EWTN Live - 2021-03-18 - Catholic View for Women

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[Music] hello i'm father mitch pacquiao and welcome to ewtn live where we bring you guests from all over the world and our guests and i do come from all over the united states they're here to help us take a look at a number of spiritual and cultural issues that are affecting everyone these days now these are the ladies from ewtn's own the catholic view for women and they show where each week they deal with timely and important topics of interest to women and a lot of men too so they're introducing some new ladies to their dedicated audience and we'll meet them tonight too so please welcome from the catholic view for women our good friends janet morana and teresa tamil and we have one of the new ladies vanessa denja garmo that's very good father little sling in there well this is not so hard of me um good to have you all with us thank you for having us and of course you live down in florida florida now but you're from new york that's right you live in michigan and you're you're from jersey and you're living in michigan from michigan from michigan yeah that's your heart yes i went to university of dallas back when uh university of detroit very nice um and by the way just so the audience knows in the second segment of our show we'll introduce another new edition for the catholic review for women and that will be mary kaminsky but we'll get to her later so stay tuned for that all right so y'all are doing a series right now what are you talking about oh my goodness father what aren't we talking about i don't want to know that i want to know what you are talking about we are talking about well uh let's say we tape 12 shows in two and a half days pretty good uh we covered subjects like well today alone we covered domestic violence a topic that we don't hear much about and there are women sitting in churches all across america that are victims of this and we discussed a lot of the key points of what to look for and also how should the clergy and the people that are on all the different uh groups that are within a church how do you kind of keep your ear to the ground or be sensitive or reach out to women who might be suffering some issues at home that are abusive and yet there's a shame attached to it that they're almost afraid to admit this stuff because a lot of women blame themselves because of the abuse see that's one of the problems that is very common with that kind of abuse the victim feels it's their fault because that's what the abusive person says that's right that's how they presented it you mentioned something in the in the intro father that was interesting because you're talking about how we bring cultural issues as janet said this is a big problem everywhere but in the church as well but but we also talk in that segment that we did about how the culture in terms of how porn is now affecting domestic violence and all kinds of violence because of porn getting more and more hardcore and graphic and they're seeing an increase in domestic violence and sexual violence against women because of pornography not an easy topic to talk about but i work on my radio show on catholic connection on ewtn with so many folks who are in marriage ministry who are seeing more and more of this occur in marriages so we try to talk about a lot of the issues that are not exactly you know maybe comfortable but we want to make sure that women and men because we have a lot of different viewers have the resources available and that they shouldn't be ashamed as janet mentioned and if there's somebody who is an abuser out there sure that too that person also needs to go get help and i would say the majority of cases the physical abuse does come from the man but not always yes not always not always and then another topic that we did was of course the and miscarriage miscarriages we did miscarriages vanessa has been here herself had a personal testimony about miscarriage and and one of the things we brought out that is how do we people respond when we hear someone is having a miscarriage right and and most people unfortunately say things that are not helpful to the women they say what would be unhelpful like it's meant to be it's meant to be you know us foreign nature took his course there's a lot of things that you know i know really people don't know what to say and um they're trying to be comforting or um they some people if you've never been through it you disregard the fact that to that mom that was her baby i mean for me it was my baby i mean i named my second miscarriage i mean i was far along to know i was having a boy and we named him i've had too and um it's it's it's it's you go into kind of a depression you know right after you lose the baby it would seem to me that you know the natural response would be to grieve right the loss of the child which i did but if other people are saying well you can try again you know yeah a widow who loses a house why you can try again that's not the right answer no that's not the right answer i think people mean well but they don't understand and so i think having personal testimonies vanessa's personal testimony and i often talk about my experience in the secular media and also how my husband and i had our our marriage miraculously you know saved and and what we're doing now compared to what we were doing back then he's a deacon and you know i mean obviously in catholic media to share what's on our heart and what we've gone through and to share our own experiences so i think it's a unique show and i think it's it's this is our 13th season it's hard to believe and the fact that we keep going and and it's popular we're so grateful to ewtn for the opportunity but i really think we're hitting and we're hitting a nerve because we're getting more i i hear from more and