💡 Breaking Generational Curses - Derek Prince

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now what I'm going to do now is explain to you the nature of curses and blessings these are two major themes of Scripture I think the word bless in various forms occurs about 600 times in the Bible and the word curse probably nearly half that number of times but I have learned by experience that most of God's people are not really familiar with the nature of curses and blessings I believe it's the purpose of God that through the redemption in Christ we should be released from curses and enjoy the blessings but wherever I travel I find many of God's people who are enduring curses when they should be enjoying blessings and one main reason is that they don't know how to recognize what's a curse and what's a blessing second reason is that even if they recognize it they may not know how to be released from the curse and entered into the blessing so let me begin by offering you a simple definition of blessings and curses both of them are vehicles of supernatural power it's very important to understand we're not dealing with something that's purely natural it goes beyond the natural they are vehicles of supernatural power for good if their blessings for evil if their curses and one characteristic feature of them is that very frequently they'll continue on from generation to generation often until somebody knows how to cut them off if their curses the result of that is that many people and some of you are here tonight are enduring in your life consequences of things that may have taken place many generations ago and you have to trace your problem to its source and take the appropriate action in order to be released now the vehicles of blessings and curses are usually words they may be words that are spoken words that are written or simply words that are pronounced inwardly however both curses and blessings can be transferred or transmitted by objects by physical objects so it is not always just a question of words Ruth and I were counted a Jewish lady who had meant the Lord Jesus and acknowledged him as her Messiah and her Savior and she told us firsthand this story and we got it straight from her she was a what they call an executive secretary very highly qualified and she had a very well-paid job with a man who was the president of his own firm and after a little while she discovered that the president and all the executives in the firm were in a strange cult under a lady guru and then the president asked her if he if she would type out some blessings that this guru lady had pronounced on the executives well when this lady began to type them she realized that there were anything but blessings as far as Christians were concerned and so she went to her boss and said I'm sorry but I don't feel free to type these blessings the boss was gracious he said I'm sorry if I'd known it was against your conscience I wouldn't have asked you to do it that was the end of them now we have to supply something by inference but I am sure that the lady guru heard about this secretary that wouldn't type her blessings and who knows what she did she may have prayed or she may have pronounced a curse but from that source it they wouldn't make much difference which it wants within a few weeks this lady secretary I'll call her Miriam it wasn't her name Miriam's fingers began to go stiff and curl up and set and in a short while they were extremely painful and she couldn't bend and she said you wouldn't believe the pain she had to sleep in a separate bed from her husband because any time my husband turned over and the bed shook the pain was unendurable in her fingers she went to a specialist who x-rayed them and said it rheumatoid arthritis and she was in a sense a crippled person well another lady a charismatic lady had received these three cassettes of mine and felt that this lady Miriam ought to hear them I don't think Miriam was really very excited about them she was a rather sophisticated lady and I think thought of curses was something remote medieval in her eyes anyhow this other lady prevailed so they sat and listened to the three cassettes and at the end of the third cassette I leave people in a prayer by which they released themselves from any curse over their lives at the point where the prayer began the cassette jammed it wouldn't go forward it wouldn't go back and it wouldn't each act that is not purely natural so Miriam said well and I can't say the prayer but this indefinite Abel lady said oh no I have the prayer typed out and I'll bring that so she persuaded Miriam I think rather against her own judgement to read this prayer now you could read the prayer I would say in three minutes I wouldn't take as much as there so Miriam just dutifully read the prayer and in between the time she began reading the prayer and the time she finished her fingers and her hands were totally released there was no trace about the writers she went back to the doctor he confirmed medically the healing now what I want to emphasize is this she was not praying for healing it wasn't in her mind she was simply releasing herself from a curse but when the curse was broken there was no more reason for sickness you see another example of the invisible barrier all right now I want to deal out of Scripture with the forms that blessings and curses take there is one particular chapter in the Old Testament which deals exclusively with blessings and curses how many of you know which it is Deuteronomy chapter 28 alright it's got 14 verses of blessings and 54 verses of curses now we can't go into that because of time but I suggest if you're