Catholicism 101: Go Back to Seminary with Fr. Chris Alar - Explaining the Faith

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good evening everyone i am father chris aylar i am the director of the association of marian helpers in stockbridge massachusetts at the national shrine of the divine mercy okay why this talk this talk is why the catholic faith has the fullness of the truth and it leads into god's divine mercy the reason why we are doing this talk i haven't done this talk in about four years and it's because a new study that just came out states that only 17 percent of catholics believe that our catholic faith is the fullness and the one true faith i absolutely was dumbfounded and to be given the gift that we've been given in our faith and have only 17 percent believe that it is the one true faith now i want to point out in the very beginning i'm not here at all to lower other religions i'm here to elevate our faith to the place it belongs the religion started by jesus christ and this religion is different than every other religion i'm not out to discredit anybody else or to lower anybody else please don't take it that way hear me out and then you make the call does that sound fair okay so that's what will true now our faith the catholic faith is one of the most misunderstood it probably is the most misunderstood faith in the world between bible only faith alone the pope saints relics purgatory mary the eucharist these are all things that we are misunderstood but fulton sheen had an excellent quote one time and he said millions of people hate what they think is the catholic church but very few hate what actually is the catholic church and i think that's important i'm doing this talk because we are losing catholics everywhere in our own families in our own neighborhoods and i'm not meant to be a downer here but we will be morally responsible if we let our loved ones fall from the faith without at least showing them the love that we have of our own faith doesn't mean you have to push them or that you stand on a soap box or that you've got to be forceful with them or cause division no no no all it means is that we want to see the beauty in our own faith this is important now as i said it does matter what you are it does the catholic church has gotten so many black eyes and deservedly so because she's human and divine in her divine nature she's perfect in her humanness and her human nature she's been pretty stupid and so we're gonna focus on the divine nature today and talk about that now did you know that the catholic church basically built western civilization universities hospitals charities education these are all because of the catholic church every day the catholic church feeds clothes shelters and educates more than any other organization in the world this could all end however if our government has its way and if this is taken away from the church taxpayers will have to pick up all of this loss because the church educates feeds and takes care of millions you see the government doesn't realize that when they keep threatening the catholic church we're going to strip you of this and strip you of your tax exempt status and all that what they don't realize is then they're going to have to pick up the tab on billions hundreds of billions of dollars that the church spends on taking care of society all right today there are over 40 000 or i should say almost 40 000 christian denominations now i raise the question they all believe something different or they would be the same religion there's 40 000 or almost 40 000 christian denominations now can you have 40 000 different truths no so which one is got the fullness of the truth the church even admits all other religions have some of the truth but only one there can only be one truth let's look at this you know when um i lived in north carolina all my neighbors were baptists god bless them they were good people probably the holiest person they ever knew in my life was my little 98-pound baptist secretary but who started the baptist religion anybody know john smith in 1609 when i lived in utah i was a real little kid all our neighbors were mormons they were some of the nicest most honest people you ever met no crime we didn't have to lock our doors the mormons are beautiful people but who founded the mormon religion joseph smith in 1830 then i lived in michigan my neighbors were all episcopalian god bless them they were great people but who started the episcopalian faith some people say henry viii actually yeah that's a good guess but the american version episcopalian faith was samuel seaberry in 1789. now god bless samuel seaberry but he's not jesus christ who started the catholic faith nobody nobody even lays claim to this even history doesn't argue this it was jesus christ and this is important because one of the missions christ had when he came to earth is he said i'm going to start a church but does anybody here think that jesus is going to come to earth say i'm going to start a church which he did and then say i'm going to start a church but i'm going to get it wrong for 1500 years until martin luther gets it right i don't think so do you know the church fathers for 1500 years wrote about mary and the eucharist more than anything else two things that are only catholic yes we are challenged by our protestant brothers and sisters god bless them jesus is the only mediator this is true but his body is the church so when we go through the church we are going through christ as mediator the world's oldest