more men i was i was coming out of mass uh today or actually lunch and the man said to me hey i love you i love you ladies on on the catholic view and so men are watching now right which i think is is is great yeah but you know with miscarriage just for a minute again you know part of the response if that was a six-week baby in utero or a six-month born child your response to the law should be the same and that's where it's different and there's also we brought out on the show how yes you slow the medical profession down a little when they schedule these women to go in for a procedure after the miscarriage to say listen i want to have the remains of my child contact the clergy i want to have a funeral mass i want to you know you're entitled to do all that but the secular world doesn't acknowledge it or no one tells you that right no one tells you that or in some states it's not permitted right okay you know that's that's one of the other things you're not permitted to bury the remains of a child that was aborted or that died in the miscarriage and i remember working with a couple who miscarried twins which also was not so unusual that that's that's a sometimes a difficult situation in utero and so you know the slate and the mother almost died herself because uh she almost bled to death her blood pressure had gone into the 30s you know she was she was at high risk um well then she's trying to recover she just lost her two children and said no no you got to just sort of we'll take care of it we've got a place where we burn all that stuff you know and and they wouldn't nobody would and none of the cemeteries finally finally we had to find a small parish in rural texas and the pastor found i said you bring that here and we'll have a funeral and you can use this church we're not going to put up with that yeah because it was an old-timey church so they had their own cemetery right right crossed away from the church and and he didn't charge anything he just you know but one of the other things too was even to find a certain type of honorable casket for a miscarried child because some of them you know they vary in size and some are you know bigger than others and um i think there's now uh uh at least there there was uh developed a company that actually made yes i actually had them on my show i can't remember the name but but and it was a woman who actually went through a similar situation that that developed yeah and you didn't want to put them in a shoe box i mean right this is what they were telling right yes on the program there's that new uh ministry we highlighted a mom's piece right yes and their website father is amongst peace.org and they have the thing the information there on their website about how to get proper burial little casket or whatever is needed and all the steps and support to help a family yeah so things are moving along and there's some like you said father there actually is a church in ann arbor that every year they have a mass for women and families that have lost a child to miscarriage which is beautiful and it helps with closure i think with with a lot of families and you know folks in the pro-life movement also have you know prayer services and masses at the cemeteries that do allow aborted babies so exactly you know this we need to help pray through this the are forces in our culture that don't want that because it contradicts an ideology right but their ideology con contradicts human experience and i think i think they don't want that because they don't want to be reminded and it's really the holy spirit deep down yeah there's something bad they know it yep and they try to hide absolutely absolutely so we've been we covered that we did miscarriage we did um the domestic violence we also looked at in vitro fertilization and also egg harvesting which is very very dangerous uh for women and and and the fallout and the side effects of that uh we talked about social media and teens and tweens uh let's see oh we did my book my new book listening for god from sophia press which was fun and all kinds of different topics and suicide suicide talked about suicide yeah with father chris lr whose grandmother had died from suicide because this this is something that has become much more common you know this year of covid has seen a very serious uptick in suicide and domestic violence right yes yes and pornography and pornography because all the time on the computers and the internet and it's it's the isolation and all the mask you know i'm not saying i'm against masculinity i'm just saying you're not you're not people aren't natural things father normally people greet each other they're shaking hands they normally hug each other kiss each other you know now you can't even see each other you know and that's a real problem it's the human contact that's being diminished and the fact that the masks are healthy or part of the protection that you need to have does not deny these other factors that's right both can be true you are you know needing to do these measures because this is a highly contagious disease more contagious than flu and other diseases and in many in certain groups it's highly dangerous that's right you know much more dangerous for some groups at risk than than others so you have to be careful but that human contact human contact and and fake contact with things like pornography et cetera and then not being able to have a break from each other governments are trying to stuff you into your apartment and you can't go out and there's fear you know people are living in fear all the time what's going to happen can this kill me what about my business what about my job what about my family people are losing their job so there's all this fear of unknown and and you know what's what's the next thing the government's going to tell us that we can't do and and so i think that