concerned that at your own convenience you study that chapter carefully I've studied it many times and I'm going to offer you my summation but please exercise your own judgment as to whether you think this is accurate or not here is my summation of the main blessings and the main curses as a matter of fact really they're exactly opposite to one another so here are seven blessings number one exaltation means being lifted up you're no longer living under things number two a word I had to coin reproductive nurse I couldn't find one normal English word but person whose the blessing of God is is fruitful in every area of his life or her life number three health number four prosperity or success number five victory number six Moses said you'll be the head and not the tail and number seven you'll be a bum and not beneath now when I was studying that some years ago I asked the Lord what's the difference between the head and the tail and I feel he gave me a simple answer the head makes the decisions the tail just gets dragged around so which way are you living are you making the decisions are you in charge of the situation or are you simply being dragged around like a tail by circumstances and forces that you don't understand and you can't control if you're a tail it's very possible you're under a curse now I'm not saying every one of those blessings is due to this cause but that's for you to discern there's only one expert in this field and his name is not Derek Prince it's the Holy Spirit he's the one who has to show you personally I can preach the general truth but you have to get the specific application from the Holy Spirit then let's look at the curses and they're just exactly the opposite humiliation failure to reproduce or Berenice and I would say basically Berenice is nearly always in some way associated with the curse number three sickness of every kind and if you read Deuteronomy 28 I mean there is no sickness that is left out but the time you've come to that list number four poverty of failure number five defeat and number six you're the tail are not the head and number seven you're beneath not about you prob heard about the two Christians you met one of them said well how are you doing brother and he replied well under the circumstances I'm not doing badly and the first Christian said well what are you doing under the circumstances you should be an above and not beneath now over the years independently of this list I made a little list of indications that to me alerted me that I was probably dealing with a curse I only say probably and this is I made this independently of Deuteronomy 28 but it's amazing really how close it is and I happen to have a list of seven now I want to be very clear I'm not saying if you have one of these it's absolutely sure you're under a curse you need to examine the possibility and seek God but if you have several of them the more you have the greater the possibility that you're under a curse and here's my little list number one mental and/or emotional breakdown where people fall apart that's a phrase that's used today you say he or she just fell apart that's what I'm talking about emotionally or mentally or both number two repeated or chronic sicknesses especially if they're hereditary because you see curses passed from generation to generation also in situations where doctors cannot find any normal cause number three want to call female problems Baroness a tendency to miscarry and problems with menstruation and Ruth and I'm dealt with so many cases like this that wherever a person comes for prayer in that category we just simply act on the basis that it's a curse in fact we have come to the place where we really feel often we're wasting our time minister to the sick without first teaching them how to be delivered from the curse I once we once called for a lineup of people with female problems and in the middle of the line was a man so when he came up I said what's your problem how can you have a female police ed my problem is depression and that's fever however I don't accept his statement the next one a breakdown of marriage and family alienation where families fall apart where marriages break up where children are alienated from their parents brothers from sisters very very probably a curse at work the next one financial insufficiency and I want to be careful how I say this I don't think that poverty for a short period it may be a test that God is putting us through but if you're always short if you never have enough if you're always scraping I think you very probably under a curse then the next one is what they call accident-prone in other words you're one of the people who always has an accident you know now this is this is kind of objective because insurance companies will check on you and they'll give you a higher premium if they classify you as accident-prone I mean that's not natural to be the person who always breaks your ankle when you step off the curb or your wife always slams the door the car door on your finger or whatever it may be or it's always your eye that a little bug flies into I mean that's it's not natural if it's always going on and then finally in our family a history of suicides or unnatural deaths if there is a frequency of those things in a family you could say a curse is like a long evil arm from the past and you don't know how far back and it's stretched out and every time you're just about to succeed or get to where you want to be this evil arm trips you up and you have to get up and start again and you get so far you're tripped up again and that really becomes the story of your life and you'd be surprised how many people