continuous running institution still in existence is the catholic church you think that's my mistake it's despite ourselves you know when napoleon once said to a cardinal i'm going to destroy the catholic church and the cardinal said to napoleon you think you can destroy the church and napoleon said yep and the cardinal said priests and bishops have been trying to do that for 1800 years what makes you think you're going gonna do it all right the fact is the church is divine and it's human in her humanness she makes the mistakes but we are patterned people don't understand this many non-catholics will say you know what you only need scripture you only need the bible that's all you need but who do we come from christianity comes from the jews and the jews had the same three legs of their stool that we have we're not scripture only we're also tradition and the magisterium right you should know this do you know the jews they were magisterium it was the teaching authority of moses they also had a second leg scripture which was the torah and the ten commandments and they had the third leg of our same stool they had tradition it came down with moses and is throughout the old testament all right let's start with the bible are we catholics bible-based oh come on okay scripture is needed but it's not sufficient how do i know this it says so in the bible the last chapter of the last gospel john says very clearly if everything jesus said and did were to be written down all the books in the world couldn't contain it well we know that the bible isn't all the books in the world the bible's this thick so does that mean the other things jesus said and did aren't important absolutely not sola scriptura bible only is that in the bible nope but guess what is oral tradition 2 thessalonians 2 15. jesus never promised a book but he promised an authority the church and this is important what came first the mass or the bible the mass the bible was created to be read at the mass and we will talk about that this is why first timothy 3 15 says the church is the pillar and the bulwark of the truth it tells you what makes up the bible you know um a quick story i had a great employee down in north carolina named ed sadly he was a fallen away catholic and one day he's in my office and i had a crucifix not quite that big but a crucifix hanging on my wall next to uh behind my seat and ed comes in one day and he's talking to me and i see him keep looking up at the crucifix and finally he loses it and he says chris can i close the door and i said yeah and he slams the door shut and he pulls out his bible and it wasn't this big but it was big and he says chris this is all you need you don't need anything else all you need is the bible i hate to see you going astray with all this other stuff i said oh hold on a minute ed you're right i we do need the bible but i got a question for you do you accept the authority of that bible he says yeah i said you accept the authority from which it came he said yeah i said do you believe every word in it is true he said yeah i said congratulations ed you accept the authority of the catholic church he went like this i said yeah ed you have the same 27 books in your new testament as we catholics do in the same four gospels matthew mark luke and john you know that there were other gospels all over the place in the first century gospel of thomas gospel of peter gospel of mary who determined those four gospels and the rest of the 27 books he looked at me with a stone face i said you know who determined that the catholic bishops in the councils of carthage and hippo and 393 and 397. the bible as we know it didn't even exist till 350 years after jesus christ and the mass began before he died the mass predates the bible the bible was created to be read at the mass and so ed is beautiful you have a love of the bible but here's what's important the tradition of the catholic church determined that bible you can't accept that bible and reject the authority of the catholic church because the catholic church is the authority from which that bible you hold comes from you hold the exact same bible as i do maybe the translation is a little different so we need an interpreter or everybody's going to read that bible in a different way you ever see these debates now that are going on even the political candidates are trying to bring scripture to justify their immoral lifestyle well the bible doesn't say this and the bible does say this and then the next person comes along and says well the bible says this and i don't think the bible says that you're all over the place you've got to have an authority that shows and interprets what the truth in that bible is trying to say in the united states when our government works as it should does anybody interpret the constitution how they want well i kind of become that way hasn't it but nobody is supposed to just cam i just can't go up and have a dispute with tom my employee and and tom says well i interpret the constitution says you violated my rights and i look at him and say well i interpret the constitution that i didn't violate your rights this is craziness and chaos who interprets the constitution when we're supposed to be working the way we're supposed to be working the supreme court that's the governing body that interprets the constitution the bible is our constitution the church is the supreme court otherwise you're going to have mass chaos and that's why we have 40 000 different views of the bible the bible's for this the bible's against this