Raiden Torture Simulator

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[Music] the elder god oh boy oh no oh no oh no do not tell me i s a [ __ ] no the emperor no day four and we are now starting the MK3 Invasion plot of the story mode honestly I think I've had my fun with this game but at this point I'm just feeling like it's a bit of a drag like this has been going for a little too long now uh but yeah anyways let's just hopefully get this over with you know I think today fortnite has a new season where you get to play as a kodo dragon and instead of doing that I am in MK9 playing as a [ __ ] pig want to play guns huh that's right baby want to play the G want to play this buddy dang it oh yeah there's a grenade toss right like this I don't know why you're doing this with me buddy look mad Punk did I just say Punk oh that was Far okay dude [Music] hey man hey man if it works spitting sticking out your tongue bet your mama's real proud my his mom is dead bastard Kabal is like I've had enough of this [ __ ] Striker check her out check her out what do you think friend foe foe dressed like that definitely foe cover me you have to repeat that foe foe once you see Katana my friend this isn't helpful can dress like that decision definitely foe looking for a new playmate foe oh boy what are we doing here I'm going to roll on this guy girl dang it I blocked all right lady please keep it in your pants got him I don't know if I can confirm that into my AA or something and one more [Music] thing dude calm down got him it's pretty good damage punk I want what else can you do actually oh wait I got a bat sweep right what's with though how you beating me on [Music] that goodness gracious I can never use this stupid baton sweep got him easy easy easy f housemate housemate you're coming with me ooh you're coming with me girly Friend or Foe Johnny Cage fighting a giant monster what is this time Bashers what is this cage match okay that's mat's death spread out give him multiple targets ah you told him to spread out so he doesn't get fired sad cabal all right time to play the from soft game [Music] again pop bye GG's I'm not playing a fighting game now guys I'm playing a turn-based rhythm game never knew I had it in me I kind of like that oh no poor baby it's a very weird way to look like someone get burned positional is down rting to what the poor Striker it's just one after another weird ass like Mortal Kombat characters all trying to beat him up however surprisingly he's holding really well against his own I will suck your soul po I shouldn't be so cocky round I'm going to let him fall into his own demise what oh that sucks dude ha you failed really stop goodness gracious why did you all of a sudden decide to start like excellently start combing me dude like [Music] chill I hate this is so slow holy [Music] crap finally finally GG's I think I'll be keeping my soul come on say something funnier Leon I am Nightwolf Lord Raiden is gathering Earth's Defenders you are a what the [ __ ] is going on here I'm just literally a random dude Earth realm Defender is about 10 steps above my my pay grade even naew literally defeated some of the strongest outworld characters nice that was not hard at all and I kind of enjoyed my stupid ass zoner time with that I'll put this here and I'll put that there and I put that up his here making Legos is so fun he I'm a freak you're beautiful cabal shut up I am trying out this character Kano how dare you why are you beating me up go for it all right all right I'm still testing it out how dare you beat your own patient like that Kano got him I was think is that range good enough wonder if this kills should kill right uh-oh got him all right uh cabal's got some tech and I don't know how to use it as Molina sexily presents motaro and just like that Shang s is done he's out that's it pathetic actually pathetic that's all shung does hey guys oh so Noob is going to try to stop me okay or Molina which one oh no oh no oh no do not tell me I swear to [ __ ] no no one attacks the emperor no if I had known this I would have prepared everything from this point on is a giant blur for me I'm recording I just lose the chip damage or was that a grab I can't even tell not too shabby actually I die from thiss what did you just do just then this is Mitch from game front back again with some more Mortal Combat and bat guyss these video tutorials are aim to be a starting point for players interested in seeing what the various characters of Mortal Combat can be did he just oh I just died so I guess I couldn't use it just kill me there you go I'm dead that was a little closer though crap should have saved that I was going to win that very nice nice very nice okay not nice good grab let's go okay okay okay it's pretty good combo these matches force me to learn like pretty good combos that's one are you kidding me [ __ ] you nice ah every time I use a projectile