Exchange 2013 to 2016 Migration - Part 2

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hey everyone and welcome to this waiter about exchange migration my name is mr. black this should be part two where we want to go through the power we have to install exchange and migrate things our mailbox from earlier exchange to new 2016 so welcome and just trying to to see what's heaven here so as I said part two it should be here and we have to focus on the tips and shown here and we will start with installing exchange 2016 we have to configure the path so we have to point at the old set up if we have the use on the exchange we have to install the certificates you have to configure other things so we have to point the connection to the client access server we have to create new database and create a new deck there is base ever built group we have to move the mailbox and so on and and this piss you off that the may flow will end up in the new the setup and we have to remove the one so we have a lot of things to do so let's go ahead and take a closer look of what we have to see what is going to heaven here we have our network where we have update the 2013 exchange and actually I got to two new servers the exchange one sixteen so within marketers of 237 another server let's call exchange 216 and have the next IP address here it's still on the same network I still have to fix the external load balance function from [Music] secure websites since P is still working but yeah I haven't got the time to to look at that yet so you'll have to see what's going on there but actually we have too many other thing is installed and ready we have to migrate our stuff over there from the database to the exchange service and that's what we have to do have to take down the old one and hopefully we have a new environment which some there are features in what we now want to to use in the 2016 exchanger so welcome and we all have to start to install the service let's get on to it now let's start to see what is the prerequisites for installation of the 2016 Exchange server just going to load this hopefully we want to install on 2016 Cheryl at main box so rule and actually you can see the features you have to install have to install the unified communication so let's have a copy of this and go to the client from here we should should be possible to connect to a new service to see if we can yeah the first one change 1:16 and actually they shall have to be joined to the domain that's normally for exchange installation and then we have to install this unified house started that the course thing that just hit here on the show we have some updates let's also have them to up-to-date let's go to fun title change a system share that's where my file art is hope we have this yeah let's install that and this is a exactly the same on both on both show us and it will install the defaults database and we will have to change that later but both ever have to solve this unified location server the window feature of the exchange so that's pretty much the same thing on both hopefully this will not take too long you can open an option we could maybe pin it to the [Music] pin to taskbar well which one this administrator let's get some useful slice see this Finch that's great let's see if EF copy-pasted the features here we have and actually you also have to retouch after we have installed this so we could have this rolling when it's finish we will restart and I will come back after all the features have been installed if all the features are installed and serviced updated so I have mounted the exchange an installation disk to my D Drive and you have to find this setup and I will run this as the administrator so that should actually install the exchange it's quite easy and just straight away if all the primers are and they have to be there's awful even installation will take it off of that so let's see there's nothing to updates and the installation have to copy the files let's pause the way q1 that is done yes and they should fill the fish actually by to exchange server 2016 years running on a clustered hyper-v environment and I only have this gigabit interface to the scale I scary target so I don't think it's so fast it's too fast but I have to wait and see how it's going let's see how it will entice the setup so we can continue the installation and it's just we just have to say next to the welcome screen some links we can use if you want to investigate the canvas the deployment assist system Muslim King not so you want to accept the license terms you to make them recommend recommended settings here and this also here will prove the future ish change feature so innocent some feedbacks which to lengthen so we want to have mailbox rule and it's also select the management can't have both mailbox rules and its transfer rules we know that the plan extra will be a part of this so let's actually find with us we have installed the window features but let's select that anyway we can use the default directory here but in real production a while and we can put in places files in favorite starch the disabled will mail way scanning for now we can activate it later let's see how the readiness check is going yeah actually it went fine just have a morning and have to run the list prepare a tea it's great for new features or sometimes security groups I have to be clear there is something about the Navi or HTTP and have to that is enable but it could equally little bit later so you could use this PowerShell command to do that that's great let's install and while they set up is installing we want to take a break pause the video and have a cup of coffee great and actually it seems that this has completed so we just have to finish and restart the server here so let's do that restart and have about 10 I have also done this on the second exchange server and it has also completed successfully so let's restart that also and see how it will come up again after a boot so what we have to do now is to to see if the installation was okay we'll do that by taking a look look of this exchange server register exchange and we can now see that both of new [Music] installation are with us here and we could try to see the exact version should take the name I mean display now so you can see the new one here is the 15.1 great another thing is that you have to ensure that the users with the author of this car connect to the right sugar so we had a comment let's look like this a client access so made here fancy and here this tree and to select all a little bit too much but you can see that lays off discovery and actually it's point now point at the exchange to so let's try get to this see altar describe ya further than you show us it finds out the itself we have to sit it if you have users connected we have to set it back to the to active so that's actually knowledge