Explaining how to make Link FLY (and more)

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um well i'm good to go whenever we can just start whenever i press new game here this is gonna be a dedicated glitch showcase run so there's no official timing we can start whenever i press new game and it's gonna count us down from three so three two one [Music] yep here we go so um the thing that i am most excited about we already slightly touched on it is whenever there's breath of the wild speed running on a gdq event it's usually always a snapshot it's a snapshot from where the game stands right now um and that obviously always evolves like this one year people used this strategy to move around this other year people use this one um but there's actually a lot of threads that have never made it into one of those runs because they were found and then something else was found that this was like more optimal for a specific run and it never was really shown and i'm going to be basically showing everything here and obviously when i say everything this is impossible there's like so many glitches i picked out a lot of them that i think are either impressive to look at or even some that i think are very easy to learn for people at home that maybe want to learn a new glitch uh to show off uh which is why i'm gonna be taking extra time to explain everything yes and that's what we make a lot of time for if any of you here uh tend to watch the show have watched episodes before you will know that we are um we we love speed runs but we love learning about the speed runs and the thing behind the things behind them the glitches that go into them so we're not about pbs on the show we're about like the actual breakdowns it was so much more fun so we always have people coming in being like why aren't they going fast why did they stop and it's like well you see we want to get into the meat of it so that's what that's exactly exactly so in this first room what's the first thing we're gonna do the first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna be escaping the shrine of resurrection and usually people do that by going through the door uh that's the that's the version that makes sense but um we're not gonna be doing that we're gonna be clipping through this wall so basically when a run starts um we immediately do the first glitch and the one that we're gonna be doing is a scope clip this is actually a thing in many different speed runs when you use first person in a game in this case the scope feature usually link gets like placed behind the camera the camera gets positioned where link is moving links slightly back so by running into the corner of this wall and then opening the scope at the right time we can basically flip through the wall and this is extremely useful because not only is there another door we would have to open which is a 40 second cut scene but the cutscene trigger for the big opening cut scene that everybody knows it shows the logo it shows you the massive overworld it's a very small cutscene trigger and by clipping out of this room and then climbing up the wall on the side here we will be able to completely skip this cutscene throughout the entire play through unless we come back here and enter the cutscene trigger we won't be doing that which um is going to be in our favor because this cutscene has a flag basically attached to it that holds the game to stop at 5 00 am so this is how the game looks at 5 a.m the game wants the opening cut scene to always look like this is like very pretty with the sun uh it looks very um nice but by dodging that cutscene the game will never start the time so it will always be 5 am and this is actually specifically nice for like a showcase like this everybody that has played this game will know that it becomes a lot harder at night because at night we have these like random spawns of the skeleton enemies uh the keys or like the bats start flying around everywhere they can be super annoying specifically the electric ones so having those out of the way is nice so for a hundred percent doesn't that mean you have to start the timer though or do you not do it right yes no you do uh in 100 you would watch that cutscene okay uh but we're not going to be doing that today because the concert that i'm going to be playing um doesn't need a time the time to start right awesome and um another big advantage of this is because we haven't watched the first cutscene um the weather is also going to be consistent which is great because everybody knows how bad rain can be and it's only going to be raining in specific areas that are hard coded for it to rain um like the source domain basically for example exactly that it would still be raining there like the planes with the um like mushroomy trees those ones that would still work it would still be thunderstorming there and there's this other like shrine where you have to get struck by lightning oh right that would also would still rain there but in most of the overworld it wouldn't be raining so i'm just moving along here pretty much um i'm moving towards one of the shrines and the thing is this zelda just talked to us and told us to go and follow the sheikah slade and the sheikah slate is currently showing us the location of the great plateau tower which um if we open the map we don't have the map right now it's like over here so i'm not really there right now i'm going to the stasis shrine and the reason i do this is because it's faster and this is something we do in the speed run because um activating the great plateau tower comes obviously with like lots of cutscenes and then once you get those cut scenes when you land on the ground the um old man the mysterious old man shows up and tells us what to do but in speedruns we go to the shrine right away there's only one problem which is we can't enter um because the lights here is still off you can't actually enter the shrine yet um so what do we do we have to somehow find a way in any way and this is where like the first big glitch happens and this is what we call shield clipping and it uses a mechanic called skew so i just did a shield jump on this like sloped wall this is a um a pretty steep slope and i shield jump kind of against the slope but because i never properly ended the shield serve by like pressing b the game has remembered link's position during that shield surf so it was basically shield serving against the war now if i now jump shield jump and unequip my shield that position on that wall will be replayed you will see this here when i unequip how link was kind of like flicking to the right i do it again just so people can see it better flick to the right that was the position he was in when i was shield surfing on the slope and when this position gets replayed after it gets replayed link also flicks back and that flick back is what we use to push link through walls oh wow so i should serve there at a specific position to now be able to set link up accordingly towards the wall do the shield jump again and if i do it right which stays this clip can be weird sometimes that flick will push me inside the wall and now the door the i'm sorry using the axe does that help with your position yeah that's just for the the setup to actually position link um okay on the wall accordingly awesome so this is where they kind of messed up like they disabled this they disabled this terminal but the elevator is not disabled so we can actually just enter the elevator which looks kind of funny this way because link's just kind of walking in place but you just have to examine it you're good to go yeah eventually he will enter [Laughter] amazing and um the thing is if we do this for all four shrines we will still get the paraglider and i can know it out because we have like some long cutscenes here a little bit about the great plateau the great plateau skip has always been the holy grail specifically for any percent speed running because 50 of the speed run is doing the grey plateau watching these cut scenes and unlocking these runes so the problem is and people always misunderstand this i think gymnasts did a video on this very early on which is still the best explanation the great plateau is around the great plateau is not a barrier the great plateau is basically like an inverted death cube which sounds scary but it is kind of what it is so when you start the game for the first time um as long as you're on the great plateau you're good to go whenever you're anywhere else in the world but the great plateau let's say in hyrule castle in a death mountain in zora's domain the game will void you out and send you back to the great plateau and till you have the paraglider as soon as you get the paraglider yeah that's inverted that cube will not be there anymore you can go wherever you want to go and um there has never been a way to skip this you can actually leave the grey plateau for a little bit and chill in like specific places of the world but um as soon as you um try to move away a little bit further as soon as you leave that cube you will get voided out end up back on the beginning of the great platoon you bet you have to do these drawings you have to do these shrines and uh you can also not this is something that people ask you can also not skip the rune back there in the beginning and just walk here uh because the monk will literally tell you to get the rune it won't give you the spirit orb until you get the rune as well so you can't skip any runes you can't skip any monks um and i talked about earlier there is actually ways now to enter shrines that are still underground so some people ask hey can you not enter the dlc shrine so dlc has like four shrines on the great plateau can you not enter those early and then get the paraglider faster this way and you can't because what the game tracks for in order to decide if it wants to give you the paraglider is not spirit orbs but and we'll see this in a second here um it checks for how many shrines you have completed interesting fact here we wait a little bit to this is for every shrine we wait a little bit to skip the cutscene because it's faster but here if we see the shrine symbol there's a spirit up symbol and the shrine symbol the shrine symbol is what the game checks for this has to be at four so the game will give you the paraglider but dlc shrines don't increase that counter because 120 is the max um so there's no way basically right now to skip the great patrol and we have no lead uh it's probably not going to happen for a while but we never know with this game but that's the least where we stand right now so we have to do all four basic shrines and get the runes um so now you've never met this person um based on how you played and you just asked him for a paraglider exactly and i have no idea who this could possibly be just seems like a suspicious old man of course no idea but yeah um uh as far as the the great platoon is concerned again there is technically ways to leave this plateau for a little bit but you won't get far and all of the theories like even if you technically found a way to wrong warp into the final boss fight the second you would get there you would still get voided out because you don't have the paraglider so it's it's looking really bad as fast but let's talk about some movement glitches so we have now clipped to the wall we've got no first rune and stasis has in the past been the most useful rune for movement because you can use it on an object charge that object up and in this case i'm gonna change the direction of the object a little bit and then just ride the boulder for example that's like the most that's the classic way to move around in the game stays as an object and use that momentum to our advantage right but you can't usually stay on it directly you have to don't you often like do a jump right before or something it just matters that you basically stand in the right spot like they i tried to stand basically exactly in the direction the arrow was sending me so there's like no collision i was just like still standing on top of it that works pretty well okay the next straight is going to be a little bit different and this has been shown off at gdqs before so this is a bullet time bounce let's pause for a second because usually people this split and this is exactly a good point for why the show is great in my opinion this blitz has like six tricks right in like a minute there's like six major tricks in a minute and they just happen and when you see this in a real run you don't even know what's happening but we actually get to slow down and talk about this so a bullet time bounce is a trick where we we we hit an enemy with our shield in bullet time and the enemy is usually ragdolling so it's like falling over when the enemy ragdolls the hitbox of the enemy pushes link away and this always happens if you just shield jump on this bokoblin it will push link away like a tiny bit but bullet time in this game messes up the speed that you get from this interaction if this interaction happens in bullet time so link lands on the shield on an enemy in bullet time he goes really far like really far can you explain just it's just like another definition of bullet time again so bullet time this game is just basically using your bow mid-air if you do that the game slows down when it slows down right right and you can um you can aim at your targets better right that's what bullet time is called and because the time gets slowed down it's easily done probably that the game does some miscalculations of the speed so um this trick only works on frozen enemies because frozen enemies are the only enemies so when you hit them with a shield they fall over with the only exception of the red bokoblin this is the weakest enemy in the game and a normal shield jump on top of them will make them fall over or wreck door as we call it and thankfully there's three redbuck hoblins here so i'm gonna lure these pokolins in a spot by shooting my arrow on the grounds and then shield jump on top of them and just before i hit them i will use my bow button to get into bullet time um so i this can take maybe one or two tries so i'm gonna shoot specific spots here wait for them to walk up and then just as i'm about to hit them here i went to the bullet time right so as soon as i'm going to collide with this pokemon there's going to be a little orange spark i'm going to press y which is the button that makes link shield spin that will stop the bullet time from being active and i messed it up because i pressed it too early because i was too much too focused on explaining but obviously also usually i don't pause the game right before so this is not how this looks like the same steps again now but without the pausing um and then we will actually see link go into the skies we've i've definitely had other guests that have that that have that happen as well they're like well usually i don't pause and it's much more consistent because exactly so we're drawing them over and then you yeah do they hit and you fall and ride and this is how far we go now pretty far um obviously this is not how far you usually go the only reason we go this fast because of the bullet time so we use bullet time to speed link up a lot and now we're in the air and we realize we don't have a glider so this is kind of bad because even though we are going really fast the game still keeps track of hole damage thankfully there's a way to prevent this too which is by doing something called a fall damage cancer so by throwing your weapon like i did there you can already see link just basically was about to throw his weapon away and then unequip an item for example the shield the fall damage will not happen this is i don't know exactly the game mechanics that happened there but essentially the second when i unequipped the shield there the game uh recalculated the fall damage so the second i did that is when the game actually thought this is where i started falling from so it was only like a meter or something so i didn't take any full damage interesting yeah it must be like priority base yeah something along those lines and it's actually good that this failed because i didn't even get to explain it this is going to be another shield clip i'm still going to go a little bit faster because it's cold here and we don't have gear to protect us from the cold right for a pause but same mechanic there's a slope here i just used my shield and jumped on that slope so this skew position is saved again so the difference here is uh we can actually go for something here called an extended shield clip and i don't know if my skew is good for this it doesn't look great right now nope let me get rid of my skew yeah oh okay um looks like i was waiting um on my end but it looks like uh it was not on my end so i just wanted to make sure um looks like lim is um not with us for the moment uh we'll see what happens i know everybody hang on oh no oh no is it beg okay here we go hi lin hello hello okay hello uh yeah it looks like things are still kind of correcting um okay thank you this should only happen once i don't know if there was like sometimes i get this random reset but it only happens really and i think that wasn't perfect though because we're still on the ideal frame for me to explain this i never unpause the game okay well um okay let's go which is great so so this um is the frame i'm looking for it's again a shield jump and um by pausing the game exactly on this frame i'm able to do six backflips and do nothing uh this actually happens sometimes the uh extended shield clip is pretty hard but the advantage is kind of obvious in the previous shrine when i went for the clip i was only able to clip into the side of the shrine and then i still had to actually enter the elevator but if you get the extended shoe clip and again it's framed perfect and not super consistent lots of runners won't go for this but i wanted to show it off let's see again this should be the right frame link is like half on the wall yes not not getting lucky yet but you can see the idea so this wall unfortunately is actually hopefully i gotta save here uh because my shield is also breaking this wall um the door wall is thicker than the wall on the side so the side wall is thin we can clip through with a normal shield clip uh which i did for the stasis drawing the first train but um the uh the door is thicker so you can't just um i'm panicking now whenever like something is happening on my stream but i think should be fine um the wall is thicker so um we need that extended shield to make this work i hope i can get it it looks a little bit cursed right now and now i'm too committed though it's okay i mean again feel free to take multiple attempts for stuff like this and then also um my question was gonna be why the door in this one and the wall on the other one because i know you said that it is different point of entry or like you know so in stasis and stasis after we um in stasis after we clipped through the wall i was able to kind of enter to the elevator right away so i could actually enter the elevator to be remember link was like kind of stuck in the ground for cryonis you can't do that because the elevator is too high so you have to do two shield clips usually okay i don't know what's going on at this point um you have to do two shield clips to um make it to the elevator okay but um if you clip through the door that is obviously not the case okay we eventually got it but uh usually that either works for us try or it doesn't but we made it eventually my only problem right now is my shield we might have to get a little backup um nice because it's low yeah okay awesome well there you go okay so it's the same concept as the first one just at a different angle and like you said the walls and it's frame perfect the other one is not frame perfect you just have to unequip your shield um but hitting that right frame to be stuck in the door so what basically happens is you you are stuck in the door and um you do another shield jump mid-air that's why it's frame perfect i have to time when i'm halfway through the door and i do another shield jump mid air so it's basically two shield jumps stacked on top of each other we just didn't it was just very hard to tell that this that you did that second jump because you were probably in the middle of it exactly you can you can't really see it as a jump because when it happens you're like in the wall okay this is gonna be really hard um because my shield is probably gonna break on me let's see what i can do ideally what we will do here is do this little serve and then jump from the rising cryonis block to reach the wall of oh i have no idea how that still worked but i take it and i did not think i had enough height there but we still got it so we did basically a shield jump of the rising cryoness block to get even more height to take that little shortcut so instead of going like around we can jump up right away this is like a super early stretch how do you make sure that your timing is correct to get that like maximum height it's a little lenient but not very lenient i think when people first start learning any percent this is surprisingly one of the hardest tricks yeah like the the bullet time bonuses where you fly through the entire map look really cool but they are honestly easier a lot of them than what this just was but with muscle memory and like understanding how the cryoblock crayonus block uh rises from the water you will be able to right understand it and i feel like just even the timing switching between like activating the cryonics and being able to jump on it and like like do the shield jump with the in time i guess i i should say exactly all in time before it gets too high up um i think i feel like would be difficult there's another bullet time yeah i was focusing on the timing there because this one is pretty tight timing i got a really good angle though so if we get super lucky i doubt it but if we get super lucky i might be able to show off something else um this is the almost ideal angle you can have a little bit more height i can't believe that this worked out wow so this is pretty rare this is what we call unloaded magnesius and it just walked in right i i had able to do that is because i went there so fast that the shrine wasn't loaded in properly i couldn't explain there because if i had paused the game uh the shrine would have loaded in yeah but this is actually rare um so how do you do nowadays so usually you clip as well and for this one most runners go for those two shield clips the only shrine that people clip in through the door is cryonis because like i said that strat is hard it's frame perfect and um for cryoness um it at least is somewhat consistent for the other shrines people go for the double clip i will also do that actually i won't do that for bombs because i'm going to show something else but um yeah that was really cool actually i did not expect that to happen i need to also talk about the fact that what i'm doing here is the original any percent route the current world record uses this route but there's currently some people are currently working on a change uh of the any percent routes with a news threat that i haven't shown yet i will explain it completely after the great plateau okay um because i wanted to take some time for that that's the strat that i talked about