Exclusive Interview With a Rolex AD & What AD's Actually Pay

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hello everyone welcome to another edition of watches and whiskey that was so bad hello everyone and welcome to another edition of watches and whiskey okay good enough anyway guys i promise you and i mentioned uh briefly mentioned in a couple of my previous videos that we're actually going to take an actual rolex a.d bring him in here and interview him it wasn't me that interviewed him it was actually adrian obviously would blur the guy out and change his voice up and so on and so forth to ensure privacy but we asked him a bunch of basic questions like you know what's your cost on all these models do you actually sell hype models to clients all these questions that you guys always wanted to know the answers to so adrian sat with him and did a quick interview this is how it went for obvious confidentiality and privacy reasons we're not going to send you say your name so i'm just going to call you a.d jones a.d jones that's what they call me at the office well so our viewers as well as myself obviously have a lot of questions for you what exactly is your cost off of retail on rolex models i'm coming in strong but we just have to know unofficially my uh price is 37 off the retail which which is a great profit margin in comparison to what we do in rolex i think we move much more volume plus you have a lot of you have carrying costs with marketing with with all the overhead that you have i have restrictions that you won't even think about right i got you i got you so you can't like order in something i can order anything i want but does that affect your allocation let's say you get how many pieces do you get per year let's say 2019 versus 2020 because i know production was cut in 2020 due to the pandemic 2019 we got probably around a thousand pieces throughout the year okay 2020 was a lot less we're a little bit more than half that you know so obviously production was cut the allocation was cut everything that we actually wanted we didn't get yet the man was through the roof in 2020. more than you've ever seen it before yeah this was a year for us to have killed it beyond a reasonable doubt and unfortunately we you know weren't able to do that every time i walk into your boutique or store whatever you want to call there's nothing in the showcase to be honest i mean again last year 2020 we didn't really have that much i mean we had some of the standard models that nobody really wants the really hot pieces you know that we did ask for that we were allocated right away they went to the people that have done business with us in the past people that we know are not going to flip this and yeah there were probably a couple pieces that went to flippers you know margin was there made sense but um we don't have as much of the hot models that everybody's looking for obviously because of the man obviously because production cuts so we're only showing what we have which brings me back to one point that you just mentioned flippers can you smell a flipper from a mile away like what are the telltale signs of somebody walking in your store and wanting to flip a watch let's say i wish i could say that i can but i can't i mean these days a 16 year old kid could be walking in with a pair of yeezys and you know a rolex already on and buying it for himself you know somebody else a 40 year old gentleman can be buying a watch to sell it on chrono 24. you really never know the only time i know for a fact that the person is not a flipper is if somebody that i've done business with in the past a loyal customer that comes back on and on and is buying a piece for his wife or is buying a piece for a relative or he's upgrading you know one of his watches or referrals i would imagine as well from your from your clients referrals are tricky you know because again just because somebody's referred by somebody that's trustworthy doesn't mean the buyer himself is going to end up being you know honest about the fact that this is a washer himself true i got you um so for all those flipping pieces i you know i i know for a fact from any rolex store that i've been in in the past let's say two years whether i'm on vacation whether it's local or wherever it may be that there's really nothing that for the most part is in the store that i want to pay retail for that and i know i can i can flip it because where are those pieces are they in your safe are they all sold out like what's what's going on there because i know you're getting inventory but as it comes in it doesn't go in a showcase there's no reason to tease people walking in the store you know by putting out the hottest sports models it just doesn't make sense i'm going to have to tell them to their face i'm sorry i can't sell it to you and look like an [ __ ] by selling to one of my previous customers so a lot of those pieces when they come in yes they send them back at the safe some of them were holding because we see what the market is doing we see where it's going so we're keeping them you know sitting on them for a couple months to see how much more you know we'll be able to solve them for others are going to like i said our previous customers are loyal customers every once in a while you know one goes to a gray market dealer so back to your point right there you said you hold on to some of the product to see if you can get more for it therefore it's probably gonna be over retail so do you sell watches over retail no we do not sell any watches over retail if you want to buy a piece that retail price is 12.9 market prices 22 i will sell that watch to you at 12.9 you're gonna package it with something you're gonna buy three or four other watches that nobody really wants i mean that's fair that's kind of the same play to ap or richard meal paddock a lot of these vendors do right now ferrari hermes i mean hermes i walked in with my wife they made me have to buy a towel and a plate in order to get on the list for a kelly bag which is crazy but again that's that's the that's the business that we're in the list a lot of people talking about the list you know it's that goddamn list there is no official list you're not registering on the rolex website you know standing in line you get a number you know now serving number 464. the list is a way to i guess hold you off to not completely tell you you are not getting this watch however i do have people that are on our list that we do contact every once in a while hey guess what that watch we've been waiting for we have it and why that builds a relationship with these people these are people that came in they waited you know they they want this watch this is not a flipper you know typically it's not a flipper this is somebody that's going to wear this watch every single day and love it so the fact that they got a phone call from me and they're rushing over to my store to buy that sort of happiness that's sort of like loyalty you can't build you know by just flipping them through the back door i totally understand and that wait list i would be curious to know if you could just kind of give me a ballpark number how many people are on the waitlist for a stainless steel daytona that list is built by people that have done business with us in the past people that have come in and bought models that typically you know we don't have a wait list for we don't have people bomb rushing the door to buy so if you came in and you bought a couple of you know ops and you know something for your kids something for your relatives and you said hey by the way you know if you ever get a stainless steel daytona please let me know i'd love to buy it that person might make them so so so that that's basically