escalates all the problems that kind of we touched upon yeah kind of wove through every show in a little bit when you talk about what's happening in the world that fear is such a huge component and one of the things that we talk about because vanessa and i have been friends for very long time and we met when we were both street reporters in detroit and we both left the secular media and went into catholic media and ministry and so we tried to weave in on our shows about how the media are responsible for a lot of the fear and explain how it's a business i mean this is what they do in terms of you know if it bleeds it leads there was a news director in chicago in miami who came up with that phrase for a reason and we would talk about how the consultants would come in and say that and for me for tv news in that first 15 minutes of the show or the first bag you always had to have a shocker of a story something that's going to grab their attention and this these are consultants saying this must be done and so it's it's all about marketing and and not that you don't want to get information out there but you have to let people know that part of this is the business of media trying to keep the sensationalism up keep you nimby not my backyard keep you glued to the tv to think oh my goodness what's going to happen next and it's having a real effect on people yes very serious effect partly because they are watching too much of this too much right um i mean this the the last election cycle had lots of tension uh you know going on and people were on edge and still are we had a lot of violence last year on the streets with seeming lack of concern by some of the politicians who should have been helping the police when we're attacking them and what it's also struck me as odd i don't know if about if it strikes you but precisely after blaming the police for all kinds of stuff and doing this broad brush of blaming police then they want police to go into your home like on thanksgiving yeah oh yeah how many people do you have yes and the governor is encouraging it the governor of washington telling telling people to if you see someone with executive extracts in the driveway call the police call the police yeah or defund police and have social workers come when there's a domestic violence issue going on right which we talked about on the show it's ridiculous you know the the police certainly you know i have contact with plenty of police in fact i always tell them we're in the same business sinners i try to get the sinners before they do but i'll take them when they're done but be that as it may uh you know it's um very important to see that when you denigrate the police and then tell them you have to go and inspect whether there are too many people in a family at somebody's home all you're going to do is make even more segments of the population mad at the police for interfering in their life and you know they don't know what to do and you don't want police to protect people you want them to uh you know investigate people i mean it's ridiculous for nonsense yeah communion partying having attuned too many people yeah you know what i mean it's it's yeah it's unfortunate that this is happening and that creates a lot of anxiety and fear absolutely you know and the people that want police protection you say the word defund police and people are like what i don't want to defund police i don't want to live in anarchy and that just creates more fear yeah no it's it's uh seems to be the desire of a number of increasingly wealthy people pushing for that yeah well i'm a recovering news junkie i mean really you lived and breathed it i grew up in it my dad was a news junkie and i have to tell you i've had to turn off a lot and i can't go to the news sources anymore because my stress can't handle the stuff i mean my spiritual director told me recently to lay and i'm in the business of putting a talk show together every day so i have to watch some of it and vanessa also has a talk show on ave maria radio so we have to be informed but at the same time you need to you need to take a break you know so we cover all of these things and more on the catholic view for women yeah absolutely well this these are um the kind of issues that we have to talk about and you know and bring a catholic perspective because i'm very concerned at the way the secular forces are instigating antagonism and it's it's an increasingly risky situation in our country i hear people talking amongst themselves and to me sometimes about i've i wish i could buy more bullets you know when the police are being told not to act in law enforcement and government threatens to take away individuals firearms and people are saying well i got to protect myself and my family and that hypes that kind of talk hypes fear the tension attention absolutely and you know our one of our tasks is let's have not just calm down talk but let's focus on jesus christ our lord as the source of our peace as the prince of peace so that i can find a peace inside myself if i someone does have to protect their family you don't do that from rage you know because you're not going to hit your target right you have to you know you'll be shooting crazy right um you have to have yourself calmed down and that won't come just by saying i got to calm myself down you have to have a source of peace this is where our trust in jesus our lord has to be there to help us think carefully about what we're saying what we're doing absolutely i think also you know in the period of time and that people were isolated because of the covet uh there were some good things that happened more families took more time to pray together because now they're all they're all stuck at home and so there was more prayer life i know the ewtn your religious catalogue yeah michelle johnson shared that with us off the charts