Examining the Dune Trailer and Explaining Dune Lore

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all right guys it's quinn's ideas here and now that i've had some time to calm myself down from my initial reaction to the trailer i'm ready to give you my thoughts on everything that i saw now i know that there's going to be countless videos out there on the internet breaking down every single little detail of the trailer now i've been giving you guys detailed breakdowns of the dune book series for years now and following this film since the very beginning and i've given you tons of breakdown so if you want more of that type of analysis from me go and look at the stuff that i've done on the books here i'm gonna be approaching this from kind of a more emotional angle and just telling you guys what i feel about what i saw and also giving you guys a little bit of information on what's going on or what i think is going on in all these little scenes much of it is very very very close to the book [Music] so the trailer opens up with paul atreides and we see that he is seeing shawnee kissing her he's seeing her in the desert um especially the scene with her standing right there that's not a real scene because the freeman would never just stand out in the open desert uh in the sun that is definitely a dream and you can see he's waking up from the dream right there so this moment here i imagine is before the reverend mother arrives on kaladan so the dune book opens up with calidan the homeworld of the house of house atreides you've got paul asleep in bed and the lady jessica comes in with the reverend mother and they peek in at him sleeping in the bed and they recognize that he's not sleeping he's pretending to be sleeping or at least the reverend mother can tell and then the reverend mother says stress him it is time for him to be tested so i think that is what we're seeing pretty much in this trailer we're seeing paul having dreams about chanting just like in the book thinking about all the stuff that he's thinking about human nature and all that stuff and then the reverend mother of the benny jesuit coming to test him now if you don't know what the benny jesuit are if you're not super super familiar with doing i'm sure you've heard the the phrase the the word benny jesuit um they are a secret order of women a matriarch or order a society that secretly rules a lot of the goings on in the universe they've been breeding noble houses for many generations for a specific goal and that goal was more or less paul without giving too much away except there was it's kind of a little bit messed up because jessica paul's mother betrayed them paul was meant to be a girl and his son or her son would have been what they were looking for the quizzes had iraq but since paul is a boy he has been trained in the benny jesuit way by his mother jessica they have to test him they have to give him the test to see if it's gone too far and to see if he's still human so it's essentially a pain test right it's it's to see if he can override his pain and i've talked about this multiple times she says it's to test if you are human an animal will gnaw off its own arm or leg to escape a trap but a human can override any nerve in the body and you should be able to withstand this pain so that's a very very important scene and then also the very very famous line from the book what's in the box pain right and that's a multi-layered metaphor because she says remove your hand from the box and die that is the only rule um because it's like you can't remove yourself from this pain you have to endure what is ahead and if you remove yourself from it you will die in a real sense and we know what becomes appalled if you've read the later books and i won't spoil it but you can watch my ultimate guide series for those of you that haven't read it but yeah if you remove your hand from the pain if you try to remove away from it you die stagnation is akin to death and that's one of the key themes in dune as well especially as the books continue so it's multi-layered when she's saying what's in the box remove your head from the box die it's the human test it's a pain test it's all of those things and also one thing that really really impressed me was the shields i love the shields in this trailer the gurney hallick and paul training scene later on we see duncan idaho doing some severe badassery with the shields i'm just really excited that they didn't remove the shields that they look really good the the shields have never been done properly in any doom thing and the sci-fi mini series they didn't have the money for it the david lynch doom it was just you know we were at a different time the cgi wasn't there but here they look great and can i also say since we're on this subject the action sequences that we're gearing up to see look phenomenal so there are some pretty big action moments in the first dune book but this is this movie here is only half of the first dune book right so what we're seeing basically here is i'm thinking the battle of erikine hey it's me trollion and i'm just cutting in from the future to say that quinn is wrong as usual that's not the battle of eric king the battle of eric here is a completely different battle this is the first battle when the atreides got attacked by the harkonnens in the beginning of the book the battle of arakane is until the end which quinn doesn't know because he's an idiot and i don't want to give away too much about what goes on in the battle of air king but it is a battle on iraq is between essentially the harkonnens and house tradies and it's pretty epic a lot of stuff go goes on it's brutal um you can see burning palm trees here this could only be at the arakin palace i think um so because you know that wouldn't be growing at some random place on arrakis so yeah that looks absolutely the all of the armor and the