Architecture School

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[Music] i frequently insert the fact that i went to architecture school pretty often in my videos to the point that it's probably boastful to some of you but i haven't exactly shared a focused perspective on the things i've learned and retained it during my four-year struggle towards an undergraduate bachelor's degree in architectural science [Music] uh you're doing it again doing what you didn't have to specify that whole last part it feels like you're boasting again oh yeah well you know it's more like filler words to make it feel like the video is longer and has more content than it actually does kind of like trying to reach the word quota in an essay you know oh i get it so it's like trying to reach the eight minute mark in a youtube video so it can qualify for mid-roll ads oh no no no it's not like that it is that he's right i boast a lot about having graduated university but really i don't have much to show for it this degree doesn't mean anything i don't even know where it is it's somewhere at my parents house it neither represents my accumulated knowledge nor my passion for architecture it merely serves as a reminder of how many years i can endure hating myself true it has been almost 10 years since i graduated so it's natural that i forgot a lot of what i learned but even at the year of i didn't really have confidence with my knowledge in pursuing the field when i chose to full commit to youtube and content creation i naively thought to myself if i totally bomb this and i make like 10 cents a month at least i have architecture to fall back on but really it was more like please let this work i don't want to do architecture i hate it i want to make dumb animations please architecture wasn't really plan b it was more like plan l so when i say i truly appreciate your support of my work and allowing me to self-sustain from my videos i really mean it thank you all that's really awesome dom thanks so how much did you retain from architecture school oh let's see um one two three well i cried at least 17 times i remember one of the first lectures we had our prof shat on all of us for not knowing what this structural element is properly called anyone know what that is right there in the middle of the room what is that called yes a post nope a pillar wrong a beam a vertical beam no one more try or i feed my shoe to one of you a structural vertical beam a column it's called a column how do you guys not know this you're in first year god so for the rest of my life due to being ridiculed i will know to call this a column boy i'm sure glad my tuition paid for someone to make fun of me for going into a program to learn about things i wasn't knowledgeable about the biggest lesson i've learned in what makes a good building design is form follows function the nature of architecture is to design based on the human experience and how people interact with the space the overall shape of the building should be directly corresponding to the intended function or purpose of the spaces within it if you design a building shaped like an origami paper crane and presented it to a professor for a critique they will calmly tell you it is garbage and then spit on your grave because you are now dead to them even though seeing a paper crane building might seem cool and instagramable when you think about it it likely fails as a building you've got awkward corners everywhere making awkward rooms for people to fit into which means a bunch of wasted space and wasted construction materials and costs and what is even going on up here is it just a tall empty space or are there awkwardly shaped single rooms that shrink every story until you get to the sniper tower how do you even get up there standard elevators don't move diagonally and stairs aren't going to fit nicely without the engineers wanting to put a bounty on your head for this complicated design simply put if it's annoying to build it's probably a bad design while a paper crane may be used as inspiration for a design there is much more to architecture than just cool visual concepts there is this museum in toronto called the royal ontario museum the rom and all of my professors collectively and unanimously on the rom every chance they get it looks like this and you might be thinking oh it's kind of cool right it's got some very unnatural shapes and it's interesting how it superimposes on the surrounding structures to elaborate the distinction between the old and the new it stands out very touristy but that's all it did stood out once you go through architecture school you never look at buildings the same way ever again you know how much my profs hated the rom they took us on a field trip to the rom to on its design during the tour wow look at all these awkward corners wow look at all this wasted space wow look at this useless hallway that leads to a dead end wow wow wow they were brutal but they were right some people might feel like square and rectilinearly designed buildings are basic and boring but really it's those kinds of spaces that we usually feel the most comfortable in what the hell are you gonna do with a spherical room where does your door go how are you gonna arrange your furniture to fit without having to customize them are you gonna have curved glass windows again the engineers and construction workers will have your head on a pike remember form follows function you don't think of how a building will look and then somehow force grab the necessary rooms inside to fit you keep in mind your overall space constrictions of course but you have to design from the inside and eventually the outside will take its form and finding the optimal arrangements in correspondence to interesting forms is what sets aside the good architects from the paper crane designers some other bits of things i learned we never called these blueprints they're just called architectural designs or drawings made up of plans the top views of the spaces sections views of the spaces as if you cut through it and elevations the side views always include standard scales when showing drawings 1 to 73 is not typically a scale people understand this part of the roof of a building is called a parapit and it was really annoying to draw in cross section either you drew your drawings on a presentation board by hand or you did it on a computer and spent 90 dollars to print it starving artists and starving architecture students get along avoid using glue gun for your models it doesn't dry nicely and sometimes leaves those spider web glue bits as i've mentioned before keep the engineers in mind they have to make your design stand if you think a 20 by 20 meter room can hold up without any columns enjoy having your ceilings collapse exterior walls are much thicker than you think because of insulation flooring is much thicker than you think because of hvac east and west facing windows give harsh lighting because of sun pathing which can slightly be mitigated with overhangs but north and south facing windows give diffused and more comfortable lighting always account for accessibility and designs ramps need a slope of about 1 to 12. symmetry is cursed you don't really need double staircases that both lead to the same location i feel like people really only use these for prom photos and finally or at least this is all i can think of right now all exit doors should open outwards or you've indirectly killed someone in the future via getting trampled here's the part of the video where i usually try to look at the bright side of things and realize the true lessons i've learned because the hard trips were necessary for me to grow as a person and end on a good note but i hated architecture school and i still blame it for my insomnia [Music] hello
Channel: Domics
Views: 1,579,622
Rating: 4.9791374 out of 5
Keywords: domics, animation
Id: A3ErvVzh8EY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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