EWTN Live - 2018-02-21 - Obianuju Ekeocha

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hi I'm father Mitch Pacwa tonight on EWTN live we're going to hear about some new things happening in the unknowing struggle to protect life around the world more specifically on the continent of Africa but first we want to hear also about some new things coming your way on EWTN television next month here to tell us about it is EWTN vice president of programming and production mr. Peter Gallo and the director of program acquisitions and co-productions mr. John Elson cerumen how you all doing like that doing great good good to be with you and Peter what do we got going on next next well thank you for having us on and letting us use this opportunity to kind of inform our viewers of some of the things that happen I know you do that with Jack frequently so but next month one of the biggest things is you're a new program threshold of Hope is now becoming Scripture and tradition which father Mitch we've been asked for a long time by our viewers for a Bible study and we said what better person and father Mitch and the beauty of it is that people will be able to follow at home getting your book winning the battle against sin yes in death and get back at alog and they'll be able to follow along the Bible study that you're gonna lead every week it'll be a call-in show so people can ask questions and that's really we're really excited about that one I know you aren't as well the other things we're doing is is every once in a while we'll make changes to our programming grid and our lineup and and some of the things we're doing is we're going to create programming blocks and and we'll make some changes to some of our programming for example Jim and joy at home and Jim and joy is going to be reformatted to a to a half-hour Pro segment but it'll be three times a week instead of just two times a week so it'll expand and that'll be one of the entries in our in our family oriented programming block so we'll have Jim and joy eater attend pro-life weekly praying as a family so every Monday through Friday families can tune in and get get programming geared towards them and their families every Monday through Friday at 1:00 p.m. we're going to follow that with a new Marian programming block so Monday through Friday at 1:30 p.m. Eastern you'll be able to our viewers will be able to get a different program on our lady so from our lady of scripture and tradition to Scott Hahn series hail holy queen to other series in a new program that we just going to debut called total consecration to Mary through g-good you just through Mary and then the other ones we're gonna have is a a programming block geared towards men so that'll that'll be in the evenings and so we'll have Doug berry on there crossing the goal Justin fatica so all those programs 11:00 p.m. at night men can tune in and get programming that really I love them spiritually and continue to fortify their Catholic faith cool and then on the weekend will have an apologetics block we just know our viewers love apologetics so we'll have Saturday afternoons you can get a couple hours of apologetic programming the other thing we were looking at is not March but April we're going to be continuing Sunday night prime you know father a possibly passed away but the CFR isn't going to continue that program it's going to be reformatted a little bit with some of the younger friar so people should look for that in April as well and we're just going to continue to bring the major events you know later the summer there's world meeting of families in in Dublin and you know the upcoming canonization of Paul is sick so we continue to be able to bring these events through the generosity of our viewers and those are just some of the highlights I know John wants to talk about some of the new programs well you know if others you know Mother Angelica used to always tell us that God wants us to be great Saints and each week in our cinema slot which airs on Saturdays at 8 p.m. Eastern we offer a movie about a saint whose example gives us great encouragement on March 10th at 8 p.m. Eastern we'll be premiering a new movie about st. Ignatius someone who's dear to all of our hearts greatly under the Jesuit Order and it's Ignatius soldier sinner Saint that's an on March 10th will also be premiering a new series about the Holy Spirit entitled the wild goose a new series produced by our faith in action produced by the Vincenz ins the Society of st. Vincent de Paul and at this time as we speak crista phonic is producing a second series of our popular real life Catholic series and we also are in production right now of a new movie EWTN original movie and docudrama about mother Cabrini and we have actually a trailer to share with our audience yeah let's take a look at that trailer that we have from that show [Music] [Music] [Music] all right thank you gentlemen thanks for letting us know about this stuff we look forward to these programming's coming up on EWTN and there's a lot look forward to tonight as well so please stay right here at EWTN live because you have a great guest coming up for us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ready to welcome welcome you know now we'll get back to the regular programming our guest tonight as I always say I guess they're from all over the world oh she's far away she is an international pro-life speaker and the founder of the culture of life Africa which seeks to promote and defend the African values of life marriage motherhood and family life she's also the author of a new book called target Africa ideological nail colonialism of the 21st century this book documents the secular agenda of radical feminism population control sexualization of children and homosexuality that is being pushed on African nations today so please welcome will be our new Zhu Qiqi OCHA thank