have told me stories like that and so many times they said well the same thing happened to my father or my grandfather in other words it seems to run in our family or another simple picture is a dark shadow from the past over your life shutting out the sunlight of God's blessing and you can see other people walking in the sunlight and you know it's there and real but somehow the Sun very seldom seems to shine fully on you let's go to Deuteronomy 28 for what I would call the primary causes both of blessings and curses and fortunately they're very simple the first two verses of Deuteronomy 28 says this now it shall come to pass if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God to observe carefully all his commandments which I command you today that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations at the earth and all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you because you obey the voice of the Lord your God now that's a translation which I think is followed by most modern translations but the old King James used to say if you will listen diligently to the voice of the Lord your God and in Hebrew that phrase is formed by repeating the word listen if you will listen listening that's emphatic to the voice of the Lord your God and do what he says so very very simply the primary cause of all blessings is listening to God's voice and doing what he says now the primary cause of all curses is exactly the opposite in verse 15 of the same chapter but it shall come to pass if you do not obey the voice of the Lord your God to observe carefully all his commandments and his statutes which I come on you today that all these curses will come upon you and overtake you so what's the cause of curses not listening to God's voice not doing what he says so they're basically you have the two route problem or the two root causes the cause of blessing listening to God's voice doing what he says the cause of curse is not listening to God's voice not doing what he says so we're going to deal first of all now with curses that proceeded from God himself and there is one supreme cause which is stated in Exodus chapter 20 verses three through five Exodus 20 verses 3 to 5 this is the first part of the Ten Commandments and let me say before we read the greatest and most common cause of curses in people's lives is breaking the first two Commandments in fact I'm inclined to believe you cannot break those Commandments without coming under a curse now let me read those words you shall have no other gods before me but the Hebrew means just as much beside me it's not a question of having the Lord as the main god on other gods as well because he says I am the Lord and beside me there is no other God so you must not acknowledge any other God except the true God and the second is what we would call idolatry you shall not make for yourself any carved image or any likeness of anything that isn't having a bomb or that is in the earth beneath or that is the water under the earth you shall not bow down to them nor serve them for I the Lord your God am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the father's on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who ate me notice that's a specific feature of the curse it goes on for at least three and probably four generations but whenever you go to a source other than the true God for things which you are free only to seek from the true god whatever source you go to you are actually making your God so if you go to a fortune-teller for information about the future which God has said you shall not receive through that channel through that fortune-teller you're making the power behind that fortune-teller you're gone if you play with the Ouija board if you get involved in all sorts of occult experiences or counts that deny the truth of the Bible in all those things you are making a God who is not the true God so it's very important to say this the curse is pronounced for the breaking of the first two Commandments cover every form of account now in Deuteronomy 22 27 verses 15 through 26 we have 12 curses pronounced and when Israel went into the promised land they had to pronounce all these curses upon themselves if they disobeyed the law they automatically came under these curses they couldn't get into the promised land without and I think it's very much the same in a way when we come into a relationship with God if we're obedient we come under the blessings but if we're disobedient we're in real danger of coming under the curses now I'll just give you my little summation of the things on which the curses are pronounced in Deuteronomy 27 verses 15 and following number one once again idolatry false gods that's always the top of the list number two disrespect for parents and this is repeated in the New Testament Ephesians six honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with promise that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth my personal conviction is any person who does not honor his parents never will have it well with them never and I can think of scores of examples of people that doesn't mean you can't get saved and speak in tongues and go to heaven when you die but there will be something missing in the quality of your life until you adjust your relationship with your parents that doesn't mean you have to agree with their parents or do everything that they say but you have to respect I think of another young man I don't with he had a very bad relationship with his father his father was dead buried in a cemetery more than a thousand miles from where we were but when this truth really penetrated he took a journey of a