the one that wasn't shown during the last gdq but yeah this is this is the route that the current world record uses for any percent and these uh this unloaded magnesium shrine would kill countless runs like even if you go there all the way like i did sometimes the shrine still randomly loads in and then you obviously lose time this was like the fastest possible because i didn't even have to clip i could just run in yeah i see so yeah somebody wanted to know how much time it saved like for you to land and actually go in unloaded it really depends i i'd say for most people this saves like 10 15 seconds because it's usually how long it takes most people to set up the clip and then actually do the clip but if you're really fast at the clip you get everything first try you're super quick it doesn't save it maybe saves like more like eight to ten but it definitely is nice and also the magnesius clip is one of the most annoying ones so being able to not have to do that is great but yeah we um have made it past magnesius which is the third train there's still one more shrine and we're gonna be using stasis again for this um which i used earlier but this time we won't be going up we will be going horizontal we're basically building ourselves a little surfboard with this metal slab and then we're going to be going for another one of those bullet time bounces this one here is a bit annoying because we as you can see we don't shoot an arrow first we just kind of wait for this pokemon to walk up to us um and his back will be facing the perfect direction for us to go to the bomb shrine awesome and again the fall damage cancel i explained that earlier right throwing a weapon and then unequipping your item allows us to avoid taking fall damage here now this is going to be interesting i don't know okay let's hope for the best okay what i did there is when i shield jumped on this wall to again set up a shield clip i unequipped and then re-equip my shield super quickly this way sometimes you can save durability obviously each every weapon and even shields in this game of durability by quickly unequipping and re-equipping mid-air you trick the game and you don't lose durability if i didn't do that it would probably um probably be broken now but it didn't actually it looks like i didn't get skew yep you can see and link when i'm shield jumping here it's not moving at all there's no flick like earlier so we'll have to do this again and hope again that our shield survives looks good and we'll try this again and this time we got in and this is a this is a showcase right like now i can't enter the elevator oh it's too high it's too high like this is the case for the other trains as well so we have to do a second shield clip to get in oh wow and that was so fast it was still pretty fast but it doesn't um it doesn't look slow like you just said but it's still faster to only clip once which is why if you can get the clip through the door first try in cryonis it is faster but doesn't always happen for sure um with the durability thing yeah i'm curious this was something in chat um can you do that with any weapon or shield or anything any shield um there is other ways that i'm going to be talking about later to manipulate and multiply durability for any equipment in the game um you can make you can make extremely high durability weapons that otherwise would be low durability and a trick that we will be working towards later but um for now this this what i just did uh the little shield jump unequipped rear equip thing uh that only works for shields okay so we just unlocked the bombs rune and i said before in the past stasis was our number one rune for movement bombs is now by far and not only because of what i'm gonna do here the best rune for movement in this game um since we are in a shrine um we're gonna be using uh the wind bomb technique here which we can only do by using bombs and i will slow down for this um you can shut off more than once as well i mean i know we'll see later on as exactly we'll see tons of them that's going to be our main movement in the overworld but what we will essentially be doing is we're going to be lining up two bombs in the air by again using bullet time so i'm going to be jumping and this is the the first mechanic that comes to play when link jumps and you press a bomb midair he doesn't pick it up he just lets it drop like this so it kind of just drops this only happens when you're mid-air and we'll be using that for this wind bump so if we jump drop a bomb and then go into bullet time this is what this looks like we can see link jumps he lets the bomb fall and we are in bullet time so we're moving slowly now that's step one and then for step two we're gonna be placing the second bomb after a little bit of time a little bit of time has passed so replacing the first bomb and then replacing the second bomb and you can maybe already kind of see where this is going so the bombs are lined up now um behind link uh at the beginning it's the round bomb between link and the bomb is a square bomb so if we blow up the round bomb it's gonna blow up and blast the square bomb into link and you can already see how he was like basically falling over there that made sense so far but if we do it um in the right direction and that's what i'm gonna be doing here we can use this to basically jump in this case to like jump over this wall uh so the first one blew up hit the second bomb into link and we were able to skip the shrine this way right now that doesn't actually look too overpowered but later on we will be able to use the paraglider out of these wind bombs to carry all of the momentum from that explosion into the glider and we will be gliding at the speed of that of that jump so we can get a ton of speed that was so fast yeah and um the great thing about those is also even though there's bombs exploding this always only does one heart of damage because the damage that we take from this trick is not the damage from the explosion it's the damage from the bomb hitting link which is just just it's just hard coded if link gets hit by an item it's one heart every time yeah because if you ex if a bomb explodes you especially this early on you'll you will absolutely get ko you would yeah i would have died there it's it's not exactly three it is actually three hearts of damage exactly but um in normal mode link has something called one shot protection so if you get hit by a bomb now with full health you actually survive but um later if i had if i have like four hp and i only have three hearts it would deal three uh damage but one shot protection helps you to not always get one shot it obviously feels frustrating if you do get one shot yes yeah i've done that by accident so i'm gonna go for this and either it's gonna look cool or it will be able to show why wind bombs are not that good um if you don't have the paraglider yet and i don't even know what happened there um well i actually kind of do what happen i kind of know what happens um and i will talk about the small ones we have the paraglider but let me try it one more time okay [Music] you're just lining up your shot right and then there you go okay we actually got it here um so here we survive but you can see um the only reason i survived is because my angle was like pretty low to the ground if i had done the setup for this wrong um i would have wouldn't have been able to do that fall damage can slide it earlier because link is in the rectal state he's like rolling all over the place right and you can't throw your weapon so you can't do the glitch at it earlier to prevent fall damage so i would have just died if it was too high yeah so wind bombs are actually really risky if you are not using um if you don't have the paraglide yet we are about to get that though because we have now completed all four shrines and um we can meet up with the mysterious old man on top of the temple of time this is the fan favorite very mysterious is a fan favorite which often fails you want to see if i can get it oh yeah the good old tree launch up here uh so again using stasis for this one to basically charge up the tree and then just holding onto the tree and taking the right up the temple and then that's the gripper tool we get the power glider yeah i also think of the terminal montage video exactly yeah yeah unfortunately um well i guess this is actually still used in the 80 record now but um this threat technically is probably not gonna be in the runs anymore because of the new route if it if it becomes uh reality because we will be using a different glitch pretty much throughout the entire plateau and i'm gonna explain this after i get the tower and you may ask why are you getting the tower uh why did you even go through the struggle of doing all of these war clips and everything if you're getting the tower now and this is because if you get the tower after the great plateau after you meet the king here what is the prize it was the king after all um after getting the king meeting the king here um when you are done with getting the tower he doesn't show up there anymore so you save like a minute because usually there's a cutscene around the tower but now that we are done with the great plateau we can save that minute here's the wind bomb again but this time we have the paraglider so now we can use the momentum from it and it transfers into the paraglider so now we can glide really quickly to the tower yeah so i feel like if you get up there from where you are now so this is going to be our main movement for short distance and we consider this a short distance surprisingly trevor what we'll be using for long distance travel is what i'm gonna go out over and i really explain it because there's not that many youtube tutorials for this out yet and maybe somebody can learn something i get asked for this trick a lot still because it's still very new it got found it was found in early september of this year by a legend of link who is an absolute legend and found like so many glitches for this game it's incredible um another big one we'll talk about later but we have now activated the tower i'm obviously skipping the cutscenes here um still in the spirit of speedrunning we've activated the tower and again usually if we jump down from here the old man would show up and tell us uh to eat a shrine but we've already beaten all four shrines so the quest is finished and he's not gonna show up anymore perfect um uh-huh big reveal of the map this is probably gonna be the only map i'm gonna be getting in this run uh because getting this tower actually activates every every shrine in the game so um if i had not gotten this tower every shrine of the overworld would have been in the same state than the ones on the plateau where where we can't activate the terminal and while we could have clipped not activating the terminal means you can't warp back there activating the terminal is what unlocks the shrine as a warp point not beating the shrine to show this off if i wanted to warp to magnesis now i'm pressing a right now i can't because i've never activated the terminal i've only beaten the shrine so getting the tower is going to unlock all of the warping that we want to do in the run and uh yeah it's literally faster to go through this cutscene than clipping into the shrines because it unlocks warping yes um but yeah before i talk about this big glitch which is going to be our main movement from now on for big long distance traveling let me actually let me actually explain how this works so this is called the bow lift smug slide or blss for short or i'm mostly just gonna call them slides um and again this was found in september and you've already seen so much you've seen the wind bombs the btb so you would wonder how on earth would you possibly find something where you can move even more efficiently and that's what i'll show so this all starts by doing a glitch called bow sliding bose lighting is done super easily you hold out your bow like this so you don't aim with it so you don't hold the ball button you tap it so link basically holds the bow in his hand like this if we now press b and then instantly after press plus so link basically still has the bow in his hand and then unequip our shield or remove it i think it both like unequipped like this we are now uh bow locked bow locked means and you can look specifically at link's arrow when i press b here the arrow disappears but the bow doesn't so i'm locked link is locked the bow he can't unequip the bow he's forced to hold the bow this is called um bow lock um and by by now jumping and holding the b button i'm gonna be jumping forward and then only hold the b button and forward i'm gonna be moving like this looks a bit unnatural right link is basically walking right now but because he's blocked and his his like state is locked it looks unnatural look like he's sliding around over the ground and this it looks very satisfying honestly because you can like go up slopes and the cool thing is this even scales with movement speed because in the background link is walking here but it just doesn't play the same animation so this is the base of the next glitch and obviously doesn't look very broken yet but we're going to be walking back to the great plateau tower to get some extra height and show what makes this state broken so excited yeah this is so funny if you've never seen this movement yeah you're gonna have a good time yeah so basically we're going to be getting into the same state where we are sliding but additionally we're going to be holding an item and the item that we will be holding and you can do this with other items too but we will be holding the bomb which allows us to do this next glitch anywhere and this is again why the bomb has slowly but surely become the most like overpowered uh tool for the speed running movement so this is going to get a little bit deeper now you can use the round bomb for this or the square bomb the round bomb accelerates faster and stays speedy in the air more consistently the only downside is when you set up the glitch the round bomb obviously rolls which can actually be really annoying sometimes when there's a big slope but here on the flat surface we can use it so after placing down the bomb we need to hold out our shield and then tap the bow and then the a button now link is holding the bow like earlier for the basically the bow lock and the bomb at the same time the next step is the only hard step about the glitch you have to jump press b and then plus immediately after like this you can see link is about to put the bomb away but he hasn't fully done it yet if we now unequip the shield and press b again link is holding the bomb and the uh bow again and if we now aim you can basically see the bomb is like stuck on link's hand right so we're smuggling the bomb right now now we are set up we are bow locked and we are holding the bomb so we are going to be in the state that we were in earlier willing slides on the ground but additionally we are holding a bomb and this causes this to happen so now we're basically sliding but additionally this bomb that link is holding is pushing us and by flicking my control stick from left to right very fast i'm able to build up insane speed mid air without even using the paraglider so this might already be able to tell you how broken this is because we're not using stamina right now and this is why this is so broken uh we obviously start the game with one ring of stamina which means every time we do like a wind bomb or a bullet time bounce and use the paraglider we are restricted by the use of stamina but that's not the case with this glitch we have basically now made it from the great plateau to kakariko in 20 30 seconds without ever using stamina and this is why this is extremely powerful for long distance movements and speed runs because we usually don't have the time to get a stamina upgrades right if we had any upgrades and this is actually funny because when you play this game casually people will tell you our hearts are overrated it's kind of whatever if you get like one shot you get one shot anyway get stamina but it's completely the opposite in speed running because having an extra heart means being able to do an extra wind bomb or being able to save getting save time having to get food or being able to save time cooking foods so getting hearts is the actual time-saving speed running and i'm going to be getting one here in kakariko okay that is going to be just yeah so so it seems like uh with this elss it seems like you cannot build height with it necessarily yes and that's the biggest downside if we at one day figure out how to also get hyped with this we have the ultimate glitch yeah that's the only restriction right now that we can't build height so we have to start high if we wanna uh go very far right do you slowly lose height or are you just staying at the same time it's exactly consistent yeah losing or gaining any height there's some niche ways to uh get some extra height you can like slide up a slope yeah keep this light going but um it can also end it's not great like height is the only issue with this okay so it's not always a good idea to try to go up the slope with it yeah like again um you can but it's like you you don't want to it's usually like a backup strategy it's safer to start the slide from a higher or origin point uh then pokering if the slope is actually gonna let you slide along because sometimes link will instead just stop okay i haven't explained this yet even though it's an absolute staple of speed running and i almost consider it's a casual strat but oh i didn't know about it if you whistle and then spam the b button you can keep up sprinting speed while regaining stamina so i have to claw grip for this because i have to hold down the d-pad while moving the control stick up so i use my like index finger for the the stick and then i mash b and sprinting normally is still slightly faster so in speed runs we go from whistle sprinting to get our stamina back to normal sprinting and when the stamina is depleted again we go back to whistles printing back and forth in modern speed runs there's not that much running left but you will still occasionally do it so we're going to imper here this is because i want to get the camera and you don't get the camera from impa but if you don't go to impa to get the quest to get the camera you cannot get the camera oh interesting so we have to meet impa this game is very open but there's the some amount of sequencing you have to do for example you have to come to impact if you want to unlock memories or get the camera rune it has gotcha i guess i never consider that because it's not something i usually do it in in order pretty much exactly right so if you actually where to just go to hattano now and try to get the camera um in order to get the camera you have to light this little blue fire at the tech lab and the blue fire sewers is there but the little um flame that you have to light at the campfire is just not there so you can't even light it so there's no actual fire not a fire the fireplace that you have to light up up at the tech lab is just not there so you can't you can't progress the quest unless you come here and you also have to talk to impa again uh to have her explain to you what happened 100 years ago and that's when she gives you the quest for the divine beasts and she gives you the quest for the camera okay and then so how does the camera how's that gonna help us it's um gonna help us for two glitches um one is gonna be another one that i can i think everybody can try out at home even if you don't speed on this game it's one of the coolest glitches in my opinion okay uh to do and not because it looks super flashy but because you'll be able to play the game in a way that you usually can't i won't give away too much yet are you telling me to go get my switch while you're you're doing this if you want to i think it's doable but um for now i'm gonna try to go for something which in the past i've either gotten first try or has taken me way too long we see what happens today um and i'm actually not really gonna explain anything about it first and i i try to just get it and let it let it just show okay so you did the wind bomb to get up there and that and that was just to um have asked to activate the shrine yeah right okay [Music] okay so i didn't work here yet i always get two tries [Music] oh that did not work i did not intentionally sacrifice this chicken i just cuckoo maybe i get one more try [Music] there we go so by timing our bullet time input we are still in this in the state of flying with a cuckoo but the cuckoo has left us so we are basically just yeah i don't know floating that's so cool so in order to do this you basically have to just time the bullet time activation and you can already say bullet time is pretty broken in this game at the peak of your jump with the cuckoo it looks kind of cool as i kind of link in space that was awesome okay so it's just um going into bullet time with the right timing with it exactly you just jump with the cuckoo of a like cliff or like any anything you can get bullet time off of because you can only go into this bullet time mode with the bow when you are mid-air or at least your feet are high enough away from the ground like i can't just do it while standing or even for like small jumps like this or whatever uh it's just a small height difference i wouldn't be able or just over the jump you can't do it you have to actually jump quite high like this to actually get in the water time so if you can do that with the cuckoo and you time your the bullet time at the peak of the jump uh link let's go over the cuckoo but he stays in the floating state it looks funny right i like that great so we'll stop quickly at this fairy fountain not for a glitch but if you want to move around quickly we're going to be like already explained wasting some hearts and one of the most efficient early game foods even though it's not food is actually going to be fairies because they will just heal us to full uh if we wear like otherwise if we otherwise would die a fairy will just um [Music] respect what you're doing oh i'm just i'm crouching and i'm just pressing x which is like a little hop uh this way i'm still stealthy but i'm still moving faster so by jumping wild crouch to do these little crouch hops oh i never do that oh that's really cool um okay okay i had another question and now i forgot oh you don't have a question on i did but i have forgotten it already oh okay it's fine um we will be landing up here and maybe you can already tell why because we talked about this if we want to slide we want to start from a high point correct and we're going to be sliding again this time i'm going to use the square bomb just because the round bomb might get annoying here it might roll away and again the only downside with the square bomb is that um it doesn't accelerate just as fast but it still works um the steering with this trick can be a little bit annoying because if you ever hit the neutral zone of the stick when you do this um then you actually fall down so we have to constantly be flicking from left to right so if your left stick ever hits neutral link will just fall down like if you let go of it basically if you let go of it exactly yeah or even if you unintentionally hover in the