Exactly What to Say When He Pulls Away (Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy)

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do you like cupcakes do you like picnics hello I come bearing cupcakes you have to tell me how I did on the flavors so I I got red velvet chocolate do you like knowing exactly what to say when a guy is pulling away so that you can guarantee you have the best chance of pulling him back the thing I wanted to talk to you about today was when people disappear well in this video we have all three I ran a contest on Instagram where Four Women got the chance to sit and have a picnic with me and Jameson and talk about dating it was a beautiful time and in this conversation a very specific thing came up that I thought would be useful to you a little snippet if you will I gave a specific line of what a woman could say to a guy in the early stages that she really likes who seems to be pulling away check it out and and stick around till the end because I'm going to talk to you about something that would take your skills in talking to men to another level so this is the exact line that I wrote down that I think is perhaps one of my more eloquent moments I'm feeling some confusion from you which is totally fine but I'm going to take some space because I don't want to get closer to someone who's not sure what they want what I like about this is your first line is I'm I'm feeling some confusion from your side so you're not trying to guess a what it is or why it is or any of that you're not trying to be a mind reader you're just stating the obvious that I'm sensing some confusion from your side or I'm feeling some confusion So when you say I'm going to take some space what I love about that is that it's all about you and your power it's not about him it's not about what should we do or like how do we want to talk about this or whatever no it's I'm going to I've made the decision I'm going to take some uh space because I don't want to get closer to someone who's not sure what they want now there's two things going on there um one is it's a compliment to him cuz what you're really saying is I like you and I know that if I keep getting closer to you it's going to be painful for me on some level but when you say I don't want to get closer to someone who doesn't know what they want it also is a subtle like dig at his current identity cuz you're also saying you're you're identifying him as someone who doesn't know what he wants and there's a little sting in there it's not it's not like an intentional kind of I'm trying to aggravate you but it's there's a little stinging there of you telling him that's not the kind of guy that you actually want in your life I'm just afraid that i' I've done that in the last my last dating situation and I had been seeing this guy for about two months and it it we did the weekend getaways where I thought it was a heavy investment and out of nowhere he just got incredibly busy with work for two weeks but I gave him those two weeks of space where we hardly talked to each other at all we didn't see each other and then I did exactly that where I called him and I said I care about you so much but I can tell that you're incredibly preoccupied you've got other things that you have to take care of right now I get that let me know if you've got some free time in the future I'd love to hang out again and I felt like I ended it prematurely cuz he wrote back and he was understanding he was like thanks so much for being so cool I am really busy I enjoy my time with you but this is done and I was just like you did yourself a favor yeah but you worried see I wondered if I if I should have given him like another week no cuz your illusion your illusion is that that text would make a guy go ah I was going to try really hard next week but now that but now that she's ended it I won't bother and in your message you even said which I don't think you should have done you even said I'll let me know when you free up yeah right cuz what you said is whenever you're ready I'll be here um so so what what you're saying that's why it didn't work yeah but you did I mean I mean you did the right thing in being strong and like saying something um but uh you think it's worth saying something yeah that yeah cuz like I get cold I'm just like all right I'm out people people are not used to mean I'm just like I'm like all right that's cool in in life people are not used to being called on their they're not used to it they're used to getting away with murder and no one's saying anything H weren't those women lovely I want to say a huge thank you to Sarah Danielle ktie and Marissa you guys were amazing I loved our talk together and I appreciate you coming out to see me I want everybody watching this video to notice something I'm not a huge fan of prescribed advice although I give a lot of advice the truth is over time I want you to make it your own but I also know that sometimes people change the language and the wording of something in a way that undermines its intention what you'll notice between Sarah and I is that she and I had the exact same intention with what we were doing but the language that she used actually weakened her position with the guy instead of strengthening it and showing how attractive she could be I'm all about showing the best version of you and if you feel like in your communication with men you could be showing a much stronger more attractive version of you I have something that I want you to get today it's called how to talk to men it is my program that does nothing but tell you what you can say in every situation you literally flip to a chapter that describes your situation right now and it will give you the thing to say to a guy in that moment you can take these make them your own over time but once you have them you have them for life so at least you know what they are check it out I want you to buy this today I'm just going to say it I want you to buy it it's amazing it's something that will help you if you don't like it refund it it doesn't matter but at least try it we'll link it up here and I will see you in next week's video [Music]
Channel: Matthew Hussey
Views: 2,533,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matthew hussey, dating advice for women, what men want, how to attract men, meet men, get the guy, make him like you, make him love you, tips for women, flirting tips, texting, calling, how to talk to men, love advice, relationships, matt hussey, matthew hussy, mathew hussey, how to flirt, what to do when he disappears, what to say when he pulls away, what to do when a guy stops texting, why did he stop texting me, what to say, he disappeared, why men disappear, what to do
Id: 52JUkIYKXbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 8sec (368 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2017
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