EWTN Live - 2018-06-27 - Prof. Janet Smith

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[Music] thank you thank you all very much and welcome I'm father Mitch Pacwa welcome to EWTN live we're bringing a guest from all over the world when I mention that today is the Feast of one of the great doctors of the church Saint Cyril of Alexandria who became the patriarch of Alexandria and in the midst of a lot of controversies defended the teaching about Christ and about the Blessed Mother as the mother god I urge you in fact to go to our EWTN document library look him up and download some of his writings they're still very helpful for us to this day that's why I said Doctor of the Church and we also are going to have a great show tonight with author and professor Janet Smith before we get to her though we want to welcome a wtn radio's general manager newlywed and happy husband mr. Jack Williams to give us a little bit of a brief EWTN update on what's happening and Egyptian radio jack how you doing fabulous father that's fabulous you know I'm extremely excited I mean I am a newlywed I'm very excited about that but I'm really excited because one of my heroes is on your show tonight yeah professor Janet Smith is you know I told her her kind of contributions to the church in America or innumerable yes at this point and she so eloquently points out the prophecies that Paul the six left us in Humanae Vitae celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of that document and that can leave people when they look at our society today and the degree to which those prophecies have played out with a little lack of hope yeah and I'm here to offer you and all your viewers a little bit of hope because you know we've grown up in America even before there was television sort of with a companion by our side in the radio and we can choose what we listen to on the radio what we watch on TV and I would encourage everybody who may be waning a little bit in their hope to tune in to EWTN radio we've got phenomenal programming all day every day we have two phenomenal morning shows the sunrise morning show to kick things off we have a morning show out of our nation's capital in Washington DC and Morning Glory we have great news programs Teresa Tomeo al Kresta handle the events of the day we have call-in programs during the the the bulk of the day where people can get good catechesis and they can learn about the teaching of the faith we've got a great program on at noon eastern with Jerry and Debbie called take two with Jerry usher radio Catholic radio Legend and Debbie Georgie Ani where they're just kind of talking over the fence in the backyard and and kicking around what goes on in life from a Catholic perspective and all of these programs can be brought to you by any number of mechanisms first of all you can listen at ewtn.com you can listen on the EWTN app if you don't have the EWTN app on your smartphone you need to get that right away because all of our radio streams can be picked up on the EWTN app we're on all the major streaming platforms tune in I Heart Radio Apple TV Amazon fire Amazon echo Roku just about anywhere you want to go you're gonna find EWTN radio and then most importantly there are over 300 affiliates around the country that have gone out on a limb as laypeople and purchased radio stations carrying our programming 24 hours a day seven days a week and if you want to find one of those stations in your area just go to ewtn.com slash radio and there'll be a map there that'll show you where those stations are located and if you don't have an am/fm station in your area then give me a little jingle via email and I can talk you through some steps that might help you bring Catholic radio to your area and you can reach me at Jay Williams at ewtn.com well thank you jack thank you very much and it's good to have that kind of update because I know I listen to dub Ken as I travel around a lot now we have to go on to our guests you're here ah professor Janet Smith so be back in just a couple of minutes so please stay with us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right welcome back our guest tonight is a philosopher and author she also used to be a colleague at University of Dallas together some years ago and she has served multiple terms as they consulted to the Pontifical Council on the family she's written many scholarly and popular articles on the Catholic Church's teaching on sexuality on moral theology and bioethics she currently holds the father Mychal megive knee chair of life ethics at Sacred Heart Seminary in Detroit Michigan and she is the author of the book self gift Humana vitae and the thought of john paul ii in addition to that she's also the editor of a new book scheduled to be released in early August just in time for the 50th anniversary of Humana vitae entitled why Humanae Vitae is still right so please welcome professor Janet East myths [Music] it's really good to have you here as it's been much too long since you've been on the live show delighted to have you good to be here thank God you like Detroit hmm it's getting better yeah who the Detroit jism it's coming up I like my bus driver this morning was so excited about going to the downtown old train terminal because Ford Motors has bought it and are making it into their headquarters well and he came here when he was 2 years old family of 12 from Arkansas came up to Detroit and he wants to go back where he came when he was 2 to be introduced into Detroit it was very touching yeah that's going along in the seminary is doing