I get punished no way oh let's go oh my gosh I thought I lost I thought it was over oh my gosh dude get away from me all five of you can't do [ __ ] all five you can't do [ __ ] to me after what I just went through pathetic little jump oh my gosh dude oh my gosh I cannot believe how long that took me and how long it forced me to play good there is that sector oh no it's actually Subzero as you will soon discover yeah shut up nothing can be harder than what I just went through you little [ __ ] well that was a interesting combo bye-bye oh thank goodness that ball didn't hit me the car no what the heck is that stop bye GG's cyber Subzero sorry nothing can be harder than what I just went through not as cool as you thought heyo why do you turn on your brother Lin Quay I I'm not even Ling Quay what the hell oh she thought I was a machine that's cute got to forget she's not she's not she's not goral dang it [ __ ] she was harder than my opinion man cabal supposed to be the strongest character in the game also one of the hardest chapters in the game they gave me a easy one with Striker and then all of a sudden cabal I didn't know Tony Stark was in this game yeah yeah cute smoke eyes subo bro cyber Subzero heyoka how can Subzero best help us I do not know will not yo what's up guys remove your access don't touch me [ __ ] oh Cyber Sub Zero time baby this should be interesting but I'm going to take a fat [ __ ] break after that I I knew I knew there was going to be one more 2v one that I was not going to account for I really didn't think it was going to be freaking Molina and Noob sabon that's why I didn't want to learn cabal but I did learn at least that one combo for them these these expert computers are the the most annoying thing because some of them just decide hey I'm going to exactly calculate when you're going to shoot a projectile and either teleport behind you or counter it because I'm a computer and you're punished if you use your projectile literally the computers are like online Warriors wet dreams with their re reactions anyways I'm taking a break what the heck why can't I use my x-ray why can't I use my x-ray just I definitely inflated my x-ray unless there's a very weird way he uses x-ray hey I pared there what the hell nice ping pong just metal clinking cling CL this one's going to my cringe compilation this one's going to my cringe compilation ow easy combos easy combos thank you by the way [ __ ] you you've done nothing but harm our clan I love the laugh animations on those forarm characters how pathetic man what you champion of outworld so pathetic this is why I wanted to learn a bit of sub cyber Subzero because of the fact that I'm gonna be fighting these two okay but before we continue I I want to do a little bit of a search here why can't I use his X-ray oh it's in the air oh I have to okay that doesn't combo how are you not dead yet dude what the hell how are you not dead yet just try haha you missed oh I got him too [Music] far now what I meant to do is what I meant to do oh [Music] shoot that's what I meant to do by B get out of here yeah this is like honestly I'd rather take these two 2 V ones try the xway oh that worked bye you wrong button [Music] bom there we go easy easy oh and guess what I think we're going to go Kano next right yeah Kano is the real threat not not Goro and canaro combined strength n n n they ain't the threat oh no the poor what are they Special Forces behind me yes daddy Subzero y oh my gosh I absolutely love his entrances wait why did you change costumes your die of a Ki die of a kick I escaped that what the heck a nice pack massage counter [Music] bu bum bum got you die a kick oh die a kick die for C die all right break her then die Oh shoot what the heck was that did we just both teleport die kick dude how are you countering my di kick stop and you with the X-ray actually sub super zero is kind of fun at least for my little play testing with him he I think I like him a little bit more than subzero but to be fair though he has moved from base Subs anyways so so Kano is just pathetically there being frozen poor Kano are you guys just staying there doing nothing this whole time huh you weak pathetic fools weak pathetic fools no matter my efforts the future remains in Peril how could I have failed Earth realm this badly I think I'm fighting Noob here right H Noob is so freaking annoying so annoying I swear you better not throw both of them yeah this is kind of cute honestly brother versus brother oh of course really ow ow goodness gracious Noob is so strong n the computer Noob is so strong honestly I have barely been able to do anything to this guy waa that's an epic dragon in the background okay in instant instant X-Ray when I instantly Dash that's good call how do I puke as a robot wrong Oh wrong input but I still got my combo baby die a kick oh boy nice x-ray all right now I'm going to play this like a [ __ ] ah