you how are you welcome welcome welcome thank you so much father for having me on this is really exciting for me I always like to say we have international guests you are originally from which could you Nigeria Nigeria but you don't live there right now now you live in in the United Kingdom and I have lived in the United Kingdom for about 12 years now but I was born and raised in Nigeria in the southeastern part of Nigeria and you know I still keep going back home sometimes more than once a year even to do you know in the course of my work or sometimes to see members of my family so yeah it has really been a very adventurous journey for me doing this pro-life work well one of the other things too is not only do you live in the United Kingdom but you live near there Birmingham yes and you come over to our Birmingham that is true I live about 20 or 30 miles south of the real Birmingham so and I actually a lot of do a lot of work out there in the church and I belong to a parish in Birmingham so I go to the Oratory yes you know Blessed John Henry Newman so yes that that is my life and it's very exciting for me that to be in Birmingham today so no something also for our folks to understand you your background your academic background is in science you're doing scientific research in Great Britain correct yes actually I do diagnostic work that I work as a biomedical scientist and I have done for all of these years when I came to the United Kingdom actually originally I came to do my masters in biomedical science in one of the universities in London so yes now I do work as a scientist still continue working as a scientist but for about five years now I have also been very involved in the pro-life movement well I think it's important to see that this is an application of important aspects of science that will be there to save lives and families and integrity know science is obviously very helpful absolutely there is a a perfect agreement I would say between my pro-life work and my work as a scientist you know when one talks about cells because I spend all day looking at at you know the human cells the blood cells there is no way anybody would look at something like an ultrasound for example and not say this is a human life or this is a human being so there is really perfect agreement and no contradiction whatsoever in between my pro-life work and my professional work as a scientist so it's always very fulfilling for me to know that I am what I'm doing is actually pro science as a pro-life person so it's a repro life is actually to be pro science with especially with the medical advancements we have now it's quite amazing how all the advancements happening in the Western world especially that that anybody in the Western world could think that abortion is okay when on the other hand you know things like neonatology ultrasounds we we are getting more and more advanced and more and more we have seen that the baby in the womb is a baby you know precisely so no one can deny that and it's very very satisfying and fulfilling for me to do both very kind of work but what you are specifically doing and that's why I wanted to bring up where you're from and where you live now and all some of your other work because you addressed the United Nations and with your expertise and such you are therefore well aware of this nail colonialism colonialism referred to the tendency of powerful nations to take over less powerful nations as columns that's that's a very ancient practice I was done all over the world by anybody who had the power to do so and in in Africa the old colonialism was first to get human cargo slaves then about 12 million Africans were brought to this continent and a few million more up to the Turkish Empire then also after slavery is over go into Africa for the resources you know they wanted the gold diamonds from South Africa and elsewhere all that but now you're talking about that that's the old colonialism and Africans have more say over their countries and resources yes so precisely the book that you had mentioned the target Africa which I wrote that just came out a few days ago I started it off by explaining the colonialism of a hundred years ago which many people might already know about the fact that a lot of the African countries were colonized by Great Britain for example there were so many countries that were also colonized by France countries like Belgium even Portugal even Spain took over some of the African countries in Germany and Germany Germany but after I think after the first First World War they lost their grip on the African countries that they were colonized but Africa has been a very much a colonized continent up until the 1960s everybody was at the end of the Second World War when the Atlantic Charter came out the United States and Churchill were trying to work out what what you know what the hell the world would would be from then on that they came to an agreement that people should self govern so we've come to an end of that fast colonial colonial istic era I'd say that from about 1958 1960 a lot of the African countries got their independence but unfortunately what is happening now in the last say 40 years is that there is there has no reason and not a type of colonialism we're more powerful countries were not only countries now but more powerful organizations and entities and even philanthropists are coming into African countries and they are using the same playbook that was used a hundred years ago to colonize Africa to take over so many things around the continent but in a way that is so very dangerous because people don't even realize in some cases that ideologically these more powerful countries more powerful you know foundations and organizations come in with lots of money that they are dictating for us in many ways what the ideology should be or they are trying to to mask or cover