thousand miles to the cemetery where his father was buried went to the grave know that it confessed his wrong attitudes to his father wept his heart out and gone up a different person and from then the course of his life changed now I know that there are lots of parents especially today you have a lot of reasons for having something against them I understand them I say there are no delinquent children there only delinquent parents but nevertheless if you want to have it well with you you better do what God says you can't afford not to then the next and we must go quickly in this list is treachery against a neighbor and the book of Proverbs says whoever rewards evil for good evil will never depart from his house and then injustice to the week or the helpless personally I can't think of anything more weak or helpless than a baby in its mother's womb and personally my conviction is anybody who deliberately procures an abortion comes under a curse I would never minister to such a person without dealing with the curse I want you to understand I'm not saying you're cursed forever please understand I'm telling you the problem because I'm going to show you the solution and then illicit or unnatural sex especially incest and again I don't know what the particular figures are here but in the United States it's now estimated that one out of every four girls under 10 has been sexually molested and one out of every five boys under ten and I cannot think myself that it will ever happen without a curse following then in Genesis when I'm going on from this list Genesis chapter 12 we have God's call to Abraham and we need to look at that because it has something significant in it God's calls Abraham out promises there's things and in verse three this is the end of the call he says to Abraham I will bless those who bless you and I will curse him who curses you so there's both a blessing and a curse I believe that was necessary because whenever God singles out a man to be blessed that man becomes the object of all sorts of evil satanic forces so God incorporated a protection he said to Abram anyone who curses you I will curse and what is the generic name for cursing or speaking against or abusing the Jewish people anti-semitism now in my personal opinion anti-semitism almost invariably is followed by a curse for an individual for a nation and she look at the history at the last 19th centuries you can see nation of the nation of the nation that came under a curse because they cursed the Jewish people then there's another very important curse pronounced in the Prophet Jeremiah which is just a few short words and I think often we pass them over without really appreciating their significance Jeremiah 17 verses 5 & 6 thus says the Lord curse it is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength whose heart departs from the law for he should be like a shrub in the desert she'll not see when good comes but shall inhabit the parts places in the wilderness in a salt land which is not inhabited notice please that that's a very good description of somebody under a curse blessings are all around but he lives in a salt land rain falls everywhere else but it doesn't fall on him what's the cause of that curse trusting in man making flesh your arm but the scripture says whose heart departs from the Lord in other words here is a man who's known the supernatural grace and blessing of God and then turn back to relying on his own efforts turned his back on God's grace and that brings a curse in Zechariah five verses one through four Zechariah had a vision of a flying scroll and there was a curse on each side of the scroll one I was on the curse on anyone who steals and the other was on anyone who commits perjury and in the vision this scroll would go into a person's house take up lodging there and the whole house would disintegrate see that's the nature of a curse it doesn't just affect the particular area but it has a kind of corrosive effect all around it and then in Malachi 3 I think we have to look at this Malachi 3 verses 8 through 10 will a man Rob gone did you have robbed me but you say in what way have we robbed you in tithes and offerings you are cursed with a curse for you have robbed me even this whole nation bring all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be food in my house and prove me now in this is the Lord of Hosts if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour you out such a blessing that they will not be room enough to receive it now I'm not teaching that all Christians ought to pay tithes because as I understand the New Testament it's not law it's grace but I would suggest you that grace should make us more generous than law it's we're told we have a better covenant established on better promises do you think on that basis we could offer less than the Israelites but I'll say this one thing sting genus toward God brings a curse it is very poor economy to be stingy with God and I tell Christians everywhere when the offering comes around God does not need your tips another specific source of curses is men who speak on behalf of God as God's mouthpiece and there are many examples of this in the Bible we only look at just a few the first is found in Joshua chapter 6 and verse 26 after Israel had captured and destroyed Jericho Joshua the leader of God's people and God's mouthpiece pronounced a curse on anybody who would subsequently rebuild a city on that site in Joshua 626 then got Joshua charged them at that time saying curse it be the man before the Lord who rises up and builds this city Jericho he shall lay its foundation with his firstborn and with his youngest he shall