very well seminary is just terrific yeah not only are we doing men from different diocese we have several orders now who are sending them to take her heart and that's a great blend you know just a great blend between the diocesan training for diocesan priesthood and those in orders they have so much to offer each other it's good I asked about that in particular because it's good for folks to hear that there is a lot of good news going on in the seminaries Minneapolis Saint Paul is packed and st. Louis New Orleans Denver a lot of these seminaries are now full full full so there's a it's I say it's impossible to be a pessimist if you're teaching in a seminary yeah it's impossible we're getting such good men and I think we're doing a good job forming them so it's a rough world out there we're sending them into a rough world but I hope it will serve them well well let's go to the topic at hand which is the encyclical by Paul the sixth his last encyclical you kind of got bruised a bit by the the publication of Humana vitae it came out just as I was starting in the society Jesus fifty years ago and this is something Jack Williams brought up in his comets that Pope Paul the sixth truly had prophetic predictions of the transi so he was he was not speaking as an Old Testament prophet but he could see what was largely going to happen if birth control was brought into play let's speak about that first what did he say and how has it panned out over the last 50 years and as you said it wasn't so much a personal prophecy this is a prophecy based upon the wisdom of the church yeah that but it took I mean ability to see what were the culture was at the same time the pill wasn't invented until the late 1950s right before that all there was everybody's a pill you mean the birth control had contraceptive pills right everybody knows when you say what the pill is they know it's not aspirin sure okay nail it down all right yet the pill was invented in the late 1950s and before that there was just the condom in some form of the diaphragm it's a real game-changer and everybody knew it would be everybody was afraid that the world was overpopulated and that this was going to control overpopulation women were becoming more and more active in the workplace and people thought oh this will permit women to follow careers there's a couple things going on that made the pill seem just like a lifesaver all right this is the same period about just about the same years so that the Population Bomb it was published all right as a book warning that by the 1980s there'd be 8 billion people and all right and the UN was starting to hold big big conferences on what to do about overpopulation and the world saw the you at the the Catholic Church as being you know sort of the enemy to being able to deal with that problem right so there was a lot of pressure on the church to change its teaching on contraception and I but Paul the sixth or a whole series of deliberations came out with him on T V T against a hue push not only in the culture but in the church that the church should change its teaching on contraception and the prophecies are were for all right one was that there would be a general decline in morality anybody noticed that in the last 50 years right it's not hard to make that case all right well you just look at things like pornography same-sex unions all of the I mean what's on TV now on would family TV would begin to pornographic back in the 1960s advertisements would be considered pornographic and I think as a very profound change when I was born in the 1940s the rate of out of wedlock childbirth was 4% by 1960 it had gone up to 5% today is now 52 percent of all children are born to unmarried parents 80 percent in Detroit yeah unbelievable there's no tax base there's nothing in Detroit except single mothers with children all right it's a it's a rough rough story and that's the the the first two prophecies are very very similar a general declining of Morelli and then a sort of a that men would would seek to cease to have regard for for women they they would not care for there and women would suffer both psychologically and physically from the consequences of contraception those are enormous I mean we've lived through a time when people finally honestly assess the effects of cigarettes of tackle tobacco of course when it was first being promoted it was always a healthy thing and we now know that the the researchers and the sellers of it completely suppress the evidence about how bad tobacco was oh I remember back on television medical doctors were advertising cigarette brands right and and with to be a beautiful woman and a middle-aged handsome doctor smoking and Primeau putting it mm-hmm that that was just way they were handed out freon on street corners so that people would get hooked on them and they found out that course in all the files of the companies there was all this evidence of the connection between tobacco and cancer or lung cancer so it the same thing will happen with contraception we've known for some time the connection between contraception and and strokes and heart attacks and especially some forms of cancer not to mention the day by day what they are considered to be minor side effects which are depression all right weight gain irritability and a reduced desire to have sex and I always say every woman I know wants a pill that will make her more irritable more prone to depression to help her gain weight and have less interest in sex and every man I know wants the woman he's dealing with and we have just the