the soldiers look incredibly epic it just looks brutal and badass and what is really really gonna be awesome about this is we're so used to seeing these types of epic sci-fi battles in like marvel movies where there's like disney cuts out every single drop of blood that's always been one of my biggest problems with marvel movies is that like you have like a bunch of people getting slaughtered and there's not a single drop of blood well in doom there's blood in the trailer so we know there's going to be a lot more blood in the movie and we don't even have the rating for this movie yet if i'm if i'm not mistaken we don't know if it's r or pg-13 let's hope r let's really really hope for r because like if we can get an r rated movie we can really go to all the places that doom needs to go with go to now dune is a brutal book it's about a lot of it's about humanity so it's very very brutal there's brutal things that happens there's violence um so yeah i mean in our rating i feel like would be deserved to effectively uh deliver what what frank herbert was trying to go for but yeah going back to just the general aesthetic of the battle sequences i love it it's got that villain of feel um it looks awesome the thing about dune the book is that the action is downplayed frank herbert lets the action be the backdrop but i was saying months and months ago when we were talking about this movie when we were talking about all the sardikar soldiers that were cast and named on imdb that was indicative of the fact that the battle sequences here were going to be very we're going to be moved to the forefront and that makes sense when you're doing a movie of a visual media a visual medium needs that whereas a book you can just say this happened and you don't really have to go into detail and frank herbert can focus on the philosophy of it but denis villeneuve can show it and he can show how intense it was and how much they lost and all of the people that died because spoiler alert just for like 15 seconds in but minor spoiler in in the dune book at in the battle of erikine there's a lot of atreides soldiers that end up trapped in a cave and they end up dying in that cave which i don't think the david lynch movie or the dune miniseries did that but can you just think of that type of death that is brutal that is so brutal that's merciless and it really drives home how merciless the harkonnens are they didn't just want to destroy house of traders the baron harkonnen wanted her house tradies to suffer and they will get into the feud i'm thinking oh well of course they have to get into the feud of house raccoon and house atreides and why it is such a big deal um because we do see that they are pointing to house trades greek ancestry so you have the reverend mother saying to paul that none of your ancestors could learn how to follow prop really so house of tradies traces his ancestry all the way back to greece and in the book it talks about lato's father who that might be actually lato's father's grave or something this sequence whatever it is is not in the book but regardless they're discussing the tradies ancestry so they will definitely be discussing the feud between house atreides and house reconan and i cannot wait to see it so quite honestly this trailer looks pretty darn amazing the costumes are awesome duncan idaho i'm sold jason momoa i'm totally sold as duncan idaho amazing i can't wait to see him be super badass oscar isaac i was sold a minute ago but i'm completely sold on his look timote chalamet is the most perfect paula tradies ever the most perfect paula tradies ever alec newman does not compare uh cal mclaughlin does not compare he is absolutely part of traders in my mind zendaya looks amazing as chani and i'm so sorry to any zendaya fans that i might have offended early on when i said i didn't know a lot about her like a year ago or however long ago when it was first announced that she was doing this character but the look of her as chani is perfect she is perfect and you guys aren't ready for how badass chani is chani is so awesome chani is a killer you don't want to mess with johnny right she's frim and born born in the deep desert and she's not playing she didn't come into play and i'm i'm so excited to see her be a boss as well as excited to see the lady jessica be a boss so we see a few hints of lady jessica in this trailer we see a lot of really grave looks from jessica in this trailer because look here's the thing about lady jessica everything that happens in dune is because of her and aaliyah her future daughter points to this in the third book or something she says do you think if my mother she says if my mother wasn't if my mother was a simple woman as you claim then none of this would be here she would have had me first instead of paul like the the she would have never rebelled against the sisterhood none of this would have ever happened so everything that happens is because of jessica because jessica chose to love her duke instead of just using him and the way that the benny jesuit walnut won it she doomed him i mean essentially and and and because of her choosing to have a son and train him in the benny jesuit way she condemned paul to suffer the terrible fate of prescience and you can't even begin to understand how terrible that is until you understand and read the books and realize what it actually is to know the future to know the future is to be trapped by it in the most terrible way and i just tell dannyville villanova gets it and i'm so excited and also another note i love the fact that they're building up duncan idaho i know we talked about duncan idaho a little bit and how he looked but i love the fact that they're building him up as a character and a friend of paula tradies they look they seem really close and that is very important to build that relationship it's very important for a number of reasons