crap that didn't [Music] count I GG's ah in your face stupid brother no the poor noname soldiers oh no gold your soul is not safe uh oh okay I'm a bot but sure all right so that was cyber Subzero nothing goes too bad um that newb cbot player really countered everything I did which was kind of annoying but overall GG's not too shabby and uh oh gosh I know what's about to happen all right I'm cutting it here day five and hopefully the final day I believe I only have two more characters left and uh I am not going to lie I'm actually kind of excited to finally finish this up it has been this has been taking way too long my computer space is running out as we're speaking let's finish this and I'll give my final thoughts at the end and also just because I only I know I only have two more characters left so I uh did go ahead and try them out this guy is not look I just started okay can we can we not be so difficult on me okay to be that serious all the time instantly the the tech about koni in this game is to just wait for him to [ __ ] [Music] up there we go I wanted to get that that's what I wanted to do guaranteed it's just waiting for them to make make mistakes honestly popop die from that there you go easy easy you're pathetic kuoni you're one of the easier I F you too many times oh hi Noob I forgot about you let's finish you up right get thrown into the sonado I have no remorse for you you annoying teleporting spammer grabby grabby guy take this [ __ ] bye bye see you in 2019 bye-bye oh no noob's super corrupted soul is affecting the uh I mean let me slowly walk into this portal just slowly I don't really need to walk fast because it doesn't matter yay we did it we saved the city or some [ __ ] I don't [ __ ] know woo woo woo all right the plot is over we saved the city thanks to me and cyber Subzero and no one else we cannot second guess our decisions I'm glad you guys are getting lines crack we cannot win without the Elder Gods but Master L Kang close as a shadow Nightwolf you will why did he bring Liu Kang with him though well now what standing around here won't do us any good that's what you've been doing for the past two chapters the linqu they surround us je it sure is convenient that you found out about that the moment they left my speed and skill will be on you shut up just a k ah crap you crap I didn't know I hit him a you kidding me yeah let's go crap as long as I use a projectile oh instant counter bam yeah you it in front of me eh see what happens crap now of how some pretty good punishes oh boy here we go here we go kabal's like what the freak are you doing interestingly the only time I'm going to be able to fight her the bodies ah fly that's kind of cute but remember everybody one at a time one at a time there you go Striker you can shoot him or anything but nope first death like that kills him apparently oh that kills him okay that kills him okay I get that okay that should kill him she dies pretty brutally there you go finally a 2v one honestly still looking back at this this is so [ __ ] it's like cindel didn't use any like op abilities or anything like that no she just like karate karate chops and wins them all like it's not it's not because it's some sort of like stupidly it's not shinsung enhances her powers or anything like that no she literally like Karate kicks and punches everyone to Victory it's like how weak are all of you to lose that way so sucked or I don't know what she's doing actually monster throw an axe soon you will reunite with your ancestors very funny the only time you get to fight syone this whole story mode oh wa that's a lot of damage ah ow o o o o and I can't believe I lost her zoning Selle why are you a zoner you're supposed to be like super karate but no you're instead you're like a zoner bring it keep doing that see what happens keep doing that see what happens huh ah [Music] got you GG's cido GG's you're pathetic you're so you suck compared to all the other other freaking fights that I fought however in the story for once I'm actually not really winning whereas everyone else that I defeat they actually lose like so no is actually completely fine here and here we are at the final chapter of the game Earth realm is in danger does it look like we care then you must intervene on Earth realm's behalf but we don't want to cuz we suck ass so because the Realms aren't merging so it's fine but I but I really have to wonder though it's like did shaon know all this was he so bold to do all this [ __ ] like if or or would does he just get lucky cuz I don't think he knew that cuz in the end his lost is his own fault still but like H but yeah see like I just played night and I won against Z but in this outcome like nope you still lose against her so now I have to do a hell Mary sacrifice bye-bye you want to use your thunderhand massages on her there Raiden or enough did Johnny still have sunglasses May the Elder Gods protect you