EXOTAC FireRod Fire Starter Review

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[Music] [Music] [Music] we're gonna take a look at the fire rod from X attack they make some of the coolest fire starting tools that are on the market they're made in the USA they're just full of different cool features and we're gonna take a look at it we're going to test it out one question that I get a lot with fire starters is why carry different type fire starters when I have a bit lighter I mean these are easy they're cheap they're decent lighters I mean they they just seem to light most of the time one of the big problems with a lighter like this is you know when you're out especially in rough conditions these can just crap out on you I mean that's pretty simple they just either the fuel leaks out because it's been pressed of course you can wrap a rubber band around it but even then sometimes the striker is not working right and these can be kind of finicky I carry a bit lighter with me all the time but I always accompany this with a fire steel we're gonna take a look at XO tach and this is their fire rod and it is a really cool little system has a fair Sam ride nice and thick and but what's really cool is we had this little capsule in the back and we can put different fire tender in here if we want or we can even put water purification tablets I have a small little lanyard that you can wrap something around it and it even comes with a lanyard in the package and we'll look at that in a second the rod itself it's 5/16 it's a fairly decent size and I believe it's about 200 over 2 inches in length 2.4 inches it's threaded they even offer a replacement rod with a rings here we have complete instructions along with a lanyard and you have an extra ring on the back it says habilis which is a knife maker and they kind of joined with XO tack on this and this is to be carried with a knife which you should have a knife if you're in any kind of you know especially survival situation but I carry a knife EDC that comes in four different colors black grey green and then you have the blaze orange I really like the orange because if you drop this can find it easier but if you're gonna put it with your sheath it makes it nice to have some different colors here we have the lanyard attached to it but you can also go with one of their tender zips this is a paracord with firestarter inside so you can actually use this as part of your tender it's a nice machine piece and 6061 aluminum and it just has a nice hard anodized finish on it now these run 2595 and with that though you can replace this for just 995 so it's a really cool system to be able to put this all together inside we have some of the quick light this is a very highly flammable fire tender and this is also offered by EXO tacs the perfect size to be able to fit into your capsule and then just take your lid and again you see that we have a oring there to seal this up now whenever you get a fair samraat it's good to go ahead scrape off that part that's the black on here because it allows you to really get a good spark I'm using one of the plate knives this is from up-armored knives will make some excellent products so first let's just go ahead and test the spark yeah we're getting a good spark off of that rod we're gonna take some of the little tinder light it's best to take the tinder like kind of just unravel it a little bit this allows it to burn a lot easier set it down here and try it out got a little wind going so we'll just see how it does there we go one set one strike and it's owned by Miss deaf Barnes fantastic next one of my favorites Vaseline and cotton ball so easy to make so cheap to do it's gonna get those fibers out again there we go stuff burns burns burns one thing I really like is the Ingalls Creek fierce fire this stuff is so flammable and so easy to work with it's so fibrous I mean the pieces just break apart and Engels creeks just a great source for a good fire tender I keep this stuff in my fire kits it gives you that extra you know with with the wood and everything even more than the small little fire tenders and it breaks into really nice pieces it also shaves very well so you can really get that fire going in all kind of conditions makes a dust almost there we go got some of those fibers going once it gets going it'll go it'll burn well the amount of sparks this firesteel produces is excellent it's not too soft either and that's one thing you're not going to burn it out quick the fire rod weighs about an ounce it's one point zero nine ounces it's about three and a half inches in length and it's just over a half inch diameter these will last up to ten thousand strikes so you've got a lot of capability that's one of the things too that really beats out the lighter because you know if you're lighter fluid runs out you're just stuck I mean you can use the little striker in here but the one thing about a fire steel is that it just keeps on going and in a survival situation you know you can use this over and over and again ten thousand strikes now the cost is a little more than your standard fire steel but one of the things that I love about the EXO TAC is of course the compartment where you can put different tinder in here but also because you can replace this rod so this gives you a lot of capability and plus just the cool factor I mean this thing looks fantastic the fire rods are made in the USA down in Winder Georgia and there's a number of different EXO TAC products I just really love what they're doing I mean they are going above and beyond just the basic and so just check out EXO tag calm it's a lot of cool different fire starters and this really helps to make your fire kit top-notch fire can keep you warm if I can cook your food it can bowl your water it can give you light and it also can build morale and having a good way to start fire is the ultimate survival tool and so being prepared guys I'm telling you it's the most important thing you can do so if you want the best check out EXO tag calm it'll really upgrade your fire kit be strong be of good courage god bless america long live the Republic [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but this is a cool lobe but this is a cool little system [Music] it's best to take the tender light and kind of and I'm about to burn my camera watch a fire fire fire fire fire [Music]
Channel: SensiblePrepper
Views: 48,640
Rating: 4.9263659 out of 5
Keywords: Sootch00, Sootch, Survival, SHTF, Emergency, Prepper, exotac, Firerod, Fire Rod, Fire starter, Ferro Rod, Fire Steel, Quality, Capsule, Tinder, Fire, ferrocerium, Rod, Camping, EDC, Hiking, campfire
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 22 2018
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