Exercising Spiritual Gifts, Pt 2 - Interpreting & Prophesying - Derek Prince

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in our last session we spoke about the baptism in the holy spirit with the supernatural seal of speaking with other tongues i believe that in the purposes of god the baptism the holy spirit is intended to be merely a doorway there has been discussion in the pentecostal movement in past years as to whether it was a goal or a gateway and there was a time when some pentecostals took the attitude when i'm saved i'm baptized in water i'm baptized in the holy spirit i speak in tongues i've arrived unfortunately that's incorrect and people who think they've arrived have just dropped out that's all the baptism is not a goal it is a gateway it's not the termination it's the starting point of a life lived in supernatural power i believe that normally in most people's experience the baptism in the holy spirit is the doorway to the supernatural gifts of the spirit and to many other forms of supernatural experience i believe it is impossible to live the christian life to the full on the plane of the natural it is permeated with the supernatural every chapter in the book of acts and there are 28 contains descriptions of events that are totally supernatural and the book of acts is the only official record we have of what the lord intended the church to be so going on from the baptism i want to deal in this session and in the next with the supernatural gifts of the holy spirit and i'll begin i think by just reading the list which is found in first corinthians chapter 12 verses 8 9 and 10. if you check you'll find there are nine gifts for the one is given the word of wisdom through the spirit to another the word of knowledge through the same spirit to another faith by the same spirit to another gifts of healings by the same spirit to another the working of miracles to another prophecy to another discerning of spirits to another different kinds of tongues to another the interpretation of tongues it's been common amongst bible teachers to divide up those nine gifts into three groups of three this is not doctrine it's just convenience and i'll do it briefly before we focus on the particular gifts that i want to deal with in this session there are three gifts of revelation a word of wisdom a word of knowledge what's the third one yes somebody said it discernings of spirits those are three revelatory gifts there are three gifts which we can one of a better term describe as gifts of power faith miracles what's the third one healings that's right and that leaves us with three which are usually called the vocal gifts because they operate through human vocal organs interestingly enough the gifts that always cause the problems are the vocal gifts because the tongue is the problem member in the body what are the vocal gifts tongues interpretation and prophecy now we are going to deal in this session only with those three vocal gifts we've spoken already about the seal of the baptism in the holy spirit speaking with another tongue or a new tongue now that really is not the gift of tongues the gift of tongues is called here and elsewhere kinds of tongues or varieties of tongues in other words it's more than simply speaking with another tongue i believe every believer baptized in the holy spirit has the divine right and gift to communicate personally with the lord in another tongue at any time paul says in first corinthians 14 about that he that speaketh in another tongue speaketh not to men but to god for no man understandeth him albeit in the spirit he speaks mysteries he that speaketh in another tongue 85 himself so there are three functions three reasons for speaking in another tongue number one you're speaking to god that's a privilege how many of you would agree that's a privilege direct communication spirit to spirit with the living god number two you're speaking mysteries secrets things that potty little mind of yours doesn't understand and three you're edifying or building yourself up a lot of people will ask you what's the use of speaking in tongues well there are three precise answers the use of speaking in tongues is to communicate direct with god to speak mysteries and to build yourself up if there were no other reasons those would be sufficient but i believe that the full gift of kinds of tongues goes on beyond that kinds of tongues is different uses of tongues another kind of tongue is to speak out loud in the assembly in an unknown tongue with something that is to be followed by an interpretation another use of the tongues is as a sign to unbelievers this is very rare most charismatics don't think about it but it happens at times that when god's people are together or god's people are ministering a believer will speak a language which he doesn't know but an unbeliever present understands that language that's a sign to unbelievers i remember one case of our young man who is now my son-in-law many years ago was brought in from a street meeting in london he was from wales and as you probably know the welsh people have their own language which they're very proud of and it was quote a gospel service and i just preached my gospel message and i was about to make my gospel appeal and an elderly gentleman there spoke in an unknown tongue well i was indignant i thought that's all together out of order he's ruined my appeal and i don't remember what followed that but one of my daughters had brought this young man into the meeting and he nudged her and said why is that old man telling everybody about my sins in public and it took him it took 10 minutes to convince him that the man didn't know a word of welsh but he was speaking welsh in seattle washington some good many years ago now from luke's church episcopal church there there was a lady visiting the sick in a hospital and she came to a man and she spoke to him in english and he didn't respond they didn't understand he was there in bed sick so being one of those crazy charismatics she just spoke to him in tongues he brightened up answered her she answered him back and they had a little conversation