and sales off the charts and sales people buying rosaries devotionals uh going deeper into scripture ordering bibles so there was an uptick in that i know at prison for life we have an online store prolife products.org and we saw a big uptick too people getting pro-life books to read and things so you know there's always to talk about the fear and the negative stuff but there were some positive things that people will turn to prayer more i think here's something that i think we can also reflect on the folks who have an openness to each other and to god are going to have the uptick in more prayer and trying to enter more deeply into the love of christ but the other upticks in violence pornography and you know these other foolishnesses these are going up among those who don't see that there's important connection with god i have to respect the dignity of these other folks if they're into themselves right if they're self-oriented and self-centered and selfish then it's inevitable that they will uptick the pornography and other evils with no regard to how it affects anybody else there is that element of our culture that is a pandemic of narcissism psychologists started talking about a pandemic of narcissism that's right 15 20 years ago because you got a ribbon for showing up to something i mean everything was patting the kid on the back and i don't want to hurt his feelings and i don't want him to be upset and we have generations of kids who don't want to work who can't be given criticism constructive but polite respectful criticism because they can't handle it and and it all becomes about me well we saw the whole knee move you know there's you know it's all about me in this world right and um and not the other person well we've also too had a couple of generations of no matter what you participate in there's no sense of achievement anymore it's a ribbon for something everyone gets everyone gets a trophy everyone gets a soccer trophy everyone gets a baseball trophy you know fear is natural okay we're gonna things are gonna scare us sometimes right but when you have faith the fear is defused by your faith when you don't have faith the fear becomes anger and rage and you want to get back and you want to fight back because you're so scared of what's happening in the world i think everything that we've experienced and we've talked about this on radio show and janet we've discussed this as well everything we're seeing now you can really see i think um you know what it's like a life with god and what it's like in life without god and you pray for a lot of the people you see them out there and they're trying to reach this utopia here on earth doesn't exist they don't realize not that we have to live in in horrible conditions we always want to make things better for people and help the poor and do all the things we're called to do as catholics but this isn't this isn't the end we know that you know we are pilgrims on a journey and trying to help people make the most of their lives count you know focus on god witness to the gospel and understand what's important in life and you see people out there like for example the summer of love in seattle turned out to be the summer of rage and and sexual assault and uh break-ins and murder murder and ironically murder of black people right by the people that were there for the summer love yeah and so trying to explain this to people in terms of even on the issues that we covered do not get your sword your source of information especially about spiritual matters in the catholic faith from the secular media the majority of them have no idea first of all even if they were remotely faithful how the church works they don't understand the hierarchy they don't understand the the order the teachings and then they can't stand us because we represent you know they think we're we're backward and oppressed and everything else and yet people are are following that and tuning into the to the secular media listening to all of this noise and then their their lives are become very you know um turned upside down so we try to bring a sense of of calm and remind them of their roots their catholic roots and all these great resources that are available in the church exactly now this is something that i think the turning away from the being news junkies was helped by the deception that many of the most of the media presented about the politics during the election yes right it was very deceptive oh yeah because they were lying i think you're being very nice yeah yeah their teeth they're absolutely lying when you have 95 negative coverage and i don't care how people feel about a particular politician but when you have 95 percent negative coverage of one politician and in this case it was the one that was in the white house at the time of the election um then you know there's something wrong because i don't care how bad a person is there's got to be something you can or you think he is there's got to be something to balance it out with 95 negative coverage and when you can push a story down people's throats and talk about something that was based on zip zero nada such as a a russia collusion and then you're not willing to investigate decent stories that have actual evidence everything's slipped on its head the media are no longer operating as a fifth estate they're operating as yeah exactly as agents as agents right the big business factors that are the puppeteers for the politicians exactly yeah you know there are lots of multi-multi-billionaire businesses and business people who are the puppeteers these politicians or you know a few exceptions but most of them are puppets but even even the people inside are think they're not journalists anymore these are activists and we talk about this all the time when we grow up in the streets whether you liked a politician or not it's the