thing to help you there which is the contraceptive pill the secular world is more and more catching on new york times has had a series over the last year on different contraceptive devices and medications I shouldn't call medications different forms of contraception and how bad they are for women there's a book out there called sweetening the pill that's written by a very secular woman who took the pill for 20 years and then she decided to look up and see what it did to her body and she couldn't believe it she stopped taking it she says she feels like a totally different person men and women relate differently when women are using contraceptives men are much more attracted to women when women have fertile cycles much more attracted the the the you know what some of these people said they're from Kansas right earlier yeah one time I gave this talk and I said that there's studies that show that men are much more attracted to women in their fertile cycles and a man came up to me and just kidding around a croupier says listen girl he said we don't we don't need studies in Kansas to make us aware of that reality he said we know you can put a bull in a pen a mile away from a cow with three fences in between and if she's fertile he'll get there all right so yes you know that you know I know enough about farms to know that bulls are interested in two things checking out the cow urine to see if they're fertile and protecting that field from any other bull coming in there they're in that book that you mentioned why c'mon EVT is still right one of the essays by a lady oncologist who makes the connection between abortion and breast cancer and contraception Oh Frankie Angela and Frankie yes she's fantastic and she's doing she's been studying all of these studies they're coming out on the effects of hormones on women higher incidence of suicide greater incidents of domestic abuse between women are contracepting and the when women are contracepting and not contracepting and she says if Paul the six had had all these studies back in 1968 he could have even made a stronger prediction about contraception again the church knows these things in its wisdom that if you're going against nature if you're violating a woman's beautiful ecological system you can be sure there are going to be bad consequences we know that God designed the body well and the contraceptives are basically steroids Angela and Frankie actually has a has a pamphlet says you don't give boys steroids why do you give them to girls it's a great question and one of the other you mentioned the environment of a girl's body the the contraceptive pill is also having a serious impact on the water table because the it the way that it's bonded that the steroids are bonded to the chemicals they go into the water system and it's affecting fish and the ratios of females to males on fish and amphibians not to mention we don't know the effects of how that is on the drinking water and what it does for humans and other animals yeah you've done your homework and it's that's that's a yes ma'am no but you're exactly right and I challenge anybody to just Google you know contraceptives estrogen the environment and fish and they will come up with studies all over the world and one of my favorite ones is in Boulder Colorado because I once gave a talk there to a very liberal audience all right as you would expect in Boulder Colorado I kept I kept referring to him as my green friends you know in the title of my talk is why green sex is best right sex without chemicals all right sex without contraception so even condoms which are made out of plastics etc that are bad for the environment but they have a study that shows that upstream from a sewage plant on the Boulder River they guess the Boulder River there's like 50 almost 50/50 male/female in the fish ratio but fish can change their gender by the influence of hormones and there's so many hormones in the chemical contraceptives of estrogen hormones those are the ones that are harmful that turn males in two females basically downstream from the sewage plant where the sewage is being dumped into the river there's 80 males and 20 females per 100 fish so it was 50/50 and now it's like 8020 there might be a few ambiguous gender fishes in that collection but so the other thing too that I saw in a publication by dr. Richard Wetzel called sexual wisdom yes great book just bringing medical science and making understandable to the the lay reader he did a chart showing the sales of the contraceptive pill and condoms from 71 or so until the 90s it's a very high steep increase but then he overlaid on that from the Center for Disease Control that the rate of abortion increase followed the same curve and the rate of out of wedlock birth followed the same curve the increase of sexually transmitted diseases followed the same curve and the and the rate of divorce and ready to divorce well he didn't have that but it but that's also there but the these measurable scientific issues and physical issues or as he said were counterintuitive you think the more of the contraceptives the were the less out of wedlock birth abortion and STDs would be and it's the opposite it's the opposite and his conclusion was when people believe that this is so-called safe sex that they then take more risks and as we and that doesn't work out for them the the risks fail because the contraceptives also I use almost that data in my in the presentations I do on my talk on contraception why not and there's always some smart aleck little sophomore in the audience you know