what you're saying is is the correct approach buy me dinner that's right good way to put it so basically establish a history with with your ad buy a few things um and then that's basically the play right now that's really because then you'll actually get on my list and that list is in my head i'm thinking hey i just got this i remember bob bob really wanted one bob spent some money with me he's not trying to flip this he's not looking for all the hottest models this is just the watch that he's wanted for the last you know four years let me give bob a call and sell him this watch yeah so that being said i'm adrian and i'm waiting for my green dial daytona to come in so yeah yeah are there any discounted pieces are there any pieces that you discount yes uh officially we do have the ability to discount up to 10 you know certain models and again it falls into that same pool of people coming in buying multiple products or you know multiple models of watches or they might buy something else nicely i'm not just an ad for rolex maybe for other brands they might pick up a couple of other brands and you know i'll give a discount on a watch they want to watch that clearly i've shown in the showcase if it's in the showcase it's ready for sale so you're telling me like a diamond bracelet uh multi-gem color pearl master you'll give me 10 on no not on that one i'll give you 10 off you won't give again you're buying a couple of tutors you're buying a couple of omegas you're buying a couple of hamiltons you know you'll get 10 off something yeah it's funny i have i have actually clients that come to me almost as if i'm an ad and i have some magic wand i can wave around and get because i used to be able to get them discounts i used to be able to get them like 25 on offshores i had somebody say can you put me on the list for a blue sky dweller i'm like what it's the same thing you'll make money on one watch you'll lose money on another one overall you'll be right right so let me ask you this question how did you start out as a rolex ad what what is the process to to i guess get a dealership because as i understand it's it's like pretty much hitting the lottery today it's not really hitting the lottery and it's not easy you don't start out as an ad you start out with a watch store i mean that's what you want to do whether you're a watchmaker whether you come from a family of watchmakers whether that's just your passion i want to sell watches for a living you start out with obviously the smaller brands i mean my first you know brand where i was an ad for was bomb and mercier who buys a bomb in mercedes these days every time at retail yeah not many you know after that we moved on we know we got seiko we got lodging you know these were the foundation to us being able to apply for and ultimately receive a rolex authorized dealer of approval i i from what i from what i heard uh there has to be like almost a certain square mile radius from one store to the next although when it when you go to hong kong there's a freaking rolex boutique on every single corner so i guess things work differently completely different than again they have the clients all to support so many ads i mean here it's like a dunkin donuts you can't be right next door to another dunkin donuts also it requires a lot of money you know the orders that you have to place to first of all stock your store second of all to build out the rolex boutique inside your store is not cheap it's something that you have to be prepared for they do all sorts of background checks that you have financial audits on your company it's not easy to become an ad no i would imagine so and because you're an ad what is the process because i know some ids have multiple locations is that something that you're looking to do always always looking to grow always looking to expand it is difficult i mean i get offered you know by my representative and rolex hey there's an opportunity in south carolina you know if i was able to or if i'm able to at any given point to be like okay i'm going to set one up down there i'm going to put somebody that i trust in there i definitely would do it currently probably the best opportunity is buying out the existing 80s anybody that's retiring anybody that's smaller mob and pop stores that are a little bit older yeah you know so who you're going to solve to another rolex id is the best option so your better option is to buy an existing story out to basically scale your operation and to get more allocation now again rolex would have to approve that purchase and would have to approve me as an ad in that location it's not as simple as you know just buying it and right away you're handed the a.d okay watch prices today not only on the stainless steel pieces the daytona's and sky dwellers gold pieces that are going for over retail on our market at least why do you think that is i think a lot of it has to do with the hype um a lot of it has to do with supply and demand there just isn't enough supply or at least the brand makes you think there isn't enough supply i mean if you take a rolex daytona there must be millions out there i mean people everywhere you look somebody has one yet the price is still double retail at the same time retail is not a real number i mean it's a quality timepiece you're paying for something that's going to last you decades you know it's not you know thirteen thousand fourteen thousand fifteen thousand eighteen thousand it's cheap for the watch so yes you you can justify paying double because that retail number is no longer real how long do you foresee this going on as long as the government keeps printing money no honestly i don't think that this hype is going to last for a while but at the end of the day rolex is a top 10 you know internationally known brand i mean that their marketing power their branding power is unmatched so there's always going to be quality associated with their timepieces quality associated with the brand as far as these crazy prices they're going to level out i mean i don't think anything is going to drop but i do think that some of those models are not as much in demand you're going to be able to get them lower than they are today what is your current favorite rolex in the lineup right now right now i'm wearing a lot of the rose gold daytona with the black dial okay that i'm wearing a lot of um i actually it's funny i bought it for my significant other my wife and i was going to give it to her and then once i started you know trying it on it you know what [ __ ] let me keep it on for a few days and it's been about four months so far so i will give it to her at some point or another mine's got to be either platinum something platinum i think rolex platinum is sick platinum day-date 40 platinum daytona platinum daytona with ice blue markers that's that's where i go actually you know what i really liked the platinum with the olive dial day-date so if you get one in i got you got me at cost anyway i'm gonna leave that a handshake there that is settled i appreciate you coming out thank you yeah it was nice to be here and um make sure that nobody can see my face hear my voice if anything comes out i'm coming after you okay sounds like a plan thank you my friend well first of all adrian um thanks for taking the time pitching in and taking that interview i hope you guys enjoyed that again it was quick it was easy but i believe that it answered some basic questions that everybody uh sort of asked from time to time and like you know the whole purpose of this is don't take out word for it here's an actual id that answer those questions honestly and i'm biasedly so hope you guys enjoyed that part but back to our episode uh there's some new watches there's some new hot