the bible doesn't have a comment on this 9 out of ten early christians couldn't read so how did they learn they learned by the tradition of the church where did they get their faith in the learning of the scriptures the mass the bible was created as i said to be read at the mass but yet people are always so negative about our faith even our own catholics i love our faith i will die for our faith please don't be offended that i'm up here trying to defend her you know i should be embarrassed to say this but what the heck you know when i moved down to north carolina i started a business and i um i was working seven days a week till midnight every night and i remember about a year and a half into my business ownership i was sitting in the office one night on a saturday night it was about 10 30 at night and i'm working and some live radio show from the local charlotte north carolina bar comes on and they said if you're not down here tonight you are super lame and i remember sitting in that office thinking you know what i really am super lame so i was one of the first guys ever to do online dating he's one of the first guys ever when i first went on the internet there was all the six girls on the internet and so there's some of these brand new there was only like one or two dating sites at the time and i started communicating with this nice lady from charlotte business professional and we swapped stories emails and pictures and things looked good and we decided to meet and i said well i don't want to ask her to pick her up because i don't want her nervous so we agreed to meet at a restaurant in charlotte and we go there we start eating and it's it's going well she's professional she's nice she's attractive she's just a very nice lady and what are the two things they tell you to never talk about on a first date religion and politics sure enough i got my face full of spaghetti and she pops the question so what religion are you and i mumbled catholic and she goes she gasps and she says how how could you belong to a religion that burned bibles chained them to rocks so nobody could read them or have them and put them into latin so nobody could read them now i ask you did we do those things yes but my reaction when she said it was we did i didn't know my faith she says you did and how can you be one of those catholics boy i'd give anything to meet this girl today because now i know the truth do you know the catholics did burn bibles you know why what does the government do when they find counterfeit money they burn it the church has never burned an authentic bible but they burned the bibles in the middle ages that were heretical because there were all kinds of them so yeah the church burned bibles but what people forget to tell you is they burn the heretical bibles not the true bibles secondly did the church chain them to rocks you bet you all remember the phone booth what was chained to the phone booth the yellow pages why was the yellow pages chained to the phone booth so you could use them and leave them for the next guy if they weren't chained some yo-yo would come and steal it and they wouldn't have it for the next guy back then before the printing press the bible took three years to copy would take three years wages if the church would have left it out on the public square it had been gone in an hour it was impractical to just leave it out there they had to chain it to a rock so it didn't get stolen are you kidding you all know the pen at the bank what's the pen at the bank you should see my mom every time i went with her to the bank as a little kid it was the same story every time she'd finish with the pendant she'd put it in her purse zip the person she'd rip it right out of it every time every time we went to the bank my mom did that no wonder they change it to the to the desk and then did the church put the bible into latin you betcha you know why because still at that time more of the world read and wrote latin than any other language when the church put it in the latin and increased the span of the bible by 20-fold the church was giving the bible out to the world these are things people don't know all right then she said to me she put the icing on the cake she said okay tell me this how could you belong to a religion that added books to the bible what's she talking about not the new testament the old testament right maccabees tobit sirach wisdom all those right the seven books she said how did you adam why did your your religion add them to the bible you know what i said again we did no martin luther took them out now i'm not discrediting martin luther or the baptist or the lutherans or anything but what i am saying is don't spit on the catholic church please because you think that she is doing harm now there's another area we'll talk about later where she did do harm and that is ridiculous and that's unexcusable but in the terms of the truth you're getting the fullness of the divine nature of the faith here's what we're going to talk about luther claimed that these books were not in the original hebrew and so he removed those seven books he said they were not the original hebrew you know what we found out now dead sea scrolls they were in the original hebrew so we didn't adam martin luther took him out she continued by saying to me how could you belong to religion that is not of the bible i said what do you mean we're not of the bible she says you catholics are not biblical i said well what do you mean and she says romans 3 28. you catholics don't know the bible and