Installing Windows Server 2012

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hello again as you know I am Eli the computer guy and today's class is installing Windows Server 2012 so just so you guys know right when I'm going into this class is if you know very much about computers at all if you have installed operating systems if you would have been installed server operating systems you can skip this class I just want that known right here now installing Windows Server 2012 is no big deal you basically create the ISO you burn the ISO to a desk you once you put it in the computer you install Windows Server 2012 and you're done there's not a lot to it there's really not a lot to it but since I am creating a whole track on Windows Server 2012 this is just kind of one of those classes that I have to do to make sure I cover all of the basis if you're thinking well I don't want to waste my time on some easy class that's okay the only thing that I will tell you the one warning that I will give you if you decide to skip this class is to make sure that when you install Windows Server 2012 you choose the GUI interface that to use so basically when you're going through the installation process it will ask you do you want to use server core or the GUI interface and make sure you pick the GUI interface that will give you the graphic user interface and away you go so that is the one the one that's that's one thing I'll tell you if you're like Eli I'm just going to skip this class just remember don't pick server core go with GUI and then otherwise you can skip this class but for the rest of us we will go through and we will go through the entire installation process of Windows Server 2012 again see you guys so I keep hammering this into your eyes heads I know you guys like free education but if you want to really learn Windows Server 2012 I am telling you you should pick up a Windows 2012 book the one that I'm personally using to create a lot of this curriculum is Windows Server 2000 12 unleashed by Sam's it costs you 60 bucks at Barnes & Noble probably a lot less top of but it is well worth it if you're going to be trying to learn Server 2012 because again there's a lot of information I mean it I mean well I mean that's look at that that's that's 4 inches of book so no matter how many classes I do in this track I'm not gonna be able to teach you all that there's a lot of stuff that the Windows Server can do so if you really want to learn this operating system go out and buy a book like this because it will give you all the information that you need now if you want to install Windows Server 2012 and you go onto or Amazon's danmath on you're going to see that Windows Server 2012 costs Oh like $600 and so you may be thinking you I how am I gonna play with a software to cost $600 well the nice thing with Microsoft is all of their almost all of their enterprise software you can download as unrestricted trials so you can download the Windows Server 2012 operating system and you get a hundred and eighty day fully functional trial so this is not handicapped in any way you get the ability to do VPN and the ability ability to do Active Directory and DNS and DHCP do everything you want you can build out 300 servers all doing some kind of wild-ass replication strategy if you wanted the only caveat is it will die after 180 days so just keep that in mind so if you want to be playing with a Windows Server 2012 and you don't have a lot of money you don't have to go out and actually buy the operating system is the first nice thing with Windows Server 2012 the other thing is you don't have to go out and buy really a high quality hardware in order to run Windows Server 2012 why do you guys think oh I've got to go out and I've got to buy like some $1000 pieces server hardware in order to make it run the nice thing with Windows Server 2012 is it requires very few resources in order to run it only needs a 1.4 gigahertz 64-bit processor so finding a machine with point four Giga her 64-bit processor I mean those are dime a dozen it only needs 512 Meg 12 Meg's of RAM in order to function and it only needs 32 gigs of hard drive space so think about that 1.4 gigahertz processor 64-bit processor 512 RAM 32 gig hard drive you could run that off of like a four-year-old netbook um so so that's one thing I want you to realize with when you go in and start creating server labs for Windows Server 2012 you don't need very expensive hardware really seriously just crappy crappy crappy computers that have been collecting dust for the past five years in your closet will most likely run this server operating system the only caveat is make sure it's a 64-bit processor if it's not a 64-bit processor it won't work but again most processors for the past eight years have been 64-bit processors so so you're good to go so if you want to go out and you want to start playing with Windows Server 2012 you can get the software for free the trial for free and the hardware is just dime a dozen you can get it anywhere type hardware so that so that you can go play with it now I know one of the questions you guys are going to be asking you gonna be like well Eli 1.4 gig or her processor 512 Ram 32 gig hard drive that doesn't seem like too much well why do why do people spend so much money on server hardware well remember you have to think about what your server is doing right so your sir is sitting in a lab and you may connect you know four or five lab pcs into its domain it may it may do DNS or DHCP for three or four computers it may replicate to one or two other computers in your lab environment well in that environment you don't need very many resources you know 1.4 gigahertz processor 512 Ram 32 gig hard drive man that's going to be fine for you the reason professionals end up spending $10,000 per server for server hardware is remember that something like Windows Server to Windows 2012 server in the real world can support up to 10,000 users it may be in a cluster of hundreds of different servers so just like with a desktop PC if you're not doing very much with it you don't need many resources well with a Windows server again if you're not doing very much with it you don't need very many resources but if you're going to be hammering it with thousands or tens of thousands of users that's when you need you know 32 gigs of ram and huge hard drives and raid and all that fancy stuff so so yeah so what I'm going to be showing you today you can install in Windows 2012 server on any piece of crap machine I've installed it on one of my one of my black my gateway laptops that I always talk about they have four gigs of ram dual core processor I've had them for four years now I bought them for 