stuff that's out there from audemars from tag from omega from panerai iwc et cetera et cetera wanted to go over a few of these models i wanted to get your thoughts on those and i guess we can sort of share in if we can have a laptop that'd be great are we drinking okay now that we got a laptop there is one thing that we need to do first and foremost because this is watches and whiskey whiskey yeah so oddly enough this is a bottle sent in by our fan and i say our fan because a gentleman by the name of akbar from pakistan sent this to us last week and in fact i'm gonna quote what he wrote so i wrote hi roman just got done watching wisconsin watches love it as always since i love the show i'm going to send you an adrian a bottle of whiskey from me as a gift and would love for you to have it on your next show here it is i'll make sure it's worthy for the show i just wanted an anonymous cheer so i can open a nice bottle of whiskey here when i watch the next episode i got your address online so i'll be posting it there even though now i hardly drink whiskey more of a wine guy but we will have some while watching the show so akbar if you're watching this thank you very much thank you first and foremost put yourself a glass and this is not just an account this is the rare cask right so once a year they put together what they call the rare cast collection where they meticulously pick their sherry casks in order to take some of the finest batches that they've made and put it in that special cask they call it curated casks so the lack of better word but uh i do know that they use the top one percent of the stuff that they make for the year to put in these it does come in a beautiful decanter let's check that out and uh let's drink it it is definitely a beautiful bottle it is a beautiful aqua thank you very much again let's uh let's have a drink three honors you got it all right here we go again with this right they always give the blind guy the plastic that you got unsealed i love that sound gotta love that sound this is uh slightly stronger every year the proof changes slightly but uh this one i believe is 86 or so proof let's see yep it's it's 43 alcohol so yeah 86 proof uh 2020 release let's drink the squish cheers cheers barters the calories just yes it's just the best it's just me i mean it's so good good stuff you know the case let's talk about these new watches right so the first thing the first thing i have on my list is the audemars piguet double balance ceramic we'll throw that up on the screen i'll let you go with that well i'm happy that's the first one on the list and it's probably my favorite one on the list why would you what's wrong with headquarter uh so it's my favorite one on the list uh basically they kicked ass with the stainless steel version they kicked after the rose gold version and now everything they're putting out in ceramic just absolutely flies off the shelf it's the most in demand watch on the market today and you just simply cannot get your hands on it there's not a single ceramic uh oh ceramic i should say out there that doesn't sell i saw it i saw one sold on the market for 275 000. so for the double balance double bounce ceramic skeleton what's that it's like damian triple two and a half about two and a half times retail what what do you remember the retailer i don't know i think it's just just over a hundred thousand but if you think about it uh to set the retail that high to begin with for what is not supposedly that complicated of a watch if you think about it well listen if the rose gold one is set at the today around 100 000 mark anything they make in ceramic is pretty much equal in retail value plus it's much harder to produce you know what i would love to see i'd love to see a titanium version of the double balance light easy to wear would feel like nothing on your wrist and still have the look of that stainless steel i was thinking gray ceramic if they did a gray ceramic double this is let's just go red and green simple gray ceramic i think that should kill it i think the only uh i think the only ceramic watches that are still kind of uh lagging behind some of the newer ceramic offshores like the blues and the greens yes they are selling at least and a little bit over but they're not fetching tremendous numbers they they're they're trading right about list but it seems to be pretty easy to get at the boutiques i think there's a lot of them floating around a lot of them being offered around so that kind of kills the whole the whole vibe of of premium watches so tech hey carrara sport chronograph 160 years special edition uh beautiful beautiful watch a couple of key elements here unless you want to talk about that oh you get it you got it you're sure yeah tags you guys uh it's not hey i like this i got nothing against tags i know you got nothing against tags but uh listen uh paying homage as usual to memorable iterations of of the carrera line uh this uh this one goes back to the ones they made in the 60s it really has that uh ceramic daytona appeal to it i really think it's done a lot there with the data yeah i i agree but nevertheless they did and they did it's hard not to they but they didn't because this is a watch that's been around for a long time and by the way i just can't stop looking at that daytona bezel i know it's kind of tough next is the omega speedmaster silver snoopy award 50th anniversary oh boy this is a watch that uh everybody and their mother wants to get on the list to get so this omega obviously made for the 50th anniversary of the silver snoopy award now i did an entire video on this whole thing guys if you didn't catch it i'll have ian lincoln below so we won't get into the history uh let's look at the twelve i mean the coolest thing about this watch is actually in the back good looking watch it is a good look very good-looking i'm a big speedy fan right i i'm one of those guys i like most collectors out there that says you got if you're gonna have a collection a mega speedmaster is a must in your collection regardless of what it is just such an iconic watch what a lot of these watches represents in terms of space exploration and travel and so on and so forth hands down a must-watch to have a new collection much like let's say a rolex sub right it would be a token piece right or let's say a uh richer meal crystal tourbillon right or not agree to drink it a little drink today so the biggest deal about this watch is in the back there's like a magic hand they called and this little csm thing uh kind of whips around the same that's super dope the same way they whipped around you know to get to the moon uh i will tell you this the front of the watch to me is super sexy like as much as i love ap and as much as i love let's say the blue dial royal oak chrono take away the omega tell me that does not look better sharper richer in color this is some of the [ __ ] that i wish ap did because they pete does those waffle dials i know you're laughing at me i know you're laughing but look hey pete does those waffles i know comparing i know i know you're a little superficial i get it but bottom line is put the two dials side by side take a blue royal oak with white sub-dials this thing will blow it out of the way yeah just great i just like the fact that snoopy's on there you know snippy's my man so damn you're shallow but look i don't lie beautiful watch yes it's gonna sell through the roof if you guys can get on the list to get this watch and buy this watch it's gonna sell through the roof is it going to the triple like its predecessor probably will uh if i get my hands on one of these i won't sell it i will keep this watch i don't like the strap for it i don't like it on a strap but i'm sure do they have