and the angel appeared holding in his left hand a chalice and over it in the air was a host so you had this chalice and over the chalice was this host and sister lucia said from that host the precious blood dripped into the chalice now the angel left the chalice in the air so the angel has this chalice and above the chalice is this host and from the host is dripping the precious blood and the angel leaves it in the air steps back and kneels down with the children worshiping the precious blood and the host the body and the blood then what did he do the angel then sat down and told him to repeat this prayer three times let's look at our screen this is the prayer in that critical moment most holy trinity father son and holy spirit i adore you profoundly and i offer you the most precious body blood soul and divinity of jesus christ what does that sound like to chaplain of divine mercy what does that sound like the prayer of a singer true of jesus christ present in all the tabernacles of the world in reparation for the outrages sacrileges and indifferences that's why we do first fridays and first saturdays in reparation for all the um outrages sacrileges and indifferences see how these four big devotions tie together by which he is offended and by the infinite merits of his most sacred heart and the immaculate heart of mary there's your first friday's first saturdays i beg the conversion of poor sinners that's the three o'clock hour of divine mercy and how are they clear purified and converted in the three o'clock hour by the precious blood so you got your sacred heart in first fridays your divine or your immaculate heart on your first saturdays you have your precious blood and you have your divine mercy the prayers that relate to each of those are almost identical we don't see this it's so clear if we open our heart and say lord show me well he brought you here today so he's showing you and he can use the most broken tools to do that amazing so what happened after this these are all similar prayers so this is what sister lucia said happened next he gave her the host and the contents of the chalice the precious blood he gave to jacinta and francisco the two saints lucy is not a saint yet but this is amazing saying at the same time eat and drink the body and blood of jesus christ terribly outraged by the ingratitude of men offer reparation for their sake and console god so what did mary ask at fatima first saturdays that's why we have first fridays and first saturdays it's all connected with divine mercy and the precious blood keep staying with us because we're going to keep feeding you these four this is what we do if we live our catholic faith so the average human how important is this blood i want to finish now let's talk about now the practical side of blood because i think this is interesting and i think it a fits the average human being is less than 10 blood so you have about a gallon and a half of blood in your body right now if you were to be drained of every drop of your blood you'd have about a gallon and a half you got a lot more water the human body is what nine over way over 90 water notice blood and water in a single day 150 pound person i used to be 150 pounds not anymore but an average 150 pound person your heart beats about 100 000 times in a day your heart beats on average about hundred thousand times a day why to pump the blood through the body and guess how much it pumps about 2 000 gallons now it's the same blood but it's just being repumped your heart beats a hundred thousand times a day to pump 2 000 gallons of blood through your vascular system vessel vessels arteries and capillaries that if they took it out of you and put it in a line would reach around the world twice and there's no intelligent designer that's not from some amoeba crawling out of the ocean by chance and i'm gonna do a whole talk on creation coming up stay with us but all those things in your human body are from an intelligent designer now red blood cells transport your oxygen and remove all the carbon dioxide and the waste from the body guess how many of those you got 25 trillion 25 trillion that's bigger than our national debt at least hopefully it will always be many that we're out we're on so you have this work of god's cr incredible incredible intelligent design each red blood cell lasts about four months so you're constantly being created anew you don't think you know that expression you you can't change you can never change hogwash mary magdalene change st paul changed you can change your physical body changes every four months you're not the same person at least cellular-wise this is amazing so let's look at our next slide we're almost running running almost finished here this is why we you know sometimes we could take the blood for granted not just our own blood you take it for granted that it's working doing its thing in your body but you could also take for granted the precious blood let's look at our screen the month of july is the month of the precious blood this is what we are talking about it's not well known june was the sacred heart 9 out of 10 people know that june's pride month for ridiculous reasons but it's pride shouldn't be celebrated we're not here to celebrate pride is a sin i do it my way not god's way everybody knows june's pride how many people know that june was the month of the sacred heart how many people know that