set up its gates that's a very specific curse not a general curse but the form that the curse would take would be that the person who rebuilt Jericho it would cost him the lives of two hit two of his sons now I'm sure most of the Israelites forgot that curse it just receded into history but about five hundred years later in the reign of Ahab king of Israel a man did just that thing on which Joshua had pronounced a curse and this is recorded in first Kings chapter 16 in the reign of Ahab first kings 16 and the last verse of the chapter verse 34 in his days that's the days of a ham heel of Bethel built Jericho he laid its foundation with a beer on his firstborn and with his youngest son C goob he set up its gates according to the word of the Lord which he had spoken through Joshua the son of nun the marginal translations says at the cost of the life of his son and most modern translations follow that so the man who went against the curse pronounced by Joshua five hundred years earlier it cost him the lives of two of his sons now I want to go on to other sources of curses and the next one is very important and very little understood by contemporary Christians I call it persons with relational authority that is persons who have authority because of a relationship now Authority is a very unpopular concept in many persons places at parts of the world today but the fact remains it's still real authority is not created by man it proceeds from God and there are many different relationships in which a person has Authority now you may not may or may not like it but a husband has authority over his wife in certain contexts parents have authority over their children teachers have authority over their pupils pastors have authority over their congregations just to take a few examples now because of the authority relationship words spoken by those persons to those under their authority have special supernatural power whether they're blessings or whether they're curses and if you look at the Bible you'll find that 2nd to the blessing of God the most important blessing that any person could ever have in his life was the blessing of his father or her father that's still true today I say to any of you whose fathers are alive do everything in your can in your power everything you can to obtain the blessing of your father and your mother but primarily your father it makes a lot of difference when I was saved I'm afraid I had a bad attitude toward my parents I thought they're not saved I'm saved they don't understand I do understand I praise God he rebuked me for it and he showed me that I could not expect his blessing if I didn't honor my parents and before they died I had shown them the honor that was appropriate I don't believe otherwise I could have ever enjoyed the blessing of God in my life and ministry now let's consider a few other possible examples and most of these are constructed out of situations that I have actually dealt with but I've kind of changed a little so that I don't expose the identity of people let's take a father this is perhaps the Communists of all a father has three sons the first is the firstborn because he's always welcome the third the youngest is brilliant but the middle one is now the firstborn though brilliant and he has a lot of the same characters characteristics that his father has have you ever noticed when people are bad and they're bad in the way that we're bad we like to take it out on them rather than ourselves have you ever noticed that parents if you pick on one of your children it's probably the one that's most like you if you knew it what you're objecting to is what's in you that you don't like anyhow so the house the father says to this second time you'll never succeed you'll always be a failure you'll never make it what's that it's occurs and I'm dealt with many men in their 40s and 50s who were still struggling against words spoken by our Father before they were teenagers or let's say the father has a daughter 15 like some young ladies of 15 she has acne and the father has to drive at a school every day and every day she's they up there in the bedroom putting things on her pimples and so she's late and so the father gets exasperated and one day he says you'll never get rid of those pimples you'll have pimples to the rest of your life 15 years later she's a married woman with children tomorrow and she is still struggling with her acne why because of a curse let's take about teachers the teacher has a pupil who can't spell maybe he's got what they call dyslexia you know you put the letters of the wrong way around you're silly you're stupid you just don't try hard you'll never succeed there are no teachers shouldn't talk like that but sometimes they do what's the result our child a boy or a girl that never can make it in life Ruth and I have a friend a teacher said to her when she was a teenager you're shallow she's now I think in her sixties or at least in her late 50s and we discovered that she all her life she's been struggling against that statement you're Shanna and the strange thing about it is if anybody doesn't deserve that statement it's that lady she is far from shallow to see there's authority behind those statements and that makes them powerful usually speaking there's a demonic element just show you one thing in James chapter 3 which is very important James 3 verses 14 and 15 but if you are bitter envying and self-seeking in your hearts do not boast and lie against the truth this wisdom does not descend from above but is earthly soulish demonic in other words if your attitudes are wrong and your reactions are wrong and you speak what's going to come