a bracelet that goes with it too i mean but the strap the strap has like the path the strap also have stinky on there no it has like the path no it has like the path of the ship that uh of how how it actually happened how they swung around to get to the moon so it does it's certainly what's the retail price on it oh i don't even know 9600 so that's a fair price point i think for what that is you're going to see this watch you're going to see this watch out upwards of 30 grand 30. yeah well let's check chrono 24 i'm sure somebody already threw up there for some stupid number but and if uh our viewers watched our last video as we know chrono 24 is not a great indicator of the marketplace but it is it is it is a marker of which the the market is going to go by so yeah so let's we should just put it up we should just put up there 50 000 and just see if we can catch somebody again i guarantee you somebody already did yeah 29 000 blah blah blah okay so i was right about triple retail i know and all people are doing is they're following suit from the last one they figured that's one of selling a triple list and people are willing to pay it then i now like that watch a lot better why because it's 29 000. it's a 9600 watch and you gotta like it for what it is it's an iconic watch okay it's an iconic watch i don't disagree all right let's move let's move on to character uh i'll all right i'll let you have that one the richard mill rm7201 lifestyle flyback chronograph lifestyle flyback chronograph all right well this is uh probably one of my favorite releases from richard mille this year not that they do a lot of releases but uh it is their first in-house chronograph movement there's nothing out there on the market and it's uh released probably six months ago and there's nothing out there on the market i haven't seen one we haven't seen one live i've seen a rose gold one i have not seen a titanium one they did i believe release it to be a unisex watch so a man or woman can wear it it is pretty thin it's not a big case size it's not as big as the 1103k size but i think but i think the dial is beautiful i think aesthetically the watch is absolutely sick so kudos to richard mille again okay well let's get a little geeky for a second please do you like it's a double tipping pinion clutch system uh again you can explain what that does a little bit for the view hell no i'm not gonna go i'm not gonna go into that starting price they're saying is surprisingly affordable at 188 000 so i'm not trying to sell it to you what's the do you know the market on this thing right yeah so i saw the rose gold one bring uh close to five hundred thousand four chronographs uh looks wise personally i like the rose gold the way it looks uh i'm not too crazy about the titanium and i'm not too crazy about the layout of the dial so it is a little funky it is it looks a little funky but nevertheless it's gonna it's richard meal let's see nevertheless with richard it's gonna do well so richard meal next was the jaguar culture master ultra thin turbian moon personally to me nothing different from your typical year you look this way you look at this watch from afar uh it doesn't it doesn't strike me as anything ultra special or ultra different and so on and so forth good looking watch nonetheless though i mean listen definitely i think i think i'm just sucker for moon phases something something about moon phases put to put them on dial it just i love it i don't know and yet it's probably one of the most useless complications in the watch today like you don't like looking down your wrist i do like looking down on my moon i look down and then you put a new dollar bill up to a new moon oh yeah that's like a russian uh thing it works sometimes tell tell us about the superstition please do tell the viewers it's not a superstition it's actually true facts my mom my mom told me to do it ever since i was a kid new moon you put a dollar up there um and it's supposed to bring you good luck so no what better way to know when a full moon is when you put when there's a new moon you whatever money you have in your pocket you show it to it so then when it gets full your pockets get full that's the idea behind it but it's the same action so you know okay whatever i said put put a dollar up to the moon and you just said it in a fancier way thank you very much you will have a drink guys in case you haven't um noticed by now roman um he's a very good speaker and uh he just always needs to get his point across so whether you say something you've got to say something on top of it and get the last question absolutely i gotta get that that was that was case in point perfect right there a hundred percent a hundred percent i think i think they need to bring a camera around the office just do like that just like that just just just to see there's just going to be me talking though exactly speaking of vlogs i'm finally uh going to do my first vlog and god knows how long so are you going to do it i'm going i'm going to miami okay i me and my wife decided that the the theme of the trip was get the hell away from the kids finally and room service like that was the theme where are you guys i said you know what we're staying at the saint regis in ball harbor and i said i said you know what away from the kids away from everybody five-star amenities i just want to do nothing for five days of course i won't be doing nothing before running around and ball harbor mall is right across the street unfortunately it's unfortunately unfortunate for you fortunately for your wife yeah let's see how much this thing uh retails for 81 000 81 500 and i talked about and i talked about uh i talked about you know affordability of brands like jaeger and brands like iwc that's a thicker case size or or am i crazy just poking on that picture is it ultra thin oh case size is uh 41 and a half millimeters by twice 12 millimeters that's actually that's actually pretty thin i guess one of the things that are worth mentioning the moon phase is done for uh it shows the northern hemisphere but if you see the hand on you see that if you see the other hand it'll show it actually shows the other hemisphere the data is done sort of that tachymeter scale if you look around it and look at what the that's not a seconds hand that's a date indicator that's the database so what the cool part about this is look at the dedicated it goes from one to gets to about 14. you see that little fast forward button so the date will actually jump and go past the turbine and that was done maliciously again 81 500 this is not a watch that you have to pick up but retail this is a watch you can get you can get you can get you can you can order you can order this unless they make it but you can exclusive you can order this from an authorized dealer you can get a discount on this watch again how many yeagers are out there today selling over a list zero right but nevertheless again value for the money and i talked about this all the time right jager iwc they make their own stuff they don't they don't have to get out there and buy turbulence and buy certain movements or parts of the movements and they're able to bring you something like this when i first got into the business somebody didn't mention that jager cool is the watchmaker's watch yes so yeah it is it is indeed all right next let's talk about so next let's talk about the iwc top gun sfti edition first of all sfti you know what it stands for it has something to do with military i'm sure strike fighter training program it goes back to uh actually vietnam where you know vietnam was always considered to be sort of that failed uh military operation a training program was created to basically ensure that the pilots are better