yeah 2013 still so let's do that I I think it is this comment here I have to run first on to sit plan XS recommended yeah I I think I know what's wrong here because I have I think I will I have the management tool for the old 2013 installed now the new one so I think I will update the management road here online PC so I get all of the futures so I'll post a later video and come back so actually have this time now I'm running with the used exchange management console so to see if they can run this here to set the service connection point [Music] cannot find Megan Barroso time yeah actually we we have to maybe we expect to run this on the yeah let's try to run this on the exchange server hopefully see yeah it's not responding we just have to get a time to this remove the sidebar this is okay consular access is let's see plugin yeah that much better so let's try to see if we can get climb exes sure something about connecting everything to change that's not great lesson page my name is because this was on the first one let's try so don't panic let's try to see one name and uncle Scar yeah okay we all have to run on the second so yeah of course so let's do that on it and again should she have been changing so if that was the connection point we have changed together so ever to continue the times for running against the 2013 so yeah let's let's continue with the next step in our plan here for sure we've done this also now we have to in the next step we can take a look on the certificate on how we will prepare the installation for for let's so actually about the certificate different ways to to do this so let's try to take a look first of all all you have to see have you exposed the certificate all there to let it first should try to use each browser here I'm used to that but you see [Music] c63s see one mmm nothing happened here so that was we have to log in because we can export the certificate from from this size machines and magenta and save let's go under the sway of us we have the certificate sites here and actually you can see the amazing this exchange public we have some Komodo exported if you want to I already have exported it and so I can import it to the different kind of service but we can start here and actually it's possible components and through this left side let's go to the first server try to import and it won a shiny let's see if I can find that here let's go here somewhere name yes actually we're so let's point to the shear and let's try the password for the certificate sit next this one will service you want to apply to the certificate you can take the first 16 to and try to import it with the power tool after this hopefully this should be okay next time and can't fish there are processes for how the same Texas tonight yeah I'll try to make a solution for this and get back to to this asset to another location on my show so let's try to see if we can import this from there with our errors and it will went okay so the certificates will now be imported from the central one as we can see it is assigned so it isn't assigned to any service so we also have to change that one dollar source we have to save we also put this exchange search and we can do it just the same for prop analyze HP so you'll be using so let's say save here all are the 16 is let's just all Ryan use our home certificate yeah and that should be fine so now it just meaning to update the second exchanger but let's try to do that time potion so let's see we can do that I have here we have to type the password in a lab level we can use later on but we will use the command exchange import exchange difficut run to the server now it's the second one and the file is in my local directory and eventually do this you say that the private key should be exportable you point out the password from the last step and we will and Abel Eckstein certificate and the service we want with the enable exchange here so let's see if we can run this got the password in July 11 it's important and see how it goes here the plant going on so again it won't like to run it on the local so also you know on the clients here so let's try to go through the server this is the exchange farm and try to see if we can go to the signal sue let's open up the ice here I shall have that script here also yeah just when you won from the other side just have to have the new location for this so I will grab it to cover this little graph on the scripts check the data me and probably that face man into our script here then let's try to see I will go here again go to a set password and import the certificate and enable the service import is Americanized and that's great again you know what we have to do it he is having races G we have to it's it's not on normally our sadness in the profile first I have it done here so let's just see what we can do here an edit Joe now we should be able to run the client still ml is already exist yeah let's ride a mouse it's already exist see if that's true [Music] good singing long yeah it does that's okay where and pause was designed for area not sure but maybe we could try to see if equipped could get information of the exchange certificate sure here see if we can run this and when you could check and we have it here we have to use the thumbprint now let's copy that oh it's strong here this one cover it set the conference place in again wrong which command if you'd only get one is selected and we could pipe it tool enable you seen to typical service hopefully and if we want to bring it on use to like this so let's try to run this and see if you can sit I should be forced to try to signal force maybe you do it again yeah and then let's plus go to the web page see if we have to assign the web service and we can just reload it hopefully we'll see if we have changed sufficiently it is so yeah I didn't maybe you saw where I did the mistake about the certificate that it was important for go service but actually we have set it twice now and also for service so the certificate is in place and we can continue with our setup for the migration to the new so new service yeah I think we will cut this video into another parts we we have to continue the last steps here whoops what's that yeah actually we have installed the exchange 2016 configured the service connection point and install the certificate for for the - 2016 exchange server so we'll do the rest in the next part of the video so yeah thank you for watching my name was just black see you see you later
Channel: Jesper Blak
Views: 4,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Exchange, 2013, 2016, Migrate, Migration, Microsoft, Installation, Service Connection Point, Certificate
Id: s30_fEsAZVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 3sec (2223 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2017
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