middle of the the stick too much so you basically constantly have to move and it will definitely destroy some sticks over time oh okay oh god okay but uh all the time in this time while we got we talked we already made it from um kakariko to ortego which again shows why this is a pretty good trick i love that oh so somebody and dad asked what is happening yeah it's the blss which uh can you throw the diamonds again uh it's the bow lift smuggle slide because um muggle slide but he's called lift smuggle is the first glitch that i talked about where you slide on the ground and [Music] you use um the bomb additionally to slide i can actually because um i'll do that later i've done it with the bomb so far but it also works with other items like these little pots that we saw on the ground or even small rocks it's like any item you can hold can give you speed to slide around awesome okay so i just grabbed the mob um and that's because i need an item that i can light up because i already said we are gonna be getting the camera and in order to get the camera we need to light up the fire but um casually this is a little annoying because obviously the fire is here and the tech clip is all the way over there and if you are using a torch or if you're if you're holding a torch you move very slowly right but we we are already uh smuggling bows around um basically like holding both even though we shouldn't we'll do the same thing now with a weapon so if we place a bomb on the ground and then hold out a weapon in front of the bomb if we pick up the bomb and instantly pause the game afterwards and then again seems to be a reoccurring thing unequipped or shield link picks up the bomb but he's also still holding the mob looks a little strange already yes but if we're about to throw the bomb it looks even stranger the mob kind of leaves our body and now it's stuck to our hands so the way we're already walking looks strange oh wow what this allows us to do is we can light them up on fire just by like walking around and then we can do other things while still holding the mob so one way this is really useful is by doing a wind bomb right so we can wind bomb with the mob in hand it's kind of stuck to us so this is a lot more efficient a lot more efficient way to bring the fire up to this tech lab instead of slowly walking up there right he's uh into the design yep we do another one here and then we're there instead of like lighting up all of the torches and this is uh this thing would not be here had we not talked to emperor it would just not be there and now it is so we can activate this as a war point and we can actually get the camera on perfect that's amazing so um how uh i'm trying to think of the like basically attaching the mop in your hand is that my question's wrong i was like with a pot lid with all of these things uh with shields like do you know what's going on in the game to cut like why removing i think it's just basically interrupting an action so usually the game would uh that usually the game would automatically remove the weapon where if you pick up the bomb but by unequipping the shield that action just gets like stopped so that he he doesn't actually let go of the weapon that's why it's like stuck in his hands again automatically like if you pick up it doesn't have to be the portlet it just has to be a shield in this case right um that you unequip that action unequips the uh stops the other action from happening which is if you pick up a bomb okay usually link unequips this weapon but by inputting that shield unequip that action gets interrupted and the weapon gets stuck on his hands and we can still use it as like a fire um carrier essentially right right i remembered my other question it's not i wouldn't say it's necessarily run related but what is is um talking to impa the trigger for the dlc items because i saw them all pop up after that i just don't remember um it is not for the dlc items the dlc items i mean actually maybe it is another thing that you can do is just reload the game um it's just that the dlc quests show up but they already exist anyway right what's impa is a trigger off that a lot of people don't know is the dragons if you don't talk to impa nedra will not be there and no other dragon will ever spawn so if you never talk to empire the dragons never show up and this is also important for some speed runs which is why we go to import just so the dragon spawn interesting okay okay um but yeah i went with the mountain and there's just nothing there yep there will just be nothing there and um if you try to meet some some of the other dragons they um they will never spawn like farosh who's the guy that flies around like highly all the time will just not be there and um yeah the dlc quests they they either happen after the first reload or first death and maybe also after getting the divine beast quest from impa but look at the chests uh in the game the entire time there's no specific flag for those i won't be doing too much dlc content i will show one specific thing about it later when we get to master kogan oh what okay um yeah the dlc is usually locked behind a lot of game completion the big dlc content the story content only unlocks after beating all the vine beasts and that would be a bit too much for today so do i even have any money here no okay so i will have to come back here later okay i'm still planning to get some money eventually but so far we didn't need it right we just didn't even just wasn't even on the on that what it will get is uh quickly this shrine that will be needed for later right but yeah for now we're gonna go back to the great plateau because now that we have uh the camera and that we have uh progressed the game a little bit we will make our way to gerudo town so we'll dive into some of the main story quests a little bit at least because there's some cool skips and some cool tricks related to that part awesome uh in that area which is going to be the gerudo main quest so obviously there's basically like four big main quests like the four divine beasts we won't even do any divine beasts but we will start the divine beast quest in garuda up to the point of uh fighting master koga because there's some cool stuff about the eager hideout yeah i was gonna ask about the divine beast and ganon i assume we're just it's that's not the point of today we will we will do ganon um at the very end because there's another cool thing we can do in the dark beast fight which i've actually recently done for the first time it breaks the game in very funny ways um quite good so we will we will get there but uh you can get there without beating the divine beast this just means that we'll have to beat all of the blights once we get there so we still while we are casually flying around we still have to get a little stronger um a lot of that will happen though when i do go to hyrule castle later because hyrule castle just has such good equipment right and then i already talked about the fact that there's a way now where you can basically build your own strong weapon and even duplicate weapons i will show that off too and that will be what i'll use to actually beat the boss fights later awesome so with with blss or i guess you you said you like lighting um how i mean it seems like maybe it's just you're at a point where you practice enough with it but how hard is it to get consistent with that i think just getting into the state where you're sliding um and maybe when i do it again later we can talk just through it step by step again with the inputs so maybe some people can follow along just sliding slowly in any direction is pretty easy the only hard part about that is the timing with that one input right let's talk about we have to jump and then uh press b and plus almost at the same time that's the only hard part but what is actually hard is building speed fast and consistently and not falling down and also steering them correctly this took me and i wouldn't even consider myself great at them because uh the categories that i've run haven't really focused on like very precise lights uh also i just picked up a diamond that was not a glitch there's always a diamond under this rock uh literally after every blood moon it respawns it's pretty useful oh and then additionally there should be a chest here on the right never get it once in this version because there will never be a blood moon true it will never respawn that's a good point there will never be a blood moon because i never started the time the only way there can be a blood moon is by something called a panic blood moon it's not a real blood moon the game will just play the blood moon animation if it's like storage gets overloaded very rare and it's probably not going to happen today but okay this diamond will not be back loading large chunks of the map in such a short amount of time it can it's like oh we can handle it yeah but that is also the reason it can happen like usually it's fine but the only reason happens it doesn't usually happen casually but if you move around this much and it's actually more likely to happen if you do a lot of walking because by flying around some chunks just never even load in the first place because we just skipped them uh but if you walk around everywhere it is actually more likely to happen okay and i feel like they're more likely to occur the more enemies that you destroy right exactly because that's all like things for the gamers to remember like opening chests etc um but we will probably not see a blood one today right so i got a chest there with a forest dweller bow this is a three shot bow and that's important for later when we want to get our equipment that i talked about uh we will need specifically uh triple shot pose or double shot bows in order to do this we are not there yet but i'm already explaining why i got a chest the other reason i'm coming here is because not only am i slowly moving closer to garuda town but i'm also hitting up mount satori the most broken spot in the game to get equipment and gear and in this case food exactly durians extremely powerful not only do they give three hearts from base but when you cook them they completely refill your hearts and give you extra hearts well over 14 or something ridiculous exactly and only one durian alone gives you four yellow hearts so we will be able to get like 40 50 hearts from those durians so a lot of wind bumps right i'm also stopping by to get some endura carrots that will be important for something else later those when cooked will not only give you a little bit of extra stamina in form of like a little yellow ring but they will also refill your base stamina so if i'm like mid-air and i can't get my stamina back eating that dish will completely refill it um but i'm also getting the shrine quickly as again a war point i have a quick question um so there's there's still like wind bombs obviously and i know blss is newer but like what what causes you to want to use one over the other in this run so um good question in those movements that i just did right like chest to durian oh see pharaoh is there no he wouldn't be here we didn't talk to emperor um so he can spawn at any time which is also interesting we never start the time of day but he can we just have to talk to emperor um if we have to go far like here i'm gonna be almost gonna go all the way to i'm gonna almost go all the way to uh gerudo town here and not gurujun but at least guerrilla canyon over there we want to be lss because it's super far uh it would cost us too much stamina to make it there or we would have to do like four or five wind bombs so a lot of health right but if you want to go a medium distance and specifically if you also need height like i did earlier we talked about this right then the wind bomb still prevails and also inside shrines um because usually in side trends you always need height is still wind bombs are still better but uh long distance travel like this you just slide now okay and somebody was also asking if um like are there no notable glitches that you do and decide to find beasts right now or they're just not really something that are mentioned inside what yeah the funny thing is um the vine beasts are almost glitchless um they are cool in the speed run but they are the only glitch that i can think of right now is another one of those shield clips in the boris the rest is just abusing the fact that the developers allow us to use rivali scale so usually in every divine beast you and every divine beast run you do barmaido first the divine beast in retail village you get to rivale scale and you can just use it or win bombs both actually kind of to just skip it so you just use movement to go from one terminal to another quickly not really glitches there's basically no glitch honestly like there's a wall clip there's one like specific arrow shot in rhodania but it's basically this movement awesome okay yeah i use them i definitely do vomit oh first now anytime i play this because of that so we um made it into the gerudo canyon i'm gonna get some fire arrows from this chest and then um a very powerful shield from [Music] another chest a little bit lower my portal is almost breaking but that is no longer going to be a problem i am losing health here but i always have those dorians right this chest contains the radiant shield and the radiant shield we will actually get two of them is the best shield in the game in my opinion okay especially for speed running because the radiant shield is the slickest shield in the game and not because it looks cool but because there is actually a friction instead in the game for shields so some shields are more slick than others i can actually explain what happened in this wind bomb later because i will go over this this is something called a dead angle i talk about this in my wind bomb guides which i made a long time ago which i'm very proud of because it's one of the like most watched i hear that i taught this trick to a lot of people it's pretty cool going forward but um yeah some angles with wind bombs just don't work because link gets hit from a like at a weird part of the bomb i explained it later and showing it off but so there's friction in the game some shields are more slick than others that's what i said and the radiant shield is the most slick and what all this means is it's better for shield surfing so a potlet is really bad it is almost one of the worst it has almost one of the worst friction stats in the game so when i shield serve with it on snow it's actually okay because snow is a nice surface but on any other surface it's bad so the radiant shield is super slick um it can even shield serve on like stone or on on shrines and this will be very useful for some other glitches later so i might not even be able to show it off anymore because i think this pot is just gonna break here now you can see right basically not surfing at all but with the radiant shields even on this stone i'm like pretty fast like it's actually faster than running because it's so slick and i'm gonna be using i'm gonna use that for a glitch coming up okay in a bid i did not realize that it had that kind of um slickness rating i mean it makes sense it absolutely makes sense exactly so um what i'm about to do i don't think it's really a glitch but we uh intended to use this little or actually big boulder up there out of metal to push these rocks away a sledgehammer will do the job just fine though it looks a little unnatural but it still allows us to push this big boulder away and um access this hidden stash the stage is actually pretty powerful and not only did we get another radiant [Ā __Ā ] i just threw the spear away it looks cool but it's unfortunately pretty weak we need our item spaces for better stuff okay 300 rupees in here and uh some bone barrels which is nice and the bo the bow is not worth getting no the bow is not worth getting because we need our bow spaces for multi-shot bows uh for the glitch later and um there's going to be a bunch of them in the hideout the preferred weapon of the [Ā __Ā ] soldiers is the duplex bow right which happens to be a multi-shot bow [Music] this rock is usually a little annoying because it slightly moves so uh if you actually i haven't even talked about this yet but to get a slide like this going you have to walk over some sort of ledge you can't just like walk off the ground you have to link has to be an animation of getting up a ledge or like a little object step up a step up that's exactly right you have to do a step up also i'm gonna fall down here because if you ever pause during this glitch no matter what you hold you will fall down had i not paused here i thought i would have died i wouldn't actually have died because i forgot the fact that i have ferries in my inventory but i wanted to be safe anyway it's okay uh we are almost at gerudo town but uh if you ever pause the game when you do glitch even with the quick menu uh you will immediately fall down um i just saw that i was about to run out of hearts and it was cold i don't have cold protection gear right now uh so i thought i was gonna die but i forgot the fact that i was actually careful and picked up some berries right so it would have it would have been fine technically it would have been fine but i uh was already careful so here you can see because i failed this wind pump again how good this shield is like i'm not really doing much but i'm still moving so quickly through the desert if i'm if i'm jumping here even going uphill i'm basically keeping my speed so this is like much faster than running around the desert um this is also because i just felt this wind bomb a good time to explain why wind bombs fail and if i do these wind guns usually and this is also the best way to do them i use the round bomb first and the square bomb second um this is because the hit getting hit by the square bomb gives you more height and speed which is obviously what you want in a speed run but the square boom has a very interesting niche effect which is when the square bomb spawns when you let it drop by being in the air the sides of the square bomb will always face cardinal directions so you can see this is not random how one of the sides is facing north one of the sides is facing east one of them is facing south and so on no matter how i jump the sides will always be facing north west south east no matter how i jump the square bomb will always spawn facing cardinal directions and this is why some angles on wind bombs don't work if i for example aim like this way i i maybe it will work um let's see i i would say probably not okay see i just failed and this is because i didn't aim in a cardinal direction so when you do wind bombs you either want to aim exactly cardinal or order the angles in between and i'm looking at the map here this is where i'm currently throwing my weapon this allows me to kind of readjust where link is looking on the map um the safest thing to do is aim carnal directions here i'm aiming exactly east this way i'm going to get hit by this flat side of this bomb you can kind of see how this is lining up right now yes that way it works all the time but if you um aim a little bit off one of those angles and we call in speed running because that angles um sometimes it will fail and this is why if a wind bomb has failed so far that's usually the reason interesting it can still be timing but this is a very common mistake so i'm talking to benja here this is another instance of sequencing in the game if you don't talk to banja the person that kara kara bazaar doesn't spawn that sells you the outfit if you don't get the outfit you can't enter garuda uh town if you can't enter guerrilla town you can't start the quest correct okay gotcha yeah now this is why uh i'm i'm not talking that much um just because i'm the most doesn't mean i have a lot to say since this is um the stage of all the people who know the questions so in this instance one cube is doing a fantastic job and i am just an avid listener but i'm still paying attention to chat in case there are any questions i think you're doing a good job at that too i'm just hanging out really [Music] but um i currently have not have not enough money to buy the outfit it's going to be 600 rupees and as soon as i make it here there's also going to be a cutscene this is basically the cut scene of the game like um introducing the divine beast but sorry what was that uh so you're able to sell the diamond or do you want to keep it exactly no that's what i will do okay and i'm also going to buy exactly one shotgun okay and that will be again important for the glitch later with um duplicating items or weapons specifically but um there is actually a shop here it's one of the most underwhelming shops in the game because they literally sell exactly one of each arrow i guess nice in our case perfect because we only need one short arrow but um that's the most you'll get here i guess yeah true it's definitely not a very popular job um but you have to um i have to first sell the diamonds uh now i have 800 rupees i'd be able to afford that one shock arrow i'd be able to afford the outfit before i get the outfit though i will cook some food and i will cook those durians in singles yeah this is the most efficient way because this way durian every durian can give us seven hearts by um refilling three of our hearts because i will usually eat when i'm on one hp yeah they're so helpful and if you cook like all five of them you get at least 20. yeah otherwise every other additional durian would only add four yellow hearts because it wouldn't give us that extra extra full refill thing so you would say it's like faster to cook them in a big batch and then you have a ton of yellow hearts but you would miss out on parts overall so the most effective way is if you did four instead of five would it only be three per uh if i did four if i did four instead of five it would give me 16 yellow hearts but only still one full recovery that full recovery is the broken broken power i see what you mean like actually refilling the red tarts like each of them is going to refill our red cards right if we cooked all of them we would only get one red tart refill and then a bunch of yellow hearts right but we still get the same amount of yellow heads this way but more full recovery normally like normal silly i got there in the end it's honestly confusing like i also thought about i mean it's actually also closed because obviously while we get more hearts this way we lose more time cooking the dishes right right so it's still pretty close gonna get uh some we're gonna get a nice outfit here definitely one of my favorites [Music] and it's actually funny there's almost no there's actually one way now to skip this outfit uh but that's actually the game works pretty well there it will not let you into the city without this outfit usually there's like one small one where you can like break it for a little bit but even then the game will catch up like yes this game is broken but some things work like surprisingly well um and the gerudo town being a good example of that but um again the entire reason i came here is because i wanted to start the quest so i'm going back now going back to the city we could have technically warped to the shrine here but it is actually faster to just wind bomb a warping is not slow but it is slower than a wind