out we'll have a demonic element in it then we come to another tremendously important area perhaps the most common of all what I call self-imposed curses people pronounce curses on themselves in Genesis chapter 27 we had the story of how Isaac was going to bless Esau and the mother Rebecca who's the first addition mama if you know what a Yiddish a mama is switched them and she got Jacob acting like Esau and claiming the blessing Jacob wasn't reluctant but he was afraid and he said this in verse 11 Jacob said to Rebekah his mother looked Esau my brother as a hairy man and I am a smooth skinned man perhaps my father will feel me and I shall seem to be a deceiver to him and I shall bring a curse on myself and not a blessing but his mother said to him let your curse be on me my son she took on herself the curse that would have been due to Jacob their self-imposed curse now if you go to the end of the chapter just the last verse you find Rebekah beginning to use very negative language about herself Rebekah said to Isaac in verse 46 I am weary of my life because of the daughters of health if Jacob takes a wife of the daughters of health like those who were daughters of the land want good way my life B to me I'm tired of living what's the good of living that's a typical statement by somebody who's under a curse C never permit yourself to say that don't make negative statements about yourself don't say I'll never be able to do this I never succeed I'm no use I'm a failure I just can't take it anymore and then you go on and say I wish I were dead I'd be better off day do you know what you're doing you're inviting the spirit of death and he doesn't take many invitations ruther not dealt with countless people who needed to be delivered from the spirit of death because they'd invited it that imposed a curse upon themselves and we've learned one beautiful verse that will help that has helped hundreds of people and I'll share it with you psalm 118 verse 17 I shall not die but live and declare or proclaim the works of the Lord if you have made a negative remark about yourself if you've imposed something negative on yourself you need to revoke it by the positive you see as a remarkable example you know that Peter denied three times he knew the Lord later on after the resurrection beside the Sea of Galilee Jesus had a personal talk with Peter and three times he said do you love me he made Peter affirmed three times that he loved and wanted he do that because Peter had to revoke the negative statements he'd made before the crucifixion see so if we've said something negative and brought some dark shadow over us we need to revoke the negative and replace it by the positive and this verse is a perfect one I shall not die doesn't mean you'll never die but it means Satan's not going to kill you before your time I shall not die but live and declare the works of the Lord then the next common cause of curses is what I call unscriptural covenants Exodus 23 verse 32 in relationship to the people whom Israel was to dis possess from the land of Canaan that is all of them idol worshippers people who lived in total rebellion against the Living God Moses in Exodus 23 32 you shall make no covenant with them nor with their gods you understand if people have false gods and you make a covenant with those people you are also making a covenant with their God now I'm going to say something that I trust will not offend anybody and I say it simply because my desires to help people one extremely common example of that in our contemporary culture in the Western world is Freemasonry because a person who becomes a Mason makes a covenant with those who are Masons freemasons will tell you that it's secret but it's not in the 1950s a book was published in Britain by an Anglican clergyman named Hannah called darkness visible which sets out all the main rites and ceremonies of Freemasonry and no mason has ever challenged that book in more than 30 years when you become a Mason you have to pronounce a curse on yourself if you disclose the secrets of the Masons and includes things like having your tongue cut out your right arm cut off and thrown over your left shoulder and your body being exposed in a tight place where the tides rise and fall twice in every 24 hours those are self-imposed curses and that Freemasonry is an idle religion is clear in the 32nd degree the Royal Arch degree which acknowledges and offers worship to a person called Jah bull on J a bul om which is a combination of Jehovah bale and Osiris and so the true God of the Bible is joined together with two idol deities whom God has totally condemned and when you make a covenant with that you're making a covenant with those guns there are the ways that this kind of curse can come in tribal societies very commonly a baby or a young person is initiated into the tribe by certain rights very often there are cuts made on the skin or powder inserted under the skin and that exposes that person to the curse that's on the idolatry that's the the focus of that tribe and then there are curses pronounced by servants of Satan in an African Christian Church two elders fell out with one another and this may seem strange to you but it's quite common in Africa the one elder went to the witch doctor to get him to put a curse on the other elder okay and when he did there the witch doctor was very happy to oblige because it was a Christian see and this is what he did he went out somewhere into the bush got some soil of a certain kind brought it back smeared it over a hand mirror and then he said to the elder now wipe the soil away and tell me what you see and he looked in the mirror and saw