who what where when how and why and you just get to the truth the facts it's not about whether you like them or you agree with their policies it's what really happened here you don't see that anymore most of the young people going to journalism school father and we've talked to fellow reporters who are still in the business or catholics trying to make their way out like we did they they have gone to speak to journalism schools and these young people in journalism schools are saying they want to be activists it's not about being a journalist and part of this what we call the fifth estate we were supposed to help keep that that check of balance and power this is about them putting their agenda forward because they're so used to facebook they're so used to you know snapchat and always being out there with their personal opinions but see this is one of the things i remember that there had been an article published about china doesn't allow a lot of these social media because the what's going on is as you've mentioned a number of times we have a culture that says everybody wins and there's no real competition we are undercutting that edge that comes with competition and at the same time we have this culture in the media that says but look at me look at me look at me and the goal in life is to become a viral story on facebook or youtube or one of these other things that's your goal in life not to knuckle down really learn something and make a difference it's to be out there and the chinese government doesn't let their people do that stuff which again i'm not commending you know that's oppression but they don't let them do it so that they do stay competitive in order to defeat the place of the united states that's their goal and if they undercut our ethic and our drive then the chinese can get ahead of us which will not be good that is an evil system and evil the concentration camps that people in hong kong are now being rounded up and taken to concentration camps over a million religious uighurs they're muslims in these camps being neutered sexually so they don't have children this is going on today and that's what their evil system does and they want us to become subservient to them this is a nefarious issue and people of faith also are being put into concentration camps in china and i guarantee they could do it to us here they would do it in a heartbeat it's so funny they don't let their kids use social media but they create social media apps that are used in the united states yes bingo exactly and what's the the issue is to learn what they can in order to imagine about us yeah of course that's what it is about and you had a great clip and the one you guys uh episode you guys did with mary about social media about the kids so obsessed with fame well that's what they wanted kids one fame they want to do the you know the facebook live and and they they kind of some and we're talking about kids with smoking father fifth sixth grade seven little k to me that's little kids all right it's not it's not high school kids these are grammar school kids and they make these little short one minute two minute little videos facebook live and then they'd post it up there and it's all about the likes for them and they want to be famous and famous there was we did a we showed a study where they asked kids what's most important to you and the one thing that came across all the little slates that they wrote down was they want to they want fame fame they want fame and they don't have time to daydream maybe 30 seconds yeah they asked them how long do you daydream and and the one kid said oh about 30 seconds like what we did and scientists have shown that if you don't have time to daydream you lose empathy and creativity and creativity because that's that part of the brain that is stimulated in during daydreaming and so this is very serious it all lines up together to show the deterioration of our society before us what's happening we have to take a little break um we'll be back we'll bring a new guest as well so please stay with us as we continue this conversation [Music] welcome back we have been talking with the ladies of the catholic view for women janet morana teresa tomio and now we'd like to introduce a new member of their group please welcome mary kaminsky from the great state of new jersey jersey girl yes another one well welcome well thank you so much father it's great to be here yeah yeah yeah what do you do in jersey well i work at not hanging out at the shore no yes i do that too i love the jersey shore i work at the newman catholic center which is a catholic center serving montclair state university the second largest university in the state of new jersey and i work there as part of the pastoral team we have a chaplain full-time chaplain father jim chern and also four focused missionaries fellowship of catholic university students and we have campus ministers and we're under the umbrella in the archdiocese of newark of campus ministry we serve what town is this in montclair montclair it's about anything it's uh yes it is it's about 20 minutes outside of new york city okay okay so it's way up there in the north yes north jersey correct okay good good good and how did you get involved with being in this group well i've known janet for the past 20 years through the pro-life movement actually i'm a member of silent noir and we actually used to do rachel's vineyard retreats together in staten island new york we started a retreat site there and then i became involved and i met teresa coming down to the march for life every year and testifying in front of the supreme court as well as sharing you know helping other women mentoring them and actually she's not a stranger to ewtn mary was on a number of years ago a life on the rock when we did a segment about silent no more okay and mary having had an abortion