equipped both from from a uh piloting and a tactical perspective right uh it's still ongoing today actually believe it or not also known as the top gun good move black ceramic not surprised top gun patched not surprised the fighter jet on the on the bottom of the second hand is also not surprised so this one this watch was actually made in 2018 at first but it was made exclusively for the graduates of the navy fighter school but this year they decided to change that because again you couldn't get those unless you went to the schools and i highly doubt any of those guys sold their watches unless i don't know if they were given to them or they were that they actually bought them and it was available because what happens if they didn't want to buy them i guess they must have been watching it it must be coming out of the navy those those guys make a decent amount of money but long story short this year they decided to introduce this watch and make it available to the public and there you have it right 1500 pieces green textile strap you can get on the leather straps ceramic case your jet fighter on the bottom of your second sand love the red accents it's like simple it's very legible as a pilot's watch very military large markers again nothing different from what we've seen from my wc before we've seen a lot of i do love the buttons i like that little touch in the buttons that little red ring around every chronograph button again important this is not a one-to-one reproduction of the one they made for 2018 for the actual fighter pirates for actual fighter pilots although i kind of wish they did that you know that way average joke can have that same watch but then probably the guys that already have them won't feel less special why do you think they would make for the navy seals i mean if we're going to go with brand we're going to go because iwc is certainly known for like airborne right so panerai is probably going to have to be my choice uh for navy seals but then again rolex can play the same role just the same i mean if you want to talk then you got jaeger that can you know the master compressor divers you know blank pond uh has a lot of cool diver watches the sky is kind of the limit if you ask me but if i have to pick one brand for the navy seals probably have to go with panerai yep for the elite navy seals you're gonna go panerai they're gonna give one richard mille oh yeah let's remember cheers to our armed forces listen you you're talking about uh you know this watch becoming a tool rather than showing off so richard meal is not going to be as good as you experience g-force in the military no planes you do i wasn't a pilot but i wasn't a pilot how about when you like jump out of a plane they're g-force on your phone bro when you drop out of a plane you don't need a watch you need a diaper let me tell you something anyway hublot big bang mp11 red magic what the hell who put a hublot on this list hublot what the [ __ ] like i'm you know i love hubo uh and i know you guys a lot of you guys make fun of hublot but at the end of the day why did that have why did that happen do you think you know what it is what is it about hublot that turns so many people social media i think that hublot gets a bad rap simply for how many limited editions they make it seems like every watch they release is a limited edition but if you think about it so is panerai panerai panerai did that for a long long time and nobody complained right and until it finally lost its appeal well you know what i know you know what i you know what i think i think hublot and again we can talk about red magic blue magic green magic it doesn't really matter we'll have to get into a particular watch if you want to talk about hublot i think hublot is doing a great job in marketing south america what do you think would you would you say that that's the number one market by far number one market by workforce why do you think that is well first off just if you watch a football match or soccer match soccer culture in south america is probably the biggest if you ask it's religion it's religion right and guess what hublot is all over the place strategically placing your product and creating a market for yourself be a via very very creative marketing giving these pieces to soccer players giving these people uh giving these pieces to boxers i mean floyd mayweather you know what i mean that's them going after the american market because most fans of floyd mayweather mayweather are going to be stateside right it's the same thing that richard miller's doing is giving their watches to key figures look but even even still with the richmond branding they tactfully like place their besides billboards whatever one called at a f1 event they'll play at a polo event you know the the average f1 um spectator or anybody who participates in f1 has money okay so okay i agree with you and guess what i went to an f1 event at monaco one time you know what it cost me to rent out a balcony the sizes that's what i'm saying 25 000 euros right to rent out a balcony not out of an apartment but access to a balcony the size of this table where i was there from five other people to be able to watch this event live let's talk about tennis yeah you know and i and yeah listen it's it's a rich man sport absolutely same goes with golf golfers yeah exactly there's a lot of soccer however soccer however an average joke can go to a soccer event right maybe it's a huge game that's sold out and the tickets are still expensive but an average joe can go to a soccer match which is why they make so many more of these pieces because their crowd is bigger look i've said it before there's a reason why hublot literally put the same exact factory next to the existing factory to produce more watches they wouldn't do that if they weren't successful they're going to continue being successful and you know what at the end of the day they make good-looking watches they do make good-looking watches i i think that the access to their watches is just too easy easily to get even their limited editions i mean you can always get a huge like whatever hublot you want for the most part i agree but here's the difference two different business models like richard meal yeah i'm sorry but their watches are also quality yeah have you had many have you had many people call you back and say hey my hublot bro there's an issue i haven't say no so quality wise ap actually unfortunately has been more problematic than more problematic not lately i i think just overall exactly so so if you want to talk about quality the quality is there it's just again it's not quantity over quality it's just quantity deadlock ferraris are sick oh they love ferrari's fries are safe absolutely crystal off the ride all day yeah all day anyway enough about new watches let's talk about oh they you know what they put on here they put on here watch wars so all right so if you guys remember that one if you remember if you drink not a toast i'm done you're quick man this is what this is this is what happens for the guys the other day me and me and mike we had a uh 136 proof bourbon one glass of that i was just like because of mckenna i don't know what the name of it exactly i think it was a mechanic but anyway long story short uh watch wars ian could you do me a favor because me and adrian we did me adrian ian and a couple other videographers spent a lot of time taping that intro went out to an actual boxing gym so as a reminder ian can you please play that intro because i love the intro good times that's right i hope you guys enjoyed that little flashback but i see no reason for us to lose that so what'd you bring let's go watch worse i brought with me well we got two watches each by the way