and i'm sure the book readers understand and i guess another comment i can make about this trailer is that the cgi cgi well of course cgi has gotten so good at this point that you can you you don't even expect bad cgi if cgi is bad in a movie it's just like throw the whole thing away but like this is like phenomenal i freaking love it it's just it looks so good and then the scale of everything the scale of the desert the real dunes like the sand the ships in the background like the opening sequence of blade runner 2049 if you ever look at it it's like you just he's just like flying a ship through like the the this grand giant like city escape thing and it's just huge and doom should feel the same way if not even bigger and okay so i've been saving talking about this to i guess the end of the video let's do this the sand worm whoa the sand worms look phenomenal i really really first of all first of all more accurate than the david lynch ones sorry it's a hole with glistening white spoke teeth within it so it does would look like an eye kind of so that is because it's kind of like it's almost like a filter mouth almost it looks like but those are very very razor sharp teeth all those little teeth are what chris knives are formed uh we see paul tradies holding up the chris knife here yeah though that someone took that from that one of those things mouse right freaking shy hallude right and there's i know someone i heard someone say oh the worm's too small it's not big enough that looks pretty huge to me and i'm not sure exactly which sequence sequence this is in particular i think this might be paul and jessica maybe or if it's not paul and jessica then it's some like later moment when paul is doing more stuff with the friend which i think it's more likely considering how they're dressed um which means it might be some added sequence because they wouldn't have they wouldn't be showing paul's worm writing sequence yet i don't think unless that's just like some final sequence um but anyway yeah there's different sized worms in the deep desert some of them are giant some of them are smaller the ones that they use to make the water of life are much smaller because they have to drown them and they puke up the bile that creates the water of life that a friend reverend mother would drink to unlock her genetic memory so guys the trailer is phenomenal this is what we waited for this is what we've been wanting to see all of the images that we got from this movie were great everything that we were hearing about this movie was phenomenal the creative team we always knew was phenomenal as soon as i as soon as denny villeneuve was announced it was just like my heart just like ignited with happiness and joy and the more i heard about it rebecca ferguson timothy charlemage it was just like killing it charlotte rambling you're just like you guys are killing it with this casting and then ha han zimmer on the score um uh john speights on the script like he wrote like ah jesus so it's like everything that i heard about this movie was phenomenal and it was almost like it's too good to be true it's too good to be true but it seems like it's right in front of us and it's here the only thing that could potentially go wrong would be like studio screwing things up and like cutting the movie because this movie needs to be three hours long period this movie needs to be three hours long period close the door shut gate three hours long and we need the second half of it to also be three hours long we need about six hours to tell this story like i've been saying over and over and over again do a mini series they had five and a half hours right that's what we need for this so and i think danny villeneuve is the one to do it he can pull off these long movies and i love long movies for one for personally if a movie can keep me engaged for three hours give it to me it's quarantine i don't because we don't even know how they're gonna release this there's no release date in the trailer as some of you might have noticed um but officially it's still december 18th but who knows if that's going to actually happen probably not maybe it seems like tenant was the test and they haven't decided whether or not yet so they might be going for like a digital release i'd pay 30 dollars to watch this what do you guys say would you pay 30 to watch dune i would because i'm obviously i would but like with the average person i don't know but we'll see if i was if i was in charge of this whole thing i would postpone it i would postpone it until like the pandemic was better but you know i'm not in charge of things clearly because they keep striking down my videos but anyway i don't know if i've ever been this excited for a movie since like harry potter 8 was coming out years ago i read the harry potter books throughout my entire childhood and then harry potter eight came out and i was crazy excited and this is that feeling but so much more intense because dune is a story that's become so close to me and become such a part of my life and who i am and to see it come to the big screen like this and to see so many people get excited about it is just mind-blowing i feel like i've been holding up the torch being like guys dune is good read dune give it a chance for like the last four years or something and finally everyone's is digging it and everyone's getting into it and i couldn't be more happy thanks everyone for watching make sure you like and subscribe for more dune videos check out my ultimate guide to dune playlist and all the dune videos that i put up over the years peace out you
Channel: Quinn's Ideas
Views: 211,470
Rating: 4.9481006 out of 5
Keywords: Dune, New, Trailer, Lore, Explained, Examined, Breakdown, Denis Villeneuve, Reaction, book explained
Id: 2kysALFHWuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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