july is the month of the precious blood why because the precious blood comes from the sacred heart we came on the cross when jesus heart was speared the blood and the water came out now pius ix decreed in august 1849 that the first sunday of july would be dedicated to the most precious blood now as i mentioned in 1969 the feast was removed don't despair it was taken off the calendar because they already had they claimed the solemnities of the passion corpus christi the sacred heart so they combined it with corpus christi body and blood but it's still celebrated on the old calendar and in the ordinary form it can be celebrated as a votive mass that's why some of you that were with me a couple fridays ago i celebrated the votive mass for the precious blood it's a great thing for a church to do so the point here is this why do i bring all this up there are parallels with blood in your human body in your circulatory system and the tradition of the church last half page praise be to god right if the church this is amazing if the church was born because christ poured out his most precious blood for our redemption and the sacraments came from that christ basically conquered natural death why because he spilled his blood which is death he died but then he rose now in pouring out his own blood to the world he gave up his life to give us everlasting life now stay with me the church has become that vascular system of arteries and capillaries for all human life bringing oxygen to all parts of the body who's the body the church because it needs cleansing of sin it's like the poison like that carbon dioxide and that waste in your body so the precious blood from the church purifies that the hundreds of thousands of masses that are celebrated each day there's 425 000 priests alive in the world and every one of them is supposed to celebrate at least one mass a day some celebrate two or three so at a minimum we should have 400 000 masses let's say take out a percentage that are sick but then you have others that are duplicating masses so we should have at least 400 000 masses going on the world every day that means every minute of every day somewhere around the world there's a mass going on we're speaking right now from the national shrine somewhere probably even in our chapel upstairs there is a mass going on and that mass is continually pouring that life-giving blood just like your body if it didn't have the heart pumping the blood do it you would die the church is pumping the precious blood through the body which is us so we don't die we each day that these masses are celebrated it's like heartbeats that keep the church alive and then you being pumped up are sent out like apostles there may be times of mistaken illness sin depravity even within the church we've got to clean that up but it's of god it will endure it will not bleed out we just got to make sure that we minimize the losses of souls in the process the church will not be overcome but souls will be and the way to bring souls back to god is the precious blood as seen in the divine mercy the sacred heart and the immaculate heart of mary on an individual level when we are tempted to despair at everything going on in the church and the division and evil in society think of your own heartbeat think of the poison in your body that every heartbeat of blood is going to pump through and remove that carbon dioxide and that waste each of those hundred thousand beets a day which is 35 million a year think back to when coronavirus started what a year and a half ago so 15 35 30 40 50. your heart has beat 50 million times since coronavirus billions over a lifetime did i say billion million 50 million times your heart will beat billions of times over a lifetime and that is evidence that there is a creator down to every last little micro cell that the loving creator has given us to exist every second of the day where's god ask if you just took a heartbeat a second ago there's god if god can do that then we can believe we can have confidence that he will guide the faithful who put ourselves in communion with the church and his precious blood we will remain with him plugged into the most precious blood of christ now and forever we can keep the church alive through our prayers through our efforts to get her back on the right course from all the mistakes she's making correct your priests correct the bishops if needed i've learned so much from your corrections i i'm humbled because it's it's incredible now sometimes yes i have to stand up for the truth because some of those are are false teachings like telling me that i worship mary don't worship mary but this is the pumping of the blood we keep the church alive through these prayers through these litanies now the litanies and i want to finish right now we're done because the litanies that have been approved by the church for universal recitation are actually not that many but one of them is the litany of the precious blood and i want to play this video right now and have you all join us in prayer as we pray the litany of the precious blood so let's have brother mark cue that video and we'll come back and sign off with the two special announcements that i want to give let us watch this beautiful video on the litany of the precious blood the litany of the mind of precious blood in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen lord have mercy on us