I kind of wish luk can't turn around and said [ __ ] Elder Gods Raiden I'm not going to lie like I kind of like I mean I don't okay there's a lot of things I don't like but I do like this like Liu Kang completely like just saying [ __ ] you Raiden I will have an audience with quanchi you may address me oh you're Quan got you ow [ __ ] [ __ ] I can too buddy oh shoot I wonder if it's going to work here ra M ra nice stop oh my gosh what the heck dude instantly exray but I'm still not really used to it is like give it a [Music] [Music] kissing yes okay nice grab [Music] [Music] a screw [Music] you okay at least Raiden's teleport is really good at punishing him fetch your master fetch him fetch him dog wow I'm a little bit too aggressive here sorry about that we will prevail but with the nether realm fighting at our side Li poly Raiden I'm not an idiot Raiden I can see your freaking almost destroyed alula sadly this is really like like Raiden you're you're kind of kind of an idiot moment for for Raiden right here sadly it's like I'll offer these souls and Quan's like there literally is no like trademark or anything like that I already took them idiot come on guys gang up on him gang up time let's go it's all your fault Raiden gang up time oh boy oh boy oh boy breaker great okay I can't lose a single match all right all right all right all right this is why we learned Raiden [Music] dude really how fast is that oh and of course you freaking Dodge it I mean you freaking block it okay sure what what the heck I can't use my x-ray there we go jeez and a [Music] kissy should be one [Music] okay oh gosh oh my gosh my [Music] health wait what what did I hear raided what what what did I what I just hear someone [Music] wins there is no point teleporting cuz these computers will instantly be like I know you're teleporting you know these trading battles are fun except for the fact that after this I still have to fight somebody else and I'm dead why is Jack's the hardest one here what the heck do [Music] it oh gosh I'm going raced that oh gosh all right next one next one next one and I'm [Music] down yeah that's one but way too much health I need I need to I actually need to play very Turtle against Jack in my opinion all all right who's next I know it's not just two oh gosh okay interestingly enough I don't think I [ __ ] ball because I've only played as [Music] him dang it okay I can't play the freaking projectile game with these guys that's good Flubber nus thing here but okay whatever [Music] right pop bop popop wow Flawless is that amazing oh I hate you what the and he's never used that before but yeah now now let's use the X-ray [Music] [ __ ] damn it I had to risk that freaking x-ray cuz I was just too low HP K Striker are you kidding me the freaking [Music] grenade that's really good [Music] [Music] okay [Music] just for safety I don't know if there's a fourth one here honestly come on tell me this is the last one please tell me this is the last one please tell me this is the last one please tell me this is the last one please it gave me money it gave me money let's go theer Gods cannot help them shut up but okay here we go like Katana is the easier one in my opinion but you know like you said we have three more did you turn back to a human for a second I just saw that [Music] night Kow I don't know how hard Kow is honestly now you face a sh in I'm dead I guess projectiles are not a good idea with you because you have those freaking teleports however raging bab seems pretty [Music] good stand there on all too that is the only slightly Saving Grace about this mode is the fact that the X-ray is the meter is reseted each match anyways so you might as well waste your I don't want to find night [Music] off I'm actually almost H [Music] him that [Music] works and a [Music] kissy that's unblockable okay kind let's [Music] go what the [Music] heck that's of overhead [Music] come on let's go that wasn't as hard as the first one but that's Main because I wasn't as good as Raiden in my opinion just leave me alone quani leave me the F alone the gods are toothless right thank you Elder gods are really useless this should be called elder Gods suck I haven't let synell Cyber Sub Zero and Jade fight you yeah and smoke come on come on he I want I want I want you to fight them raid I want you to [ __ ] suffer every single one of you who have been saying ah shot is going to be the hardest hardest thing in the world no no no no no shut the [ __ ] up fight three characters three health bars K I cannot let you fight shaar and just like that then you are my enemy just like that the last chance he had believe in me and they fail I'm going to use the exact same tactics I've been using in the freaking nether over the past hour [Music] buddy oh really okay that was that was funny we both have about the same exact speed on our projectile it's kind of [Music] funny sorry that recovery time