the man the face of the man on whom he wanted to curse in the mirror now the witch doctor said take a knife and cut it through the mirror and he did and when he did that blood appeared on the mirror and when the elder returned he discovered the other elder was dead what would you call that see you couldn't call it murder can you understand why the Bible prohibits witchcraft jesus said behold I give to you authority over all the power of the enemy he didn't say the enemy doesn't have power he said I'll give you authority over that power that's the realistic approach yeah I'm not just one interesting example because this is something that's unfamiliar to many Westerners in the conflict between David and Goliath when David went out with his sling and no armor Goliath was angry and insulted and this is what happened first Samuel 17 43 so David so the Philistine said to David I'm our dog that you come to me with sticks and the Philistine cursed David by his gods do you understand before they've joined in battle he invoked his idol gods and David replied I'm not coming to you in my own name but in the name of the Lord of hosts the God of Israel see it was a fight between gods and you know who was victorious but I just want to point out to you that Satan's servants have power to curse again I could illustrate it from examples of people that we personally have helped one final way in which a curse can come stated in Deuteronomy 7 and verse 26 the previous verse says about the inhabitants of Canaan you shall burn their car the carved images of their gods you shall not covet the silver or gold that is on it and then it says verse 26 nor shall you bring an abomination into your house lest you be doomed to destruction like it but you shall utterly detest it in utterly a poet for it is an accursed thing so when you bring anything that's associated with idolatry or the account into your house you're opening the way for a curse to come into your home again this is something we deal with frequently I tell people and after such a services this if you believe you've needed deliverance from because you better go home and check what you've got in your home check if there's anything there that advertises any other God but the Lord Jesus Christ my personal principle is I don't want anything in my home that dishonours Jesus Christ because let me give one quick example we often have cases where parents tell us that the children don't sleep well at night they're Restless they cry they're frightened now one common reason for that is that somewhere in that house is something which gets Satan right of access you need to go through your house from top to bottom clean out anything that's associated with the occult any kind of superstitious thing if you have horse horse shoes to ward off your luck that's superstition it doesn't ward off your luck it opens the door for Satan all right now we come to the really important plan X which is how to be released from incurs and I want to give you some simple instructions when you've met the conditions all right but resisting is sometimes an ongoing process it's like if there's a strong wind blowing you have to keep the door shut see if you open the door the wind will come in then I say establish a clear scriptural basis for your release the best one is Galatians 3 13 and 14 Christ has redeemed us from the curse having become a curse for us that we might receive the blessing of Abraham give you a few other scriptures Ephesians 1:7 in him Jesus we have redemption through his blood Colossians 1 12 through 14 the father has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light he has delivered us from the domain of darkness and translated us into the kingdom of the son of his love in whom we have redemption through his blood so through the work of Jesus on the cross we can be delivered from the domain of darkness that Satan's domain and translated carried over into the kingdom of Jesus Christ it's like there are two territories and there's a chasm between them this territory is the territory of Satan this territory is the kingdom of God but there's only one bridge across that chasm and that's the cross of Jesus if you take that bridge you can get out of this Kingdom and into that Kingdom which is where God wants you then 1st John 3 verse 8 the second part for this purpose the Son of God was revealed that he might what destroy the works of the devil to do what destroy the works of that that's why he came and then Luke 10:19 which I quoted earlier Jesus says behold I give to you authority over all the power of the enemy so those are very clear scriptural basis then when you've established that basis confess your faith in Christ because Jesus is the high priest of our confession it's on the basis of your confession what you say about him that he acts as your high priest thirdly commit yourself to a you remember how do we qualify for the blessings what do we have to do hear God's voice and do what he says so when you've received your release make up your mind commit yourself from now on I'm going to listen to what God says and do it the next step is confess any known sins either by yourself or your ancestors because it's sins of your ancestors can in some ways affect you but there's a difference you are not guilty for your ancestors sins but you are affected by them you understand you are responsible for your own sins but in order to be fully clear if you are know that your ancestors were idol worshipers so Christian Scientists saw Mormons or let's not go too long into this but something that's totally unscriptural be released from it then you need to forgive all other persons