all right what's your first watch audemars pike royal oak perpetual and rose gold with the blue dial your turn market price 115 000 pound condition it's anywhere from a hundred to a hundred hundred hundred two hundred fifteen today what's straight what strikes you most about this watch better off if you ask me what doesn't strike me about this watch which is absolutely nothing okay i think that this is the best looking perpetual calendar on the market period bar none you know what i'm going to move this laptop let's show this watch off to the camera first we don't need this anymore you said this is the best looking picture yeah i will argue that fact but that's not with a watch that i brought that i brought to combat that watch maybe we should here's my here's my issue here's my issue with this watch and yes it's the most popular model out there it's the royal oak it's the rose gold it's the coveted blue dial that everybody thinks first of all i think that watch is a bit of this right here uh i think the watch becomes a little bit unreadable due to the very dark dial at a glance you can't tell what's what or maybe i'm just blind but from a guy who's wearing a skeletonized one well really can't if you want to talk if you want to talk if you want to talk about legibility and the better looking rollover let me give you a quick wrist check i'm wearing the platinum arroyo loper petrol it's a predecessor i will don't put that against this i'm not i'm not watching i'm not i don't know i know it's not fair this is something that happens but i'm just saying as an argument looks wise i think this is a much better looking perpetual and believe it or not it's actually more legible even though it's all skeletonized the way they did the subdials they're actually very very legible unlike those but that's not what i'm fighting with what i'm going to fight with is bang for your dollar and i'm going to put the royal oak tourbillon chronograph up against the perpetual calendar and the reason i'm going to why is it why ytu is a tourbillon because look there's there's not there's an unwritten rule when it comes to watches all right there's when it comes to if you put complications in an order i think it's totally the most complicated most coveted most prestigious it's going to go minute repeater it's going to go tourbillon it's going to go perpetually you would say i made a repeater over tourbillon yes why because it's a more why why is minute repeater a more okay this is more something i should ask a watchmaker why is a minute repeater more difficult to produce in a perpetual calendar something that literally reads day date month year leap year indicator all at once forgot your favorite one facebook move phase of course that's my face again i'm not i'm not gonna get into the night i'm not gonna get into the nuts and bolt arguments i will tell you this that historically if yes nine out of ten people that'll watch guys yeah be their watchmakers watch dealers or watch collectors whatever it might be they will all sort of put the minute repeater tourbillon sort of sort of as a toss up usually but they will usually you'll hear mini repeater tourbillon perpetual calendar then it goes down the chronograph my favorite brand doesn't use two out of those three uh complications which brand is that your favorite brand doesn't use oh that would be richard miller yeah right richmond doesn't have a minute repeater or a perpetual counter yet they're not going to why i think because they follow suit of racing so much that it's just a function that they don't need that makes me feel really thinking so again i'm going to go i'm going to argue with this and you guys decide comment below who you think wins this argument i'm going to go with a tourbillon chronograph over a perpetual you're basically saying that royal oak rose gold yeah this can be put on the bracelet if need be and i'm going to use the argument that a tourbillon is just for so many years has been that status symbol perpetual calendar has never achieved a status symbol like a tourbillon has even a minute repeater hasn't achieved that i when people see that little window on your wrist they just know that's that's old news nowadays nowadays if you look at perpetual calendars return and not all the way through but let's say for ap like the ap perpetuals are bringing more money than a lot of the tourbillons yeah this is more expensive than this what are you used to different so now now if you have the royal oak perpetual on your list that's more coveted than than a turbine if you take this perpetual calendar you compare it to the royal oak tourbillon rose gold the royal turbine rose goes more expensive than this slightly when you start when you start getting into things like ceramics and this yeah i get it if they made a ceramic turb skeleton ceramic turbo skeleton they have already royal there's a royal oak skeleton there's a royal skeleton ceramic the black one that has that starburst correct which is which is less money than the ceramic double balance which is less money or equal to uh ceramic perpetual calendar today if both knew about the same price the ceramic turbine okay 195 but look the retail price on the royal oak tourbillon let's say rose gold retails gonna be higher yeah 168 000 to i think this is now a hundred thousand and yet they're pretty much market price the tourbillon a little bit more i still can't figure out what why that is you know what let's agree to disagree we'll let the way like the audience decide who wins this one what else did you bring oh richard the rm28 titanium from diver the dog of all richard mills well now i'm 16. the second dog the second dog but definitely watch this under come up um i think that this watch is cool to say to lisa and i think for for for the value of it it's it's one of the more affordable richard mills on the market it is i mean the the k shape that everybody uh familiarizes with yeah anytime you go out of the normal shapes on any brand that's hot or not hot is it really irrelevant i think i i just think it's a super fun watch and it looks big but it's actually very comfortable it is wearable i very i've worn that watch and it is definitely wearable what's the market value on this uh so this one in titanium with the full set market values 65 thousand dollars and versus a retail of uh i don't remember what the retail on the 28th was but it's somewhere around there now because they have certainly gone up in value can we used to pick these off like thirty five forty thousand dollars but they've gone up in value due to the hype of everything else uh and what do you get with that i mean what do you get with this watch with this you get time you get time you get that you get you get date and time right well and that's 65 000. yeah how about i show you something you get for forty five thousand dollars how about a paddock old school 50 59. hey man i like actual retrograde low preparation i love the professional retrograde it's just too small i mean listen if i compare the two side by side obviously this thing this thing is a monster that watch serves a way different but again i'm going to go back i'm going to go back on value here's a brand that's arguably the rolls royce of all brands out there although that argument now if you start comparing rolls royce's drive value way quicker than paddock does that is true but if we're going to talk about if we're going to talk about bang for your dollar all day every day for 30 less would i go with a watch from one of the from the most prestigious name out there if you think about it yeah right arguably again some may argue that is number one in terms of prestige right complication retrograde calendar i mean your favorite complication