the man was greatly encouraged she didn't know what language she'd been speaking she learned later it was canary island spanish that was his language a friend of ours was in russia not so long ago a lady and she was sitting next to a russian in the subway and the man looked so sad and so downcast she thought i'd love to do something for him so she just trusted the lord open her mouth and started to speak to him in russian now those are exceptions they're not normal but they're one of the uses and then i think there are many different forms of speaking in tongues like how many of you have ever had the experience of seeming really angry when you're speaking in terms you know i mean you can't believe it comes out like a torrent well i believe that when you're confronting evil forces you don't know how to pray you don't know what to say but the holy spirit comes through them and then there's tongues which is just for worship it's just simply communication with god in other words tongues is a very rich field now we are not going to deal with that any further now but we're going to go on to the other two vocal gifts interpreting and prophesy we need to begin with a definition the gift of interpretation has no meaning apart from the gift of tongues but if someone has spoken in an unknown tongue by the holy spirit the gift of interpretation enables either that person or another person by inspiration of the holy spirit not through intellectual understanding to speak out in a known language that which was said beforehand in an unknown language now it is interpretation it's not exactly translation that's interesting because i don't know how many of you have spoken through it through an interpreter in a foreign country i've done it many times we we discover all interpreters are different everyone uses certain words some use a lot of words some use fewer words i remember we had a canadian come out to kenya when i was there we were speaking through one of the best interpreters in the country and he said a short sentence and the interpreter took off and spoke for about two minutes so the canadian turned to his interpreter and said did i say all that so the interpreter said no but in order to make them understand what you said i had to say all that that's interpreting it's communicating the sense a brother that i know quite well from britain who is now in the states told me that in the early days when they had rallies pentecostal rallies in the center of london there was a a situation in which somebody gave an utterance in tongues and they waited for the interpretation and when it came it came from a man who was a cockney how many of you know what a cockney is theoretically born in sound of within the sound of the bobels in london i cannot imitate cockney it's outside my abilities but the interpretation was this and of course i don't think the americans will understand it but alpha mo my people arthur mo we're half a mo is half a moment in other words hold on a moment don't be so rabid you see that was the interpretation it's characteristic it's a cockney interpretation so there's quite a lot of room for flexibility in this area of interpretation however it is communicating in a known language the sense of what was said previously in an unknown language and then prophesying just goes one step further prophesying is speaking in a language that is known words that are given by the holy spirit they do not proceed from human understanding they are given supernaturally by the holy spirit the difference between interpreting and prophesying is that interpreting is preceded by an utterance in an unknown tongue and related to that utterance prophesying simply starts out in an own language very frequently i believe in places where god's people are gathered in assembly there'll come an utterance in a tongue which is followed not by interpretation but by prophecy but the utterance in the tongue kind of calls god's people to attention and prepares the way for the prophecy that follows now i want to lead you people if you wish to be led into the exercise of interpretation and prophesying in the next 30 or 40 minutes i know it can be done because i've done it with large crowds of thousands of people it doesn't matter whether the crowd is small or large all that matters is that people believe the word of god and are willing to act on it if you come into this experience and you walk in it it'll bring you into a new dimension of personal communication with god i spoke to you yesterday about finding your place and i think i challenged some of you to seek god for your calling this is one of the ways that god can begin to direct you into your place i have seen people's eyes filled with tears of gratitude when god through interpretation that they received themselves gave them words of direction for their life it kind of made god that much more real to them it made the whole spiritual life much more real so i want to begin by just giving you some scriptural encouragements to exercise the gifts generally that's step number one and the first scripture is in first corinthians chapter 12 verse 7 and verse 11. introducing this list of the nine spiritual gifts paul says but the manifestation of the spirit is given to each one for the prophet of all notice the gifts are manifestations of the spirit the spirit dwelling within you is not visible cannot be perceived by human senses but the gifts that proceed out impact human senses it brings the holy spirit in you into relationship to the to human senses and though it's given to an individual notice it's given for the profit of all in other words if god gives you let's say a prophecy and you're too faint-hearted to give it out not only have you cheated yourself but you've cheated the others and the members of the body of christ you see it's a it's a stewardship it's not something that you just use if you feel like it for yourself you're responsible god may want to speak to your neighbor through you he may want to speak to the whole assembly he may want to speak to the preacher so don't have the attitude well if i don't feel like it i don't think