400 bucks four years ago so again not not not a high level stuff what about me showing you today though is actually on one of those crappy old gateway computers I've installed VirtualBox and then within VirtualBox I will actually install one of one of these in Windows Server 2012 systems just to show you how all that works and to show you that you don't need very many resources to do it so today I'm showing you I'm using VirtualBox on window a Windows 7 computer and within a virtual environment I will install this Windows 2012 server so that let's go over and show you actually how all this stuff works because it's really really pretty easy so right now we are looking at my Windows 7 computer so this is my Windows 7 computer and I have Oracle VM VirtualBox open so VirtualBox is a free piece of virtualization software you can go and download I just do a google search for it I did a class on it before so if you're you're curious about VirtualBox do a search and I've done a VirtualBox class before but what I want to show you first just to make sure you know this is this is the trial where you can download Windows Server 2012 so you can see you can get an ISO version of it or a virtual hard drive depending on what you want and from here you can download and it 180 day trial full-featured all the functionality so let's go over now and we're going over to VirtualBox so I've already set up a virtual server a virtual instance for this 2012 server and is currently powered off so now all I have to do is click on the start button and this will start this virtual machine now I've already put the CD into the CD drive of this computer and so it's going to be booting off of that CD so that we can install the the software so as this is clipping along the main thing to remember if you're going be installing you know any operating system is the biggest thing the biggest thing you guys have to be able to know is simply how to boot off of CD so a lot of you guys I know you're new I know you're new so I'm not going to give you a lot of crap but that's the biggest problem most people have is booting off of the CD if you're going to be using a system and installing Windows Server 2012 on it what you have to do is you have to go into BIOS for that physical server that physical computer make sure the boot order says to boot off of the optical or CD drive this is very important because if it doesn't boot off that optical or CD drive well then you're not gonna be able to boot off the disk and then you're not going to be able to install the operating system so just make sure you do the boot off of CD and then you'll be you'll be able to start this process so now you know it started up and so it's asking you do you want this to be installed in English time and currency keyboard so on and so forth you know I an American so it's all English if you're off in Mogadishu well pick whatever you guys what so from here as you can see now gives you the option to just click the Install Now button so all we have to do is we can click install now and that starts the installation process now from here you're going to notice that there's four options and this is what I was talking about in the beginning basically it can the option between what is called server core and server with a GUI now you want to see that there's standard evaluation Edition and data center so in the introduction Windows Server 2012 I talked about where there's these two different versions of the the Windows server operating system and that for now you should just stay with the standard version but in the standard you will see that there's standard server core and standard GUI now what you want is you want to highlight the server with a GUI this is server with a graphical user interface the reason is is because if you leave it to server core that will only give you basically a blinking cursor at the end of this so so that if you only do server core once this is installed it will not not give you a graphical user interface it will simply give you a PowerShell prompt so you want to make sure that you highlight the second option server with a GUI so this will give you the nice nutty graphical user interface that Windows Server 2012 is known for and now after you pick that all you're going to do is you're going to click on next and that will bring you through the rest of the process so from here we see you know this is the standard EULA and user License Agreement that nobody ever reads and what we're going to do is we're going to click Next now here is the option it's going to ask you whether to upgrade or do a custom install do the custom install if you do an upgrade basically what it's going to tell you is it's going to drop you out of this whole process and tell you to boot into the normal operating system and do an upgrade from the normal operating system so if you were doing a fresh install of Windows Server 2012 what you guys should be doing you want to go down and you want to click on the custom from the custom we now get our drive options so so this is a brand new hard drive on this VirtualBox virtual machine so I can just click Next from here now if you guys are using machines that have been used in the past there may be multiple partitions here if that is the case I would suggest you delete them so you'd highlight them and delete them and then create a new partition and from there go on so from you can have options here so we click on that options if there were partitions I would be able to highlight them and delete them and then once all the old partitions have been deleted I would then click new and create a new partition from them but since this is a brand new hard drive I don't have to do that so now all we'll do is we'll click Next and now it starts copying the files and doing all the stuff so so overall the installation process probably takes about I don't know all told maybe about 25 minutes to install the Windows server so so I'm going to let this go we're going we're going to have a little screen wipe here because you know kind of fast-forward through this process and then we'll go on to the next steps okay so after the the the operating system and installs everything and does everything it needs we get to this page where it's asking you for the new password for this particular server now I just I just wanted to make sure you guys understand one thing during this installation process so when you're going to install the Windows of 2012 server operating system you boot off of the CD but since since I'd let this process go there have been two reboots of the server as everything gets installed what I want to make sure is that windows that server reboots you do not do not do not click a