that says my teacher says that all you've proved is correlation and not causation and I said that's honestly in a post human world that's all anybody ever proves because the world doesn't really believe in causation because it doesn't believe in nature's or forms or essences and that sort of thing so we've certainly proven a causation overwhelmingly correlation we you know that these things cut they come along together as you said you say they but you haven't proven causation and I said well first of all do you believe in causation because I'm not going to bother talking to you unless you do believe in it but if we know the nature of sex and we know the nature of human beings that's how the church made these predictions that these things would happen because in the predictive power of science it always counts as one of its major indicators of some theory being true is that it has predictive power and as you said Pope Paul the sixth predicted all those things and once we explain to people the nature of sex or nature of the human person then it's no surprise that these he these things happen as you said I mean people want to have sex and they want to have sex without consequences contraception allows them to do that but then the consequences happen anyway because leads to babies that's one of the most amazing things what I'm speaking out there is you know I say that one time people thought that having sex being in love and being prepared for children and being married we're all connected you shouldn't have sex unless you're in love you shouldn't have sex unless you're prepared for babies and you're not prepared for babies until you're married but now our cultural things that having sex and having babies are two entirely different things in fact they're surprised when they get pregnant they talk about an accidental pregnancy and you want to say I always tell young people you can't get pregnant by accident right we know the cause and we know the effect but all these all these movies have women taking pregnancy tests they go oh I'm pregnant are you why are you so surprised I want to say you were having sex weren't you you know my first like well what does that have to do with it and so people are now having sex with people they don't know their last names they don't care beans about and so when you talk about abortion being a consequence of contraceptive sex and people say well get people more and better contraceptives I said the more and better you give them the more abortions there there are because and it's not the contraception failure that's the problem it's the relationship failure men and women are having sex who don't intend to have a baby now if they loved each other and we're prepared for babies if they got pregnant that would be that would work and especially if they were married right it may be inconvenient but you still have a context in which that child can be welcomed and my general instinct is that most of the people who have ever walked this planet were not planned it's so you know this somewhere but not it so this is this is human existence and you have to set the the environment never going back to environment the environment of you know accepting the my spouse as a spouse I'm committed to because we have to be committed to these kids they're gonna be around for 18 years and even after that they keep coming back and they bring more with them and so you have to be prepared for a long-term commitment because they're not finished even when they're 18 they're not done yet there's a lot of growth that goes on and you're blessed to have adult children that you raise and meet the grandkids and all that so this is a long a lifelong commitment well that's and that's the best kind there's two more predictions we need to get to but I want to talk to that point because it's so important to ask to ask people why is it that the sexual act is the act that consummates a marriage right what why does this act the act that says this is a forever Union all right well it's just for the reason you said that when you have a child with another person you have a forever union with that person all right you will always have a relationship with that person whether you're married or unmarried if you had a child with this person you have a life long joint relationship all right exactly all you're gonna do is have two houses from which you argue but you will still be arguing about the kids the money and everything else but the act of sexual intercourse is john paul ii says it has there's a language to it there's a language of the body and this act because it's procreative in its very orientation says I'm willing to be a parent with you which means I'm willing to commit my whole life to a relationship with you and so the very that act is the perfect act that God put in place as the act that makes a marriage I made it full it's before that you have a ratified but but not yet a consummated marriage until you've had the act of sexual intercourse and with it that act is supposed to be with you and you only you and you exclusively forever and this is open to children meaning with my body I'm telling you I'm willing to be in a lifetime relationship with you whereas with contraception said okay I'll give you part of myself but I'm gonna keep part of this not working so that you don't get all of Who I am you can't possibly speak through this life lifetime giving in that because you've taken that meaning out you've thought it it you've said I don't want the baby making meaning in this act in which case it becomes a momentary