Mystical Christian Jesus Prayer (english) - Prayer of the Heart - Noetic Prayer - 2 Hours
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Channel: Patrick Lenk
Views: 209,347
Rating: 4.9256353 out of 5
Keywords: jesus prayer, prayer of the heart, noetic prayer, jesus prayer 2h, jesus prayer 2 hours, christian mantra, hesychasm, chant orthodox church, orthdox church prayer, orthodox chant, orthodox music, prayer of the mind, lord jesus christ son of god have mercy on me a sinner, jesus prayer orthodox, christian worship, christian meditation, christian prayer, early christianity, jesus prayer english, jesusprayer english, jesusprayer in english, jesusprayer 2 hours, jesusprayer 2h
Id: GzduFfQxuCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 20sec (7280 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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