Exorcism Prayers of St. Basil

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thank you all for being here today we'll also have a special liturgy on january 6th uh we may have to have it indoors if the forecast holds but it might change so we'll see but after liturgy on january 6 we'll bless the holy water and that will be in lieu of a sermon and today in lieu of a sermon we're going to take the exorcism prayers of saint basil these very ancient 4th century prayers to banish from our lives the evil forces that are wrecking havoc in them and that have caused us problems it's a very popular prayers for some people who come especially for these prayers here at the monastery but it's traditional to take it on january 1st the feast of saint basil to take his exorcism prayers we also ask it's also a tradition especially in the romanian tradition to hold some of the priest's vestments over your head during these prayers we're not going to do that this year because the pandemic we're not supposed to be handling and kissing holy objects however if you feel you need to hold something during these prayers that's blessed and sacred i suggest from the monitors table you take a bottle of holy water and you can hold on to that during the prayers if you like i have i'm going to take the prayers in english so everyone understands but i do have copies with romanian in parallel i'll call him if somebody wants the romanian i have it for you if you'd like it um just give it to whoever needs remaining let us pray to the lord o god of gods and lord of lords greater the fiery spirits and artifices through the invisible powers of all things heavenly and earthly you who no man have seen has seen nor is able to see you whom all creation fears and before whom it trembles you who cast into the darkness of the abyss of tartarus the angels who fell away with him who once was commander of the angelicos who disobeyed you and hardly refused to serve you expel by your by the terror of your name the evil one and his legions loosed upon the earth lucifer and those with him who fell from above set him to flight and command him and his demons to depart completely led no harm come to those who are sealed in your image and let those who are sealed receive dominion to tread on serpents and scorpions and all the power of the enemy for you do we him and sanctify and with every breath we glorify your all holy name of the father and of the son and the holy spirit now and ever and to the ages of ages let us pray to the lord i expel you primal source of blasphemy prince of the rebel hosts originator of evil i expel you lucifer who was cast from brilliance on high into the darkness of the abyss on account of your arrogance i expel you and all the fallen hosts which followed your will i expel you spirit of uncleanness who revolted against adonai elohim the omnipotent god of saboth and the army of his angels be gone and depart from these servants of god i expel you in the name of him who created all things by his word the only begotten son our lord jesus christ who was inevitably and just passionately born before all the ages by whom has formed all things visible and invisible who made man after his image who guarded him by the angels who trained him in the law who drowned sin in the flood waters from above and who shut up the abysses under heaven who demolished the impious race of giant suit shook down the tower of babel who reduced sodom and gomorrah to ashes by sulfur and fire a fact to which the unceasing vapors testify and who by the staff of moses separated the waters of the red sea opening a waterless path for the people while the tyrannical pharaoh and his god-fighting army were drowned forever in its waves for his wicked persecution of them and who in these last days was inexplicably incarnate of a pure virgin who preserved the seal of her chastity intact and who was pleased to purge our ancient defilement in the baptismal cleansing i expel you satan by virtue of christ's baptism in the jordan which for us is a type of our inheritance of incorruption and immortality through grace and sanctified waters the same one who astounded the angels and all the heavenly powers when they beheld god incarnate in the flesh and also revealed that the jordan his beginningless father and the all holy spirit with whom he shares the unity of the holy trinity i expel you evil one in the name of him who rebuked the winds and stilled the turbulent sea who banished the legion of demons and opened the eyes of him who was born blind from his mother's womb and who from clay fashioned sight for him whereby he reenacted the ancient refashing of our face who restored the speech of the speechless purged the stigma of leprosy raised the dead from the grave and who himself despoiled hades by his death and resurrection thereby rendering mankind impervious to death i expel you in the name of almighty god who filled men with the inbreathing of a divinely inspired voice and who wrought together with the apostles the piety which has filled the universe fear flee run leave unclean and accursed spirits deceitful and unseemly creature of the infernal depths visible through deceit hidden by pretense depart wherever you may appear be elizabeth vanishes smoke and heat bestial and serpentine thing whether disguised as male or female whether beast or crawling thing or flying whether garrulous mute or speechless whether bringing fear of being trampled or rinding apart