bomb i think a warp takes around 28 seconds or something right so if you win bomb instead i assume you want to save your shield durability and then also um yeah doing the wind bottom gives you that bit of pain but something's definitely bad for running exactly um oh actually using the shield on the sand does not use durability oh okay sand and snow right sand snow and the one thing that people usually don't know is paths so actual pubs in the game if you surf on them you don't you lose durability like the actual streets and pubs where people like ride and walk do not lose your shield durability so i did one thing then without even talking about it which was i did a wind bomb in the air without ever landing it's just another way of doing a wind bomb something that's really hard to explain i covered personally with my wind bomb guides but it makes the trick even more versatile obviously you never even have to land you can just like wind bomb in the air it's really good um theoretically do that infinitely if you do that yes and some runs useless to their advantage um if you as long as you have stamina and hearts you can technically do it infinitely that's cool so we have made it to riju i love reedu she's so cute she's great and i mean in general i when i get asked this is my favorite area of the game um i think it has i guess zoro's domain has some like strong story kind of the me file story and everything but i just i think oboza is just an amazing character and uh the music in general this is the strongest music like if you really think about it like this area has the mulduga soundtrack which is one a fan favorite it has the attack on vana boris which is a huge bob it the gerudo city knight is basically like breath of the wild lo-fi uh the memory music if you type in oboza's hand oh if you don't get emotional when listening to oboza's hand i think you haven't played the game but um it's just a great area that's the one not only the reason i came here but yeah the one song that that really spurs my emotion i mean just in general i mean uh in retail village just because you know it's very comfy very homey as well yeah you do the whole like all the tasks side quests and you have the kids they're all playing them oh true that's cute that's cute oh it's so cute so besides that yes this whole area is like super strong with music for sure i agree so i just bought 10 fire arrows and um this is just the fastest way to get them um right exactly i have 15 now um which is nice but i needed at least seven um and i wasn't really able to get them yet so i'll have to walk back to the shrine i went to earlier uh which seems a little bit unefficient now and there was probably a slightly faster way to route this in i didn't spend like days or like to come up with this route but this is what we're going to be doing now we're going to be sliding back to the area where i got the radiant shield earlier this happens to be the area where the [Ā __Ā ] hideout is right and again this is a the entire reason with this is basically the eager hideout and one of the coolest skips that you can do casually once you learn shield clipping and it's honestly huge specifically if you were like me and you didn't particularly enjoy the stealth mission in the giga hideout i definitely didn't maybe some people did stealth gameplay enjoyers i'm not a big one but uh that's what i really want to show and um again i'm just going to quickly talk about the sequencing of it all i i you could see there i was walking against that little step right and that's what allowed me to start the slide i couldn't just walk off the shrine or anything i walked intentionally against that step so link would step up starting the slide right okay yeah i'm not i'm i enjoy the puzzles but sometimes i'm just like it's too slow right and i think the gigahertz in particular was a bit annoying in that regard like it depends on how the stuff is designed but for the giga hideout um it's i don't know i think it's a bit frustrating because the eagles walk like very slow and the only mechanics i mean there's actually once you get to know the game better there's cool mechanics that you can use there but i think the average casual player just doesn't get to know those i think overall it's not one of the strongest parts of the game but it's fine uh we will be skipping it and i will show how at first i'm going to um i'm going to go for um a big glitch but in order to do a glitch i have to get another shrine and i couldn't get the shrine earlier because i didn't have enough fire arrows i'm trying to still catch up with the sequencing of it all so we made it to gerudo city to start the quest had we not started the quest we wouldn't be able to activate the master kuga fight by any means he would just never spawn because the trigger for the flag is not set you have to actually start the quest one thing i will do to spare everyone's sanity is i will even though this will lose time tone of the shrine sensor because otherwise it will constantly bleep in our ears um because it will always play when there's a shrine nearby and this is a shrine right now it's just a big ice cube and seven fires like i said seven the magic number and freezes the shrine and it allows us to enter and an additional thing i want to do here is i want to break these rocks they should contain luminous stones they are worth 80 per stone right ouch which is um actually kind of a lot of money specifically because we have to wait anyway so um for the ice to melt being able to generate this amount of money because we need a little bit more on the run it's nice i unlocked the shrine now and this is the kataka shrine and i wasn't sure how much i was going to explain about this trick because it is very complicated okay i'll keep it a little bit shorter um but what i'm going to do here is the scw okay what does that mean exactly it means shrine coordinate warp and this was the holy grail specifically for all shrine speedrunning where you have to actually beat all of the shrines again some shrines are under the ground and you cannot enter them i will actually do this glitch while explaining because it might take me a couple of times sure first of all i'm actually gonna switch the shield order because something messes me up um okay see i failed here so i have some more time to explain um so a shrine called warp allows us to enter those shrines that are still under the ground and sometimes in order to get these trends underground an easy example and many people know this one is the one around kakariko if you go around kakariko you see this pedestal but there's no ord nearby the orb is actually an impulse house and in order to get the orb you have to do tons of quests so it's hidden behind like a lot of quests so naturally it would be great if you could enter the shrine even though it's not there this is what this glitch does and i actually got it here what i did is i jumped and then basically did this fall damage cancel mechanic i did earlier when i landed this trick the game into thinking i'm still grounded kind of allowing me to go for a double jump so i quickly activated the elevator but then jumped away from it so the game tried to make me enter the train back there but it couldn't because i jumped away so in the game's memory in the back of its mind right now it thinks you're trying to enter it it thinks i'm trying to enter a shrine and the things i'm trying to enter the shrine that i just unlocked the ka taka shrine the one encased in ice the game still remembers this but the game also remembers where i am now right now i'm at the yiga hideout so right here where i'm standing there's a shrine but it's still under the ground this shrine usually unlocks way later into the game it actually unlocks when you get here the second time you steal an orb from the [Ā __Ā ] hideout and throw it into this hole unlocking a dlc shrine oh yeah but what i'm going to do here is i'm going to bring a text box up an easy way to bring a text box up is by activating the amiibo roon for the first time the game is going to be like hey i'm the amiibo rune you can use me i'm not going to use it but it brings up a text box and this will make the game remember that i have actually tried to enter a shrine but this time i'm standing on the ground so i can enter but the only thing that the game does to decide what shrine link is entering is it says hey i want to enter a shrine but where am i so we'll ask we'll ask the game where am i but i'm here so instead of entering the shrine that i initially entered it will enter the shrine that's under the ground because you're closer to it now exactly kind of dodging some flames along the way but the shrine i'm entering now is this one key hero mo the dlc shrine yes and usually the shrine would not be enterable because it's literally underground but the mechanics that i basically just explained are the reasons that this is possible and you could technically i could technically skip the shrine and finish uh the begin the dlc now not quite uh there's a lot more to this um in order to really access all of the dlc content early you have to do this glitch four times on the great plateau entering each of the dlc trends on the great plateau early to truly begin the dlc if you actually wanted to do like the final trial at the end but this uh is basically how the strike works i at least wanted to show um how you can enter shrine status underground am i gonna leave the shrine now it's also gonna look quite interesting because finishing it will not really do anything for us do you use this trick so what does this trick use mostly in like maybe on all shrines because in all shrines all you care about so i basically just left nothing right i literally just walked out of the out because the shrine isn't here but the most uh important use for this is all shrines because there are some shrines that are like i just said big example the one in in kakariko so you do this glitch you do it from this shrine the one that i activated earlier the small one that's like on the hill on kakariko next to kakariko and then you do it here walk a little bit up here and you enter the one that's still under the ground with the pedestal right so we skip like all quests we have to do to usually enter saves like seven minutes right because you have to like do the stealth thing like the follow that guy now the biggest timestamp of this and this is the most ridiculous one is um [Music] the sand seal race so next to gerudoton there is a sand seal race you have to beat a specific time to win the price and enter the shrine the problem is the sand seal race does not happen until you've beaten the divine beast so in all shrines in the past we had to do all of this and beat an entire divine beast to do one shrine and a slow one at that like we had to actually do the race win the race and play like 30 minutes of content just for that one shrine but being able to enter that shrine early from this one that's really accessible saves like 20 minutes wow that's a lot yeah that's awesome so we're gonna it gets a little bit more complicated than that but that would be too much for now some sews which is a trick i just used are only possible if you like pause buffer your game mid air because all of the shrines have like different load radiuses but it would literally be i could talk about it for like three hours and it would still be hard to explain [Laughter] but you've already noticed um do you have any questions too um uh i did well so i assume we're are we gonna activate the fight now since we've made it over here yes right okay and as you can see the fight doesn't start yet though i'm here and the fight is not starting but usually when you get here the fight starts uh and this is because we haven't actually played the eager idol yet um right like at least go in and out and that's the important part that's also all you have to do the thing that triggers this fight is not playing the giga hideout it's opening this door that's what actually activates the fight so we can skip the entire yiga hideout by again getting skew on the wall here like for all of the wall clips shield jumping here so link clips into the hideout [Music] we climbed over this wall and now we're in in the eager hideout we're gonna grab one of those duplex boats i talked about which will be important for later like i said for the weapon glitch oh it only opens from the inside right exactly right um might as well grab some extra stuff this room is actually kind of useful okay there are some gemstones around here right that we can sell and you can already see technically i have access to the donor but i by doing this single clip uh i skipped the entirety of the yiga hideout and i will prove this in a second that's awesome [Music] by opening the door and now the fight starts the card scene is now active and master cougar will actually show up it's like you need to go through my my hideout first i'm not coming out until you do so good okay so there's some cutscenes here and i um will actually just leave koga here uh in the overworld hanging out the uh there's no very interesting fighting threats for master kogan um and there's another big cut scene afterwards but i would like to show off some other stuff instead because all this would allow us to do is would actually we would be able to enter the divine beast which um again there's no big liches there it's mainly movement stuff in there and there's more interesting stuff around hyrule castle around kohlrok forest that i want to get to so as soon as the fight starts what i'll do instead is i'll warp away [Music] i'm actually not sure no i just assumed that you could but which makes me think i did it earlier pretty sure you just can well we're going to find out looks like you can that's awesome i've never considered that because you know once you get here you want to do the fight yeah i think i think he wouldn't like spin around at the bottom here but the second you land in this area again there's going to be like a quick transition cut scene and the fight would like just continue perfect well i would say um before we get into the next section since we've uh went to the desert we've seen the plateau we've seen some other basics this has been amazing so far but i think it's time to just take a quick stretch break everybody can go ahead and try to digest all the information you've been learning so far um i'm already doing some more stuff um so yeah we will uh be back in just a few minutes it's always good to get a quick break drink water everyone i haven't even been drinking water i've been so distracted or i mean in a good way right listening to everything in here it's been awesome so please um do what you gotta do we will be back in just a moment don't go anywhere once you finish the whatever you might want to get up for so cause i was gonna say don't go anywhere but i just told you if you need to get up um anyway thank you all so much for being here so far we are gonna have tons more when we get back uh and if you're watching on youtube right now feel free to join us over at twitch.tv slash game sun quick to check out our live shows um while i'm saying this obviously where we are live uh most they start most nights at 7 p.m eastern um and while you're there hot fix is funded in part uh thanks to your subscriptions and bits so please consider subscribing to help support future broadcasts um yeah so if you've missed out on any gdq hotfix shows you can um watch the archive of the past runs in shows over at the youtube channel which you know i kind of started in the opposite direction but youtube.comgamesdonequick all the content's really easy to find and you can see other things like this we've also had some other zelda games on this show in the past for example and it's all amazing and i'm having so much fun watching this um so yes yes we will do some wonderful shout outs for lim cube at the end of the show uh so you can find out where he is on all different platforms and in the meantime we'll be back in just a minute so make sure you get some water too lim you're doing awesome i i will do it right now all right awesome we'll be back in just a moment hello and welcome back to tonight's episode of bombs break everything in this game very true i'm kung fu frick up once again or you can just call me foo and again i am joined by lim cube who's been doing an amazing job showing us breath of the wild glitches if you have missed out on the first half of this game i'm sure he'll take some time occasionally to re-explain one or two of the things that you'll see pretty consistently but um you can also go back and watch in the vlog or whenever this is posted on youtube to see um these explanations from the beginning so it's up to you but i'm gonna leave it back to limb to take it away and tell us what's coming up next yeah i definitely want to go over the blss again i'm actually gonna do this as soon as i'm done with what i'm about to do here next to the yiga hideout which throughout this entire run i've been slowly collecting multi-shot bows so far we have two which is not going to be enough because we need five but uh two is the important number because when we land here there is three jiga uh foot soldiers that spawn here and all of them have a duplex bow so by landing here we get one two three duplex bows uh right now i have a normal ball on me i won't be able to carry that any longer and now i have five multi shot bows so um i am ready and good to go for my weapon duplication glitch but right now i don't have the best weapons yet so i won't do that yet okay i will also actually pick up these bananas um which i'm going to use for an attack up elixir later um it's a good ingredient to [Music] make a potion that makes you stronger deal more damage which we need to do when we actually want to beat boss fights but no rupees interesting those rupees are okay um in speedruns i usually dodge those because when you pick them up you get an item box that's unskippable because it's the first time you've gotten one that size and same for the blue one like depending on the color there's always an item box so that's why i have like the habit of dodging them we won't really need them in the run too but i guess that's why i do that but um i'm done with garuda desert i wanted to mainly show i wanted to get some items here like the bows that i need that i need for the weapon duplication glitch and i wanted to show off the master cougar stuff the shrine coordinate warp we're going to go back to um the great blue tower again which is a great starting point for the bow lift smuggle slide and this time we're going to be sliding to hyrule castle and then we're going to get the master sword and wait what the master sword isn't the master sword usually locked behind 13 hearts how are you gonna get the master sword oh yeah i will tell you once we're there but and you don't need 1300 i will not need 30 knots yeah that's the first spoiler but um so the castle is actually between me and the korok forest right now so we'll quickly stop there to grab some good items and show a little bit of an interesting perspective of the castle but this is going to be a step-by-step breakdown again on how to do the bowl of smuggle slides um not necessarily a tutorial but i will still explain the inputs if anybody wants to watch this on youtube again and maybe pick up what i'm doing here you could try um but yeah so essentially what you want to do and i'm going to do this with a square bomb in this example which it accelerates slower but you at least don't have the hassle of like chasing it around because it's rolling all over the floor right so you place on a bomb and then you hold out your shield with the zl button the next input is pretty easy you tap the zr button which is the right trigger and then a immediately after so it's like tap tap zr a and i didn't do it right there because i guess i tried too much in explaining quicker tips quicker tabs made it work i tapped both buttons quicker and now link is holding the bomb and the bow this next step is the only hard part while still holding the left trigger the entire time which i originally used to hold out the shield i'm jumping and as soon as i'm mid air i have to press b and then pause immediately after you don't have to press jump be pause all you need to focus on is that while you are midair at one point you have to press b and pause super quick like this you will be able to tell if it worked after you unequip your shield if you unequip your shield and the bomb falls down like this it didn't work you did it too slow now i'm gonna try to do it but i actually get it but it's good that i show this off if the bomb falls down that means your b and plus input was too slow if you do it fast enough and this will work you can already tell if you look behind the pause menu link is still holding the bomb if i now unequip my shield he goes back to the point where he's holding both the bow and the bomb and the last step from here you don't need to hold the zl button anymore is to aim with our bow just aim and then press b and now if i am stepping up a ledge and i will use this little step up around the tower while holding b i will be sliding but again if you're ever sliding with this glitch you have to hold a direction on the control stick and you have to keep holding b the entire time if you don't grow b or the left stick you will fall so as soon as i'm going up this ledge i'm stepping up i'm going to be holding forward and b the entire time and i'm sliding and this part i think everybody can do after some practice but you can tell already i'm losing speed i'm not going anywhere so the hard part about this glitch is then while doing all of this flicking your control stick from left to right quickly without ever hitting the neutral zone of the stick to build up speed and you have to do it facing the opposite direction you want to go because it's like the bomb is pushing yeah exactly exactly you have to basically face your back has to face where you want to go which is high recaster now if the flicking is a little bit too hard for you a slower but consistent ways you can kind of circle around like this do like little spins and basically after you're done with the spin hold a specific direction okay that way you are slowly building up speed but it's a lot easier on your hands and probably just easier to do mechanically oh my god that texture doesn't know what to do um um can guardians ever uh i've forgotten the word that i'm looking for like target you that's the word oh they can this guy's about to do it oh okay um but yeah even if you go inside this room uh you could already see this is essentially what happened earlier with the magnesius shrine right if you move if you move too far um too fast the game is not catching up um and the room wasn't even loaded in the cutscene wasn't either for quite some time so finally caught up it finally got up and actually this load is usually not this long the game still has some catching up to do the one in the chandelier the room is loaded i will not this is not a bad bow but there's gonna be a better bow um now that you say that though i actually won't be able to get any bow right now and this is because we don't have more space we only have five space we need to hold onto all of the multishot bows to equip to get our to get