i said well what she goes romans 3 28 you don't know the bible and i said um okay what does romans 3 28 say i didn't know it and she says you are saved by faith alone and not by works and i said interesting by now i was starting to learn my faith and she says you are saved by faith alone and not by works now that passage is a real problem for catholics isn't it do we believe that do we believe you are saved by faith alone no so what's the problem here how do we how do we justify that well first of all that's not what romans 3 28 says martin luther added the word alone romans 3 28 really says you are saved by faith and not by works of the law she didn't read and have a proper writing of the real scripture we believe that the real romans 3 28 says that now paul says in 13 corinthians 13 2 that faith without love is nothing and it cannot save james 2 24 says see you know the only time faith alone appears in the bible is james 2 24 see that a man is justified by works and not by faith alone wow all right what about the pope what about the pope is the pope infallible if the pope says that the michigan wolverines are finally going to beat ohio state this year is that infallible yes no just kid the pope is not infallible in the sense of other than faith and morals when he speaks ex cathedra from the chair you know how many times that's happened in history theologians debate it but most agree twice the assumption and the immaculate conception but yet you hear non-catholics will tell you you think the pope says if it's going to rain tomorrow that you have to take your umbrella or you're being disobedient no infallibility is only in faith and morals anything else is not and the pope does have primacy you know peter is mentioned 191 times in the bible and the next most mentioned apostle is john 48. all the apostles combined are only mentioned 130 times peter's mentioned 191. so after the apostles died more authority is needed to guard against heresy there has to be unity every institution needs a leader this is what the pope does and here's one i guarantee if anyone here has ever heard this come see me afterwards because i've yet to find a single place that has ever taught this and i think this is the sealer of the deal for the papacy to me and if anybody has ever heard this come see me afterwards because i've spoken to tens of hundreds of thousands of people and i've never met one catholic who's ever heard this in 80 a.d the church at corinth had issues and they went to clement the first who was the fourth pope now what apostle was still alive in 80 a.d john so the church went to clement the first the fourth pope although john was still alive and living much closer to corinth than clement was in rome they went to clement over a living apostle and when it got back to john you know what john said he didn't say well i'm offended i'm the apostle john said absolutely he is the true leader of the church he is the head of the church this is the man who laid his head on the breast of jesus there isn't a single person in the world today other than probably the man some members of our magisterium that would understand this everybody would say the church should have went to john he laid on the head of jesus he's a living apostle and here john himself says i'm not the head clement the first is the fourth pope this is unbelievable the first 200 years all the popes were martyred except one this shows the romans certainly knew who the head of the church was a doctrine proposed by a pope in his own opinion but not proclaimed as doctrine of the church can be rejected have you ever disagreed with pope francis are you entitled to yes we're not blind sheep here unless he speaks ex cathedra morally from the chair you can disagree his view on the wall or whatever it is now when he's in union with the bishops and encyclicals come out yes we need to listen now here's one more for you i had a non-catholic say this one to me this one i love and the non-catholic said to me peter is not the pope and i said why they said read the bible i said okay i got it and this person said turn to where peter said or jesus said to peter you are the rock and on the rock i will build my church i said okay there it is he said well our bible study we went back to the original greek this is rare non-catholics usually don't go back to the greek but they did hats off to them and this non-catholic said we in our bible study we went back to the greek and the problem is petros would have been masculine so jesus would have said you are petros meaning peter the rock instead it was petra which is feminine and he said that proves that it wasn't peter who is the rock that maybe it's the jewish people but it's feminine as a whole jesus would not have said petra he would have said petros what's the problem with that argument jesus didn't speak greek he never spoke greek to his apostles he spoke aramaic and in the aramaic there's only one word for rock kepha so this is just simply a translation it would not have been of jesus words he wouldn't have said that he didn't speak greek to his apostles he could but he didn't these are all the places our holy father the pope is in scripture matthew 16 18. christ said that peter was the rock upon which he would build his church luke 22 32 jesus gave peter the mission to keep his faith and to strengthen his brothers in the faith as leader matthew 16 19 the keys were given to peter to signify authority to govern the house of god that is the church john 21 15 jesus gave peter the authority by