is too long Liu Kang I should have taught you better like that that just takes a lot too much time to recover buddy crap he has actually I got to be careful now feel like he's going to rip it told you you patient pupil just letting it rip letting it all out when you got the chance to uh was a [Music] meter ow why did you predict that you should react CRA anticlimactic way of defeating my pupil that was so easy that was like that was like walking at the park instead of freaking running for two hours non-stop well dogs are chasing you [ __ ] off Liu Kang I hope you game men yourself you must die so it he was going to use that he was going to use that move what you call which is what he used to kill shaan onto Raiden oopsies I I didn't hold back my uh ra come on your projectile is supposed to suck ra you should just use like a poof and that could have done well and of course please use your please use your healing magic here and Liu Kang's Last Words is to curse him have killed us all as his last words he curses Raiden hey hey new contract new New Soul New Soul added to the nether realm thanks thank you Raiden you're so nice and is Johnny Sonia please please stay stay back stay back stay back oh my gosh you two are idiots thank you just stay back please you guys will have your time to shine in MKX okay your useless pathetic losers right now okay after chapter 1 and two you two are literally useless please leave us alone please leave me alone thank you [ __ ] oh oh oh my gosh look assassine oh oh my [Music] gosh yeah amulet no a no the force snake the force snake spent really good money on that the other gods are really dicks here they should show up like right now but instead they they waited for like a whole entire minute of shon torturing Raiden until they showed up so many tosses if I were making YouTube poop here I like keep tossing him just slam it it down shaah just slam it down right now and you can prevent Raiden from becoming super op here dude gosh I fing hate the Elder Gods it's like they take so long to finally actually be like oh wait a second they're actually breaking shon's actually breaking the rules and then not only do they not come down themselves to just wipe out sha just instantly get rid of him or like anything no they give power to Raiden to have him beat up shaan I appreciate him giving back his hat though ah feels good this massage feels really good yeah massage my titties today I become the elder god oh boy ow okay leave me alone oh please why am I using that move [Music] oh crap it's going to hurt what the [Music] heck [Music] [Music] I actually almost out in there but I keep failing my combos but accidentally every time I teleport is actually a good thing here ow I T you [Music] I'm dead ah dang it I almost had him almost had him at least for one round dang it stop this Hammer move is really annoying [Music] [Music] dang it stop it I am trying to teleport what the heck I need I'm sick of this [ __ ] get out of [Music] here please stop messing up this combo it's like easiest combo in the freaking history and I keep messing it up I mean it's not that easy but [Music] still [Music] okay first round for me [Music] baby you suck I don't know man as a final boss you kind of suck too buddy [Music] I don't know man as a final bus you kind of freaking suck you suck you're so bad actually suck shaon every single one of you who told me you're going to have a bad time with shiaa oh GG Sonic XD is going to [ __ ] fumble he's going to he's going to have the hardest time with shut up okay shut up you all warned me on the wrong one okay the freaking hardest one was Jack Striker and cabal all gang banging on top of me that is the hardest thing in this okay every single 2v one in this freaking mode was the hardest thing every single boss Goro canaro shaan easy as pie so easy my goodness it's literally playing cheap in the correct way you can't you have to actually have somewhat skills when you're fighting the 2v ons but skill won't matter against these bosses because they're cheap so you have to play cheap against cheap that's it that is the way you handle him and I'm a okay with handling that [ __ ] oh my gosh my head is so dizzy how long did I stay in the freaking nether real my goodness ah yes clearing up the skies that's that's literally how I feel right now finally this [ __ ] is over although in my opinion that really wasn't too bad at all like literally at all it was the my the the the biggest struggle for that was my own competence of getting my combo down for some reason I just couldn't where is it that wait wait wait wait wait wait the freaking amulet shattered onto the ground did it like reform and then teleport all the way back to your clothes like a freaking hat oh goodness gracious h it's [ __ ] story oh that's right this this is a story mode yeah I have to freaking focus on that yeah gosh yeah yeah I don't know replaying this you know