Executing Order 66 In Blender

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If You're a Star Wars fan you know that the mysterious events surrounding Order 66 have long been a topic of discussion and Fascination finally recent Star Wars shows have given us some new and thrilling insight into this pivotal moment in the Galaxy's history one such example is season 3 of the Mandalorian where we got a new look at the burning Jedi Temple doing this I really wanted to recreate it in blender and that is exactly what I did of course I started modeling the temple itself for that I put together a sheet of references in this awesome program called puref the temple has a fairly easy shape and not too much detail so it was a pretty straightforward process since the details on all first heights were exactly the same I created a new collection for just one and then used collection instances for the other sites foreign to not use any reference images directly in blender but match the proportions and details by eye for the environment around the temple I did not try to match every detail one by one but just the overall shapes besides the details varied anyway depending on which movie or show you looked at [Music] my plan was to use geometry notes for the first time to scatter a bunch of buildings in the scene so I quickly modeled a few variations of that not going into too much detail foreign [Music] for some buildings I used the discombobulator addon that comes with blender to create some fast details [Music] [Music] I then went on textures.com and found this image of an old house I used to take some abilities [Music] by tweaking the color I made it look sci-fi foreign [Music] since they just had to hold up from the far I was quite sloppy with this part mostly using Cube projection and then sliding UVS around to find some happy accidents [Music] thank you with the buildings done I followed this tutorial on how to create a city with geometry notes since I had scaled My Scene way up to roughly matched the real life scale my computer nearly crashed when adding just simple notes so I scaled it picked down which fixed the issue [Music] to break up the flatness I subdivided the ground a few times and then extruded up some parts [Music] next up I added a knight hdri and turned the strength way down to simulate the moon I added a low strength sunlight with a blue tint [Music] the orange clove coming from the Coruscant underground I simply created by adding an emission plane I placed below I then went on to detail the temple and environment a bit more here I heavily relied on the array modifier [Music] foreign [Music] for this statue I used a model of doku I found online [Music] it was then time to texture the temple for that I looked on Textures that come for a concrete texture and then used Cube projection to unwrap the model [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] still needed some lights so I found a stock footage of a city at night I combined an emission Shader with a transparent Shader using a net Shader and then cut out interesting light patterns I wanted to use I could then just easily snap them onto the buildings either directly in this scene or onto the meshes that then would be scattered all around for the distant background I used the same geometry Note 3 as on the foreground but reduced the amount of buildings and scaled them way up I then went on to model some very simple high-rise buildings for the background I used the same material as on the other buildings and also used the city clip for some interesting lights [Music] with a modified geometry notes set up I then scattered them in the background to populate the seed even more I started modeling some very basic spaceships but later just went online and downloaded some free ships from sketchfab NCG Trader to texture them I put together some images of vehicles in Photoshop I could then again move the UVS onto different parts of the image to find some happy accidents I knew I could be very sloppy again for this part it just had to look a bit more complex I made sure to assign animation material to the engines and then used this tutorial on how to create traffic with geometry notes to animate them in the scene the smoke blooms on the temple are made by finding stock footage of exactly that by using a translucent Shader I could then place a light behind the plane which would illuminate the smoke somewhat realistically the same I did with a fire but instead using an emission and add Shader [Music] as a last step I added two volumetric cubes with a volume scatter node one for the whole scene and one for the underground it was then a matter of tweaking and testing until I had this result [Music] my original plan was to render out an animation which I did but unfortunately each frame took forever so I had to turn down the samples quite a bit combined with the haze and denoiser this took away most of the details also there are quite a few small errors that are easily fixed but would require me to re-render the whole animation for that I did not have time overall though I'm quite happy with how this turned out though with some more day's work and a better PC I could probably improve on that
Channel: MLT Studios
Views: 15,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Order 66, Jedi, Coruscant, Fire
Id: RegokXno6U4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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