our weapon and what i will get though right now is another banana and also a rush room the rock salt i guess just for bonus points um a rush room now um we have five ingredients that increase our attack power later for the boss fights to beat them faster but um the main reason i'm coming here is to get a weapon and also to show off a very interesting perspective of hyrule castle okay so there is royal guard um 48 damage but unfortunately very low durability breaks after like 12 hits or something i was just gonna come to this wall um to show off another shield clip i'm gonna save the game first it's just another shield clip but i think hyrule castle is the coolest location in the game to go out of bounds in and you'll see why once i get there i'm just gonna use this tiny little step to get this skew that i was using in other uh areas right those i was earlier i was jumping on like very steep slopes now i'm just using this tiny step to get the skew and i will be able to clip out of bounds the cool thing in hyrule castle is you can see everything so you can see the mines that are underground you can see um all of the rooms like there's like some hallways up there you can even see there's the armory up there you can even see the sanctum in like the way back you can see calamity again and already and it's like cocoon uh all the way up there what's that there's like an unloaded texture that was there you just passed it uh it was probably water there's a lot yeah there's a lot of water randomly above me yeah oh my god if we happen to hit that water i don't know if i will sometimes the game really it just happened i am now swimming uh there's like oh there's like water all over the place here i'm basically just swimming in there uh-oh uh here it happened again but this time i actually hit oh my god uh walter that's a lot higher so you could basically see link fly around i would actually not mind drowning because if you drown you um land back in the last position where you touched the ground which happened to be back in bounds so that would actually get us back to where we started pretty efficiently wow that wow oh never mind i touched the ground down here never mind i thought i touched it uh when i saved i'll have to reload then but i just want to show this little show a little view of all of the castle rooms from out of bounds the entire and i think this is actually common in video games um i don't know if it's common but i've seen this more than once the way water in this game works is the entire ground is water and whenever water surfaces they drag it from the bottom of the map up so basically the entire ground below the over world is water but whenever there's a lake they pull the water from the ground all the way to the surface so if you were to go like below hyrule everything would be water it would just be more water yeah right so the main weapon i came here for i haven't gotten yet i will go there now is this the word the 48 48 strength sword is that one you're gonna be doing the durability glitch on no okay but the one i will be using it on will also be a royal swords but it will be the royal guards claymore okay it is going to be a bit risky doing a win from here because i'm probably gonna get targeted you don't have a lot of time don't have a lot of time exactly usually the guardians are pretty bad at hitting link mid-air hopefully i didn't curse myself but yeah it worked out yeah i just dropped height if i think they're gonna be too accurate yeah so i'm going into this room and this is where the royal guards chambers this guy usually doesn't hit me he just stays in place this wall hasn't even loaded in yet oh it just loaded in and this shows how bad the game is at loading like i literally was walking i was just running towards see and it still didn't manage to load the wall in time is there ever any reason to get the hyrule like the highly infield aside from just doing 100 it has the highest durability in the game right so uh getting that shield and then doing what i will be doing later the durability glitch um you can apply the durability from the hylian shield on other weapons so you can make like a super durable radiant shield which like i said is like one of the best weapons in the game because it's so slick but this is the weapon i came here for this is the highest base damage weapon i can relatively easily get right now at 72 and i'm also going to grab this weapon because this weapon has much better durability so this is higher damage this is higher durability and what i do with the glitch later is i'm gonna apply the durability from this weapon to this weapon and then duplicate the high durability version of the royal guards claymore so i make a lot of really strong claymores which is gonna make the boss fights a joke oh oh okay i see i see is there so you you can only you can't like increase your ability past the other items you have that's the base weapon you use right and okay if i had the time the best weapon you can get without amiibo for base durability is the spring-loaded hammer which is a little joke item you can get from kilton who's this guy that only shows up at night with a special stop right at shop he doesn't take rupees he takes mon which you get from turning in monster parts yeah wait that hammer how high is that it's the highest base orbital i think it's 90. um you can like hit 90 times with it the only weapon with more is the amiibo exclusive big goron swords and i think that has like 120 or 140 somebody in chad probably knows better but the base web base game weapon without amiibo the spring-loaded hammer i think has 90 um durability which is pretty nice about yeah um can you can you only apply like sword sword durability disorder ability and no weapon to weapon yes um you can't do bow to weapon but you can do spear to sword or spear to claim a bose right where melee weapons and shields are the three categories that have to stay within each other but you can do spear to sword or hammer to spear okay the um the claymore after you increase its durability can you duplicate the hylian shield yes technically yes wow you wouldn't want to do that though because the good thing about the height i mean it's cool right the heading shield looks cool it's a classic but just for efficiency you wouldn't want to duplicate the hylian shield because the only good thing about it is the durability you would duplicate the good shields as in terms of like friction like the radian shield but you would apply the durability of the highlight and shield to it you can't apply something like friction to the hylian shield right the only thing you can transfer is durability um you know what the like what the rating is out of or like the slickness of the shield like what would the highland kill be what would the radiant shield be right like i don't know if there's like values the only thing i i noticed the difference between three uh three different ones and the tiers are like the worst ones are basically all shields all shields are bad with the exception of the um ancient shield and the shields of mind's eye as like a wooden sheikah shield those ones are pretty slick um and the radiant shield is in a league of its own okay interesting very interesting that's the one okay it's the one they used in garuda for the sand shield surfing which is why i'm assuming they decided to make it like extra slick oh that would make sense yeah that's a good point so i'm using a lot of wind bombs here because i need height i'm gonna use the um the woodland tower which is this tower here i will actually get another part of the map uh later as a war point okay because it's pretty close to death mountain i'm gonna need to go to death mountain for a little bit keep in mind um earlier was limkey was explaining that uh whenever you do the win bombs because i know he hasn't touched up on it since um we got back from break i don't think you were just doing yeah you just you just did the sliding um but with wind bombs it's important to make sure that like when you're using that square bomb that you um are facing in like an actual cardinal direction or else it won't be effective like it won't actually work additionally um you can aim ordinary ordinal is also safe and it is actually faster but it gives less height on the corner yeah it's like exactly now northwest exactly south east um but um it will give more speed less height i wanted basically only height there so i was always aiming cardinal in the for those when bombs did yeah i feel like at this point wind bombs are more useful for heights specifically because you have sliding so like it make would make sense that you want to stick with more the cardinal directions exactly cool so i'm learning really really um that is exactly my decision making there so this might be a little hard and it might take me more than one attempt we'll see how it goes uh because we are going to enter korok forest i promise you we're getting the master sword um but uh korok forest is a bit annoying to get into if you went here casually you would know that in this forest um there's like a lot of this fog trying to void you out so what i did here is i made the game leg intentionally by pressing the menu the d-pad quick menu every time you press the d-pad quick menu you induce a little bit of lag to the game a little bit of extra lag i did that there intentionally to make sure that when i wind bomb and open my paraglider i'm currently on a leg frame it's gonna be a bit confusing i'm not gonna go too in-depth but essentially when you do a launch like this on a leg frame the game in order to compensate for that leg increases your launch speed by 150 and like tries to catch you up with the leg and you go faster this is called a super launch and makes wind bombs a little bit more useful and that was an easy way to basically just zoom past that barrier of um in the forest yeah so basically you you made yourself go so fast that it couldn't um void you out by having the fog surround you before you can land right exactly um so this is the master sword unfortunately we can't get it because we have four hearts but and this is the big bud um there and i made a huge video about this this year because the getting the masters was probably the most ridiculous uh history of glitches yeah i watched the video you watch the video um it's pretty crazy so at first we thought we can only get over 13 hearts which if you pull this there's this cutscene at place you can only get it for 13 hours right and then a glitch was found that actually allows you to duplicate hearts so you no longer need to get 40 shrines or like divine beasts to get those hearts you can duplicate hearts it's faster um what you can do now is you can light a campfire [Music] so what you do is you literally just place a piece of wood next to the master sword and you make a campfire out of this piece of wood so what happens here is when you look up into the sky when you sleep on a campfire quickly when you wake up your like your coordinates on the map d sync for like the first couple of seconds this also unloads the prompt around the master sword that would otherwise play the cutscene that checks for your heart's count let's sleep on the campfire here wait until morning and while i'm waking up i'm just gonna constantly press a so it's pretending to go to morning but it still hasn't done the time check so it won't actually change the time right and we just got the master sword do you just you do you spam a basically it's not it's not you don't have to spam that hard i made a video about this and people were spamming like crazy as long as you turn it pretty quick you're fine uh you have like probably around like a second of time to grab the sword before the trigger reloads okay but yeah the funny thing is like if i'm grabbing the master sword now the game still thinks it's there oh but you have it i have it and i even got the extra item slot for it do all the properties around it actually i think i'm not sure if you get the extra item slot for it additionally you can see main quest the hero sword this quest never completes unless you actually pull it i mean i can try that it looks weird um and you can actually pull this invisible sword if you get to 13 hearts i don't think i have the time to do that today that's okay uh what's funny is while on this side um when you stand on this side you get to pull the master sword you can actually enter the troll of the sword uh even now you need to um and i'm actually going to get this out of the way right now as soon as you when you get the master you have the dlc installed the first time you reload the over world um the game introduces you to the trail of the sword which is dlc exclusive content it's probably the hardest content in the game specifically in master mode uh honestly a good challenge um you're doing it casually it's hard enough for sure and this actually makes one even more fun or more like an even harder challenge if you wanted to do this you could technically do to try this over three hearts good luck specifically in master modes but um yeah this is we have to get this cutscene out of the way this is now oh hey yeah you have the master sword so the game acknowledges that we have it in our inventory but we've never completed the quest for it and we also will not do that today is zelda never going to try to talk to you because he didn't activate things for her or does she no no she's when she talks to us that's usually related to divine beast stuff which we won't really do today but whenever she's talking that would still happen that's not really related okay i was just like i guess like we wouldn't hear her because we don't have blood moons either true that that's one that she talks there she also talks when you beat for the vine bees she's like oh i'm so proud of you you beat all the divine beasts she also talks to you if you get the final memory we could still do all of that but we won't because i'm just thinking of all the time she might speak um i'm gonna get this other cutscene out of the way while i quickly um explain again uh the about the sword a little bit more so again this swords um you can't throw it uh it has the same mechanics like it will eventually run out of charge and eventually also recharge what we're watching right now is to fill up the sword cutscene um it also powers up when you are next to me so it is a completely normal master sword with the only um change i think you actually don't get the dedicated item slot usually you get an extra item slot that's just for the master sword so if you do this glitch and you don't have inventory space it won't work that's important maybe to know um because you only get the dedicated slot when you actually pull it the master sword has a dedicated item slot spot in case uh if you didn't know that before but you need an open slot if you wanted this glitch it's very easy to do um there's tutorials on youtube that take like two minutes uh but you can see it here so here it says pull if i press a here i would still try to pull the master sword but if i go here oh that's so strange it says place so here i could actually enter the joint of the sword uh i will not do that right now because i have two hearts but it's still um interesting to know right actually maybe my game crashes here this is a very common crash spot okay i didn't we talked earlier about before the show if there's a fast way to crash the game the most common crash spot in the game is entering the beginning trials it crashes like 20 of the time randomly didn't this time huh that's so strange okay yeah i've never seen that actually i don't really know why it does it but it's actually surprisingly it happened surprisingly often okay we have the monster now um i wanted to now now um that we have basically moved around a lot i wanted to go we have a lot of the base equipment i needed that's basically what this run was focused on so far uh showing of glitches while collecting some items i need like the attack up items the equipment the multi-shot bows the master so i have all of that now so now i can focus much more on some smaller interesting glitches and we're going to start again on the great plateau and make our way slowly and surely while showing off a ton of glitches to the boss fights okay i'm excited um the first thing that i'm going to show is a glitch that i would recommend people to try at home maybe not right now but maybe if you re-watch the bot if you watch this on youtube you can rewind you can take your time to learn this and once you've seen it you probably are going to want to learn this and this is also the reason mainly that i mean one of the two reasons i got the camera but um brother white looks nice and the only way we get to uh usually see more of the game is by turning on pro mode so pro mode disables the map on the bottom right and all that's left is the heart count on the top left right we can take that one step further and i'm gonna just go over the inputs just like they are and you'll see what happens so we'll start this out by doing weapon smuggling again we did this earlier in the run when we brought the blue flame to the hoteno tech lab so we place a bomb on the ground we take out our weapon and we're going to pick up the bomb and then instantly pause the game after unequivocal shield now link is holding the bomb and the sword we can get rid of that bomb now we don't need it anymore but link is now smuggling the sword he's like randomly holding it and the next step that we need to do is we need to re-equip our shield i'm going to use the d-pad to re-equip my shield i'll shoot this big and it's equipped now from here i'm going to hold out the shield with the left trigger and i'm not going to let go of this button until i'm done with the glitch this button is going to be held the entire time constantly holding this button okay the next step i'm going to do is i'm going to switch from the bomb balloon to the camera rune i have the camera rune now selected and then the next step is i'm going to pause the game and hold an item any item i'm going to hold the chili if i now unpause link is holding the item and the sword looks a little strange uh we're going to take this step further by switching from one weapon to another now link is holding the item the sword and the shield he's getting a little busy at this point and now the last step that i have to do is i have to press the rune button so l which is going to be the camera and plus at the same time if an opera is b i'm playing bro of the world in first person um which is something that otherwise you can't do and it allows for some pretty cinematic shots that you otherwise can't see like this so what's happening in the background here is uh i'm basically in the camera rune but i also basically deleted the over like the hut of the camera rune it looks like in like a different game it looks like vr over the world yeah and this is how like a lot of the like intro shots and um like i don't know animations like combat montages for the game are done now this is another advantage of the game being uh stuck at five in the morning because we get to see like lighting like this okay can you play this in actual vr because i know they have their little um i have the the switch kind of vr right like the toy cons or whatever they call it i mean if there was like a fully fleshed out vr version for this i mean damn that would be amazing this glitch doesn't go that far unfortunately so while you can't when you you can walk around you can get some cool shots um as soon as you press like b you're like you try to attack this ends this is just for like cinematic shots and i think it does a good job at that but you can't just straight up like yeah fight and beat the game this way but uh depending on where you are you can get some really cool shots of the game that you can't get any other way oh that's so cool it's like perfect for like your like desktop background starting soon stream scene or something it even adds like the letter box is just too good that's true oh that's really true yeah especially since it's 5 15 all the time it looks amazing yeah i think honestly if you rewind that enough what i just explained and just follow my steps you can do those two it's it's not hard um you just have to probably remind the video a couple times and do the steps but it's pretty nice yeah that's super cool all right that's first person breath of the wild now we will go and um get ourselves some items because we still are gonna have to beat the boss fights at the end and i don't really have a quick way to set up a slide here so i'm probably going to go for some wind bombs i was trying to make the game lag there again but i explained earlier but it actually depends on what you have on your screen if there's like a lot of like forest or a lot of um very like intricate areas on the ground it's a lot easier to get lag and speed up your launch is there a lot more a lot more um like objects render exactly which is it's actually funny like technically this becomes more consistent when you use the vr mode you just talked about because when you use the vr mode the game gets rendered twice once for the left and one's for the right side so you can make the game like even more it's not that it's not that big but um it's a little bit of a niche um trick all i wanted to go where i wanted to go was the stable so lag is very important this game for multiple things but uh menu overloading which is the base glitch we are going to use to increase our inventory and duplicate weapons and so on and so forth is um much easier to do when the the game is laggy and the stable is a good spot to do this so funny uh i just think of like n64 like a lot of especially a lot of games and speed runs even even games that like aren't being speed ran were built with some of the lag in mind for mechanic story like dk64 like you had to actually rely on the lag being there which makes certain things almost impossible without it in like you know the wii u emulation and stuff exactly um it's so funny that you know you would think that that's really useful for like older consoles but you know finding ways to create lag and companies are working like so hard to remove it for better experiences for people it's like still so useful for speed right i know amazing and this is a great example of it so i have those five multi-shot bows and i bought that one short gyro because the only thing that's important that is that on my multi-shot bow i have a shock arrow equipped this is what matters this allows to allows us to add more like overload our menu more which is going to work yeah it just it just has to be equipped but like right now it's like equipped so it's like lying on the bow that's the important part and um so what i'm going to do is i um i'm holding this royal guard's claymore so this is the weapon i have equipped and then i'm holding out the bow with the shock arrow equipped so what i'm going to do is i'm going to drop my bow and then equip another bow and every time i'm unpausing the game here i have to go quick i'm going to have to un-pause here so i give the bow time to fall down and then immediately pause again okay i'm going to repeat this so i'm going to drop this bow equip this bow unpause pause i'm going to drop this bow equip this bow un-pause pause should it have like a frame to land