eclipse what would be our cultural views and values and and that's what I go to great lengths to describe as ideological neo-colonialism a lot of people have talked about it even the Holy Father at several occasions had he has also talked about it especially going to the developing world some of his speeches have had that statement where you know Western nations are colonized in developing countries so I try to explain it in the book target Africa I know my own analysis is that in the you know the last few hundred years because the Portuguese and the Spanish were colonizing back in the 15th century and then the others came later but it was because the Africans were technologically for the behind the Europeans and Europeans did so because they could but now they don't need Africans for labour they don't that they don't need as much of the resources that again they can't control that and this almost seems like an attempt to make sure Africa stays weak by not allowing the population and family life to stay strong and that would give the West an edge through ideology what does that make sense this is perfect sense father so one of the most obvious things about a lot of the African countries a lot of African cultures is that no matter the situation that people find themselves the most resilient thing about us is our family culture is the way people take families the way new people's understanding of marriage no matter what the Africans are saying they know you know male-female complementarity is quite core marriage is core to society families are foundational in society you know something like the sanctity of human life is celebrated across the different African continent nobody's confused about that so these are the strengths within our societies and from these we can actually build up ourselves a young couple yeah finds out that they're going to have a baby during the first year their marriage does that make them sad absolutely not we are thanking God you know we're thanking God on the contrary what was some of the most difficult things that happen within African societies and no one actually talks about this is infertility if a woman finds herself having difficulties to conceive that is one of the most painful things that can happen happen to a woman in Africa so it's the way we take motherhood and the way we celebrate motherhood and the way couples accept the gift of children is something so it's so beautiful to behold but the people come in with lots of money they are coming with their gifts they are telling us something want people when you say the people who is coming with lots of money and gifts great question so I put them in three classes I say it's the nation's the organizations and the foundation so the countries will be the nation's you know they're the major players so the United States especially during the last administration during the Obama administration unfortunately they came in with a lot of money through USAID and they did a lot of projects aware very objectionable out say the you know country like United Kingdom even other countries like Germany you know Sweden a lot of the countries who give money to Africa under the auspices of foreign aid okay so do we understand this I think it's to spell some of this out when you say that the United States gave aid you find that we're trying to help absolutely what was the problem was trying to help with the USA yeah and that's the thing aid is you know on the outset looks like a really good thing it's good to go and help the poor especially when you see the pictures of all these hungry children you know women suffering yes it can be good but then what West some of the Western nations do is that they get to these relationships with African countries where the African countries sometimes become I'll call it addicted to wait so I called it aid addiction and high dependency on aid that if that it wasn't there sometimes the African country may not be able to sustain itself at least that is the thought of some of the African leaders so they come in with aid but then there's aids sometimes can be can have strings attached so when given a to the African countries why don't you allow them to say what they would choose the aid for you know people would choose something like education people would choose to build up their health care systems people would choose to build up infrastructure but that's not the kind of aid we're seeing now more and more we are seeing aid for what they are calling population programs the father in the last let's say 20 25 years during my investigation trying to write the book target Africa I found out that the increase in foreign aid specifically tagged for population programs which would be condoms contraception and even in some cases abortion increased in 20 years by 1930 percent so you know it's Danaher increase its 1930 almost 20 times as much money is given by the United States Great Britain in other countries to stop Africans from having babies yes just for population programs and this is all from their own documentation their own tracking system that population aid given to African nations has now exceeded any money given to African nations for education for water and sanitation for you know social amenities it is unbelievable and sometimes you wonder why are they spending so much money why are they wasting the money because they're bringing the aid but they're not allowing the Africans to choose what they will be useful they are dictating to us and they are dictating to African leaders this is where we want the money used for they are using it for population control they are using it to hyper-sexualized African youth they are using it to bring in you know unsolicited things like condom programs for children in different African countries they are giving it to abortion providing organizations like you know International