instructing him to feed his sheep after he died matthew 16 19 the power to bind and loose was given to peter in particular as authority to pronounce judgment on doctrine and to make decisions on church discipline we are scriptural all right what about the craziness of the saints and the icons and the relics okay i'm running out of time but i want to hit a couple of these all right why do we have saints you crazy catholics what are saints guys they're just good examples now every single parent who has a child playing football do they say to them that i want you to be like your great-grandfather at his age no they say we want you to be and they usually model an athlete so i said earlier who's the greatest running back in the history of the nfl barry sanders thank you so anybody would say look to barry sanders there's the model of humility and talent he's the guy to model after does anybody criticize that would anybody criticize somebody for saying i want my kid to be like barry sanders humbly toss the football to the referee not to do a bunch of dances in the end zone not to use all kinds of four-letter words in the media barry sanders never swore on an interview he never criticized a teammate on an interview he never even when he had a bad game ever blamed anybody else but himself barry sanders was a model what nobody criticizes you for having barry sanders as a model why are we criticized for having saints as models of virtue they show us how to do it oh you can't talk to saints they're dead did you read today's scripture passage who did jesus talk to come on we just had it moses and elijah they had long since deceased and jesus talked to him was right there in the scripture all right what about icons and statues you crazy catholics you can't have those they're graven images okay then you need to remove that picture of your family off your desk because that is a graven image our graven images disallowed by the bible the purpose of worshiping them is not allowed by the bible exodus 20 verse 4 god prohibits graven images for the purpose of worshiping them you don't worship them like the golden calf exodus 25 15 18 god commanded moses to make a statue of angels and numbers 21 8 a bronze seraph to heal people as i said earlier the protestants have nativity scenes those are statues of jesus and mary and joseph what about icons these are way that the church used to teach the illiterate the faith what about relics you should see people come to the shrine of divine mercy they think we're crazy because we kiss the toe bone of saint faustina non-catholics think we're nuts but listen to this god does act through secondary agents like even people and objects listen relics a man came back to life when he touched the bones of elisha second kings 13 20. god performed a cure through peter's shadow acts 5 15. he also did it through paul's handkerchief acts 19 11. they don't perform the miracles themselves but through the intercession of the saints all right i'm running out of time let's talk about purgatory real quick first corinthians 3 says man can only be saved but through fire what does that mean well okay if there was only heaven and hell that passage makes zero sense why because in hell no one is saved and in heaven there is no fire so corinthians first corinthians 3 man can only be saved but through fire it doesn't make any sense in hell no one is saved and in heaven there is no fire heaven souls need no aid in hell they cannot be delivered therefore there has to be a middle ground ii maccabees 12 says that they made atonement for the dead so they might be delivered for sins the jews have prayed for the dead and they still do today since way before the time of christ early christian tombs always have prayers for the dead jews early christians saint paul all prayed for the dead this presumes a state of purification most people not all of you are not good enough to go straight to heaven nor evil enough to go directly to hell most of us fit somewhere in between it makes sense and there are many other passages i don't have time you know like the paying of the penny you will remain in prison until you've paid the last penny all right let's finish up with the last few last page is the church needed for salvation good job little kid who said that raise your hand very good yes why there is no salvation without jesus christ and jesus body is the church other religions can be united to our church albeit imperfectly so there's no salvation outside the church it doesn't necessarily mean the four walls of the catholic church the catholic church is in your heart so can a pygmy in the rain forest be saved kenny yes it's funny because i gave this whole explanation to talk about five years ago when i was first ordained and somebody wrote to my superior and said father chris said only catholics and pygmies in the rainforest could be saved she was very upset and i was like father kaz i did not say that can a pygmy be saved yes but he will be judged differently than you he'll be judged by the natural law we will be judged differently why i don't mean to scare you but to whom much is given much is expected we were given the gift of the sacraments and this mass and that confessional and that baptismal font as our way to heaven you're handed the golden ticket don't miss it a pygmy in the rain forest wasn't given the golden ticket he will not be held responsible that he didn't go to mass or read the bible we will be now does that mean that one of our loved ones who have left my nephew is one of them my