An Unconventional Interview Tip for Executive Positions

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unconventional interview tip for executive positions if you are an ambitious career professional you're established in your industry and you want to take your career to the next level to an executive position chances are the interview is the most difficult part the application itself your resume your cover letter and submitting the application it speaks for itself right you've had established successes in your career path and usually the so that's why most of the time the interview is the most difficult part so that's you i want to hear from you comment below and share with me has that been the case for you has the interview been the most difficult part of achieving executive position if this is you then in this video i want to share with you a very unconventional interview tip that you can nail your interview every single time right first of all i'd like to have my distinctions when it comes to executive positions what does that mean anyway a lot of times when you hear the word executive it's thrown around a lot because it is all around climbing the corporate ladder but it is surprising how many clients i work with who are established in their industry and they tell me well i wish i had a more executive position and yet they're making a lot of decisions for their company so i want to share with you a definition of what does it mean to be an executive in a company right an executive is somebody who manages others and they make decisions in the normal course of their work and the decisions that they make have a real impact on their performance and the results of the whole organization right so there's got to be two parts one is managing other people and two is making important decisions right these decisions are the same kind as the decisions they make and top management right so this is important for you when you are looking to go and rise up into executive positions it's not enough just to say i am it's been five years in this company right i have in i have hierarchy i have seniority and therefore i'm ready to take my position to the next level it's really important especially if it's an internal promotion one of the most important things that you can do in the interview is to realize that in order for you to put yourself up for the executive position even if an opening is not there and not advertised and you are in the running for an executive position at your next performance view one of the most important things you can do is to give a business reason because let's face it at this level of your career you are senior in your industry you're leading in your industry and you are you've already demonstrated the value of your knowledge and how you add value in the company so this is important that that when you are in the interview that you're not making it about you i want this promotion or i haven't had a raise in in a number of years or you know i've been here long enough or any or i've done these projects it has to be about well what is the business case here because when you are executive you are in essence you're a partner because usually because of your position it's not just about the position because usually because of the position you are making decisions but it can also because of your be because of your knowledge right your knowledge the authority of your knowledge knowledge is just as legitimate as the authority of the position that you are seeking so this is really important for your answers whenever you are answering in a interview especially if it's a performance review or it's a formal interview for the executive position to give a business reason why you are the person to be promoted into that executive position and first it is to understand what decisions that you are going to be making and you already have evidence of what the decisions are going to be making especially if it's an internal promotion but if it's an external promotion and you're going to a new company or a different company for an executive position you can still understand the the core problem that you are going to solve when you join that new company so what is a business case for them to promote you right giving you that promotion or getting the position the executive position in the new company is going to allow you to be able to solve some core problem for that business for that company so it's time that you approach this not from a job application perspective you are at a totally different level now it's not about a job it's not no longer just a job position it's no longer in a junior position this is executive you are now you must think of it in terms of the entrepreneur mindset from the business owner mindset what is a business case for your promotion right so if you want to figure out if you want to know how do i apply this in my career what do i say right what about my particular industry and you want a little bit of guidance then i invite you to book a call with me right below this video there is a link the first link in the description below is a link for you to book a call a discovery call with me to explore how we can work together and if you are if you are serious about taking your career to the executive positions and you want guidance to do so so that you could be more visible in the company so that you can put your position forward so that you can understand how to create a business case for it then i invite you to book a call with me and i look forward to working with you on the inside again this is for you if you are wanting to take your career to executive positions it's not for you if you're at the beginning stage of your career or if you just recently graduated from college this is for executives who want to take your career to the next level and be more visible right so that is very unconventional because a lot of times when we want to be promoted right we go on the internet and we look for advice we read articles and generally these articles share from a regular job perspective right you can go on any of these job search a job posting websites and they always give career advice columns right and that's for the masses right the masses the junior level positions the mid manager positions right those are okay but when you are an executive level it is a whole new different landscape you can't ask the same questions that you would if you were in a junior position so for example some of these articles share with you without an interview during the job interview one of the great good questions to ask is how might i be successful on this job or what does a day-to-day a regular day-to-day look like right those questions are good if you're in a junior position or if you are applying to the job that appeals to the masses but that does not apply to you if you are applying if you are wanting to be competitive for competitive for a executive position because at this level you are senior you're going to you've already been making decisions you just want the official title the position to solidify it so if you're asking a question like that how do i be successful then that is more reflective of someone who's junior and not a reflective of somebody who's been in the industry for a long time and that has seniority so be careful a word of caution when you are taking advice career advice from these articles online that appeal to the masses or more mid junior to mid-level positions right so but if you want to apply this then this is exactly what i do in terms of executive coaching it's a completely different ballgame right so i want to hear from you comment below what have you learned here what are some of your ideas and are you applying for executive positions i want to hear from you and as well if you haven't heard if you haven't done so already remember to subscribe to my channel because every single week i release videos like this for executives right for leaders in your industry and remember to ring that bell so you can receive a notification every time i release a new video you
Channel: Dr. Grace Lee
Views: 10,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: executive positions, job search coaching, finding an executive position, job search coach, job hunting coach, best career coach, career coaching, career coach, interview coaching, women in leadership, women in business, interview tips, job interview tips, job interview, interview tips for executives, interview prep, interview techniques, senior positions, senior management, dr grace lee, executive coaching, career development, personal development, interview questions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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