Planned Parenthood Federation Marie Stopes International which is a British organization so these these people are qualifying for aid and in lot of the Western countries are flocking to them and giving them money as well so the nations are great players here and I call them the Neo colonial masters so who have taken the place of our old colonial masters they add the foundations like the Gates Foundation the Hewlett is gates from Microsoft yes that's right the same Gates from Microsoft ok Bill Gates and Melinda Gates go on into yeah they're really big now on the foreign aid scene but then they are also some of the biggest drivers of population and contraception projects across the different African countries and even beyond you know other parts of the developing world so the Gates Foundation the Hewlett Foundation judge services organization called the Open Society that also yeah judge servers who runs the Open Society but if anyone would check Open Society does quite a lot of funding in Africa you know things on homosexuality they are funding these projects things on trans gender ISM in African countries where no one is asking for these things but then they are allocated millions of dollars to these let me call them fringe projects just because those fringe projects match up with their own ideology it's very objectionable it's very unfortunate I remember that when President Obama would I think the Kenya and they he and the president of Kenya were lecturing each other back and forth about the President Obama wanted to increase money for promoting homosexuality to be allowed and the president can you say that's not our values that's right you are talking about the press conference that press conference that President Obama did with President Jim okay yata who is the the president of Kenya where they talked back and forth about you know LGBT rights and or what not and he has done this not only in Kenya he has also done it in Senegal he keeps you know at the time he did it at every opportunity that he got especially when he was in Africa but not only that when you read through everything that happened through the State Department during the time that President Obama was the president of the United States you would see how much bullying went into the Obama foreign policy a foreign aid policy when it came to things like like LGBT you know LGBT propaganda and and what the United States did all over the developing world it's actually quite shameful that I know that a lot of Americans who may not have known that but just for people to know that the United States as a country has gone out and foreign policy has gone out in the name of the American people you know pushing values that everybody would almost people would object to yeah and you know it's certainly we've been critical of the way Planned Parenthood has targeted african-americans but this is the government using International Planned Parenthood and other organizations to target African Africans precisely so you I PP F which is international Parenthood Federation have branches and I think 42 countries in sub-saharan Africa alone so they are almost in every African country Marie Stopes International has branches in 16 African countries when you get on ground you would find out that these organizations have clinics even in rural places where there is no water and there is no electricity but they are going into these places they are given family planning to the women but what is worse is that they are using mobile clinics they are inserting into women things like IUD the intrauterine device and then leaving these women and sometimes when these women in rural parts of Africa have things like side effects they have nowhere to turn to they have nobody to go to sometimes I can even go to a doctor to have these devices removed from them so when you look at it closely we might actually find that there there could be some human rights abuses happening in the name of of the you know Western people Western taxpayers because they're going with American money they are going with British you know British pounds and they're going into Africa and this is what they are promoting as you know Western developmental or progress or you know but but it's all terrible the United Nations has also become quite a major player in some of these they have anything to do with that what was the United Nations up to so the United Nations we always have you know a lot of us have always thought of the United Nations as the arbiter of morality or they have the strong moral voice but exactly the Universal Declaration of Human Rights from 1948 now the United Nations unfortunately has now in recent years again aligned itself with with some of the most liberal Western nations it's not just that they're aligning themselves to Western nations but they are choosing just those most controversial things the most controversial streaks to and they using it as a platform to move and globalize these values so abortion rights is a big deal among a certain you know some of the most powerful people within the United Nations there is an organization and age see within the UN called UN women and that agency is already pro-abortion you know they have taken a stand for abortion even an organization like World Health Organization that is meant to be neutral they are meant to be taken care of you know the health of people around the world but I mean Africa certainly has had a terrible problem with malaria it's a major killer oh yeah the diseases that the medicine isn't always available and musician has taken a pro-abortion stance so I go to dinner to the United Nations every year at least for the last couple of years and each time I go it's always a shock to me and a disappointment but the World Health Organization is promoting what they call safe abortion but we know that there is nothing like safe abortion