act it doesn't it can't speak future it can only speak now all right so this is why young people think there's nothing wrong with having sex outside of marriage because there's no commitment and the sexual act contraceptive act is a non non-committal act but they've completely diminished the meaning of the sexual act it no you said there's a couple other things that the Pope also predicted there were two more predictions what is that governments would start to use contraception you know in oppressive ways and the example I used for years was you know mandatory abortions in China and forced sterilizations now our own government with the HHS mandate is a perfect example I mean the government is forced was forcing the poor sisters of st. Clare to pay for contraceptives I mean it's insane but it's somehow it's becomes so much a fabric of our cult the part of the fabric of our culture that we have to provide free contraceptives to people and then the last one the last one is we start to treat our bodies like machines I mean and certainly IVF is a perfect example of that in vitro fertilization or fertilization but now John Paul nobody Pope Paul the sixth nobody until maybe at most ten years ago I don't think and it's must been five years ago that anybody thought transgenderism would be a major topic and concern where people are now choosing what sex they want to be alright and so it's we now think our bodies you know once you start tampering you but I mean a certain says what is contraception contraception is denying your femininity or your masculinity you're saying I want to have sex in a way in which my my reproductive powers which are at the very root of our sexual identity we want to deny that and we just want to become a sort of neutered I mean sooner people are new well and so are those are using contraception to some extent alright it's temporary but it's still that's in fact what it is and so you want to say if you can do with contraception why can't you do it in a much thorough more a programmatic way than just stopping your sexual acts just change your whole biology which you can't of course born a male you'll always be a male born a female you'll always be a female it change the DNA one bit not one day we have to take a break you know but it's good for us to see this perspective and now have to fit it's only fifty years that's not that long time you know I mean I consider the modern age starting around 200 AD so fifty years so perspective calculus appear but we're gonna encourage you to get professor Smith's book self gift essays on humanity vitae and the thought of John Paul the second it's going to be available at EWTN RC com it'll be book item 2708 moving back in a couple of minutes I want to get your questions and comments those those of our studio audience so please stay with us [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] right we are ready to go right to your questions let's start off with Anastasia Anastasia how are you doing tonight I'm doing just fine father thank you so much for taking my call sure and your question well I have a young teenage girl that I was talking with but she's taking the pill for on your regular or heavy cycles and from what the guests read you know I know they cause depression and other things and this girl actually has been struggling with depression and all who even confided in me that she had even contemplated suicide so my primary question is is there a viable alternative to the pill for issues of cycles and things like that I known a pro has some some things that they work with as far as productive reproduction but is there any way they can get a hold of information that would give them a safer alternative for that thank you ma'am so oh yes I the Pope Paul the sixth Institute in Omaha Nebraska I think she mentioned nanotechnology I don't know if I heard that but yes yes well dr. Tom Hill jurors knows as much about a woman's fertility cycles almost anybody on the face of the earth and unfortunately most doctors prescribe contraceptives to any teenage girl because he thinks she's going to be sexually active and it's really kind of pathetic how little doctors actually know about a woman's fertility cycle if she's having so many problems either excessive bleeding or irregular cycles there's something wrong with her hormones now there's many natural ways to treat hormones and that's that's what kilchers will be working at even if you need hormones he has a way of helping women providing women with things that will produce the natural naturally produce and supplement the hormones that she needs so his website has a directory of people trained by him and if you can't find someone trained by you him in your vicinity he can do a lot long-distance just by sending different blood tests etc to him right and what's the the site that they can go to Pope Paul the sixth Institute in Omaha Nebraska so look up Pope Paul the sixth Institute in Omaha Nebraska and find out more about it there and they have resources that can consult a medical resource that it's a very medically fine-tuned approach to fertility and woman's hormonal cycle good sir were you from Birmingham good to have you here and your question so my question is so I think I know firmly that contraception is wrong because it takes away from the procreative Act or aspect from the marital act so why is natural family planning doesn't it take away from the procreative aspect as well from their marital life so why would that be considered morally questionable great crest so why is natural family