nephew now belongs to some church where the pastor rides unicycles and juggles now he's still looking for jesus so he can still be saved but it's kind of like deciding instead of flying a jet from new york to l.a it's decided that you'd rather walk my nephew can still make it new york to l.a but he's basically failed to step on the turbo jet and follow the quickest easiest and surest way to get there which is the sacraments and the mass yeah he can still make it but it's going to be a lot harder walking is not recommended you know who probably will be more responsible for him at the time of his judgment because he is looking for jesus you know who probably will be more responsible his godfather don't take that responsibility lightly especially when the godfather is a priest pray for me all right to finish up we're almost done here i'm gonna throw a couple little miscellaneous items we always hear about galileo right black eye church you know didn't the church imprison galileo put tape over his mouth threaten him with excommunication didn't all that happen the true story is the church simply told galileo to stop teaching that the world or the earth revolves around the sun until they proved it definitively they said you can teach it but please teach it only as a hypothesis why because it appeared to contradict scripture so the church was actually protecting the bible not slamming science they didn't know it and you know what it wasn't even galileo's idea you know where the idea of the earth revolving around the sun came from copernicus a catholic priest and so this whole story got blown up by non-catholics trying to show the catholic churches something untrue what about the crusades we hear this all the time you know why the crusades happened to defend the pilgrims that were being slaughtered heading to the holy land now that doesn't mean that our crusaders didn't do stupid stuff they did like the fourth crusade and the ransacking of constantinople dumb dumb dumb we were stupid but the crusades were created to protect pilgrims who were being slaughtered by islam what about the inquisition oh the church oh my gosh they killed all those people they burned all these people you know who carried out the inquisition a vast majority 99 of it the nation-states of france spain and italy the church actually people would run to try to get the church to help because the church had the most lenient they wanted their cases heard by the church what about call nobody your father well gee the fourth commandment does luke 16 24 says father abraham paul calls religious leaders fathers in acts 7 2 and 22 1. saint paul tells corinthians i became your father like the like star wars right [Music] paul says i am your father so how do you explain it is you have to keep the context what about infant baptism what are you baptizing infants for okay i want them to grow up and make their own decision i got two questions for you i have a great friend i still call him brother adrian but he's here with his beautiful wife i haven't seen him in years we used to go to seminary together pray for him he's expecting their first child god bless them where are you brother adrian or adrian i can't call your brother anymore okay he's in the back now brother or adrian is expecting a child i'd be shocked if he came out to before mass and said you know what chris father chris we're going to have our little boy but we're going to let him become 18 before he decides if he wants to be part of our family or not that's insanity he's born into your family that's where god put him or it would be insanity if adrian came up to me and said well we're going to let him grow up and decide if he wants to be an american citizen no you're born and you are automatically an american citizen when an infant is born they're born into the family of god and when you baptize him you are saying you are a child of god this is why we have infant baptism because we become citizens of god's kingdom adopted children it's required for heaven we are all born with adam's sin even children so we need baptism they used to baptize entire households in the bible including children okay what about this jesus is the one mediator he's the one redeemer and you crazy catholics call yourselves mini co-redeemers john paul this guy was off his rocker he called you catholics mini co-redeemers how dare you really you know what co means co doesn't mean equal to ko is from latin meaning comb which means with it doesn't mean equal to paul said we are co-workers in the vineyard with christ did he claim we were equal to christ never these are things that we don't understand god wants to share his unique role with us god is creator but does he not share procreation with you yes he does god is jesus is the one shepherd but did he not tell peter to shepherd my sheep yes he did he shares this what about one save always saved father no the bible says we must persevere to the end and work out our salvation with fear and trembling what about this father the fact that you're not the true faith of jesus really well only the catholic church's leaders despite our stupidness can actually be traced back to the 12 apostles we call it apostolic succession anybody hear that term when i was ordained a priest hands were laid upon me by bishop holly and when he was ordained hands were laid upon him and when he was ordained that priest was or bishop was ordained a priest hands were laid on him and when that bishop was ordained a priest hands were laid on him do you know every living priest