because it's not safe for the baby who is being aborted by the way but the UN actually has a guideline but they call the guideline to providing safe abortions and they are also recommending to countries that don't have legal abortion to legalize abortion so in most of the African countries do not have legal abortion I think about for African countries have legalized abortion what you call abortion on demand but most of the other African countries have either made abortion illegal or you know it's really really restricted in those countries but every time that the nations gather on that is a great institution called the United Nations they are getting recommendations to legalize abortion and they promote you know these are being these horrible values are being promoted as if it's good for women as if is safer for women as if it's what Africans need to do in order to stop your maternal mortality and things like that so we've seen it all the time and we are trying to fight it everywhere we can this is very important work and I I'm glad you inform us about I I've mentioned over the years because I remember during mr. Clinton's no term as president they were doing the same thing I was more pleased with President Bush who was much more committed to making sure that medicine to counteract AIDS was getting to people they were making that more cheap that's continued to admit that he and president former President Clinton have worked together and getting medicine for AIDS still they're both doing that and I commend them for that but it was you know that you saw that with President Obama and President Clinton and I think we we Americans need to take a stance we did so when we supported the apartheid policy well at least the government of South Africa that promoted apartheid and many Americans rightly stood against apartheid and disinvested in South Africa because of the evil of apartheid but we also have to make sure that it's not a solution to say to Africans well okay you're equal to whites so if you let us kill your babies yes so something like abortion is being promoted mostly by Western countries and and the way as you say people completely separated themselves from the apartheid that was going on everybody said we will not be a part of this they should come people should rise up now because they and they should know that Western countries are funding abortion providing organizations in Africa so the Mexico City policy I don't know if people know about the Mexico City policy whereby Reagan started it and and since then you know that that means that American government will not fund abortion providing organizations in any way in their winter international work so Reagan the President Reagan did it and then every time a democratic president came came through they would completely remove it so Clinton removed it and then they funded abortion Obama did as well but now fortunately President Trump has reinstated it since January of last year but since then we have seen a lot of blowback we've seen a lot of fighting a lot of outrage of not the Africans but of the Western people who have been promoting abortion you know aged exactly but what has also happened is a country like Canada rising up with their liberal Prime Minister and they're coming suits if what they say they're coming to fill the gap and Canadian government is now beginning to put in a lot of Canadian dollars into promoting abortion in African countries and we think that they should stop it but not only do I think that they should stop it I believe that a lot of goodwill people should rise up and say no more because this is a form of is a form of oppression it is a form of neocolonialism yes thank you we have to take a break but yes I think it's very informative and we want to urge all Americans to get all of our politicians to promote life and family in let Africa be in charge of Africa help when that when it's needed but let the Africans make their own decisions all right what you can you can get connected with would you at a culture of life Africa calm so that's one word culture of life Africa dot-com and she has a Twitter it's at and I'll spell it out especially for the radio folks OB I a and you J you OB I ate and you J you and you can contact her there as well we'll take a break come back with your questions and your comments so please stay with us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right thank you thank you welcome back we are talking to you about the the way that Westerners especially with the more Western secular ideologies are trying to colonize African control Africa keep it under Western control rather than let Africans make those decisions same thing that they did before with guns and boats ideas so you ready for some questions absolutely let's start off with Mary hold Mary where are you calling from great and what is your question my question is that I'm sorry you didn't love Lee just and I cannot pronounce her name does he call you hoodoo yes wooju well exactly anyway watching the Pope during his visit to the UN I noticed that he used a phrase sustainable development I'm wondering if your guest is familiar with that phrase it I looked it up and it was talking about not only population control but also natural resource control Davis to the point that we meet we were going to me to use government approved seeds for the type of you know for the agricultural that was going to use that were going to plant so I'm just wondering she's familiar with that phrase sure oh thank you so much that's a great question Mary so um sustainable development you you're familiar with that yes your father because before maybe about 10 years ago what was being talked about was the Millennium Development Goals so Millennium Development Goals only just ran out I think like two years ago and since then they've replaced it with what they're calling