planning a more ethical alternative to the contraceptive pill it's the other one the others are unethical well I could give an hour on that but I'll try to be selective all right you don't have I don't have an hour I mean it's understandable the question is asked you can have two couples who both have probably possibly very legitimate reasons for wanting to limit their family size maybe three kids under five exhausted etc one uses contraception one uses NFP all right are they doing the same thing both want to have sex without having babies right so it seems it's identical but the church is always taught and we all know that it makes a huge difference what kind of means you use in order to achieve an end to men can want to support their family one gets a job one robs a bank all right so what's illegitimate what's immoral about contraception we've talked a lot about what is immoral about I can talk another couple hours about that but natural family planning is absolutely respecting a woman's fertility all right God has made a woman's cycle so that there's times in the cycle where she's fertile and times when she's infertile and he's given us the intelligence to figure that out right so God has basically said I mean he's designed a sex to have infertile periods and have fertile periods we haven't done that he did that and he tells married couples you're allowed to have sex all month long whether you're fertile or infertile right so saying why are they not having sex there during the enduring the fertile times because they we hope prayerfully consulted with God that this is it's not a good time for them not to have another child right now so God is saying well then don't have sex during the fertile time if it's not a good idea to have another child when the couple could say it to God well can we not have sex during the other times and he said why not I mean I said you could have sex all all month long just because you're not having it this time doesn't mean you can't have it at this time so that makes it that makes a difference it makes a huge difference and you've talked to people they will say if you say to them there's no difference between contraception NFP and they say well why don't you use NFP and I'll go that would be beat entirely different and they just told me it wasn't different and you said well what how is it entirely different they go contraception I can have sex on my terms with natural family planning I have to correspond myself to some objective reality I have needs I have to exercise self-discipline I have to be controlled also you know one of the things that married couples have told me frequently is that by using natural family planning they end up talking more about sexuality it's not mechanized but it becomes a more intimate part of their conversation and relationship and it actually builds up a respect by the man for the woman and her own natural cycles but for no respecting her increases and he also finds a lot of respect there that they couples are know made the transition really really say they'll never go back to artificial contraception that is generally the case I mean it does just statistics on divorce I mean at most we can I mean that statistics seem to show that only about 2% of couples using NFP ever divorce right now obviously it's not just NFP there's something that NFP produces in a marriage but as you said the communicate and again honoring God honoring the way that God has made nature and that God wants couples to stay together so those who are following his will are going to be of course getting many more Grace's to overcome many of the difficulties and NFP is difficult just like just like dieting just like budgeting just like exercising regular just like a very constant good prayer life those are all hard alright and people but some people just so hard we shouldn't have to do it I said well everything that's good is hard yeah alright and so but would it look at the benefits now some people say that the the benefits they haven't come for them or at least not as quickly as I like then I often ask I hate I don't want you know probe too much but those who have had sex before marriage and contraceptive before marriage can have a very hard time with natural family planning again because sex has become something there chief way of communicating their chief way of showing their love but it's bent on demand alright whereas couples who have not had sex before marriage that really had to exercise quite enormous self-control especially in our culture where there's no no opera yes there's no but there's no disapproval people having sex before marriage so when they go into marriage and decide they want to start using NFP they they were abstaining free couple years before they got married and abstention for them isn't like this huge lack it's like we were not wildly in love with each other before we got married we knew how to have fun with each other we know how to be affectionate without it leading to sex so NFP is is not that difficult but for those who have contraceptive it usually takes them a year and a half to three years to start to appreciate the discipline that comes within a pin and when they do that kind of family planning they have to think very carefully about some of the reasons are they saying well we're not gonna have kids no because I really gotta have a Lexus you know that or whatever you have to have a also a good sense a grave understanding of why you want to wait and one of the things that's important about that communication is you're just indicating is