i'll do it because that's not responsible it's given to each one for the profit of all for the benefit of all and it's each one and again at the end in verse 11 of the same chapter but one and the same spirit works all these things distributing to each one individually as he wills all right notice it begins and ends with each one paul's attitude is each believer is entitled to his manifestation of the spirit but the spirit decides what manifestation each one of us will have and then at the end of that chapter verse 31 but earnestly desire the best gifts and yet i show you a more excellent way which is of course the way of love in the next chapter well a lot of people use that scripture as a as a stick to beat pentecostals with well love is the more excellent way but that ignores the fact that paul tells us to covet earnestly the best gift love is not a gift love is a way love is fruit so if we don't covet earnestly the best gifts what are we doing we're disobeying scriptures scripture tells us to do it let me say what i said yesterday the gifts are not toys they're tools you need them to do the job and if you refuse god's equipment and can't do the job you're going to be answerable to god for the job you didn't do and then in chapter 14 verse 1 pursue love a lot of people stop there but it doesn't stop there pursue love and desire spiritual gifts but especially that you may prophesy it doesn't say pursue love or desire spiritual gifts they're not options alternatives it's pursue love and desire spiritual gifts but particularly that you may prophesy are you particularly desiring this morning to prophesy if not you're not obeying scripture and then verse 26 says how is it then brethren whenever you come together each of you has a psalm has a teaching has a tongue has a revelation has an interpretation when god's people come together we should not come each of us merely to receive we should come each of us with something to contribute and one of the main ways we can contribute is out of the gifts of the spirit see that's god's equalizer some people are naturally gifted they're intelligent they're educated they're articulate they're not embarrassed they can stand up and often speak too long but there are a lot of others who are kind of mousy and they don't have much and they say what can i do well if it rested on your natural ability that might be so but the truth of the matter is god gives you supernatural ability and paul says he gives it to the part that needs it most you have two people in a church one is a doctor the other is what we call in britain a child lady you wouldn't know what that is but a cleaning woman all right now in the average non-spiritual church the doctor becomes a deacon the child lady just sits in a pube everybody knows that's her place but when the holy spirit moves the doctor is still a deacon but the child lady becomes a prophetess that's god's wisdom that's god's justice but if we refuse the supernatural we just tie ourselves down to our own limitations all right now bearing in mind that these two happen to be in the wrong order so i said that's just to keep you alert we're going on to what is number three on the outline is number two for me specifically to interpret okay we're going to come now to the point where i'm going to lead you into the exercise of the gift of interpretation are you ready to be led that's your decision all right i want to point out to you that the bible encourages us to enter to interpret first corinthians 14 verse 5. i wish you all spoke with tongues how many baptist churches have known acknowledged that i wish you all spoke with tongues how many is all all is all isn't it but that's not all i mean that's just the first part i wish you all spoke with tons but even more that you prophesy for he who prophesies is greater than he who speaks with tongues unless he indeed he interprets that the church may receive edification understand the key word in this chapter is edify and edification everything is directed to building up the individual and the church and paul says it's fine to speak in tongues but you're only edifying yourself if you prophesy you're edifying the church the whole assembly but he said if you speak in a tongue and then interpret that's as good as prophesying and so he goes on in the same chapter verses 12 and 13. even so you since you are zealous for spiritual gifts are you zealous for spiritual gifts all right if you are this applies let it be for the edification of the church that you seek to excel don't just restrict it to yourself therefore let him who speaks in a tongue pray that he may interpret now i am naive enough to believe that if the bible tells us to pray for something the bible wants us to have it i cannot conceive that the bible would say pray for something but it's not god's will that seems to be incredible totally illogical so the bible says let the one that speaks in tongues in a tongue do what pray to interpret so if you speak in a tongue one thing you can do next is what pray to interpret now let's go down to the bottom of the the outline for a moment to encourage you two principles of petition first of all in first john 5 verses 14 and 15. first john 5 14 and 15 now this is the confidence that we have in him that's god that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us the issue is are we praying according to god's will if we are we know he hears us and if we know he hears us whatever we ask we know that we have the petition that we asked of him so the issue is are we praying in god's will if we are then we know he hears us if we know he hears us we know we have the thing we asked for now if god says let him that speaketh in the tongue pray that he may interpret to me that indicates it's god's will for you to interpret otherwise god wouldn't tell you to do it then about the time of receiving this is very important mark chapter 11 mark chapter 11 and verse 24. therefore i say to you jesus is speaking whatever things you ask when you pray believe that you receive them and you will have them now that's not a fully accurate translation the tense is wrong what it