the sustainable development goals is you know the UN worked really hard to get to the point where they decided these are the goals we want to promote especially for the developing world and yes what mary has said is true there are some things within the sustainable development goals that that we find actually you know quite questionable you know and best because leading up to them deciding what were these sustainable development goals I think that's the 17th about 17 of them there were series of conferences at the UN I went for some of those conferences some of them we just followed the meetings online to know what was being said but the pro-life people the let's say the movement the product the arm of the pro-life movement that goes to the UN every year organizations like see farm you know and so many other organizations human life international many people many of us who go to the UN every year we were telling the UN but if you want to do sustainable development goals we can have things that we agree on for example make one of the goals strengthening the family so I know that a friend of mine worked so hard to get the UN to put the family you know strengthening the family encouraging the family as one of the sustainable development goals that did not happen what made it was women empowerment when speaking of women empowerment they're talking about feminism and equality that does not actually take note of the fact that women do best or thrive best within marriages within families that girls do better when they are in stable homes and stable families their children do better when they are in homes you know headed by father and then with a mother of course so they didn't put any of the things that were being suggested by the pro-life arm of you know the pro-life movement that goes to the United Nations but instead some things made it in that had to do with sexual and reproductive health and rights some of the things on environmentalism of course but these are the things that have now become the sustainable development goals and anyone can read up on it they are a set of documents and they are being promoted by the United Nations some things within it are good like you know the end of poverty education for the chill for for the girls you know all of those things are part of it but also within it would be things like you know like a comprehensive sexuality education things on on you know the women and their bodies or abortion rights and I know whatnot so here's my question why doesn't is that the organization of African states right that's that's the yeah well they're called the African Union that's the body the all African countries together and they're their own goals so the African Union is actually very unfortunate but the African Union which is run out of addis ababa in Ethiopia the leadership of the African Union let me put it that way very friendly to the United Nations and those same crowds that would be at the United Nations because they're recipients of aid so we are still back to to that problem no problem though nobody would be taking bribes or that well even if they're not calling it bribes is that the African leadership is very unfortunately dependent on aid and the Clinton aide and whoever is giving them so much aid they will not object to them so for example if a Western country comes forward you know promoting abortion the African leaders sometimes just skirt around the issue skirt around the issue just so that it can get the money you know just let us let us get the funding because these are millions and even sometimes billions of dollars that we're talking about and that is so important to them and something like the sustainable development goals that Mary was asking about attached to the different sustainable development goals are ways of getting funding so everything is all encoded in that one system and of course anybody who wants to get their hands on the money will have to be compliant and that's where the African Union is then weakened so just back to the point that you made what is going on between African countries and Western donors is that they are weakened in African countries and weakened in African leadership to the to the point that even when we should be defending ourselves even when we should be promoting our own values sometimes we are silenced just because we are getting funding yes I saw that going on in Latin America back in the 1970s and the word ride that's what my experience was that the politicians were getting a cut I may not be the case in Africa God willing it's not but still the dependence of their economy on Western age makes them you know how vulnerable well were you from great in your question of comment well I just have a comment fifty years ago when I put Paul the sixth issue to money vitae I think that is the 50th anniversary kawaii July of this year yes I think that this was one of the concepts that he warned against that would happen and what really saddens me is so much of what he prophesied has come true and I really think it's an act of the Holy Spirit that the final miracle was just approved and that he's going to be canonized during the year of the 50th anniversary I think God is trying to tell us something yes I think that I think that's exactly right but that I think that is true the Pope blessed Paul the sixth had this instinct that and it was prophetic or what would go on and not and it's happened in the West but now it's also happened with this nail Colonia this new form of colonization of Africa mm-hmm the call hello Paul hey father yeah hi were you from well I'm from upstate New York in the Rochester diocese oh good for you and I'm very happy for the guest you have tonight thank you what I got - first off I do want to comment - our guest we have had in our diocese several very good priests from Nigeria helping out in our diocese over the past