a communication about values you know why I aren't we having couples want to have sex absolutely understandably so they don't like the abstinence who does so if time comes for abstinence and this was like a vacation or somebody said why you know they asked the question why did we site it wasn't a good idea to have children and as you surface the answers to that you discover all sorts of things about the relationship and and if it's a good reason if it's a good reason it's not hard to abstain all right if you say you know if we have another child right now X will happen and it's it's such a kind of not good thing for this marriage to say well that is diminishing our sexual desire right now let's go watch TV let's go for a walk you know if you've got a good reason if you don't have a good reason it's like well let's go ahead and have sex which is wonderful all right but you you've made the decision in reference to what is the mission of your life what is the direction and the values of your life no the questions audience sir were you from Iola Kansas into heaven in your question yeah I've observed in teaching and I was a teacher that when a couple begins to have sex have they had that their relationship stunts at that point whereas in marriage because of the unitive effect they begin to develop how do you get that through to young people today well his job as pope francis's said the church is a field hospital and believe me people are walking around wounded sexually and in their hearts they have been used all right they've been in these relationships that they would thought were gonna be wonderful and I found the love of my life and then all of a sudden she's gone or he's gone and you say what happened here all right where's you know we talk about safe spaces I say marriage is a safe space all right marriage is the safe space for sex all right and it's where you know that if in many ways you fail or disappoint the other person's made a pledge for a lifetime relationship and you have to so you work things out you don't live 50 years in a miserable relationship if something's difficult you say let's let's work it out and I trust you and I trust me because we've made this pledge and we want it to work and let's just keep working at it but before marriage with no vows no commitment something goes wrong someone's out the door and so I think that's that's the woundedness and if we can reach people and say I I mean have been have you been happy with how these relationships are gone are you happy the way they ended wouldn't you like to have a lifetime committed relationship with someone who has made a lifetime commitment to you and to working things out wouldn't you like that well I think I can do it this way so okay just keep trying but the church again has the wisdom of the Holy Spirit and the fact is again that couples who live by the Church's teaching not having sex before marriage not using contraception within marriage have a phenomenal long lasting marriage rate yeah in you know I've also suggested to young people to respond your question before marriage this is a privileged time when you're engaged you need to know that later on in marriage there will be times where you cannot be intimate mm-hmm sickness and travel military deployment all sorts of circumstances a current marriage and this is the period in which you can learn whether your you and your partner can wait and be faithful to each other when sexual sexual intimacy is not possible and if you can do it in before marriage you have a school for learning that you can trust each other during marriage this and you don't get that chance again right so this is a very important element of that chastity before marriage and another hook I have it it's very important to ask that how you how you do speak to young people about this I haven't I can infallibly say that young people he divorce right they hate it they they do not many of growing I mean 50 percent or so have grown up in households that are divorced and the misery of that a different place every weekend mom and dad are fighting with each other stepmothers stepchildren stepfather all the confusion not being home for the prom because you're with your dad or your mother or whatever it's it's horrible and they all know that either they've experienced themselves or they see it with their friends all right they all know it and I say you know if you live by the Church's teaching on sexuality that's the best guarantee for avoiding that it's the best guarantee and all of a sudden they're saying oh well that is something I want I really want a long-lasting marriage I don't want to go through a divorce I don't want to put my children through divorce into all these tenuous relationship you have another question was to do sir were you from San Antonio Texas god bless you and what is what is your question thank you the the question I have is it brought us some intriguing questions regarding the the impact of contraception how it limits or inhibits our full expression of our masculinity or femininity the case and then you brought up transgenders and being a radical change of that very its nature do you have any idea can you shed some light on what you think might happen if if that were to be mainstream or to really take hold I honestly think it's just about happened very surprisingly in just a couple years I mean who doesn't know about transgenderism now we now have bathrooms that are open to transgendered men or women and we have men biological males which are all males or biological males are competing