button to boot off the CD so that the server will reboot twice during this installation process and both times you'll see a little text that says if you want to boot off CD press any button now no go dot-dot-dot if you click any button now any key now it will restart the installation process and basically you'll go into a loop and you'll just keep doing that so after you've clicked the button the first time to install off of the operating system disk do not boot off of the operating system disk again don't go don't do it so yeah I just want to make sure because I've actually seen people do that in the past where every time the system reboots they click the key and then it just goes into the initial process for installing the operating system and it's all all just very very bad so once we've gotten into the process this far it's asking us for password and so basically you're just gonna type in whatever password you want to give it so and then we're going to hit finish hopefully those are right and now it's going to be finalizing the set ups now now remember with with the new Windows server operating systems they do get very finicky with those passwords so make sure you have at least one uppercase letter one lower case letter in the password one number in the password and one like special symbol such as the pound sign or the % or the exclamation mark or so on or so forth so make sure you have all of those in your password and make sure it's at least eight letters we are past the era with with Windows where you can easily just type in 1 2 3 4 5 6 and be done with it now you have to get fancier with the password so make sure you have an uppercase letter a lowercase letter a number and a special a special character when you put put in the password and so now the operating system is installed so this is the screen you get you know so it gives you well this is an incorrect time for me so it tells you what time it thinks it is what day and basically if you want to log in you just do control-alt-delete just like you've done oops for the last however long now since this is actually sitting on the virtual machine I have to do a special thing where I do an insert control-alt-delete and from here I can now login to the server and it's now setting up the password for the first time so that's one thing to remember if you're going to be using virtual machines to play with servers if you hit control-alt-delete most of the time to control-alt-delete that goes to the host system so as you saw I'm in a virtual machine right now when I hit control-alt-delete that put me into Windows 7 so you have to go when you have to find the setting that says insert control-alt-delete that will actually send the control-alt-delete signal to this guest operating system so once you've logged in basically right now it's setting your profile up for the first time and now look at that we have Server 2012 coming up and uh yeah from here it's gonna be fun to for you guys the first time to figure out what to do next because you will notice you will notice that there is no start button so basically with Windows Server 2012 they have taken a lot of stuff out of the Windows 8 interface and oh it's it's all kind of annoying as an interface goes just remember though we're going to have a class on how to how to use this interface navigating around but basically Windows Server acts a lot like Windows 8 as far as the interface goes so so yeah so that's about it again now that the server manager is coming up for the first time and from here we can do things like add roles add features create groups so on and so forth but that will be done in other classes so that is all there is to installing Windows Server 2012 you can download the trial software from the Microsoft website all you need is a 1.4 gigahertz processor that supports 64-bit 512 with a ram 32 gig hard drive you can be do like I did and use a VirtualBox and install it on that install it into a virtual machine a virtual environment basically all you do is you download the ISO you turn the ISO into a disc you boot off the disk and you go through the process the big things to remember especially for you new guys is go for the standard version with GUI graphical user interface if you do the server core all you're going to get is that blinking cursor then you're not going to know what to do next so make sure you get with the GUI and then the other warning that I will give you is when the computer reboots those couple of times in the middle of the process you will see something that says if you want to boot off CD press any key now don't don't don't go Joe I've actually seen new people do this in the real world if you hit the key now it will restart the installation process and it's all kind of bad so just after you've booted off the CD the first time you start the installation process don't click any key to boot off the CD again just let the process go through and you'll be good again as you've seen it's a really really simple easy operating system with salt as long as you have the the basic hardware um there there's no real problems with it so yeah so that was the class installing Windows Server 2012 this is the second class in this track for the Windows Server 2012 server operating system again from what I've seen I think it is a phenomenal operating system again as I've talked about all the Windows Microsoft Windows client operating systems can be a little funky you know every once in a while their server operating systems are always genuinely very good and the reason is is I think they just put a lot more time and energy into the server operating systems so so so it's good so if you're thinking about what kind of server to deploy right now I would definitely think you should be looking at Windows Server 2012 again to follow along with my classes make sure to pick up a book I would suggest Windows Server 2012 unleashed but whatever book you know the reason is is because there's literally there's this much information this is one book you can actually get more books you can probably get a book foot foot of books for all the stuff you can do with this operating system so if you really want to learn 2012 make sure you go out and grab a book it will make your life easier so as you know I was Eli the computer guy this class was installing Windows Server 2012 I enjoy teaching it and look forward to seeing at the next one
Channel: Eli the Computer Guy
Views: 406,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eli, the, Computer, Guy
Id: 3DLTo-j9qck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 56sec (1376 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2013
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