says in greek is believe that you received them and you will hand them so whatever things you ask when you pray believe that you received them and you will have them so when do you receive when you pray that's right okay and if you're praying in god's will you know that he hears you and you know that you have what you ask okay so what we're going to do very simply well let's look at the general assurance we looked at it last time we don't need to turn there jesus said if you ask for bread you'll never get a stone if you ask for a fish you'll never get a snake if you ask for an egg you'll never get a scorpion if you ask for something good you will never get something bad turn to your neighbor and say that if you ask for something good you will never get something bad okay all right now all we're going to do is act on it are you all ready this is how we're going to do it at a given signal from me every one of you will turn to the lord shut yourself in and speak in a tongue all right your remember your will is the switch you switch it on you switch it on i don't speak for about five minutes because your busy little mind will say how can i ever interpret all that see just start with a minute or two and don't dribble off that's an awful mistake when speaking tense speak and stop okay as a person who exercises the gift of interpretation sometimes people speak in their tongue and you think i'm going to start interpreting and then they go on another little dribble then another little dribble so don't dribble speak stop and what do you do next you say now lord in the name of jesus please give me the interpretation okay what's the next thing you do you interpret that's right you believe you received it if you believe you received it what do you do with it you use it isn't it don't go on speaking in tongues this is the reverse of the baptism the problem with the baptism is people go on speaking their own language and so they can't speak in tongues because you can't speak two languages simultaneously now it's the other way around you speak in a tongue you've got that for you speak whatever you feel god would have you to say but god is very gracious i mean he won't take you beyond the measure of your faith then you stop no more speaking in the tongue you say lord in the name of jesus please give me the interpretation then you take a deep breath and you interpret okay i i mean i i can tell you from experience i've seen this work for thousands of people because each one of us is an individual the fact that there are a couple of hundred people maybe that doesn't make any difference to god you are dealing direct with god okay now when you speak don't speak so loud that you disturb your neighbor but speak loud enough to hear yourself and break the sound barrier okay and when we've done that for a little while we'll stop and check and go back let me tell you something interesting normally when you interpret it'll take one or other of two forms it'll either be praise and worship or it will be god taking your lips and speaking to you a message for you now when i first started this the percentage used to be about 60 percent praise and worship about 40 percent god speaking to you but things are changing and now it's the other way round which to me is indicative that god wants more and more to speak to his people and it's usually 60 percent or more that gets something personal from god 40 that get praise or worship now you don't determine what you're going to get that's what the holy spirit decides be grateful for whatever you get it's glorious okay are we all ready now you speak in the tongue stop say the name of jesus please give me the interpretation all right now you should by now have finished speaking in tongues some of you already received the interpretation i'll give you another minute or two but no more okay we're going to stop and check now how many of you received interpretation just raise your hand now you at the front just keep your hands up remember because this is pretty good demonstration i would say that's 90 or near now put your hands down and listen carefully how many of you received praise or worship okay how many of you found that god spoke to took your lips to speak to you look at that it's amazing this is a real sign of what god is doing in the church how many of you feel happy about it i mean let me say how many of you got a word of encouragement from the lord direction beautiful okay now those of you that didn't receive don't feel left out all you have to do is do what these people did see god has no favorites we're going to do once more and this is the last run around with interpretation so we just speak in the tongue stop ask god for the interpretation okay i'm not going to give you a lot of time because the more time you get the less likely you are to do it just plunge in with both feet okay we're going to check now now i want to try and encourage people who maybe how many of you this time received who didn't receive the time before would you raise your hand can't see one hand there anybody else another hand praise god praise god good the lady behind the camera received that's really good she deserves a little extra encouragement amen all right so now step three is very simple what's step three prophesy isn't it let's look at a few scriptures again that encourages us to prophesy we'd start in first corinthians 14 verse 1. all right first corinthians 14 1. why don't we all read it together we've got probably about four different versions here but let's everybody read that so we know it's there okay just wait till you find it first corinthians 14 verse 1 are you there pursue love and desire spiritual gifts but especially that you may prophesy now turn and read it to your neighbor the bible says we should exalt one another you see all right first corinthians chapter 14 verses 20 4 and 25. here's a description of a meeting of the church you've all come together in one place paul says in verse 25 if all speak with tongues and there come in those who are uninformed or unbeliever will they not say that you are out of your mind if everybody comes to a meeting