moon phase so i'm gonna argue that yes they're completely two different watches yes completely different market this is full more conservative perhaps somebody that's a bit older although you do find a lot of young kids out there wearing pieces that will never put on a clunker like that right and that is clunker it may be comfortable to wear but it's a big clunker uh the only i guess i guess the only argument you can put forth say pre-coded if you were to go to a nightclub which one would you rock which one would you pick up the women with well probably the richard miller agreed but again now that we're both married we're both married yeah yeah i think i think it's back to the i think it's back to conservatives i know my wife was gonna watch the segment in vacation watch your ass alright guys uh rather than seeing who won on this one why don't you comment below and see which one would you pick would you go with the rm 28 diver would you go with the perpetual retrograde paddock 50 59 at 30 less what else we get assigning a watch to a celebrity ooh the celebrity calls you they want to watch them they need your recommendation on what to get they don't want to spend outside their means of what they're worth huh what makes no sense the celebrity calls you they want to watch they have means that's what i'm saying that doesn't make any sense but let's see number one on the list i have snoop what watch would i assign snoop yes that omega snoopy oh i didn't even think about that one all right i'm gonna go with that's that's a oh that's a good one uh it is hard to beat i mean snoop dogg snoopy watch i get that i get that but uh maybe maybe like a green color you know what i'm saying what are you trying to imply he likes to smoke a lot of pot yes okay yes sure uh so let's talk about let's let's uh uh let's stereotype yeah right uh one of the most iconic hip-hop figures out there that's right hip-hop brought us the culture of diamond watches i stopped watching busted down busted down watches i think what i would try to do is i would try to show snoop and i don't know if he owns i guess we should look and see his i know there's a video out there about his collection i don't know if he owns bust downs or doesn't know bust downs of what he is all about when it comes to watches zero clue to be honest with you uh i would probably try to show him the value between a bus down versus an original uh diamond watch and that original diamond watch to me would probably be the ultimate the baguette offshore on a bracelet all begets and you think he would sit there and take all that information in i it's not the point i would just show him the watch and uh and be like hey here's your legit chandelier that's made by i can actually see him wearing um you know that you know going back to hublot that piece that's like uh it looks like it's on like a piece of not the fabric but like the the wall not the wool the the like the fur the fur but that's a lady's piece i know i did i actually showed that one on one of my videos maybe ian can pull it up but it's got like a fur cup yeah yeah but get that with baguette diamonds yeah that would be this that would be this new watch but then it would have to be mink not that false fur yeah whatever whatever the false right anyway uh yeah we just kind of stereotype snoop sorry about that hands down one of your biggest fan i think doggy style is in my top three albums all the time top three top three and top three albums all time all time all the time all time whole time all the time all right so let's not get into that tom brady tom brady that's a switch i'm actually over time i'm actually room for him to win at super bowl i am he was the arch nemesis when he was with the patriots yeah but i kind of want the boy to win listen you got to respect the man oh you got to respect the man and speaking of respecting him what kind of respectful watch would you put on his wrist and i'm thinking he is sponsored by tag which i um no no it doesn't matter tom brady tag is such a tom brady wash you know it's just like are there any goat themed watchers out there go yeah like greatest of all time anybody have a watch with a goat out there i mean rolex is the greatest of all time if you want to go that route so you're saying you would put a rolex on his right yeah and some you know which one uh what does it really matter tom brady's a daytona you know you think you think he should you think he should have a daytime she gets better with time oh actually uh let me think about this i don't know if i can top rolex because i think you're right i think especially with the comparison to roger i think and rolex being sort of that goat in terms of performance i would say which in turn probably would translate to sales and popularity right that's going to be tough i guess the closest thing i could come to is a paddock pack's good you know paddock being sort of also that go from a different perspective you know 520 5208 yeah 5208. not too flashy makes a point all right we actually agreed on something marilyn manson marilyn manson marilyn manson he's the guy that took out both of his bottom ribs so that he can go down himself suppose that's the true story i don't know that's true i don't know but if that happened to me i don't know if i'd ever leave the house i'll be honest with you i'm just kidding but so here's a guy who folks people comment below don't please don't i just set myself up for that one like but don't uh unsubscribe but don't but don't share uh so marilyn manson i guess i'll go first he's he's a weird guy i mean i don't i hate the stereotype but he's a weird [ __ ] guy he's actually a very intelligent guy i never said he wasn't italian i think he's just weird anybody that has a surgery to remove two bottoms i mean he's you know he's you know he's weird right and he's very you know a lot of makeup dark nails very dark very very cold for you rm69 erotica i don't see him that whole goth vibe that he's got i i said i don't see it i i just don't see it i see something i see something with a skeleton with bones and and the rm69 erratica i see him sardine no i see him with the rm skulls skulls go on skull right i got black skull uh they were they made a black tpt skull right well well they made a bunch of different schools uh play but you have to be black masks too you'll be at rm skull with one eye it's a different color than the other you know what i'm saying yeah did we just come up with that together did i come up with that did you come up with that because i can't tell i think we both did i think we both did all right we'll drink to that guys comment below who you what watch you would pick for snoop tom brady and mario what what would you pick for me and roman shark what what would you pick from me well watch what i picked for you yeah careful with your next words well you are a celebrity in my eyes you always have been watching i mean i got i skipped the fame i'll keep the fortune i know but my i mean my pick for you is going to be it's going to be uh the nadal all right because i know your love for tennis i know you love for the man uh if roger federer was uh you know i wish roger federer had uh richard meal as well but he's a rolex guy but i have to go with a richard meal what would you pick for me romaine jerome [Laughter] romain for roman man you're one of a kind i would give you the one of one grand complication grand master chime this the steel one 31 million you really want me to have my hand cut off right oh yeah i definitely would certainly go with that and i'll tell you why i agree with him because i'm a big nuts and bolt guys you know part of my part of my passion for collecting antique guns is not the gun aspect of it it's the mechanics of it