you know holding her our regrets sign giving her testimony in washington so we we were on together on life on the rocks right so so this is a return trip to the network for her good welcome welcome good to have you here and we'll start off with you actually in terms of the topic what have you found is the topics in this series that you're doing that most struck you well i'm looking at my experience with college students and one of the most important topics was the gender dysphoria we're finding yes especially in a state university where it doesn't matter if you were a man or a woman okay what matters is you choose your own identity and you must be respected using the correct pronouns and of course it's very difficult if you're in a catholic center how do we mentor our students and teach them theology of the body and how god created man and woman and what are our gifts as women that's what i've tried to spend the last 13 years i've been there to encourage the girls that i work with you know why is should you be proud to be a woman okay and what are the you know there's so much history within the church especially you know the late saint pope john paul ii in his letter to women and also the dignity that we have and the gifts that we have so those areas in the gender dysphoria and now the transgenderism issue um have been important as well as the egg donation like janet mentioned before that's a big thing with there's ads in our student newspapers to donate your eggs for anywhere from eight to ten thousand dollars per per per round per round per round what's you could donate more than once so every time you donate your eggs your eggs are harvested you're you're getting about 10 grand could have it i'm sure mary knows you have probably have students you could do this once a semester right and and taking eight to ten thousand dollars and so you know what mary and we did on the show we showed the damage the drugs they give the women to hyper-ovulate in order to do the collection of these eggs are dangerous to women and cause all kinds of complications and we even had cases of of young girls who did the procedure and then had all kinds of complications one even had to have a tube removed her ovaries removed so when years later now when she wants to have children well that's been taken away from her they've lost their infertility you know the beginning they've lost their fertility i'm saying they've lost their fertility but and they prey on the money part for the kids exactly the other thing i i saw the same thing uh applied to boys you know that would make uh go to a sperm bank and here's the question i posed to them you know they were they'd be in 20 years old or so college kid and i said no all right picture yourself when you're 35 40. there's a knock at the front door while you're sitting at dinner and some kid shows up saying hi i found out that you are my dad exactly right and how do you start explaining that to your new your spouse and your children and then the other question and this would be i don't know what kind of records they keep what kind of information rights any children conceived in this way would have but do they then know that they're not dating a sibling that's right on the program dr jennifer robeck morris from the ruth institute we had a clip from her talking about the fact that she knew a young man who moved out of his hometown because he was having a very strange experience of seeing so many people in the town that looked just like him look like him and this is happening over and over and over again and see this is a problem that they don't seem to [Music] deal with well in the process and you know there's no way to know because it's not only knowing that you're not marrying a half sibling but also knowing what are the genetic proclivities of both parents in regard to diabetes cancer a wide variety of other things you don't have ready access to all that and these are problems in addition to the moral questions that are involved in this and i don't think that the folks pushing for this stuff um and making a lot of money at it we cannot if they're paying some girl ten thousand dollars they have a lot of money then right you know she's getting chicken feed right there's a lot of money being made by somebody else if you talk to anyone who's done ivf they'll tell you it's costing them up to twenty thousand dollars per attempt all the expenses that are involved and the other thing that happens with the donor thing is that let's say this young college girl is going to donate her eggs right they take a whole profile on her they do a background of her medical history her what's her iq her like a whole profile her picture everything and see then when the couple comes in and they want to you know get pick a donor uh you know that they look at they actually shop so this is like children made children made to order their designer babies so they're picking out the the mom and the dad they're looking oh and there was one case where the the mother the one who wanted to to do this she said okay let's just look oh look at that girl she looks like a lot like me i want her eggs because this way the baby will look a lot like me yeah this is this is this is what we come down to this is crazy yeah you know i remember a comedy show in which one lady had gone a bunch of ladies had gone to sperm bank and one of the ladies was elderly and said um you got any tony bennett in there i mean this is you know and it's a funny line in a way but it breathes out it brings out the exaggeration of what does go on that's right and that is the other complication father that okay let's say a couple does in vitro all right and uh they maybe have extra eggs frozen embryos frozen embryos right now first of all they have to pay a fee every month to keep those babies frozen okay and then when there's a