christ have mercy on us lord have mercy on us christ hear us christ graciously hear us god the father of heaven have mercy on us god the son redeemer of the world have mercy on us god the holy spirit have mercy on us holy trinity one god have mercy on us blood of christ only begotten son of the eternal father save us blood of christ incarnate word of god save us blood of christ of the new and eternal testament save us blood of christ falling upon the earth in the agony save us blood of christ shed profusely in the scourging save us blood of christ flowing forth in the crowning with thorns save us blood of christ poured out on the cross save us blood of christ price of our salvation save us blood of christ without which there is no forgiveness save us blood of christ eucharistic drink and refreshment of souls save us blood of christ stream of mercy save us blood of christ victor over demons save us blood of christ carriage of martyrs save us blood of christ strength of confessors save us blood of christ bringing forth virgins save us blood of christ help of those in peril save us blood of christ relief of the burden save us blood of christ solace and sorrow save us blood of christ hope of the penitent save us blood of christ consolation of the dying save us blood of christ peace and tenderness of hearts save us blood of christ pledge of eternal life save us blood of christ freeing souls from purgatory save us blood of christ most worthy of all glory and honor save us lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world spare us o lord lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world graciously hear us o lord lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world have mercy on us you have redeemed us o lord in your blood and made us for our god a kingdom let us pray almighty and eternal god you have appointed your only begotten son the redeemer of the world and willed to be appeased by his blood grant we beg of you that we may worthily adore the price of our salvation and through its power be safeguarded from the evils of this present life so that we may rejoice in its fruits forever in heaven through the same christ our lord amen in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen now that is not only an approved prayer by the church that is a prayer of our redemption the sacred heart or i should say the litany of the most precious blood which again ties to the sacred heart and divine mercy it's just all beautiful so please keep that as close as you can recite that when you can that is the way and now i want to finish with a couple quick announcements before i get to those though a lot of this is what i talk about is in my book if brother mark can show it's called understanding divine mercy you can get that right now for any donation you can go to thedivinemercy.org udm for understanding divine mercy or call now 800-462-7426 basically that's 1-800-4 and you can get a copy next we've been asking and inviting you all to become marion helpers you want to share in something special be a mirian helper with us it takes less than 10 seconds there's no cost visit mic prayers.org and please join our team our marian army our our our beautiful gift of mercy marines and so we want to do that now i have two announcements that i'm excited to make okay basically i have been um what's the right word um finding it difficult to find a time for first saturdays that works and always god has a plan when something doesn't pan out the way you wanted starting in august the next first saturday we are going to do a new little format i am going to begin on 11 o'clock our same talk slot but every first saturday i'm gonna walk you through every marian apparition approved starting from the very first one so some days we might only cover one if it's a big one other days i might be able to cover two or three but i'm going to walk you through on the first saturday of every month that's going to be my saturday talk i'm going to walk you through every marian apparition in order teaching you the meaning what happened and what our lesson is and so that'll be at 11 o'clock every first saturday and then at 11 45 join us because then we will do the devotion we'll walk you through the chain of the requests of mary the the act of contrition the spiritual communion the rosary and the meditation and i'll lead you in a meditation so from 11 45 to 12 45 eastern time i will walk you through it so that'll be our new first saturday schedule so you want to learn about mirroring apparitions come here every first saturday at 11 o'clock we're going to walk you through them now the big announcement that i have that came to me in prayer was i'm sitting there and all of a sudden i had this epiphany because i keep waiting for god to show me which direction to take everybody in whichever direction you guys have become marian helpers you've been tuning in we first have to educate you on your faith because you can't love what you don't know so god has me leading you and learning about your faith but then at a point he taught the apostles for three years then he sent them out and so i've been teaching you for a year and now i feel from god it's starting to now result in sending you out father i can't i'm bedridden that's okay because we got a plan i want to ask every one of you to join me now there's you don't have to physically do anything you don't have to sign