I'll talk about more about it like after this credits is done come let us T we must help our build we must tend the others only just begun and within like a week or so we're going to have to face shinok so good luck guys dun dun dun added to my collection it was all part of the plan your plan is perfect shinok we trapped him in nether so long that he kind of felt desperate at the end neither Earth realm nor outworld can now withstand the nether Realms Onslaught oh oh Onslaught oh Onslaught teased uh freaking 12 years ago oh my gosh and there we freaking go oh you know what honestly it's like my my playthrough was literally 50% of just my gameplay I didn't give a [ __ ] what was happening in the story mode I've gone through this story mode like maybe four or five times already I know it like in and out and I say that but at the same time like I actually can remember and can pinpoint a lot of things that happened within the MK1 and MK2 portion of the story my mind is completely blanked out about MK3 so when I play through that I'm I'm like oh now I know why my mind is completely blanked out of MK3 because literally nothing happens that's really that important until the cindel massacre like that's how bad and boring it is yeah this this ending like this whole third Act of the entire game is pretty bad I I now that I'm playing through it again I really feel that way it's so like we don't know what to do but that's just but we're going to we're going to we're going to make it a very very very like dark and sad ending because obviously the the more ah the brighter ending would have been everybody wins Liu K defeats shaan and everyone's happy but instead they went with the whole like we need to change things we need to go with something new and so Raiden has to try to prevent these things but in the end he made the he he definitely he had some bad choices and that's why it got almost like everyone killed basically like like that's I don't know I think that might be like an intentional thing like this is a darker ending that we're just like we're going to kill off all these fan favorite characters and we're even going to like freaking make Liu Kang feel like Raiden is like gone mad and betrayed and like Raiden kills him it doesn't really work in my opinion when you're rebooting the series like obviously your choices now result in what what happens in MKX and sort of what happens in MK1 but in my opinion MK1 was bound to be that Time time travel shenanigan mess it is I don't think it really matters for MK9 or maybe it did because they killed off so many characters yeah that that third Act really sucks ass in my opinion but yeah I I'll go more deep dive into this overall I um I think MK9 as a story if you just want to get like a glimpse or like you want to go through what what what if you want to understand what H what's the plot between mk12 and 3 it's fine it's it's fine it's actually not a bad way to experience it heck it might be one of the more more official ways cuz the other ways I can think of of course the 95 movie I think depicts the first tournament the best so that that still takes it home in my opinion I can't believe I'm about to say this but some of the things I think maybe battle the Realms does better compared to the MK2 portion but at the same time I think the MK2 portion of this is also like fine what other depictions of MK2 are there I remember shot monks has a bit of that too in it and then Annihilation doesn't Annihilation just goes straight to MK3 uh who who freaking cares the point is I just played the game so I don't I can't really come with the conclusion of how I feel about the story just yet I'll do that in my sucks video I'll when I analyze my freaking footage for now all I can tell you is I am freaking suffering through that story mode Gameplay at least my gosh I am so freaking tired I genuinely okay I'm not really good at fighting games and I don't really pick them up that often and play them like for a long term so I thought it'd be kind of entertaining to just try to do that for the story mode would not recommend it like at all I I feel like if you don't have a single grasp on either the basic fundamentals of the game because I it's like oh you got to block High block low oh you got to use a sweep you got to use the uppercut it's like all these sort of things and you got to know what your opponent's doing and when the computer is expert they all 80% of the time they will know exactly what you're going to do like I think I think some fights I did it's like I every single move I did they counter counter counter counter and then they can just kill me and it and it's kind of BS I mean eventually I did find some things that the AI do that I could take into account like when I fight Kwan I block a lot because he's going to teleport and I can just punish him for that when I play it against like uh sindelle I could reflect her projectiles cuz