Creating a Jet Engine in Blender | Tutorial

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hey guys in this video I want to show you how to create a jet engine spaceship engine or anything similar very easy in blender so I've prepared a scene with an old turbine engine I got from sketchfap let's create a circle which we will fill up in edit mode by pressing f I will give this a new material and change the principled bsdf to an emission Shader change the color to something you like in my case I want it to be blue let's also crank up the strength to 100. I would then move this into the engine behind this circular grid pattern I've created this will give the engine a more interesting and complex look when seeing it from behind let's create a cylinder and make sure to set the capital type to nothing or delete them ahead right click shade smooth and place it at the back of the engine create a new material and again swap the principled bsdf to an emission Shader with a node Wrangler at an active press Ctrl T to create an image texture I'm opening up this clip of a blowing charge you can capture your own clip of something similar but I'll also put this clip I'm using in the description with the clip loaded let's mark a seam and unwrap the cylinder in the UV editor I will scale the UVS to fill up the whole image I then scale it on the y-axis until we have it repeated about four times move it down a bit so that the seam is on the black background let's give the clip some frames and set it to cyclic and enable auto refresh create a transparent Shader and then combine it with an emission Shader using an add Shader this will basically work as an add blending mode you know from other nodes in blender to see it in EV go under your material under viewport display settings and change the blend mode to Alpha blend in the shadow mode to something other than opaque let's give this cylinder some Edge loops and with proportional editing active let's scale down the end a bit when looking at it from the side the edge is very hard to fix that add a mix Shader behind the add Shader and plug the transparent Shader into the first socket create a layer weight node and use the facing output to have the edge of the cylinder turn white let's turn the blend to 0.7 and invert the facing output plug that into the factor of the mix Shader to make the thrust more blue I will add a mixed color behind the clip and set it to multiply by setting the color to a saturated blue I can control the amount of blue with a factor slider I will set the emission strength to 10 to make it a lot brighter currently it looks very sparsely populated so I'll duplicate the plane scale it down and rotate it to fill in the holes I duplicate it another time but this time scale down the UVS on the y-axis this will give us an overall Haze for even more volume and fill up the holes looking closely you can see this ugly line with a different cylinder layers interact with the engine this is a problem with the engine model I'm using and might not occur for you nevertheless I'm going to show you how to fix this let's create an ambient occlusion note set the samples to 8 and plug it into a color ramp multiply this with a layer weight node that makes the edge transparent set the factor all the way up to 1. this now got rid of a lot of our engine thrust so let's dial that in by lowering the distance and tweaking the color Ram foreign the engine has a second part in the middle so for that I create a plane scale it on the x-axis and give it the same thrust material let's press U reset and rotate the uv's 180 degrees we can now scale it to the length we want let's duplicate it and rotate it 90 degrees to have it also work from the top when rendering this in Cycles though we have this transparent line with the two planes intersect to get rid of that let's first combine the whole thrust into one object and in the Shader editor duplicate the ambient occlusion and color ramp select only local and combine both color rims with the color mix node set to difference invert it and that should get rid of the ugly line when looking at the engine from the back all the beautiful thrust disappears that is on purpose since there are just two-dimensional and do not work when looking at it from the side to still have it look more interesting let's select one cylinder in edit mode duplicate and separate it into its own object remove all the inner Edge loops and scale the outer edge much smaller and move it into the engine again scale the UVS down on the y-axis so that we just have this blue haze in my case I also place it in the center of the engine and then join both into one object that's about it you can now tweak the length of the thrust by scaling it on the x-axis
Channel: MLT Studios
Views: 99,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i5EfAf9yAhw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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