on the ground no you want to spend as little time out of the menu as possible okay okay and now link looks weird this is when you know you got it if you look at the right it's just this is the important step uh this this tells us our menu is now overloaded i'm gonna have to move a little bit to the right here and then basically try to quickly pause the game again i'm sorry i find that really funny we can see the head is still floating which means our menu is still overloaded so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to hold the royal claymore and then unpause and pause again you can tell even though it hovers the royal claymore link is still currently holding the royal guards claymore on his back right can you see that in the back of the menu it's like the black weapon instead of the silver one oh yeah stuck out of his like heads basically now this is where it gets interesting because i'm going to attack i'm going to jump attack um right now and what's going to happen is because i'm jump attacking with the royal claymore the game is going to subtract one durability right but it's going to check the base durability of the royal claymore which is pretty high but i technically still have the royal guards clay more equipped so while i would usually lose one durability the game will instead set the durability of the royal guards claymore to the royal claymore durability minus one that's why i hope that was if that made sense but basically by doing this i now have a royal guard's claymore with the durability of the royal claymore so i'm going to get rid of all of this now reset it back to normal right now i'm holding royal guard's claymore right the black weapon but when i press d-pad it says royal claymore so again it kind of glitched out this claymore now has the durability of the royal claymore we will see that later in the fight it's gonna last long so that was step one now we have a good royal claimer with high durability i'm gonna repeat this step but now i'm gonna duplicate the royal guards claymore so again we're overloading our menu we are holding out the shock arrow on a multi-shot bow drop equip and pause pause drop equip and pause pause drop equip unpause pause drop equip and pause pause link looks funny i walk to the side i pause again and now what i can do is i can equip a different weapon for example this x it's equipped i unpause and pause the game then i throw away this x but the weapon that link will throw away is not gonna be an x it's another royal guard's claymore um okay so every time i equip a new weapon i unpause and pause the game throw away the weapon unpause and pick it up i'm picking up a royal guard's claymore and one with broken durability so i get this weapon i'll unpause pause throw it away pick it up i get this weapon now unpause pause throw it away pick it up and i get this weapon now on pause pause throw it away pick it up now i have seven or like six royal guards claymores with like 30 durability instead of 12 so i have like 10 thousands of damage on me now wow compared to the ones to the damage that i had earlier it's really powerful it's the only problem is that in order to do this glitch you have to get those multi-shot bows so it's uh only really useful in very long runs it also takes some time because it's not like there's no good equipment in the game right um it's just that uh this is only useful so is there some weapons that are incredibly useful to duplicate uh what stands out is you said it getting the highly unshield durability on a different weapon is massive um it allows you to on a different shield right you can make an almost unbreakable perfect shield surfing shields that's a great thing you can make like what i just did super powerful two damage two hand damaged weapons those are great for all of the mini boss fights because you can just spin to win if you have like a lot of stamina that's what you do that's what you're doing like one hundred percent you just spin to win even with um divine beasts i feel like that would be really easy even with divine beasts even like everything you fight two hand weapons are really good because not only can you just spin to win if you actually spin to win but you face the back to the enemy uh sometimes you hit twice per rotation so you with this weapon that's 140 damage per spin it's a lot um that's wild okay and um another great weapon that's actually probably the best to duplicate is the reward you get for clearing the vine beast of middle the birds you get the great eagle bow the great eagle bow has amazing durability amazing range an amazing fire rate so it shoots very quickly it's the triple shot bow from riton so in in the 100 runs you usually duplicate that ball a lot it helps that it itself is a multi-shot bow so at one point you can just constantly make like a great eagle bow factory you have only great eagle balls and whenever you run low you use the great eagle bows to make more great eagle bows it's pretty nice pretty neat that's awesome um so i want to say that this is a really we're making really good time for our estimate which is currently spin to win spin to win nice nice we will get there um i wanna make one quick stop before i mean maybe not that quick it's still gonna be a cool glitch and this is kind of where i'm gonna be bringing it back to where i talked about the snapshot uh breath the white constantly evolves and some glitches never really see um i mean this one people have probably seen but it never actually really made it into speedruns i'm gonna start by using amiibo and i'm gonna use the super smash brothers amiibo which spawns epona um i just need a horse this is like the fastest way to quickly get one um i will just register my opponent here do you just have like you have your your most useful amiibos like right next to you for this basically yeah there's a couple ones uh that we use in any percent for strong attack up foods but uh i had this one ready for the run so poner um we just need any horse um but uh is fast for me to get here and i'm gonna be riding to the [Music] mounted archery mini game which broke the game and i think it was 2019 okay maybe i can get this first price might take me a couple attempts right how uh and i i just let it talk for itself i'll just explain what i'm doing and then you will see the result great so um i'm gonna the reason i had registered imported as you only are allowed to play that mini game when you have a registered horse you have to get to the sky on a registered horse so this is the fastest way to get a horse not only that but she's like automatically oh perfect bonds and like best speed exactly right this is like the best choice pretty much it's actually not the fastest horse there's two locations in the game where you can get a faster horse but epona is the best that's overall like four for everything some people maybe argue the royal horses pretty good stats too but this is this is just it's pretty new so people used to use this in actual speed runs for even any percent in the past but neither am i we just slide now but yeah you've ridden rather than just having a horse right like you said exactly okay because darn i would have said like what about the god of the mountain true true that would be great it has to be registered like you can't use a bear either unfortunately yeah i won't do that yeah it looks like i have to get this first try i have to reload because i only have exactly 27 rupees and it costs me 20 rupees to do this so we'll see so i'm gonna start the mini game and instead of actually playing the mini game i'm gonna turn around and i'm gonna ride up to this hill okay and i'm gonna wait a little bit i'm gonna wait until the timer gets a little bit lower and my goal is going to be when the timer hits around 13 12 seconds my goal is going to be to jump off my horse and land on one of those wild horses down there oh and i want to land in a way that i'm gonna be on the horse struggling to tame it but not actually tame it so that's the goal i'm going for here uh and sometimes the horse kicks you away which is why this might take me one two three attempts the horses can be really annoying but i'm going to jump about now and you don't want to land on one of those spotted horses because the spotted horses will actually not have to they won't have to be tamed i'm on the horse now i'm about to run out of stamina so i'm going to eat one of those dishes i prepared earlier for this moment and even another one just to be safe and the mini game is gonna end so i ended the game on a different horse i started it on oh and this is about to break the game okay of course right so as you can see um my horse is now leaving even though epona is still on the same spot now slowly slowly but surely uh leave the realm now um i'll wait a little bit longer um looks like i've only hit zero targets nothing to write home about unfortunate um but i'm in a hurry actually genie i'm gonna have to leave i'm gonna have to leave you hanging there and now that i'm flying away on my horse horses are just something else just like genie said i am i will warp away from this location to the shrine that i uh have activated earlier animations i've ever seen it is pretty funny and it's gonna get a little more crazy i i i know that sounds unbelievable but it will so we have now um warped away and the problem is even though we walked away the game actually still thinks we're standing on a horse right um and what this allows us to do is just to jump into space if we want to so now since the game still thinks we are on a horse it will constantly think we are also on the ground so this we call moon jump and we can literally jump forever we can jump wherever we want to go like a ceiling i think eventually i've never actually tried i tried it earlier and i was matching so much that i started to like not wanting to mesh anymore i was still gaining height uh i think there probably is eventually but it would take us a long time to get there look at this guard a bit oh funny um yeah the thing is also there's no fall damage anymore so if you fall down it's just like nothing happens um and i'm gonna combine this glitch with something great now i'm gonna just unequip my bow here and i'm gonna insert this shrine we're gonna be stacking glitches on top of each other now oh no okay i mean oh yes so even though it's loading a whole new area it still remembers that this glitch literally only ends if i turn off the game or if i if i am oh i'm stuck looks like i'm stuck um if i turn up the game or if i sit on another horse or any mount like the bike would work or like the lord of them would actually work to to stop the glitch again because that's in the game so now what what did i do no now i'll probably just reload oh wait can i still bump myself let me see oh i can still bomb myself nice um sometimes you get stuck which is uh the the problem with this is you can't combine this glitch well with the other techniques it's good for casuals that want to do this for the first time and just jump around everywhere it's really fun to explore the world like this but it doesn't really work well with like the bullet time bounce because you can't really open your glider the only way you can open your glider in the state is using rivali scale and you get stuck sometimes it's um it can be frustrating to deal with but it is cool so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to stick another glitch on top of this this is operator storage this right here is an apparatus this is what we used uh every every every time there's a terminal like this where when you press a you get to control something with motion controls like this right we call these operators by doing a specific input here holding out your shield pressing crouch and camera at the same time you can activate the apparatus while taking a picture you can delete this picture pause the game and then load a save file from earlier okay okay so i'm gonna load this save file the one that i just got from entering the shrine phil has the other glitch activated i will still have the other glitch active but i will have another glitch active too how does it not reset that's so interesting uh yeah that is interesting so if i did it right um not only should i have the um moon jump glitch now but also the apparatus storage glitch and the apparatus storage glitch breaks the game a little bit more in the sense you can do lots of things with it this is what we use for example to duplicate hearts but one small niche use of it is that you um you save the temperature from inside the shrine so if since i'm next to that mountain you can maybe already tell where this is going we're going to be going to that mountain but different oh um if i did it right i shouldn't have to worry about um getting cold about oh it is actually still getting cold so maybe loading the wrong fire there uh mess me up it should be fine either way uh the only reason i'm coming up here is um i can show off the upgrade storage afterwards once again just to see that it actually works i think the reason it didn't work is because when i loaded the save file um i loaded the save file that was inside that shrine so maybe the game actually remembered that i had pressed a on that apparatus i should have probably loaded another save there the only difference that that would have made in our file here is that if you do it right and i will show this again maybe later just to make sure that we know it works it would have um that way i can actually show another glitch so it works out in our favor um which is gonna help us to uh not get burnt anyway that was my whole intention right i wanted to jump up here without getting burned alive right but um there's actually another cool trick that you can do to not have that problem and you can see even though i'm getting um even though i'm not really even though i'm getting a lot of height like i'm almost basically at the peak of that mountain right also great sound while you uh it's just so fun to play this um even though i am getting a lot of height i'm really not fast like the only way i can go faster with this is if i had like speed foot so link would run a little bit quicker but it's not like the whistle glitch exactly so if i try to do like a wind bomb here if i hold out a bomb i'm like holding it because i'm not in the air right so i i can't actually do it because the game still thinks i'm uh on the ground what about stasis launching stasis launch there's like a weird way to make it work but even if you got launched we couldn't open the glider it's the same problem because the glider would obviously only open if we are mid-air but you don't need so you don't take fall damage right okay this is really quick i'm about to catch on fire okay one thing you can do when you are catching on fire and this is gonna happen here if you spin your weapon the fire stops you literally just need to do a charged attack so if you ever want to make it up to death modern early you start catching on fire you start a spin attack the fire stops every time and what's good about doing this while in moon jump is um that now we could even do this mid-air because um we can always spin attack but even if you don't if you just walk up here you wait until you catch on fire and then you do the spin attack and you repeat and if you do it fast the most you will lose every time is like a half a heart so if you come up here with like two three cop durian meals you can just walk up until you hit the city right and then you can buy the gear that you get in the city here the flame gear so here i'm just going to spin the weapon midair and then keep jumping it looks like we're about to get attacked by some boulders hopefully they don't hit us uh i have not prepared for this scenario i do have fairies in case let's hope for the best uh-oh okay these are still attacking us something you did not be on fire no it looks like i'm okay okay um is that so it starts what so are those those are always laying on this look like which one where what is triggering that uh just just getting here so uh when you first get here it's like rudania the one the wine beast that we are about to get introduced to is apparently like knocking on the mountain and the first time you get here it like also triggers and there's like a like some other locations where they fall down they will also fall down when you later when you attack the divine beast and you have to do the little escort mission with a uniball that's right gets caught then they also fire but it's just like the divine beast causing those to happen i don't know why i don't have that in my mind i don't have a very good memory so no i mean it's pretty random like there's a lot of those random encounters that i would also constantly forget but yeah the entire reason i came is one to show off this glitch but i also want to show one more glitch i am actually running a little low on food so hopefully we can clutch this out because all i need is to activate the shrine up here and then i'm going to return with the apparatus storage glitch just to show that it will actually make me immune okay and um and also oh you know what actually one thing that i didn't check i can explain it in a second is um there's actually two wait how is my food looking oh god this is going to be closed uh there's actually two different versions of apparatus storage the first version that i was using um back then is the version without a memory this is gonna be a little bit confusing but um in order to actually in order to actually duplicate hearts using um operator storage you have to do a special version of operator storage a version that's where you also watch a memory after um after doing it okay and i'm thinking if there's any place there's actually a place okay we have like just enough time because it's probably the thing up there is going to be like the last major glitch before we go to the boss fights that i want to show uh that i can show it either way um i first want to see um if we need a memory or not but um so okay what i'm also just realizing is that i would like to get rid of the glitch now and i won't be able to unless i restart the game so i'll quickly do that uh because epona is too far away so we're just going to be quickly restarting oh cause you need a horse right and you can't call her uh you can't could you've used the encoder to re-warp her or something i don't know uh also i'm oh i am very interested to see where this autosave actually is this guy it looks weird and i know moon jumping definitely messes uh messes up the autosaves a little bit let's see what happens here it showed us hertino and we are in hotel do we have the shrine negative we do okay good i didn't lose the progress so uh we have our glider again we are no longer moon jumping because we restarted the game okay and i will show apparatus storage also i will either confirm that the temperature storage only works with the memory version this is like some nerd stuff right now but um i will show what apparatus rich does other than that so i will go and here again activate the camera can you explain yeah so the camera you take a picture of it like it's at the same time you activate the actual apparatus right so what i essentially do is when you activate it you go into the state of the apparatus right but taking a picture at the same time i can delay that animation just enough so i can load a different file so in the back of the game's mind is like oh i just activated the apparatus i want to go into the state where link can control the apparatus with motion controls and while that's happening we are we don't really understand it but we are assuming the game disables some of the physics because it doesn't want link to move around maybe link would get hit by the ball in the maze and that's not supposed to happen so what definitely happens if regardless of memory or not is link's paraglider breaks so this is my glider now it just doesn't work uh if i want to try and glide i'm just gonna fall oh weird so um maybe i'll jump from like a bigger cliff to show and then i will walk to that mountain to confirm if the temperature storage um will work or not yep that looks like it's not working right yeah i am jumping off i'm using the glider but i'm just falling that's so strange okay no rear gliding happening here so what i do now is i um go up here and i will save the game there because that's the safe i'm going to load once i do the operator storage again because um and i think that's actually what i did wrong now that i think of it um apparatus storage i think does get lost after the second warp where moon jump actually stays active the entire time there's so many glitches like it's so easy like you can already see it there um it's hot if you see these like sparks flying around and you can see it there link is about to burn but i'm gonna save the game i will say i will keep the safe and i'm once again gonna walk back to the shrine and reconfirm if this is possible or not because again there is one cool glitch up here where i would like to be able to not burn the worst because we can always like get some flame gear or get the memory to make sure but um that's the last thing i want to show before because you'd warped it cancelled out the apparatus glitch um yeah again one warp should usually um oh they're true true that's that's actually why probably like just loading a save file uh should be fine but if you warp i think it's overwritten oh okay okay okay so the warp will get rid of it yeah so now since i have the save up on the mountain i should be able to do the glitch and then just load that safe and then the temperature should be fine if not you need the extra memory i feel like i remember that you don't this is why i was even trying to show this off let's see and confirm it so apparently storage like um to think that like saves will actually load certain like game states basically yeah yeah exactly and the interesting thing is the safe loads like more the location and less the game state is actually very true for this game so let's see first of all if this has worked it has so now the temperature is stuck to what it was on the um on the shrine right we no longer burning uh because um we just loaded the safe so this is what i was implementing walk on lava then oh god help um i can't i'm pretty sure uh because lava would still kind of act like water it would still void me out so as soon as i touched it i would basically that this is already how lava works it doesn't like instantly kill you it works like instantly drowning in water if you fall in you land on the last spot um oh you see that glider is also broken again but uh this time we can get closer without flame protection and we are good to go maybe i can even can i like walk towards it how close can i get okay actually touching it still seems to damage me i i got one out of damage there so the damage i would usually take here comes from the temperature being high but i guess lava has its own like hitbox right um but yeah at least we got to show off a broad storage again there's a different version of it using a memory that's on top of all of this also allows us to um uh also allows us to it's just gonna work uh oh to duplicate how it starts not good hopefully i can make that one stay up there i remember using this or was it something similar and you like put it