jesus said when you stand praying if you have anything against anyone what did he say to do forgive that's right anything against anyone that leaves out nothing and no one unforgiveness in your heart is a barrier to the answer to your prayers now forgiveness forgiving is not an emotion it's a decision I tell people it's tearing up the IOU then you must renounce all contact with the occult okay by yourself or by your ancestors again you're not responsible you're not guilty for what your ancestors don't but it affects you then you must get rid of all contact objects the things I've been speaking about if you bring them into your house you bring a curse with them then when you've met those conditions you can release yourself in the name of Jesus jesus said whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven and whatever you release on earth will be released in heaven now we're going to do that in a moment but I want to show you where to go from there when you've been released then you have to confess and expect the blessing of Abraham because we're released from the curse that we may receive the blessing of Abraham and so Ruth and I are going to make our one of our communist confessions as a pattern to you through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross we have passed out from under the curse and entered into the blessing of Abraham who God blessed in all things how many things oh do you want that blessing God has provided it for you we'll probably do that again thank you sweetheart remember that it's the blessing of the Holy Spirit in other words it's the Holy Spirit who administers the blessing that's important you've got to be friends with the Holy Spirit see if you grieve the Holy Spirit if you don't honor the Holy Spirit he withholds the blessing he's got the key to God stores if you want the treasures make friends with the keeper of the storehouse and then as I've said already bear in mind that it's in all things you won't get it all in one night but you've qualified it for for it in one night you understand if I can put it like this some of you are going the wrong direction tonight you can make a u-turn and start going the right direction but that doesn't mean you've arrived you're on the way you have to keep that direction you have to keep hearing and doing what God says if you want to continue in the blessing of Abraham and you have to keep making the right confession I think I won't make it let you say it now I'll wait now if there are those of you here this evening who feel that in some way there's the shadow of a curse over your life and you want to be released I want to lead you in a prayer of release you remember the story that I told you of Miriam who do read the prayer and was completely healed now I'm not promising you healing that's in God's hands but if your sickness is directly due to a curse if you're released from the curse you qualify for healing from your sickness so those of you that would like me to lead you you just have a few moments left I'd like you to stand to your feet and then I'm going to lead you in a prayer first of all we've established a clear scriptural base okay I gave you the descriptions now you need to confess your faith in Christ commit yourself to obedience confess any known sins of yourself or your ancestors and when we do that I'll give you a few moments to confess them silently then forgive all other persons and I'll give you a few moments to do a little forgiving and then renounce all contact with the account by yourself or your ancestors commit yourself to get rid of all contact objects and then release yourself in the name of Jesus all right now I'm just going to give you the words you're not praying to me you're praying to the Lord Jesus Christ and he's the one that answers not I I don't have the power he does all right say these words after me Lord Jesus Christ I believe that you are the son of God and the only way to God that you died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the day that on the cross you are made a curse with every curse that is due to me that I might be redeemed from the curse and enter into the blessing lord I confess any sins committed by me or by my ancestors I ask your forgiveness I also forgive every other person who ever harmed me or wronged me I forgive them as I've had have gone forgive me I also forgive myself I renounce all contact with the account in any form and I commit myself to get rid of any contact objects and now Lord having received by faith your forgiveness with your 30 I have the child of God I now release myself and those under my authority from any curse over our lives right now in the name of Jesus I declare release I claim it and I receive it by faith in the name of Jesus now I'll begin to thank him that's the surest expression of thing thank you lord thank you lord thank you Jesus thank you Lord Jesus thank you thank you thank you
Channel: Derek Prince
Views: 1,176,435
Rating: 4.8397512 out of 5
Keywords: release from the curse bible study, release from the curse part 1, breaking through barriers bible study, breaking curses 101, sermon on casting out demons, sermon on breaking addictions, sermon on breaking through barriers, casting out demons in church, breaking soul ties bible study, breaking through barriers to blessing, breaking through barriers to success, deliverance from evil thoughts, deliverance from demonic strongholds, soul ties sermon, soul ties bible verse
Id: EfhO3bLjRuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 35sec (3635 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2013
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