divorce there's a big issue there custody custody exactly costly battle over the embryos all right and then in some cases some people want to stop paying okay all together and they'll say well just discard them and then the clue that's when those embryos then get used over for research because they're going to stop paying so then they get sold over to a another company that does research a pharmacy company and then there's the other complication okay so you do in vitro fertilization and it's too successful she's pregnant now with several babies so what's the very first thing the doctor says you have to abort something well they don't use the word report father now they use the word selective reduction right and how do we decide who we're getting rid of oh well then the doctor tells the parents they wait till about the second trimester and they say well you have let's say there's four babies oh let's see we have two boys and two girls and oh well here's where they're positioned and they're showing them on a sonogram now they're watching okay and they say well you know the boys are all the way up here in the uterus but the girls are over here so if you only want two babies we probably could reduce the girls or the couple will pick okay based on the information in which babies are going to kill or which babies are are going to be allowed to be born and there was another case i wrote about this in my book recall abortion it was tragic it happened up in new york this was a couple that did the ivf and she conceived twins and she was so upset i only want one baby i don't want two and she told the doctor okay let's reduce this pregnancy by one her husband was begging her and begging her no we can't do this look at what we went through to conceive these children please don't and she said to her husband either we abort one you know get rid of one or abort the entire pregnancy so this father had no rights and he was faced with save one or save none see this is taking sophie's choice yes if you ever saw it oh yeah a powerful movie powerful movie where she had to choose does she let the nazis kill her son or her daughter right you know that was her and this kind of tr the the importance of a movie like that is now instead of nazi soldiers forcing you to choose it's doctors it's doctors and nurses forcing these teachers so what we try to do in these episodes is we try to say okay here's what the church teaches so we put the teachings out there on the life issues and why does the church say that that ivf is not something that that we can can can do as catholics because people always accuse us i'm sure you've heard this a million times as a priest well you're supposed to be so pro-life and if a family wants a baby so so badly how can you deny them you know this opportunity to to possibly conceive and so we always try to tell people to to connect the dots and to pull out and look at the big picture why does the church teach what she teaches we just went over just a few of the problems associated with egg harvesting and ivf there's a whole host of other things and we're seeing this more and more in the news there have been a number of major lawsuits coming out of these uh fertility clinics because it's like the wild wild west the wrong embryos that were you know that were chosen and they find out that it's not even their baby it's the baby of the doc it's just crazy what's happening multiple lawsuits in multiple places and then people sit there and accuse the church of of of being unfeeling or or oppressive and we try to get people to to understand that that god is love and when he gives us these things and these teachings it's for our benefit and the benefit of society it's not just us of the children of the children yes i don't know if you know dr robin pierrucci she's in kalamazoo and she's a nail natologist and she and her colleagues deal with newborn children's problems you know you know organs are born outside the the skin and things like that and it was only after a number of years of practice that she and her colleagues discovered that most of the problems were associated with those who were in in vitro fertilization right and that there was and so they they did documentaries she'd be another great interview because she knows this inside out and you know it it for her it's about the children and uh in one of the interviews she did with a couple they said had i known what i was going to put my baby through i wouldn't have done this i would have adopted right yeah and that's the great point father had i known yeah that is the purpose uh you know of this show really to inform women and men and everybody what are the risks what is the truth what is it really about because so many of us you know have been deceived whether it's by the media the culture and we're just going along with everything that we're being told meanwhile the church has really looked at this so carefully you know the mother and the father conceiving a child together as one in love and that child is a gift and that chi all of a sudden we're seeing children in all these instances you know being either destroyed or being used or being manipulated right like property exactly in in as a trophy yes it's a commodity that's also one more it's a right to have this trophy child that is so perfect and and it's just not unlike the other side of this where well this child could have a miserable existence it'd be better to abort than to make them go to do you know that right right you don't know and you know jesse jackson was somebody that was almost aborted by his mother he was pro-life for a long time he was until he ran for president exactly exactly i remember the switch that's when i had to switch some of my thinking about politics because someone whose life depended on his pro-life grandmother and the pro-life preacher and he says yeah i