Explaining Quote Mining to Idiots

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recently Thunderfoot and i have been accused of quote mining certain feminists by idiots and individuals I know who are not idiots and in fact should know better so I thought I'd take the time to explain what quote mining is and categorically refute to these claims as usual the sources for this video will be in the description with timestamps are applicable please feel free to double check my work for yourself the most common definition I've seen for quote mining can be found on Wikipedia the practice of quoting out of context is an informal fallacy and a type of false attribution in which a passage is removed from its surrounding matter in such a way as to distort its intended meaning now this is pretty straightforward it's the act of taking something someone has said out of context in order to make it seem to your audience that they are saying something they're actually not so this is the accusation that's being laid against me have you seen a de troupe who get up pretty much busting out Sargon for fabricating a misquoting all raw last month I'll happen nobody doesn't surprise me that he'd want to be stuck in trains but what I mean sir what the tactics he's able to picked up from Thunder curtains o'clock morning - fuck well he basically freaking Court liners the hell out of ARRIRAW completely distorting the meaning of the speech and I have a clip here exposes it and I'm going to be pulling it right now so I've been accused of completely distorting aaron ross view let's see what the clip is I almost did comment on the last video sent to me by someone that was from this content provider the video had no content of any real substance so I was going to take a pass but then I saw this clip and I said AHA means the the best place to find the guilty male feminist is in the a theism Plus movement if you are you are assesses by leverage that's was atheism plus heavy weights Aaron rah attempting to just simply this content provider had just either outright lied for profit or he was being so grossly negligent in his research that he didn't even bother and get his facts straight on something too straightforward everyone knows iron raw and myself for that matter spoke out against the atheism plus movement when it came out we probably still speak out against it to this day if it still existed so I pulled together the evidence showing that this was the case and using a do journalistic diligence that's rare to see in this world today I contacted iron and Londo and asked him for a quote do you journalistic diligence indeed he's absolutely right I was under the mistaken impression that Aaron row was a supporter of atheism plus I was wrong which is why I posted a correction in the video description shortly after the video in live and I found this new information this is what I always do with an update so when people look in their subscription box and they seen one of my videos they will also see the word update in capitals in the description to be fair I could probably go and find the timestamp of the place where the update is taking place and put it on as an annotation but I'm fucking lazy just because this chap didn't see it doesn't mean it wasn't that but that wasn't really the issue I was responding to the issue the accusation was that I had quote mind Aaron raw if you're willing a comment I can't hold it then you should be willing to comment on this well I agree with you so let me explain why you're wrong racists assume limitations license potential based on your ethnicity and the impose restrictions when they again - a divorce - such as - the same thing this time applying double standards according to Jim that's why women have traditionally been denied certain jobs and denied equal pay you those jobs why there are no students for women's social mediator as opposed to men and why there is a glass ceiling preventing women and minorities reaching the other rooms of the corporate ladder regardless of their qualifications or achievements there is one significant way that racism in sex is marketed there is no word for a non racist there is a word for an onset and what do we think that Karen rah thinks the word for a non-sexist is I can't we still on 85 castles with reason was there's so many different definitions and then are you wrong that just because you're not a feminist doesn't mean that you're a sexist my friend DDR Jones jumped on that comment like lawyer that he is and will ever have a dozen different dictionaries all of which take the exact same one and only definition that I use a feminist is one who advocates equal rights and treatment for women that's it that's the only definition there is or ever was although there is colonialism that doesn't is the radical idea to lunar people to now you look at the actual evidence today you'll see that a non Venice is someone who does not advocate gender equality meaning that they will accept gender inequality which is exactly what sexism is and I'm right again if you are not you've noticed you are assesses by definition I don't see how I can make it any more clear that Aaron rah actually believes that if you are not a feminist you're a sexist and he has laid out his rationale for it so if I just take the end quote you are you are assesses by leverage this is not a misrepresentation of aaron ross views he went into great detail explaining why he holds this view to claim I misrepresented him is intellectually dishonest but I do agree with this chap in one regard they were coming from a position that when there was absolutely no point in addressing what this content provider said because there's no reasoning with someone like this or his fan base and I agree with them I knew that going into the conversation but I was coming from the position that like with the creationist or snake handlers or the House of Representatives you know people who hold a rational beliefs with a dogmatic certainty it's our duty as those who pursue the goals of the adoption of reason critical thinking and the pursuit of knowledge by everyone that we expose ignorant sin corruption wherever we see it I couldn't agree more every word really is projection isn't it the desperate desperate attempt to protect these dogmatic beliefs leads to these levels of self delusion and I definitely think that the very brave feminists in the Atheist movement it was so quick to call out creationism but won't have their own dogmas challenged should keep running so the second accusation was against Thunderfoot for quote mining in ether sarkeesian when he used this short clip in one of his videos everything a sexist everything is racist everything is homophobic and you have to point it all out use this quote in a satirical way in a video lambasting anita sarkeesian here's the quote in its full context each video in this new series will be between 10 and 20 minutes long with well researched in-depth analysis angels II study after study showing that I'm not just making this up out of thin air after all because