you know i like to take them apart see they work how they evolve through time going back to you know 1200 bc all the way up to today and then when it comes to nuts and bolts and mechanics i think that watch is definitely ultimate so so definitely it's not going to happen but next time they auction one off they should invite you to do the auction because you're what's what's the what's the term hey we're gonna start being at five and a half what's the term auctioneers auctioneers auctioneers yeah just like that's what it's called cattle rattle cattle rattle that's it uh last but not least you know we guys have you know we have to do the video reaction oh that's your boy yeah conor mcgregor i know he recently bought two watches from jacob one was astronomia the other one was the erotic and i think everybody the internet is blowing up with this erotica watch let's check it out [Music] i love it i love this one i mean if anybody can pull it off uh obviously uh mcgregor can is there anything about price on this watch what the retail was and look at the comments if i had the money piece of [ __ ] that if i had the money i still wouldn't get this gaudy ass piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] right what was it the boiler room anybody tells you that the money is the root of all even look at the smile on my face right and that's that's and that's the answer i give to a lot of the haters but look in reality very complicated watch this is and and people out there look at this as a gaudy watch the first thing you have to look at is the fact that this is a very complicated watch this is a minute repeater that also puts on the mechanical scene something that i have yeah something that uh you know uh yulia nardine is very famous for right what i like about this one is that when you depress the mini repeater lever the window opens up so you don't see the couple screwing until you actually set up the minute repeater definitely a conversation if you're walking around that watch you better believe that leverage down always if you can't it's a minute repeat you actually have to you can't do that so look my my initial reaction is good for you connor i think that's a sick watch i'm a big fan of diamond watches this will get attention when you walk into any room and if it doesn't then you can press the lever and even get more attention i mean this is the watch that keeps on giving as well what do you think do you think what do you think he definitely didn't pay less for it but at cost you say well here's the here's the thing is that cost is a it's a big item i mean what they said is called if you're dealing directly with a manufacturer because are they looking at pure production costs of this watch in terms of diamonds gold and movement etc or are they now looking and taking everything into consideration what it costs to hold a boutique on 57th street or marketing and things of that nature oh let's hit it let's say i don't know if there's an ad or boutique in abu dhabi or dubai i don't know where he got it at their cost i don't care i don't think he got it from a boutique or reseller i think this game from jacob if i had to guess this probably came from jacob uh and i'm not gonna be one of the haters i'm gonna say good for you connor i think it's a cool ass watch and i don't think those watches get enough of that i would wear that one i would wear that i talked about erotica watches in one of my previous episodes somebody asked me on a q a being a father of three uh is i would go with erotica watch with the erotic scene is in the back right we've seen plenty of those from various brands i just what do you mean in the back in the back of the watch there's a lot of erotic watches where that actually actually well they actually yeah we have to take the watch off in order to see the erotic scene take place what if you flip it over whatever it might be whatever it might be the issue the issue the issue with me is that again i would have a hard time explaining to my five-year-old to say hey daddy what are those two guys doing on your dial you know what i mean like this is it's just not going to happen right the wrestling song yes exactly they're wrestling uh but with a watch like this the erratic scene doesn't come alive unless you literally depress the minute repeater lever and the only thing you see prior to that is you see two doves up top so uh oh swan i think there's nut dubs that are swans uh and uh that's a watch out with my wearing me too touche thank you today all right hey connor good luck this weekend and congratulations [Applause] well i think that wraps it up i think that wraps it up for us today guys i hope you enjoyed today's episode uh i hope you liked the little ad interview we did something different something i don't think anybody has ever done actually i don't think probably not i mean again i don't i don't know i'm sure some of that stuff is out there anything anything can be found on youtube as they say as on google but i hope you enjoyed today's episode some suggestions right i mean because we do come up with we do come up with these creative ideas a lot of these ideas come from our marketing type and shout out to alex and nick on this speaking of nick look what he got me today well you two you too young how many of you guys remember this guy what wait i'm gonna put it on camera push then i'll show it to you this is an energy drink all right but this is not just anything you think this is a positive energy drink i'm gonna give you a hint just a happy little bush right here it's a happy little bush it lives right there i know there's a little bird flying in from the center you know what this guy is no are you so bad ross you're so young this is a guy though wait a second this is the container the painter on channel 12 right and i guess somebody i don't know how legal this is i guess they must have bought the rights and they call this the positive energy i'm not gonna try this because i think energy drinks are poison but i thought this was the coolest thing so nick shout out to you i'm gonna i'm gonna leave this guy in the studio i'm gonna put him right up here gotta have bob ross right there just a happy little energy drink right there positive energy drink right there guys again thanks again thanks a lot for tuning in as always like share subscribe uh comment below or email us with any suggestion adrian luxury bazaar.com or robinsharp at luxurybuzz.com for the upcoming shows we'll send those suggestions all directly to a matter of fact you can email nick directly or you can email nick or alex directly we'll put their emails up there as well good luck to allison nick from all the emails if you've got any suggestions because it's not rehearsed it's not a surprise so sometimes we actually get stumped when we read these scripts uh and uh well i don't get stumped really not often but sometimes but other than that guys we're going to see you uh next week for more watches on whiskey i'm out until next time until next time
Channel: Roman Sharf
Views: 39,368
Rating: 4.9108062 out of 5
Keywords: Exclusive Interview with a ROLEX AD & What AD's actually pay, rolex AD interview, Interview with ROLEX AD, rolex AD, rolex interview, buying a rolex from an authorized dealer, rolex authorized dealer, rolex ad experience, rolex authorized dealer experience, rolex ad waiting list, rolex ad employee, what rolex ADs actually pay, how much does a Rolex AD make, How much profit does an AD make selling a new Rolex, roman sharf, roman sharf rolex, rolex watches, Rolex daytona
Id: o6jC57BZgMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 35sec (3335 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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