on women's sports teams they're winning medals and winning track meets at high schools it's it's it it really is insane so I don't know like one of my hashtags on Facebook is have we hit bottom yet you know and I just keep wondering where bottom is but I think the bottom might be when you allow a five-year-old to change to decide his sex all right for the rest of his life to put them on you know hormones and puberty blockers and even do major surgery have we hit bottom yet I mean I believe there's going to be some movement still for actually cloning boys and girls to be sexual toys I why not where wouldn't we go in our culture all right so that's I can't think my mind's not might sick enough obviously to know where we're gonna go with this in and one part of the certainly a bottom area as far as I'm concerned is given that the sexual immorality throughout the culture the the resurgence of slavery on a whole new level it was 12 million Africans were brought to the Americas as slaves between 1600 and 1820 or so but today there are over there are somewhere between 40 45 million slaves who instead of working in the cotton fields are working between cotton sheets in brothels around the world now this is this is a it's an incredible low of the enslavement of women and children primarily boys and girls and women not so much men it seems and this is absolutely horrific I still make it worse it may get worse but that's also a big part of the law another question my studio audience ma'am were you from I'm Wichita Kansas good to have you here in your question my question involves two children a five year old hears in school that somebody is transgender a 10 year old talks about being gay so they come home and they tell their parents I think I'm a boy when it's a girl or I think I'm gay and there are only nine ten years old when does the Catholic parent know that this is just something to explain to them or when they need to take them to a psychologist or something of that nature I think you have to get yourself to a a sane good Catholic therapist all right because either it's just a passing fad it's and more and more that's gonna be true in our culture they're put we're putting ideas into kids heads that we never ever would have thought of and now I think the kid who might be craving attention etc might say these words because they don't know who get everything will go into turmoil and he'll be or she'll be the center of attention anywhere from a small child well into the teens if a kid and the teenagers feeling alienated and I'm not feeling it like I'm fitting in well maybe the reason I'm not fitting in is because I'm really another gender than them what I what I was born so I think the first thing is to try to do a bit of an analysis whether it's just kind of a passing trendy plea for attention some confusion all right or worth it really is this deep-seated gender dysphoria all right which is you know it really is a mental disorder right there should be no hesitation to say that the psychiatric psychological community has said that for for decades and decades and decades and now it's just a politically correct thing to say that it's not and I most people heard but it's always worth pointing out is that there's there's this group of people who think that they should be they should be without a limb all right they should be someone who only has one arm or one leg right how they have a healthy they have healthy arms healthy legs and they go to their doctors and they say I've always felt like I was a person that was only a one-armed person right and they actually do psychological tests of these people and supposedly they come out healthy which I suppose means they pay their bills on time and show up to work on time but I would know I mean I'm not trained but somehow I'm not uncomfortable saying that if someone showed up to me and said I've got this healthy limb will you amputate it for me I would say time for a long term psychological you know care for this poor person and what is it I mean there's all sorts of sexual fetishes all sorts of possible desires to be in a subgroup that is very kind of admired for their heroism to live without a limit etc so they have all sorts of ideas but the the sexual dysphoria gender dysphoria is an is another thing that we've known for a long time is some kind of disorder and so you have to get the check the child to someone who can help them with this yeah and I think that's gonna be key to learn to listen to what what is it you're uncomfortable with why is that let's talk that through and listen carefully and understand because it might be a variety of things beyond just that I wish we had more time with that but we've run out it is again you can pre-order the book why Humanae Vitae is still right by going to ewtn RC comm and I want to thank you very much for being with us and I want to bless all of you and god bless you and keep you and strengthen you and your families the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit and we can bring you this show and all the other programs only because the network is brought to you by you you make it possible by your donations between the gas bill electric bill and cable bill help us out thank you [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: EWTN
Views: 5,367
Rating: 4.807229 out of 5
Keywords: humanae-vitae, eli, ytsync-en, eli03003
Id: xMVMD2dBujA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 34sec (3274 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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