got to turn against it i guess he got too far off the reservation that's right and you know this is where we have to say we have to have values becoming president is not worth selling my soul to satan exactly it's not worth it and i think in all of this we it we have to be reminded of the way our blessed lord in john chapter 8 said that satan is a murderer and a liar right that's right the deception and the killing go together the whole thing of deception is is what we try to tell people is happening we did another segment that i thought that was probably my favorite was the one that we did on the era janet found a great clip of phyllis schaffler talking about the era and how they did such a grassroots campaign to kind of hold it back right yes and and going on about of course they're trying to resurrect right but looking at what the era actually does because the whole thing of deception just like with abortion it's always a choice it's always a right it's reproductive freedom it's my body my choice blah blah blah blah blah blah and none of the truth about it comes out and dare you even the women of silent no more they are they are ignored they are attacked they are denounced they are swept aside by by the pro-aborts and other women who've had abortions because they don't want to hear it but this whole idea of deception we're trying to break through that with the truth because the other media and it's gotten to the point now where it's you know it breaks my heart for someone who spent so many years in the secular media but thank god we have this opportunity at uw-10 to bring these stories to women because we hear from women all the time and men but a lot of women who say i if only i had known right right if only i had known it was very kind no one told me and then no one told me another show we did uh was raising children uh with special needs and we had a beautiful uh clip from a mom who has a downstream syndrome baby he was on the show he was on and one of his siblings and you saw the joy this family had and as you know father you know unfortunately most people who get a diagnosis of a down syndrome child the doctors are right away pushing them to abort and most down syndrome babies are aborted in in iceland oh none of them none in denmark two two were born yeah right yeah two out of every hundred are born in iceland yeah i mean in denmark but like this mother said it was so funny because her start of her clip uh we i had asked her well what was it like when you you first had this baby you know first of all she had to spay and spend her whole pregnancy father fighting with the doctors that no i'm not terminating no i'm not terminating finally she said to the doctor in my family we don't kill babies we give birth to them so stop discussing this with me right part of this don't you understand this you you know and and then when the baby was born and she first was going out with people she said you know what i was starting to meet other people and they were smiling at my child and one mother called her up and said to her welcome to the club you know the mother of a down center baby and she said uh this little kid i mean he is so adorable and and the way his other siblings his older siblings care for him and help with his care they came i actually interviewed them at our priest of life headquarters in florida at our studio there and it was just so beautiful to watch the interaction of this whole family and uh and i know quite a few people of the years i have met and stories i've been told i have never heard a negative story about a family who said that this down syndrome child was a burden i've never heard them say that it's always been a joy always loving yeah amy coney barrett she said her son who has down syndrome she said he's he's the favorite of the family and he's the most spoiled needs the most boys yeah yeah well by the way i just wanted to mention something i was living in chicago when the era failed oh do you know why i failed in illinois why they tried to bribe the state senators to vote in favor of it and they were given them five thousand dollar bribes and they and everybody in illinois knows you never give that much to a state senator 500 bucks that's it and so and so these guys are on the take and so the state senator figured oh this has got to be a sting so i'll turn him in and that way i won't get stung for any of the other stuff he may or may not have done and so that's what happened but there's no fraud in politics voter fraud from illinois i would never expect that well look it sounds like you had a very exciting series of conversations yes we did yeah really exciting very lively with all all of you all four of you and um we're all four of you on the set at the same time no no just similar to what we do here okay yeah yeah switch off so we did six shows with vanessa and six shows mary i just want to let people know you can go to the catholic view for women.com and find out more about this the catholicviewforwomen.com and you'll be able to see some of that and we'll be having these on ewtn thank you all thank you thanks for all of your being with us and may our lord bless you and keep you and cause his face to shine upon you the father the son and the holy spirit amen and we can present this series catholic view for women as well as this program and all our other shows only because this network is brought to you by you we ask you to please keep us in between your gas bill your electric bill and your cable bill and we will be able to pay all our bills too thank you and god bless you [Music] you
Channel: EWTN
Views: 2,344
Rating: 4.9230771 out of 5
Keywords: eli, eli03143, ytsync-en
Id: xiiZuTfB0MY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 59sec (3359 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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