alive today despite our stupidity can be traced back to the one of the twelve apostles physically no other faith can claim that none we have apostolic succession so here's the end everybody christ established the church to govern and sanctify in his name until the end of time to reject the authority of the church is to reject christ and his gospel but i want to say just a few words on the scandal first of all there is no words that i can say that justify even one case of abuse nothing no way no how no nothing it is unexcusable and these priests must be swiftly and severely dealt with it's difficult but i implore your prayers for them because their souls are in jeopardy of salvation they are in big trouble if they don't get justice in this world god will make sure they get justice in the next there is no words that i can say they can even begin to excuse it and i'm not even going to try and i when i give talks on the scandal i split the talk into two parts the first part is apologizing on behalf of the church to anybody here who has been a victim the first part of my talk says i don't know what else i can do but pray for you do penance fasting for the church then i spend the second half of the talk explaining that there is a misconception in our culture as well i personally know two priests who are innocent but were falsely accused again i am not trying at all but to shed the truth you can look this up this is true numbers eighty-five percent of abuse happens in the home fourteen percent happens in schools and in extracurricular activities one percent happens in religious institutions and of that the catholic church is in the lower half not trying to excuse it all i'm trying to say is there are scandals everywhere if you think this is just a catholic problem it's not it's a broken humanity problem is it a catholic problem absolutely i'm not denying that but is it only a catholic problem no do you know the general percentage of the population that are abusers four percent the population of priests that are abusers one percent it's way less than the general population but way too high still unexcusable unacceptable most abusers are married men so it's not an issue of celibacy many tv evangelists evangelicals have fallen of the twelve apostles one betrayed christ one denied him one refused to believe in the resurrection and they all abandoned him at the cross except john man is weak judas betrayed him we have had priests and bishops betray our trust we have had priests and bishops betray you personally all i can say is i'm sorry there is no excuse for it but please i beg you to do one thing first of all thank god you're here but secondly you don't leave jesus because of judas we've had some judas's priests ambitions please don't leave the church don't leave jesus because of judas nobody in history has left the church has left jesus i should say because of judas what we have done is unexcusable as a church but what we need to do is pray that she will be healed and that is all i can say about that so god bless all of you that you're still holding on to your faith this talk tonight was only because i'm afraid and i'm watching soul after soul abandon their faith please don't be one of them our catholic faith is a gift some have abused it some have hurt your trust please try your best to hang on and you'll know that i'm praying for you please contact me if you would like to discuss what i talked about tonight or if you need further explanation because i apologize i don't mean to offend anybody but i feel called by god to speak the truth and i think what i did tonight was my best shot at it amen thank you in the name of the father son and the holy spirit amen hi i'm father chris aylar and i'm super excited to tell you about something you're not going to want to miss we all need the bible and often i get questions for people father what's the best version of the bible to read there are many out there and i always say the rsvce which is the revised standard version catholic edition now not only do you have that best of versions but now we have created together with our friends at ascension the divine mercy catholic bible this is a beautiful leatherette bible that has just an absolutely important message for you not only is it all the words of scripture that you're familiar with but in it we have great contributions from people like father seraphim dr robert stackpole and others that explain exactly where you see god's mercy in each of the passages of both the old and the new testament so please join me and get a copy of this incredible new divine mercy bible and help you to understand the bible from the perspective of god's divine mercy so you can get your copy at shop or please call us at 800-462-7426 so remember the word of god is imperative for salvation and now you can get it from the perspective of god's mercy thank you and we hope you'll pick up a copy
Channel: Divine Mercy
Views: 173,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Catholicism 101, back to seminary with Fr Chris, the origins of the Catholic Church, the authority of the Catholic Church, common misunderstandings about the Catholic church, the Catholic Church built western Civilization, the role of the Catholic Church in western Civilization, Explaining the Faith, fr. Chris Alar, Chris Alar, Catholic Teaching, Catholic
Id: 5xffVEOOaIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 37sec (3337 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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