several years and we're very thankful very thankful yeah matter of fact let me just that pile on that all over the country many priests are coming from Africa we were missionaries over there another mission is dust and that's great reciprocity you got that well what I'm asking I know that we have the entertainment industry in our country that likes to count up how much they will help those in certain on develop countries or emerging countries and a purikura Africa of course is one of the primary ones and I was wondering if our the guests there ever has talked to somebody like Oprah Winfrey who we hear so much good about doing things has she ever talked to somebody like her about the kinds of things our government has required them to do in order to get our aid Oprah Winfrey does do a lot she started she funds a school yes so a lot of people a lot of Leslie stars and people in entertainment and even sometimes people in sports getting into helping people in Africa even the other day I heard you know one of the musicians has gone to Malawi and I I was just watching one of the programs she was doing on education we see some things that are quite laudable but unfortunately a lot of people from that industry a lot of people from those industries in the Western world are also ideologically liberal and the thing with ideology is that when people believe in for example that abortion is is a is a good thing or is an acceptable thing they believe that in the West and they're wealthy people and they go out to Africa and they're trying to do the good that can many times teint teint what happens or their work in Africa so they go out there and they're trying to run a school or something then when what happens when an issue about abortion comes up it's you know it almost strikes me as if they go out with good intentions but unfortunately there are these problematic ideologies that they already have that can indeed and many times jaws affect the way to do their work when they come in to African communities or societies and people are very religious in most of the African countries but these people coming how religious are they you know and how much appreciative are they of the people's culture and values and what you know we don't see we know we don't see a lot of that they come in with a set mind we wouldn't an already set mind they come in with a certain picture of what they wand and the you know and they try to do their work but it can't be tainted it can't be tainted with their with their own set ideologies and their own ways yeah it may even be that some people have to pay attention when certain beautiful cakes are brought to you as a gift it may not be so good there's a instead of birthday candles it may be an explosion that is very true whole we're bill a little bill were you calling from California great welcome and what's your question the poor people use as much resources and cause as much pollution as rich people in in Brussels and New York who are so worried that the poor people are going to have children ah interesting that's sort of an environmental question actually word about it in my book target Africa I did address that particularly because of the way some people in Western countries we're pushing for you know for population control and things like that so I point out an example that a person in it there was a guy in in England a star a well-known star who was saying that that if your parents should reduce their population and I made a point in the book saying that a person in the United Kingdom and a person in Ethiopia when you compare their carbon footprints the person in the UK uses thirty five time leaves thirty five times more carbon footprint and the person in Ethiopia and that goes for you know they just across the continent that just the electricity that people use and the water people use in Western countries I mean not to any not due to any fault of theirs that's just the way things that but people in Africa are not using up as much resources because you know we don't have as much resources as much infrastructure it takes a lot of energy to run the kind of infrastructure that we have imagine the amount of electricity used in Los Angeles for example could run nations in Africa you know what would electricity that goes into running California or Los Angeles for one day I bet you can run African nations perhaps for a month so it's it's not about if you're checking it by couple you have a lot of lights on they do but that you know if you if you get down to measuring that you know we are not even absorbing anywhere more or living more any co2 emissions but also we need to understand that human beings should not be checked by the co2 emissions that believe that every person is here as a gift from God every person has it has value no matter where they are whether they are living in Los Angeles whether they live in in Addis Ababa we all have this precious gift that God has put within us and we are all here for a mission we have Linda Linda where you're calling from Ohio great welcome and what's your question well I wanted to thank her for what she's doing and she's so beautifully well-spoken so thank you and then I wondered how she thinks we could turn this around okay so how can this process whereby the West still thinks it can control Africa through these ideas and programs how can this be turned around to change things there are several things that imperatively must happen for Africa to be decolonized we must have first and foremost economic decolonization of the African countries the African countries must walk away from aid I know it seems like an impossible thing it seems like a difficult thing but they should you know there should be a time line there should be a point beyond which nations should begin to say we will no longer accept aid say after 2025 or whatever and begin to work towards