and all they do is speak in tongues which happens in some churches people who are not believers just want and say those people are man but paul says if all prophesy notice that he assumes that all can prophesy if all prophesied that is speak in a language that's understood an unbeliever or an uninformed person comes in he is convinced by all he is judged by all and thus the secrets of his heart are revealed and falling down on his face he will worship god report that god is truly among you understand the problem with a lot of pentecostals is they never went far enough they spoke in tongues and didn't go any further and many many people have walked into pentecostal meetings that these people are crazy and not coming near them the problem was not with god's provision it was with god's people who didn't avail themselves of the provision what we need to do is go on from speaking in tongues to prophesy to giving people words about themselves that they know we couldn't know naturally you understand the secrets of their heart are made manifest okay one more scripture two more scriptures verse 31 for you can all prophesy one by one that all may learn and all may be encouraged how many can prophesy are you sure say it again that's right turn to your neighbor and read it to him or her all right now this is what we're doing you understand paul says you can have a learning session it's not a full-scale meeting of the church it's a learning session this is a precisely where we're at you can all prophesy that all of you may learn and trustfully you'll all be encouraged and one more scripture which is verse 39 therefore brethren desire earnestly to prophesy and do not forbid to speak with tongues desire earnestly to professor i pray god that me that he may put that in the heart of everybody here an earnest desire to prophesy you're not being presumptuous you're not trespassing on god's grace you're doing what god tells you to do and you can all prophesy one by one individually that's not to each other we'll come to that maybe later but what we're doing right now is we're practicing how many of you recognize it's nice to practice in a private situation before you launch out in front of the assembly see okay all right now just because you're religiously disposed i'll say a nice prayer for you before you do this it will work without the prayer but you feel better if i pray see then you know what you're going to do you're not going to speak in tongues you're going to i didn't hear you that's right how many of you believe you can do it amen okay all right so father we just thank you for your blessed presence with us here through the holy spirit holy spirit we welcome you we acknowledge you as the personal resident representative of the godhead now on earth we give you the honor that is your jew you our lord and you are lord here this morning and lord you've brought us to this point where your people earnestly desire to prophesy and so now lord in the name of jesus i ask you to release in them and through them the gift of prophesying for your glory in jesus name amen okay it's legitimate to speak out loud enough to hear yourself there's something about breaking the sound barrier i have called you together i love you my children i will send you into all the nations of the world to teach my work i love you my children rest in me teach my word make me known throughout the world i love you my children rest in me i love you my children oh man well that was a serendipity wasn't it but don't let that keep you from your personal encounter with the lord that was a word of encouragement to all of us thank god for it but i want each one of you to be released individually thank you god prompts me to tell you there's no condemnation for those who are in christ jesus if you're under condemnation don't accept it what language did you get that in you did what's your mother tongue well why don't you get something in french no really because it me your mother tongue makes it i used to prophesy in french one time when i was with the french sailor in world war ii i got most beautiful prophecy in french so you know there's so much variety don't be tied down how many of you got a prophecy just raise your hand right up don't let me well that's beautiful i'm in now those of you that didn't will give you one more run at the jump okay feel discouraged just turn to the lord and say lord help me if i'm bound release me some are bound by fear some are bound by embarrassment but don't let that hold you back okay father thank you for what you've done for your people here this morning we pray now that you will release those who are bound by fear or embarrassment or any other force lord and you'll give them this beautiful gift of prophesy in jesus name amen okay that's wonderful now we'll release some of you who feel you've got a word that's for more than you speak it out to the people of god just stand up if you're speaking there turn around and speak to the people so that they can hear you and whatever god has given you you give it to them sorry for laughing but we've been trying to avoid india for so long there's a there's a jewish believer very close to us in jerusalem he has prayed himself blue in the face for us to go to india so i that that is really not a prophecy that's a word of knowledge but it's it's very good thank you that's all i need thank you so anybody else got a word you want to give out to the people and remember it's not for your profit it's for the profit of all yes stand up speak it out clearly amen now one danger is we hear prophecy and we say that was wonderful we do nothing about it and in the end prophecy becomes ineffective that's happened in hundreds of pentecostal churches and charismatic churches the lord spoke specifically and he said i want you to come near to me and sit at my feet in private you understand so there's direction for many of you as to how god wants you to spend some of your quote spare time understand spend it in the presence of the lord how many of you will act on that if you feel that's for you good all right praise god now let's see if we have some more