conniving weather oppressing god's servants in sleep by some display of weakness by distracting laughter or taking pleasure in false tears whether by lecturing a stench of carnalust pleasure addiction to drugs divination or astrology the weather dwelling in the house whether possessed by audacity or conscientiousness or instability whether striking god's servants with lunacy or returning to them after the passage of time whether you be of morning noonday midnight or night indefinite time or daybreak whether spontaneously or sent to someone or coming upon them unawares whether from the sea or a river from beneath the earth from a well from a ravine from a hall from a lake a thicket of reeds from matter land refuse weather from a grove a tree a thicket from a fowl or thunder whether from the precincts of a bath a pool of water or from a pagan sepulchre or from any place where you may lurk whether by knowledge or ignorance or any place not mentioned depart separate yourself from god's servants be ashamed before them who were made in the image of god and shaped by his hand fear the likeness of the incarnate god and no longer hide in his servants rather await the rod of iron the fiery furnace of tartarus the gnashing of teeth as reprisal for disobedience be afraid be still flee neither return nor hide in them some other kind of evil unclean spirits depart out to the uncultivated waterless wasteland of the desert where no man dwells where god alone vigilantly watches who shall bind you who dares with envy to plot against his image and who with chains of darkness shall hold you in tartarus who by day and night and for a great length of time has divided all manners of evils o devil for great is your fear of god and great is the glory of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen let us pray to the lord o god of the heavens god of light god of the angels and archangels obedient to your authority and power o god who are glorified in your saints father of our lord jesus christ your only begotten son who delivered the souls who were bound to death and who enlightened them who dwelt in darkness he who released us from all our misery and pain and who has protected us from the assaults of the enemy and you o son and word of god have purposed us for immortality by your death and glorified us with your glory you who loosed us from the fetters of our sins through your cross rendering us pleasing to yourself and uniting us with god you who rescued us from destruction and cured all our diseases you who set us on the path to heaven and changed our corruption to incorruption our mortality to immortality hear me who cried to you with longing and fear before you before whom the mountains and the firmament under the heavens do shrink you who make the physical elements to tremble keeping them within their own limits and because of whom the fires of retribution dare not overstep the boundary set for them but must await the decision of your will and for whom all creation size with great size awaiting deliverance by whom all adverse natures have been put to flight and the legion of the enemy has been subdued the devil is affrighted the serpent trampled underfoot and the dragon slain you who have enlightened the nations which confess and welcome your rule o lord you through whom life has appeared hope has prevailed through whom a man on earth was created by belief in thee who for who is like unto the almighty god wherefore we beseech you o father lord of mercies who existed before the ages and surpass all good calling upon your holy name through the love of your child jesus christ the holy one and your all-powerful spirit cast away from the souls of god's servants every malady all disbelief spare them from the furious attacks of unclean infernal fiery evil serving lustful spirits the love of gold and silver conceit fornication every shameless unseemly dark and profane demon indeed o god expel from your servants every energy of the devil every enchantment and delusion all idolatry lunacy astrology necromancy every bird of omen the love of luxury and the flesh all greed drunkenness and carnality adultery licentiousness shamelessness anger contentiousness confusion and all evil suspicion yeah our lord our god breathe upon them the spirit of your peace watch over them and produce thereby the fruits of faith virtue wisdom chastity self-control love uprightness hope meekness long-suffering patience prudence and understanding in your servants that they may be welcomed by you in the name of jesus christ believing in the coessential trinity giving witness and glorifying your dominion along with the angels and archangels and all the heavenly hosts guarding our hearts by them for all things are possible for you o lord therefore we ascribe glory to the father and to the son of the holy spirit now and ever and to the ages of ages grant o lord peace health and long life to your servants and happy years god grant you many years god grant you many years god grant you many many years [Music] [Music] [Music] god bless you all and grant you a happy new year and everything wonderful from god thank you for coming please come with your right hands cupped over your left to receive the holy bread thank you
Channel: HCOM Admin
Views: 10,516
Rating: 4.9197707 out of 5
Id: XnmYjzDBP1I
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Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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