it because until the African countries begin to stand to full stature on their own we are going to be dependent on Western countries we are going to be listening to them and we're going to be influenced by them at very critical moments especially when we have to take decisions on issues of culture and ideology and those influences will be for the good of the Western nations more than for the values of Africa precisely so they're coming in a paternalistic manner but this we know what is good for you but at the root of it they don't they don't so so we need to be deep economically decolonized and the Africans need to go back to treasure the cultural the cultural views and values that have protected us and that have kept on sustained doors for generations you know things like the the value that the Africans put on motherhood things like the value they put on larger families things like the value we put on marriage you know family life the care of the elderly multi-generationally and it's not just mom dad and the kids that's right it is incredible I you weak segoe I went back to Nigeria to be at my cousin's wedding and I was just so appreciative of of how I when I looked around and saw my family my family was not just my mom and dad who were at this wedding for my cousin but it was my auntie's my uncle's my cousins nieces and nephews great aunts you know I looked around and I said to myself this is life you know this is the preciousness of life and I'm so grateful to be African right now I'm so grateful to be Nigerian but we can leave out this family Union family love and just appreciate it and that's what that's what life is about for us that's that's what we come out of these experiences just feeling so fulfilled so satisfied and we know that we lean our family structures within our family friendships we can find a lot of strength especially in difficult times so yeah that is the African way yeah it's something that you know Africa has a lot to contribute to the whole dependence on the West doesn't allow the beauty of the African culture to true to develop its own direction and gift because it's a it's a gift there's distinct in the world yes we have something to contribute and I and I did say that and we do Africans must recognize that we have something so precious we we have a treasure within our cultural views and values and the Africans have lost the confidence what they have just because they keep going back to take aid they keep going back to depend on these Western nations on these philanthropists like the Gates Foundation and the Hewlett Foundation that we lose the confidence in the preciousness of what we have within our families you know we Dena you know the fact that the Africans and don't have as much a high as divorce rate as other people you know issue things like that the friendships within people trust in family and the kind of thing that we we get within our community our local communities our church communities the Africans still don't have to still don't realize that what they have is so precious that it can be offered to the world oh thank you yeah that's good stuff again what you encourage you to go to culture of life Africa dot-com culture of life Africa calm and also you know I want to change subject a little bit because something very significant happened today with the death of Reverend Billy Graham this he was one of the really great religious leaders it's interesting to me way back early in his career he had a certain anti-catholic quality about him he overcame that he left that behind and he made all kinds of appeals to people of all different religions and he encouraged them to come to know Jesus Christ across all lines and then he welcomed Catholics and various types of Protestant ministers to come in he wasn't trying to make his own denomination with himself even though people nicknamed in the Protestant Pope of America he wasn't he wasn't trying to be of that kind of a leader Billy Graham could have had political influence no he sought simply to bring people to know Christ and then sent them back to the already existing local communities to which they belong and I think he preached to all the audiences together added up to are well over two hundred and six team million people came to Billy Graham crusade because over his 99 years he was an indefatigable evangelist and we have much to learn from him about how to be forthright in preaching that basic gospel of Christ and then with that conversion to Jesus we all can come to those fine points and depth of our love of Christ in our own church and the great things that we have to offer to enrich all of that so we want to extend our condolences to the Graham family to all the many hundreds of millions that came to know Christ through him and there's gonna be I'm sure I suspect the real big greeting for him oh look what the Lord lots of other people are there because of his faithfulness and we should do the same again Thank You June I'm gonna give you all a blessing no money god bless you the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and you know we can do all the shows that we told you about at the beginning we have a new series coming up we're gonna have would you come here to inform us about this very important work going on for Africa and all the other shows we do on one basis which is that the network is brought to you by you so please keep us in between your gas bill your electric bill in your cable bill and we'll keep our carbon footprint low as we pay our bills too god bless you and thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Applause]
Channel: EWTN
Views: 7,344
Rating: 4.9064326 out of 5
Keywords: ELI, ELI02985
Id: rVA968WEZto
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 32sec (3392 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2018
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