we've had some beautiful words how many of you would agree also you'll notice that when the prophetic gifts come there tends to be a general theme that they follow even from many different people the theme here is god's love for us his desire to draw us to him and his desire to send us forth into all the world as his ambassadors which is beautiful my heart says amen to that so let's just wait before the lord don't be embarrassed don't be shy if you feel god has given you something if your heart is pounding it's probably you just hold on just give me your hand give me a hand first stand up and we'll take you next okay stand up this lady here amen thank you i am your god amen see the the theme is god's love encouragement yes stand up and turn around speak to the people this is my world and my protection goes before you as amen now i want to say some of what we get is incomplete prophecy it's perfectly valid but you know the first time you swim you don't swim 10 lengths so remember this is a thing we learn it's progressive the exercise of the gifts is very very few people start exercising them perfectly but the people who wait to be perfect before they exercise them never exercise them so thank you brother appreciate that now is there anybody else yes wait a minute we'll take my wife first then the lady behind do you want to come and share my microphone if you can get it on you can get it off presumably i have looked upon your doubts and your fears but i have also looked upon your love for me and i want now to take away your doubt and your fear and to reassure you that i will be with you in every situation i will never leave you i will never forsake you indeed i will send my angels before you and they will prepare the way that when you come in you need only come in and gather the fruit there is a rich harvest waiting and i am equipping you to be laborers to be gatherers in of the harvest so lay aside your doubts and fears lay them at my feet says the lord and i will give you my joy and my peace and my power now let's act on what the lord says understand so important that we don't just hear prophecy and say well wasn't that interesting i've i've been in pentecostal and charismatic churches where people would walk out of the church and say wonderful meeting we had four prophecies i say what did the prophecies say i don't remember you know what's the good of god speaking if we don't act on what he says now the lord spoke through ruth and he said there are many that have doubts and fears and you are to lay them aside i want to pray for those that are troubled by doubt and fear right now if you would raise your hand i'm going to pray for you see my goodness how's the church ever going to get into the world at this rate amen i think what you need to do i'll lead you in a prayer and i think you need to say it after me uh say these words lord jesus i trust you you loved me enough to die for me you're my savior my redeemer i belong to you for time and for eternity my life is in your hand no one can pluck me out of your hand lord jesus i want to lay down fear doubt and unbelief i ask you to deliver me from these things now in your name lord jesus give me your boldness give me your courage give me your strength by your holy spirit i pray by faith i lift up my hands and i receive now from you amen lord jesus pour out your spirit of love and boldness and faith upon these people now in jesus name pour out upon them who are out upon them in the name of jesus our main lord amen now be a receiver don't just take your hands down too quickly be a receiver begin to thank him uh arise and shake yourself shake yourself from the bands of your neck loose yourself from those chains of intellectual reasoning and the natural mind and your own little abilities you have a great god a wonderful god that's right now let's give him a praise offering thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you i'm in thank you lord i'm in now this sister in the second row behind my wife you had something stand up darkness thank you read the first part again that's right thank you i think it takes real courage when your first language isn't english i appreciate that thank you again i would like to say that's not a complete prophecy it's just the beginning but once you've started don't turn back you see when i get a prophecy i usually get just the first sentence now if i sit there and think i wonder what i'm going to say after that i get no more because without faith it is impossible to please god but if i give the first sentence then the rest follows you see anybody else you got a few yes up there there's a young man with the left arm up that's right i saw you first time raise yourself up you're a lady how could i tell all right can you be heard amen praise god now that was complete praise god for that that's not the first time you've prophesied or is it a long while you have let your gift rust you see you need to to tell the lord you're not going to let that happen again okay time for about one more uh yeah we'll take this young man here you are a young man i'm sure amen thank you is that the first time you've ever done anything like that yeah well congratulations now don't stop see how consistent the theme is the love of god his concern for us that he wants us to be free from care and fear and to be bold amen i think we should stand to our feet now and give the lord a praise offering hallelujah glory to god thank you lord thank you lord thank you amen
Channel: Derek Prince
Views: 125,072
Rating: 4.8887072 out of 5
Keywords: how to exercise spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy, sermon on spiritual gifts, how to prophesy in 5 minutes, prophetic activation exercises, derek prince sermons, basics of deliverance derek prince, sermon on spiritual growth, sermon on spiritual discernment, sermon on spiritual awakening, sermon on spiritual covering, how to receive the gift of discernment
Id: jf3zK3BpSIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 9sec (3189 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 21 2014
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