up or or or or register anywhere you don't have to this is just in your heart i want to ask each and every one of you to join me every day to do one act of mercy now you might say father i'm bedridden i live alone i don't have anybody to do at mercy remember jesus told saint faustina in diary number 742 there's three ways to do mercy i'm giving you three ways to exercise mercy word deed and prayer so if you go through your whole day and you're getting ready to go to bed and you say oh my gosh i didn't do a deed of mercy it's okay say a hail mary for the world say in our father for the sins reparation for the sins against or a hail mary for the reparation of the sins against the immaculate heart that's an act of mercy say a prayer for your spouse say a prayer for your children say a glory be if you've only got 10 seconds because you're falling asleep join me in doing one act of mercy every day it could be word deed or prayer words say something nice to a co-worker or family member or a friend that you're struggling with do a nice deed maybe get something for somebody or leave a nice little note on their desk thinking of you keeping you in prayer word deed or prayer again if you're getting to bed at night you realize that there's something that i i haven't done yet father say a prayer even a glory be takes 10 seconds you can join us in a daily act of mercy and if we get enough people doing this we have almost 200 000 subscribers now do you realize the difference we can make in the world you don't have to sign up you don't have to pay any dues you don't have to buy anything you just join me and i would love to hear from you you don't have to share anything but if you want to put on the in the comments what you're doing help other people you could put father i'm doing this today wow i didn't think about that and then i want to invite you on every friday to do an act of penance some act now maybe you can fast please i'm not telling you to fast because maybe your doctor your health reasons my mom can't fast because of her diabetes but whatever you can do you could give up a tv show maybe you could skip that second helping a dessert whatever a little act of penance every friday maybe it's eating no meat that's what we're supposed to do but the church teaches you can supplement it with something else this is amazing so if you join us if we get enough people doing this tell us on the live stream i'm in and and feel free to share with us what you're doing you'll give me ideas but i'm gonna do one every day as trying to be a good shepherd and so if we come together in this and each and every one of us do one act of mercy a day we've now multiplied it we've multiplied it this is incredible opportunity for us to be god's children and i felt strongly in prayer god that's it that's what you're asking me to do to ask you guys to join us i hope to see it i'm in join us and if you want to share what you're doing please do if you don't that's fine father doesn't count if i don't sign up or i don't give what i'm doing yeah yeah yeah just join us in in in spirit do one act of mercy any word deed or prayer it's just the little things added up pretty soon it becomes a way of life and so i want to show this here on um sorry did brother mark did you show the first saturday slide okay so the first saturday slide let me show it up on the screen that's 11 o'clock for the talk 11 45. let's go now to the last slide let's change the world let's show the last slide this is any act of mercy each day and an act of penance each friday and if you want father i want to know what some of these active mercies are you can get something free i will not charge you even shipping i'm going to send it to you for free no shipping no charge visit marion.org slash don't forget to slash live mercy one word l-i-v-e-m-e-r-c-y and i will send you a free pamphlet that will lay out for you the cardinal and the spiritual works of mercy that you could do ideas things that you can do for other people word deed and prayer or spiritual acts of mercy these are great ways and now we are living mercy now we are being disciples now we're coming together as a as a mercy army a mercy marine and this is what we want to do so i'll spare you guys from having to watch the video at the end as we normally play i'm just gonna have mark end our end our end our program today but god bless you i'm so fired up and i'm sorry that i shout half the time because i know that annoys some of you i just can't help it because this is everything this is everything in our faith so god bless you and join us in this mission it takes very little to do but so great in its impact god bless you in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen thank you you
Channel: Divine Mercy
Views: 202,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Divine Mercy, Mercy, Jesus, Christ, Marian, priest, grace, pray, prays, praying, chris alar, alar, fr. Chris, fr. alar, Catholic, Church, God, fr. chris alar, blessed virgin, Mary, Immaculate Heart, blessing, worship, Precious Blood, Eucharist, Blood and Water, Side of Christ, Litany to the Precious Blood, Sacrifice, Eucharist Miracle, Salvation, Divine Mercy Image, St. Gertrude, St. Faustina, Fatima
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 34sec (5494 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 24 2021
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