she kept using them when I fought against like Molina I can never use projectiles cuz the moment I use it like instantly frame one she'll just teleport onto me like despite that BS that they have it is something that you can learn from and that's kind of why I slowly adapted to it that's how that's how I learned through the fromsoft bosses he he overall I um I'm I'm somewhat very tired and feel suffer but I feel very triumphant too because I did it I freaking went through the story mode in the hardest difficulty and in my opinion I don't even think the bosses were the hardest part I don't think canaro Goro shaan I don't think they were that hard I mean they're hard but they're BS but they have a pattern so you can understand their BS and that's why I felt like I could handle them whereas the CPUs is the Players it's just like they just combo you they just do teleporter they just shoot things they just it's super fast so it's like there's no way you can react yeah you can't block stomping but you can jump but you know how to handle that kind of stuff and eventually yeah you will win because like when you keep when you keep playing it you eventually learn I'm trying to make like a stupid ass speech it's how I beat Dark Souls bosses this is like the same way I just keep trial and arrow trial and arrow and eventually I'll get them for some reason the CPU is like for me cuz I'm bad at fighting games so I had to have that fighting game basic skills but that didn't work out here but for the bosses I think it worked out very well very well so maybe I can't believe I'm saying this when I challenge the the the tower 300 it won't be that bad because I won't treat it like a fighting game I'll freaking treat it like a Dark Souls game I don't really know what I'm saying right now I'm just rambling a bunch of [ __ ] I'm just oh I'm so happy it's [ __ ] over well I mean I it's not technically over I still have the Tower of 300 but I really didn't think it' take me this long to get through the story mode but I mean I hope it will make for an entertaining video honestly like I said overall my feeling is just very very tired very very defeated but also very very triumphant because I finally finished it I finally did it I beat it as expert mode as a freaking Noob one of my Twitter followers says if I played it in expert mode I'll get like reptile dancing in front of my screen as an after credit scene I must say I'm a bit disappointed what was the hardest challenge in this whole entire game play definitely the ROM 3v1 I'm very glad it wasn't 6V one and there was actually a gap between the first three battles and the last three why the freak did JX become like one of the strongest characters to fight like what the hell was up with that actually have I ever fought Jax in the story mode no I think about it I I don't think so so that's the only time you fight against him huh maybe that's why in my opinion ja new uh and Scorpion were like the hardest CPS to go against Molina was a [ __ ] too Molina actually could call every single one of your moves and was very very very very very annoying really every every CPU was kind of hard Johnny was very easy for some reason oh Baraka at first wasn't hard but later on he became very very difficult to handle to be fair I didn't know how to play Jackson Jade yeah Jackson Jade to me was like really miserable because I didn't know how to play them I didn't look up their combos or anything like that so I I was just stuck with like their zoning but since they're since they're super hard CPU so like their their anti- zoning capabilities were like super op and I don't know I couldn't look up any guys for Jack so I had no idea how to combo or command grab with him which made him really miserable for me anyways um I guess that was fun I did it yay but I'm also kind of happy to finally just put this freaking controller down and do something else such as the freaking challenge tower yay I'm not doing it now I'm not freaking doing it now challenge tower wait I actually earned some money how does this work exactly oh you can skip it ah okay I'll keep that in mind but anyways ladies and gentlemen that is all the time I've got thank you all so much for watching and I hope you enjoyed my [Music] suffering that was Bye by the way [Music] bye
Channel: SonicHaXD
Views: 152,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mortal Kombat, MK9, Mortal Kombat 9, Mortal Kombat 9 All Cutscenes, Mortal Kombat 9 Cutscenes, Mortal Kombat 9 Movie, Mortal Kombat Movie, Mortal Kombat 9 Story, Mortal Kombat 9 Story All Cutscenes, Mortal Kombat 9 Story Cutscenes, Mortal Kombat 9 Full Movie, Mortal Kombat 9 All Cutscenes Movie, Mortal Kombat 11, MK11, Mortal Kombat 2011, SonicHaXD, Scorpion
Id: Qaqxu3UP1Sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 7sec (3427 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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