on another metal box and then you can like fly that's the idea um this glitch is a little outdated but it's kind of cool to see i personally very much dislike um controlling this it's pretty hard to do um specifically with the motion controls but the idea is basically when you set two mine cards on top of each other and ideally you want to do this on like a relatively even ground otherwise taking off is gonna take quite some time and the problem is there is not many mine cards in the game there's like here there's a couple there's like one random one in hyrule castle and that's pretty much it um so you don't really have much to work with when you do this glitch just like if you're really good at this once you have and we call this the flying machine once you have it set up you can technically take it anywhere and like just fly around wherever you want oh god this is not looking good um hello please yeah i remember seeing like examples kind of like it and in hearing that it's pretty difficult to control it's very difficult to control and there's even like a different version of it where you use instead of using a second minecart you use a metal box right on top of a minecart and that is the worst it's so bad um i would really not recommend going for it hopefully i can at least take like a little flight here eventually yeah i'm looking for some even ground to take off on okay because right now i'm trying to like stack this minecart on top of the other but it is not cooperating with me at all i don't know when you have it um just from how the minecarts look like this minecart that i'm placing should push like basically like this and now i guess we hope for the best this is already looking bad again but maybe it's good enough to try um i mean we're kind of moving you know yeah maybe i can save this to the point where i can at least fly a little bit we are yeah yeah we're kind of flying you know like a little bit it's still pretty cool you get you get the idea yeah and then again you kind of steer this with motion controls and then you crash against the wall and everything was for nothing but if you are really good at this glitch you can fly through the entire world there's actually a setup that you can do which is really good for the most for most areas if you wear one piece of like flame protection let's say the the pants that give you flame protection and you also wear um two pieces that give you cold protection you can if you get good at this glitch which i really don't recommend i wanted to show it off because it's literally a spaceship essentially because think about it we have the slide now it's so much faster to set up we can set it up anywhere it basically does the same and we don't have to constantly use motion controls to use it if you wanted to get good at this glitch um if you use that setup you could fly anywhere in the world without ever really taking damage because you're prepared against the cold you're prepared against the heat you have it basically yeah all covered okay so that is the last little movement which i wanted to show off i am going to make my way towards the boss fights and show an interesting skip there and then also one big thing very interesting thing literally at the very end at the very last fight of the game oh okay is there anything um i know besides like that hammer potentially for durability but is there any other reason that kilton is useful outside of a hundred percent um for like speedrunning sake yes um not really he's actually required for 100 percent right it's the interesting part because uh in a 100 run uh according to our current rule set it's really hard to make a good 100 rule set because there basically isn't true 100 in this game unless you said play every mini game get 999 of each item beat every enemy um and whatnot and the only thing that's in the game that kind of tracks completion is the little map meter in the bottom left but that also doesn't cover everything because it only covers locations like koroks and shrines on the map there is no great basically we made a route set that we believe covers most things right yeah main point side quests right and um also some of the armor upgrades we decided we only have to upgrade the armor that's permanent the one that you can't sell that made sense for us okay um and so this guy we don't need this weapon um that made sense for us uh only getting the um only getting the permanent armor upgraded like the zora armor and um one i know it just randomly loaded in like that nope one thing that we wanted to include is the star menu so when you press plus there's like a menu on the right here there's star items right now i have two those are key items the paraglider and the she cost like if you play the game you hear what you'll have is you'll have the champion abilities you'll have horse gear you'll have the hester's amazing gift has this gracious gift uh we receive that they're getting all 900 korok seats um it's so useful it's great thank you um but three items there are the um the medals of honor and the medals of honor is what kilton gives out after um defeating each set of mini bosses so in this game there's heinox mini bosses there is uh talus mini bosses and molduga mini bosses if you beat all of them from kilton you get a medal of honor and by the way what i'm doing here is i'm just running through the castle and getting some final equipment i need before i uh can beat the bosses relatively easy i love that yeah that guy just uh is a quick 10 bomb arrow spawned you know yeah the main reason i come down here is there's a cooking partner need to make my attack up food but yeah the medals of honor um are part of the 100 run so you need to talk to kilton to get those right well if you're doing those side quests it one of them involves talking to you getting a picture of kids yeah right right so this guy is probably about to load in on us again the reason i'm getting rid of him is because the boomerang is useful for the for thunderblade and um we want to use these cooking pots and you can't cook if there's enemies nearby okay you know what i do i actually have an idea um this is not a glitch but a bit of game knowledge that will help me out here so in this chest below me there is a dragon part it is naedra's fang i'm not sure who has messed around with lots a lot with cooking in this game but adding nadra's fang to a dish um gives the dish a huge duration boost so normally a uh the best thing to use for that is a dragon horns but fangs work pretty well so if i use four bananas and nato's fang and cook them in a cooking pot i'm getting a attacker potion that lasts for 18 minutes oh wow i never knew that uh the fangs or that yeah the fangs are there it's uh it's nice to have okay it's very helpful [Music] so i have a strong potion now that i'm gonna use to beat the boss fights uh the only thing i'm getting here is three more ancient arrows okay which are super helpful superb for lots of damage we can't one shot the boss fights obviously we can do a lot of damage where is that and then i'm gonna make ways where i am yeah so it seems like any will any dragon part increase the duration or no yes and uh it doesn't matter which dragon it is it only matters which parts the most effective is the horn a dragon horn boosts the duration up to 30 minutes so you could do you could have a 30 minute level 3 speed up potion a 30 minute level 3 attacker potion there's no there was no horn nearby but if there was that's what i would use right instead that is very very long horrible exactly so i did use two wind bombs here to enter the final arena of the game and well not quite the final arenas technically were the dark beasts boss fighters but um before and i'm gonna have to focus a little bit more here because i have four hearts so i can't really make a mistake otherwise i die i have pretty decent equipment but i'm mainly i'm still going to have to play pretty well i should have honestly had a ferry hopefully i'm not going to choke we'll see what happens um because i would like to make it to uh to dark beast it's gonna say you are not in a rush we are not no i'm usually not supposed to probably be here at this state um but yeah so i'm sitting here because i want to start no matter what these fights off with a trick and i'm just going to do this and then let it speak for itself so i shot an arrow there that's the important part i shot an arrow into the arena and now we are going to be fighting wind split ganon because when you get uh to this these boss fights and you haven't beaten the divine beast yet the flights show up here right so now wind blade ganon is dead and we are fighting water blight ganon okay so the reason so this was the skip right uh we basically skipped an entire boss fight there so we skipped wind blight ganon what happened there in this cutscene was basically uh because i shot that arrow into the arena and then entered the uh the boss fight the arrow was stuck in the air constantly damaging ganon it was stuck there and the hitbox was active constantly damaging the blight so by the time the cutscene was over he had already lost his health completely oh my gosh oh that's bad i don't even know if i survived this i was too close down barely not a good start to the fight i actually overestimated the power of the master sword instead what i'm going to be using more now is the good old spin to win technique i talked about earlier right specifically because i have these strong claymores now right um using spins is really strong again i keep thinking of the terminal montage video now it's gonna be somewhat like that the master mode run that i talked about earlier here is even crazier because that lionel bow is just so strong yeah that makes sense um but yeah these threads are gonna be a little random this is not usually the equipment i have in any percent this is just random strong equipment so it should still be fine the one thing i'm a little um like conscious about is um [Music] calamity because calamity is always hard but again this is just a lot of damage the combination of um 72 damage weapon with attack up food which gives you a 50 attack buff that's like a hundred damage every hits these blights have like between 800 and 1200 health so it's pretty fast really yeah it's really really fast that's wild is a little scary so i hope that goes well which one thunder blight that thunderblade is the worst absolutely definitely scary fight yeah for first timers it can be definitely uh the funny thing is actually in this arena thunderblade is arguably easier um you don't have like the weird angles and things you have to climb up for him the arena is a huge reason that then about his hearts so far so good here we go halfway awesome so this is where the um the boomerang is going to come into play by uh waiting for thunderblade to do this attack i can use the boomerang bro to break his shield then headshot him then go for four attacks break his shield again and then go for the spin to win strats the only problem is i know it feels so great to just destroy this guy after suffering so much when you first like try and beat him so the problem is getting um ganon is a pushover when you actually play the game but when you um when you are this weak he is actually not weak because he has a lot of health if we don't beat the blights he starts to fight on full hd right this is a lot harder to do a lot more damage to do exactly i'm going to try to um ever counter him i'm going to try to use the master sword a lot more the masters are being on 60 damage is actually pretty helpful right that's a lot of extra dps oh forget about flurry red you ever counter has um like the beams basically um we need to parry one laser later to be fair it is 7am maybe my reflexes are a little bit worse than usual hopefully that's not too bad because can't really mess up the parries right yeah i'm definitely jumping too early hopefully i get that better the thing is in normal mode surprisingly phase two is actually easier because we get to do a specific trick i'm jumping way too early why you're not taking damage this should at least be the end of phase okay i needed one it should at least be the end of phase one phase two is going to be the important part it did give me the laser which is important okay i really need to focus on the small bits oh okay i'm not sure why that happened uh if i did it right i should have been able to unlock him i guess we need to play a little bit better now you got this that was my bed i am oh that's unfortunate i am tried to parry those lasers there to get him from the wall which i shouldn't have done because the only reason you want to get him from the wall is um the only reason you usually want to get them from the wall is um what should i call it because like it's to break his invincibility yeah exactly because in in sorry in master mode um he regenerates health there so you want to get him from the ball as soon as possible you can get him from the wall here early to save time which is nice um it's very risky because like with my hp right now um if i miss a parry if i make a mistake i just die gotcha do you have any meals to help you or anything no i i i go for something else instead i go for um a little bit of a different equipment upgrades that should help me um what i will need is um a second bow a second royal guards bow uh which is the bow i've already used a lot in the previous fight um that allows me to basically make phase one guaranteed i i was actually playing well until that point it's just that with this fight if you make a mistake it's just it that's it because you will get one shot there's no like one shot protection and how much damage you will lose all progress how much damage does he typically do per hit i don't honestly don't know because i don't like the only time i actually fight him like this is in 80 runs in other runs he is a complete pushover like i said you never get hit because you have the rook's protection you have oboza's fury those things will decimate him in seconds and uh yeah and you literally don't have to worry about it ever but right now i have no armor i have no um oh yeah i have no really really efficient ways to deal with him so that's uh the problem i have no way i have no levels grace i have no hearts i am sort of definitely like i said i'm thinking about this now because i just want to get it for sure next try instead of messing around um and if i want to guarantee that i should probably get the gear get some ferries and then the fight is guaranteed you can i can again i'm just thinking what the best way is to get back here because unfortunately that is the most annoying position i've ever seen this guardian and let's see if i survive really um um yeah it's the bomber you don't have the uh that dlc warp thing yeah i never really made it to a color on this one it's a beautiful region one of my favorite regions in the game yeah but it is uh unfortunately not very glitch heavy for sure it is a really cool region there's a couple places we could not get this to me i'm just trying to grab some more arrows because i assume that the boosters in those areas are things we've already seen a bunch sorry i i'm assuming that the the glitches you would use in the areas we did not visit are related to ones that like we've already you've already shown off a bunch exactly yeah exactly um i'm just trying to think where i can get the best fairies right now and then we just re-fight the boss it's like um at this point it would just be 90 one but unfortunately there's just a really cool glitch at the end i would like to show for sure yeah uh during column sorry dark piece canon is there any are there any fairies in here no no i have to get the ferries and slide back but i'll be able to slide back to the fight itself instead of like having to go through castle again oh cool okay makes sense um the only thing i was thinking about is what ferry found to go to because i will probably go to the guerrilla one because uh the fairies on the kakarikon are probably not respond yet oh oh they haven't respawned okay um so the way the ferries work in this game is um there's two factors that will decide whether you will get them or not and the first one is um whether you have i think it's seven fairies or something or is it four i think it's actually four if you have four fairies in your inventory that's it um they will not spawn because the game doesn't want you to have like infinite fairies so you basically are not afraid of dying but you can cheese that a little bit and then they also have like a normal respawn timer like most other items the game that's not actually related to the blood moon like many people think um [Music] it is related to just time past in the game um hello hello ah these i wanted to sell please oh yeah all the stones right and the topaz yes just getting some durians and in this case i will actually stack up on a big meal uh just to start the fight with some extra hearts so i maybe have at least one shot protection then i'm going to slide it over to the ferry fountain get the ferries and eat again hopefully yeah okay well actually to be fair i can already tell you we will never beat the game in this run because if we do the glitch and dark beast we won't be able to okay i'm excited to see oh it will be it will be well but we got that um this is the scentsy race by the way that you can see in the back which is the i talked about this earlier the reason that all shrines um became so much faster uh because you can enter this shrine early usually you can grab this orb you have to do vana boris everything right but you shrank coordinate warp i did earlier allows us to not have to deal with that anymore so here i'm actually using these spins just to be careful um because if i hit the wall there unintentionally i will lose my sliding state and i don't want that because i want to slide all the way into the sandstorm you know exactly which direction to go i think the second you enter the sandstorm here it usually clears up four seconds right like here oh weird so even though it gets bad again now we've already seen where we have to go oh it's just right here yes oh god so much farther and again i'm going for those little hops right um do i wait for the furry to come down or am i trying to catch it nice okay i got it four ferries we should be pretty sticked we go back to the fights again yeah i think that'll be both now ganon should be an easy one shot this time and um and then we're going to see how i'm not going to beat the game if we make it to the dark piece that would be great if you let me calamity yeah this is the thing honestly when um i'm not gonna make excuses for myself but when uh you're tired this fight is pretty hard um the this is also usually even though i highly recommend people to learn the speed game it's amazing and there's so many things you can do in it um this is tough this is where most people get stuck for a little bit when you learn the 80 percent speed run because yes because you don't have the equipment that i have here you have even more specific equipment right um and the problem is when you practice this you whenever you die to gannon you will start at the first blight so there's gonna be that point where you kind of know already how to beat the game you kind of know how to beat the blights but you just can't break this ganon because every time you get there he does an attack that you didn't know yet and uh you're at the beginning again it's really frustrating that's annoying for sure it's definitely super annoying okay so this should be defined while you're starting this um for those who are interested in getting me the speedrun what do you think is the first like piece of tech that they should work on piece of tech they should work on today probably still and i that might sound a little surprising because i said i didn't um i don't use them as much anymore probably still the wind bomb uh it's it's something it's an it's an easy transition from casual playthrough into speed running because you can do a casual playthrough and add wind bombs to it and it will be very natural because it's going to be a super useful wow thank you wind light for not dying and giving me some extra time to explain it you can use it smoothly in your casual playthrough just by going from shrine to shrine and stuff did i not eat my attacker um and stuff okay and then when you work on speedruns you already know how to win bomb right yeah and then you can just use that yeah that's fair that's super fair [Music] this is how most people that i know uh got into the run like they just did win bombs casually and they were like well actually since i know them no i might as well try to speed run yeah that's great because it can help each other think it's like the best x that would just help anything right multiple types of areas and it makes you it makes your casual like you don't need to speed run to enjoy it yeah it just makes it like um yes obviously there's like horses and stuff um but it just makes it so much more enjoyable when you already when you've already played the game and you want to get to that main story content again you want to go to get to those shrines again to those lionel fights being able to reach those faster by just flying through the air it's a it's a huge bonus i think yeah some people are just gonna want like this slow burn i'm gonna run there i'm gonna ride my horse i wanna climb the mountain but you know i think i think that's super important for your first casual playthrough right because that's like where the where the love for the game comes from for many people having a fool down the road yeah it'd be really cool yeah but um once you do that second one that might be a good time to add those wind bombs we have a question cat um is there a go-to extreme completionist run to check out first like like a hundred percent run sealed um i mean there is a 100 run yeah i'm just trying to clarify the question um but it's um again it might not satisfy because it technically still it even still doesn't complete everything so the only thing there is right now is there is a bunch of people and i might do this as a channel challenge in the future um basically and it is getting to the point where this is possible uh it used to be impossible there has been a couple discoveries that make it seem possible now for example a classic one is um fairies like i just said ferries usually don't respawn uh there's a new glitch now that allows you to get 999 ferries uh another big one is a giant ancient course they have a horrible horrible drop rate um and it's gonna take you hours and hours and hours to get some to get enough giant ancient course to have 999 but it's a challenge that a couple people are working on there's some people on youtube that are technically working on that but 100 is like the run that does the most game content that's it right yeah of course [Music] but they still don't really do everything there's stuff missing which i guess is fair but it's not really possible any other way like 100 already has to be done ta with with breaks because it's literally unhealthy if people do like 20 hour runs in one sitting right yeah for sure it is definitely not good for your health um i also think like i'm trying to get 999 of all items like how would you how would you do weapons for that uh weapon