everything is sexist everything is sexist everything is racist everything is homophobic and you have to point it all out yes that's right if everything is sexist than the United Nations and Google IDs the allegation is that any sarkeesian does not actually hold these views and they going to prove this by playing the clip in its wider context I'm intrigued by Anita I'll come back to you Jamel is moment read by Anita saying she had to learn about systems he had to learn about the sociology of systems and structural change and it was obviously quite a journey for you yeah absolutely I sort of joke about how it was the most liberating thing that ever happened to me and also the most frustrating for everyone around me because like when you start learning about systems everything is sexist everything is racist everything is homophobic and you have to point it all out to everyone all the time so there's a good year of my life there's a good year of my life where it was just I was the most obnoxious person to be around and then you you you settle into it you start to understand like oh people have been living within these systems and it was just sort of a liberating moment for me that clip absolutely proves that Thunderfoot was not quote mining any sarkeesian she literally thinks we are living in these systems and went around pointing it out to everyone for a year until she realized that people have been living within these systems and therefore and do not see them they do not think everything is racist and sexist and her pointing it out at every given opportunity was turning her into a giant fucking downer she was acting towards them as if there was some kind of imminent danger they needed to be warned about by virtue of these systems being apparently racist and sexist it's not that she doesn't think they aren't it's that it's not worth losing friendships over her being insufferable and while she may have been being hyperbolic for effect she does still think that everything is racist and everything sexist at least within the sphere of gender relations which is what we're discussing when we're discussing feminism the video we've just watched was mirrored by a chap called Xena Strad because he agreed with the points made in it and he then went on to make this defense of said video recently however I did get a bunch of comments saying that it wasn't a quote mine because the original context still left the original meaning intact now for those of you who don't realize what it was what Thunderfoot was doing was basically he was taking a clip of Anita sarkeesian of saying everything is racist everything is sexist everything is homophobic and you have to point it all out and presenting that as though was proof that she actually believes that everything is racist sexist or homophobic excetera full context the quote if you actually look at the clip was her talking about on how she behaved when she initially started learning about social systems and how this was the attitude that she initially took but then she realized that taking that attitude made her really really obnoxious and of course why wouldn't it make you up not just everyone's gonna think that you're kind of noxious if you go around stinging that literally everything in the world is sexist um and that she kind of had to learn that uh she had to pick her battles so to speak and basically she after that she also said that she kind of settled into that whatever that means and realized that people live in these social systems so they're naturally going to be hostile um now people took this to mean that she still actually believed that everything is racist and everything is sexist and everything is homophobic and are saying that the full context the quote where she admitted that she still acknowledged the existence of these social systems means that she still thinks that everything is racist or sexist or homophobic etc um which she literally does think she made it abundantly clear and you accurately represented and it still is abundantly clear but I really like the next part of the video where Xena Stroud explains that that can't be what she thinks because that would be really fucking stupid and he goes into great detail about this to show why people are in opposition to Anita sarkeesian when you're talking about social system you're talking about generalities a social system is a broad pattern of interrelationships and institutions and when you're talking about broad patterns it's something that will be useful in predicting certain behaviors or certain social interactions but it's never going to be 100% able to predict every single person's behavior so right away if you're talking about a social system it is not something that you can be used a social system is not something that can be used to predict patterns 100% it is some not something that can be used to claim that everything is sexist if you're talking about a social system that perpetuates sexism because if you do that then your take you are taking something that is by definition a generality a broad observation and applying it to be universal you're applying it universally to every single thing individually and that's not how social systems work and I think anyone who has studied social systems wouldn't know that yes that is exactly why she is wrong send a stroke you have hit the nail on the head it would be stupid to do this she is an ideologue she doesn't really understand the thing she's talking about and she is miss applying them constantly it's just like Laci green saying everything is problematic truth is literally everyone everything is problematic and the feminist ideologue solution to this is that these systems must change it's important to acknowledge problematic aspects and not make excuses for them and initiate the discussion about what could and should change this is precisely what Anita sarkeesian was at the UN advocating for sexism and misogyny did not start with the internet right it's been around for a long time and the end feminists for decades have been challenging these male-dominated systems so what we're seeing is that the internet is providing new ways to commit the same types of violence right and so understanding that this is a cultural that we really need to see a big cultural shift in how we deal with this creating a cultural shift I think it takes a number a great number of approaches and we've been hearing a lot about systemic change and that makes me really happy because I think that that's really how we have to do this Zenoss trod these feminist ideologues literally think that the systems are sexist and need to change these are their literal opinions nothing is being misrepresented these people are stupid and wrong stop defending them
Channel: Sargon of Akkad
Views: 272,519
Rating: 4.9312162 out of 5
Keywords: funny, stupid, feminism, mra, news, comedy, politics, hilarious
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 0sec (900 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2016
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