for what for that kind of category um for 100 like a max percent if you were oh you would probably um i mean you can't you can't have all weapons at the same time right that's the same thing that's why i said technically if you really want to be you really want to take it to the next level i guess one the true max percent run is impossible also i might have to be a little bit more cautious about when i talk because it's this guy again um okay well here's what i can say in the meantime um so yeah let me just talk about all these awesome tutorials that you can go check out um and lots of content here i agree with chat as well the breath of breath of the wild community seems really welcoming and um speed learning communities in general are often like very like hey yeah join us like we've done a lot we like to explore a lot like they're interested in and helping other people learn the game or anybody who likes the glitch hunter anything like that like or if you ever find anything weird that happens in the game like hell the speed running community they want to figure that out um so there are a lot of tools at your disposal of course be running in general and especially with zelda games because they're so incredibly popular which makes them so incredibly broken because a lot of people are putting all that time and energy into it um figuring out how do i get to the map how do i break down the code like how do i do that with it um so yeah there's there's definitely tons you can do going to speedrun.com um we'll often have you know not only the leaderboards and rules but uh there's a lot of like links to discords and you can check out those communities and um check out all the categories that they accept and and uh and things like that and and live here is one of the best for sure um which you can see if you go to speaking back on um which is one of the reasons why i wanted to have them on the show because you know people who are really going to know what they're talking about so really i was very very excited for them to come on because it's like like what a clock like the middle of the morning um you know so uh like a really nice thing to do and again like i love this game and it's great so many of you all who are in here enjoying this and i think that you know if you've seen all these things before like you've been in a stream and i'm sure it's been cool but i i'm guessing that even watching his stream like maybe you've been able to learn something new because you know get to slow things down and the uh what's going on here and it looks like he's done with his face so i'm gonna hand it off back to him thank you for carrying me there the what i did there if you saw in the background it actually requires a little bit more focus it's called the stun lock so by um spin attacking and then always um basically ending your spin attack on a specific like time you are able to um to stun lord gannon so i was basically constantly slamming down my weapon at the same time there and that allowed me to constantly break his shield like constantly break and then re-break his shield i actually almost got sniped there that is a very rare occasion the good thing is even if i miraculously die to dark be scanning the biggest pushover in the game there and i don't get that like that's confusing to me because here they put a safe like they put an autosave here where if you somehow die here they will spawn you back at the beginning of dark beast cannon but for calamity they are just ruthless they're like oh you have to do everything again but i guess like the only reason i guess i can understand why is um because um i guess they didn't want people they wanted people to more likely beat the divine beast so they were like okay we actually have to do this um so we're gonna make it really hard for you to beat it any other way yeah that's very okay so uh epona i didn't actually want you to come here [Music] so this might take me one three uh attempts one or three attempts and this is what we did earlier in cryonis you can maybe already kind of tell where this is going yeah because this barrier is probably easier to clip through than the barrier and wind waker like this um it is just shield clippable and what makes this interesting here i cannot go any further but i am now on a different map and this is very interesting so the dark piece canon boss fight even though it is on hyrule field is on a specific map where the game doesn't really exist so so for example this tower you can already tell is pretty broken um if you have made it to this tower before in your casual playthrough um you would know that there's guardians here that attack you so on this map not only are some things not existence but enemies belong to those things so there's no enemies the only enemies that are in this map are um random enemies spawns like sometimes on the ground there will be sort of pebblets they are the mini taluses those exist in this map but every spawn that's static that's always there is gun with the one exception of overworld bosses like high noxus and teluses do exist but every normal enemy is gone and you can actually explore the entirety of hyrule and see some really strange things i'm going to focus on one thing to end today's showcase which is i'm going to go back to the boss fight and see what's what's gonna happen there um but um yeah one example that i can explain uh if you have learned how to shoot you see this is a random spawn which is why the choo choo's actually there but one cool example for this is if you also have the bow of light with me by the way it's kind of nice uh you can use that in the game unfortunately there's no enemies to use it on um there's actually a different glitch where you can take the bow of light on a new save file that's really cool but it takes it takes like hours i've done it once and i will never do it again does it have durability it doesn't it doesn't it has a durability value assigned to it but it doesn't lose it so you can shoot it infinitely huh i mean we kill like everything pretty much [Music] this is wild looks like i was in a glitched state there and couldn't win one but let's try it again [Music] oh my gosh um yeah i love that like certain enemies will actually spawn here but and the other ones won't it's only the ones that are like random so they're in this game there's like static enemies uh which will always be at the same spots they will respawn if there's a blood moon for example the guardians and i will cast a lot of static enemies do we see any guardians here nope they don't exist because they are static enemies [Music] so i want you to specifically focus on the audio here once we've made it back to the boss fight okay [Music] i feel like this narrative of what you're doing right now lines up incredibly well with the whole people go through playing this game [Music] zelda is like self is like hurry up please hit me oh sorry and link's like going around like fooling a dude and giving you shoes and look at them oh my god we got a pretty good view there of dark piece we've made it pretty far now pulling him in there he's still trying oh he's still trying this is actually an extremely common mistake if you've ever wind bombs you know this too well uh sometimes the bomb that you use to hit link is still somewhere out there hasn't quite despawned yet and you tried to do that wind bone that you realize oh it was still sitting somewhere so you blow up the bomb instead of um [Music] you blow the bomb instead of actually uh using it as a projectile so let's focus on the audio here it's gonna be a little bit eerie [Music] i can't hold it much longer waiting [Music] i mean we can still see that something is happening there but we have now officially reached the castle again and the music has stopped now there's a hole in the ground creepy and it looks like wait this is actually extremely interesting wow so the the walls are still up too it's almost like the boss fight is still going on um but yeah the thing is um this is exactly the area between um when we go here again we get our dark blues music again the fight kind of restarts and if we go back out the music stops again i'm just thinking about it should happen about here there's actually a laser stuck in there it's really broken and the one thing i quickly want to mention about this step which i won't be able to show off today is um when you um go and this is a niche right when you go to lol line which is a little like fishing village um and you play the the little mini game where you'll have to open the chest and you can like make it's like a gamble mini game or whatever um if you manage to uh if you just play that game um the kind of entire overworld resets right now i'm technically not allowed to warp if i play that mini game you're actually allowed to warp around in this world you can technically save on this world and then you'll have a file where dark piece is constantly just chilling on hyrule field uh it's an interesting fire to keep can you if you just walk can you just walk back through the barrier at the dark beast boss fight yes i could probably clip back in and then beat the fight eventually i don't know the clip set up to do that but i guess that's technically possible but once you're on the other side of the barrier like you are now you can't just walk back through it like you can't walk no you would have to clip again because the collision is active on both sides one thing i would like to try is i'm actually not sure if there's barriers up here in this little window uh because if you do this in a on a file where you've already completed wait let me try and this out this is like a final testing thing maybe we learned something new in the process um if you do this glitch on a fight where you have already beaten the blights uh which is the the boss fights i did at the beginning of this like the the boss fights that you usually do in the divine beasts you can actually enter the boss fight arena again i want to try if i can do that on this file too by going through this hole no okay they did actually secure that too um if you do that i guess that's only possible once you beat in the blights ganon the ganon cutscene plays but ganon is invisible he's already considered as broken and you're basically stuck you stuck forever in that like room you could technically like again like restart or something like that but the game has remembered that you've beaten ganon but it has it's still in the state where the fight is not completely over yet that was pretty messed up um but i guess that's only the case when you've beaten the blights so we can't see that either but it's interesting to know that there is basically and then i i call this a different map i think the way this really works like uh also for example it doesn't show shrines like shrines don't exist here the raid is the way this really box um is um and i can't leave right now apparently too i'm stuck here um the way this really works is um [Music] there's probably just flex so the game starts flags like don'ts while the dark beast fighters like them don't spawn shrines don't spawn enemies and those flags are just active now and if you do go away far enough uh the music stops and you can explore this world does the music stop everywhere will it still work in its respective areas like it did with the castle yeah i think it's like a i don't know if there's like a circle but for example in lower line where that's um that chess minigame is the music is not active there um and it's not active at the castle but it's an interesting uh and interesting um little detail that this exists you can leave the arena when i first did this i honestly thought this should be way more broken uh because the game looks so weird but the one cool thing about this is if you ever bought and you want to learn how this is done if you play that mini game in low line and you allow yourself to warp this is actually a pretty interesting way to explore the game it's almost like the peaceful minecraft mode because there's no enemies so you can just like literally just focus on like yeah the uh the nature can you do shrines honestly because the shrines that's another thing that they are they're also not loaded what about poor actions good question i'm pretty sure they're not loaded uh you can look actually exactly where these trees are there's a car rock seat huh okay this is so interesting okay there's there's something that would technically try to attack me but uh looks like they are not here because usually exactly here there's a rock oh interesting and i definitely haven't gotten that on this file so i guess core rock seats is another thing they disable the flags for um the only thing that really stays are these random enemies right you're saying uh one thing that might still be interesting uh let me see if i can make it uh i'm fascinating i know i know this is this will happen forever um is one cool thing is if you fight over world boss like a hinox because high knoxes have health bars just like dark beast ganon does oh so that must become a little bit strange wait so they are here though even though they're the overweight bosses bosses are the one exception um to the rule trying to remember oh i think it's right over there at that like empty space when i first did this i was really hoping that maybe we can glitch the game in a way where if you beat an overworld boss it actually damages dark beast ganon because they share the health bar oh yeah and it doesn't work like that it just gets pretty glitchy i'll show you that okay and then i think we'll wrap it up here okay this has been so fun i know that there's more to show off too i'm sure as yeah like i said about some of the glitches i could hold like a ted talk essentially this is so fun though oh we get a remix now see that the high notes is already like halfway done and now he didn't take damage which is weird he still doesn't take damage and i think it's gonna update in a second here yeah he's he's dead but the helper is still there that's so strange okay oh and see now it looked like dark beast ganon took a bunch of damage but he didn't i don't know it's just strange oh no yeah and it goes back up for him yeah okay it also was a good showcase of how strong the ball of light is that's 100 damage with like 50 damage on the range is like this that's the most damage you can do in the game correct it's uh in terms of base damage is up there yeah the highest base damage um you can get is once you play the game a lot weapons kind of like modifiers on them and these royal guards claymores can go up to like 118 damage or something crazy but 118 okay 18 okay yeah [Music] but it's also interesting to know that you can't warp until you play that mini game so it's pretty bugged yeah just but just like the fact that you're that you're so broken out of this area and it just decides to be like you can do this you can't do this this is this this doesn't like what's that like why um exactly like for example these guys are here this is a random spawn these little tablets and um what's also interesting is that some npcs are there too it seems to be it seems like that this world has inconsistent roots which makes complete sense because obviously this is not something they expect the players to explore right um they just want to probably make sure to like save resources here or something like that uh while you fight dark beast ganon in the over worlds in hyrule fields this is what i'm assuming is everybody at every village spawned in or only some people some people and it's also strange like for example the shop vendors i was trying to go to one quickly but i can't really set up a slides here i am really prepared for this like some of the shop vendors they actually spawn in for like one second when you want to buy something and then just kind of face out of existence afterwards also doing wind bombs in this mode is actually a lot harder and you know why why because the map is gone and now i can't see where my card and angles are oh oh yeah you see here i basically have to guess like i don't exactly know always at where north is and where my directions are what you could do is always drop a bomb first when you're done exactly that's actually something that people do in hyrule castle where the map gets replaced by the castle and you also can't see which is nice we're back we're finding some new shrines here oh i guess this is where the mondia thomas shrine that's where it's supposed to be so it's the same thing with towers what happens if you haven't activated a tower yet can you you can't climb them or are they also unloaded um yeah so you can get on the top but the the activation terminal is just not there it's actually funny that we found this like i'm literally basically inside it but it's not there so strange [Music] pretty broken [Music] wow i'm i'm just like oh what else can we do like where else can we go no i know that's the natural reaction what happens if you try to go to um the uh the island in the in the southeast islands oh the music um even side island i think um [Music] does not get activated that's when you go and land there and then nothing happens i'm pretty sure yeah uh we made it to another space where apparently the music is not active and now that we're already sliding here i don't know if there's any music actually i think there's okay i already hear new music there we go yeah um yeah i think now that we are here every all that's going to change is that there's just not going to be any shrines i mean we can see um i guess we're exploring just a little more i want to see now i'm curious myself uh because i haven't completely researched everything about this state right if um if for example so when you first go to retail village usually there would be a cut scene quickly introducing the vine beast bar meadow uh wilder still play we are about to find out which npc is gonna be there is it gonna be a ghost town oh yeah who's actually so we can already see the shrine isn't there that's so weird it's so weird and we just discovered the village so the question is will there be the cut scene in about now looks like it will be will it look normal we'll see that looks not very normal to me actually it looks like it was like deactivated that's maybe because it checked for the cutscene i i feel like that cutscene looks different from me maybe it's like the 8 a.m placebo are you so far from ganon that his hp bars just goes away i mean it will it yeah it will just be unloaded for now but um it will it will not uh it's just not loaded but it will not go down it will get the game over we can see this is a ghost tunnel technically but the shopkeepers in this game are so dedicated if you do want to buy something eventually they do show up if i remember correctly um hello can i buy something maybe that only worked in the one alert line i know it worked on low line maybe the items here are too high up it's so odd because it's like an invisible wall here oh you know what maybe the guy that sells the clothing would work um so uh so once people showed us an example of fighting a henox and their bar and title will overwrite ganon's temporarily while they're fighting and then if you beat him it still just shows cannons underneath again so uh looks like it doesn't work here i i got this to work in lower line where this is a person that sells fish they actually showed up um for like a second and ask you hey do you want to buy something if you say no they just disappear again it does look pretty fun but it looks like this is just a ghost town in this stage nobody nobody here this is where we would usually talk to the to the chief the collision is not loaded in either so then we'll um uh the other guy be gone range yeah he would only spawn after we talked to sarki but she's not here and the chief is not here so we can't start the quest no one's here it's so odd you know what happens if you set it a fire that's a good question we can try that too but let me see it's a fire on yep it's not a good time apparently right now oh to do that unfortunately because i guess the game still thinks we're fighting dark beast it's like go fight him sell this oh and the music maybe got a bit repetitive too but really it's really good music and awesome when you're fighting in i agree i agree epic but then you're like all right i'm not there i've had enough of this now i'm not even fighting him leave me alone oh can you enter your divine beast i don't know if it'll spawn in no because the divine beast always also tied to an npc like maybe if i had previously activated a divine beast and got it to the state where you could enter it by warping in right then you did the little glitch with the gambling chests and then you can warp again maybe you can warp in will you be able to fight the boss maybe maybe the same thing would happen where whether hina when you try to beat no no maybe when you try to beat the boss it's invisible because the game remember that you have technically beaten the boss in hyrule castle there's definitely lots of things to try you can i could spend like 40 hours here and trying things um if you wanted to know how to escape this boss fight uh what you have to search up on youtube is oh it looks like that divine beast is still chilling um you would have to look up did he this is what i mean it is broken is he going backwards hello hello is it going backwards what's going hello it's us very suspicious um but if you want to do this yourself you would have to search up the um tutorial for esc extended shield clip that's the glitch you need to uh clip through the barrier that's so strange this is really cool this is honestly really cool yeah looks like the fairy found this gun too how much have you personally explored here in this code less than less than two hours you know a lot so it seems like you've talked to the community a lot about what's possible yeah exactly like the only thing that people i think people have explored this mode a lot and the only real interesting thing was playing the lower line gambling minigame which gives you the ability to warp back because when you play the minigame the entire world reloads to make sure that there's actual rng in terms of what chest will contain the rewards and that will also reset that flag that you can't warp so you can warp and that's the only change and i'm also when i heard that i was like there is there's no way there's got to be more and maybe there's that maybe there's um but like i said we could probably explore this world this is a new world like that's why i think this is interesting because this is a new breath of the wild that you can explore again and find out new rules about right or disappearing right exactly and it looks like i don't know if it's not loaded but maybe the the wooden stuff isn't loaded in there i don't know there's about to find out but i think this is also where we can probably um wrap up i guess wrap up and just tell people um that you can go out and explore this world yourself
Channel: Limcube
Views: 60,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Zelda, Glitches, Breath of the Wild, Tutorial, Limcube, GDQ, Games Done Quick
Id: -7AODFln8CA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 210min 47sec (12647 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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