Evolution of God

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thank you very much now think that it's Friday right it is Friday right Thursday well God then he's slacking off because if he was on the job this would be Friday if we're not gonna blame God because it's Thursday what do we give him credit when it's Friday especially since Friday it's preyas day we will be on Saturday Saturday and that's of course a greco-roman God knew we have the day of the Sun but they have the moon from the oldest of all traditions and then we have tears day Wednesday Thursday and phrase day so who do we think that today is Forrest and wouldn't every seventh day after the last Friday be another Friday regardless whether any God had anything to do with it or not we did everything that ever happened have happened the same way the same day whether there is a God or not how does God make it Friday how does God make anything anything ever I mean look at Jesus turning water into wine for example I remember when I was eight years old I already knew the water was h2o and my mother had told me that Jesus had the ability to separate his molecules so that he could walk through walls I will discuss my mother's believes to me further today but based on this information I remember asking my daycare professionals if she was how it was that Jesus was to change water into like fermented fruit juice and I was wondering you know how did he basically it was asking the question essentially to find out how Jesus assembled all these additional carbon atoms did you integrate that to have an integrate them into what was basically two hydrogens per oxygen molecule and I asked her did he use telekinesis to do this and that question see who have short-circuited her brain and she screamed out me how dare you question God of course it wasn't questioning God it was questioning her because I sincerely thought that she would be able to give an explanation for the she's telling me that she couldn't then why does she believe in herself you know I wasn't you know I'm not an 18 are not an eight year old anti apologist I had no idea that you can react that way and if you're gonna tell me something give me the explanation of an inquisitive child it was the first time I was ever told that there was a prohibition against certain questions so even if I was questioning God what's wrong with that shouldn't we be wearing not to be fooled into believing things that aren't true right I mean this is why it's dishonest to a certain baseless speculation has to perfect and pretend to know things we don't know though that is what all religions do it's like whatever like it's like when they let grandma babysit my very young son about five years old I didn't know that while I was at work she was showing in Jesus cartoons and so I come home and he has a very important question for me but first he checks it over the room and down the hall to make sure that no one is into your shop because he's already figured out that grandma is telling you things that are not even possible and that she's incapable of providing a rational explanation and that she will react violently if she knows that he's even asking that question and he knows he has to ask me not her so after seeing that the coast was clear he says it was very discreet voice how does God just make stuff he wants to know what is the mechanism that got used and he understand the question I understand where he's coming from and I understand the only answer that he needs the one he deserves right now and so I leaned in and said you know how does God how they've got make stuff I mean have you like poof things out of nothing you know well I can see a wave of relief wash it with my son's face as the universe suddenly made sense again because nothing makes any sense when you try to eat a great cuts and magic into the things that we actually do now if you say that it's a miracle that's look at it assess why my son wouldn't satisfy me because when you say that something is a miracle it means you don't know what it really is you don't know the real explanation at once hoping all the things all the man-made analogy we're all made up long ago and they're all about what we don't know how did the ancient storybooks say that God made stuff it's no explanation and it's the same with every other God particularly Native Americans for example told the story of coyote who made the mountains and rivers and made the fish therein there's no explanation about how he ate them right we basically have a wild dog which is we should into existence and there it is same thing goes with like the Chinese legend of the goddess quad is the Naga goddess so she's half woman half snake and she like many other nuts a time created the first people out of clay figurines we into she breathed the breath of life again how do we enemy this explain at the moment but you don't know whole gods have the ability to just wish in demeanor no one of these goddesses in the ancient puffiest the the ancestors of the biblical authors they wrote a similar story where one of these goddesses did some of the other goddesses daddy adam nate created all these victories you know seven panel of seven female and they breathed into them the breath of life after they committed sacrifice they could sacrifice one of the gods and so all of these big dreams in his blood so now they're all soaked in the blood of the sacrifice of god is that something we're pretty good for like you 5,000 year old legend i think way before christianity and they in animated these figurines by breathing into the breath of life because they didn't know that air was a particulate matter because back then they but they knew that you would die if you couldn't breathe so the movement of air was considered spiritual and that's where the idea of the gene and say when you see a dust devil it can appear out of nowhere and tear everything up and this is also why they called liquor spirits because when you evolve you would see the evaporation of the alcohol clouds and smoke were considered spirits dust devils thought to be literal Devils and the same thing happens with spiraling calls of fire which is where the legend to be a three-team came from and of course volcanoes are just straight-up gods just like the Sun is but when the Bible says that the Spirit of God moves over the basic waters they're talking about the wind in Jewish traditions and unborn fetuses considered only water for the first 45 days and after that until birth it's still not considered a living thing is considered a part of the mother a limb of the mother in specific references one of her thighs like a third thigh which makes the reading of numbers five completely different it doesn't become a living being until it is born at which time it takes its first breath that becomes infused with the spirit so again the spirit is because is the breath it is air and then we have read in lazy asses men are about beasts because when any beast guys these deep breath of life goes out of his body depending on which translation you read other translations say that the spirit goes out of his body and then when Jesus breathed his last on the cross according to one translation he gave up the ghost in another so the breath is the spirit and whatever you may believe today about your immortal soul was never anything more than hot air it was believed that when you sneezed your soul / breath left your body and another spiritual breath might seize that opportunity to infiltrate and possess you and these people didn't know that there were viruses in this means that other people could become infected so they believed as Jesus did that these were caught the disease was caused by demons and witchcraft and that's why they say bless you when you sneeze because their blessing is a magical enchantment meant to protect you from evil spirits so whenever somebody tells you at the grocery store to have a blessed day they're actually telling you to have a magically enchanted day I wish they had some idea how silly they send unbelievers believers are always angry with me when I point out the word miracle means essentially the same thing as the word magic that both are the Evoque ation of supernatural forces or entities to control the forcast natural events and ways which are inexplicable by science because they defy the laws of physics the only difference between miracles and magic is who doesn't wear when a God performs magic it's a miracle just like when we say that rich people can be accepted or assassinated but we wouldn't use those locking words when we're talking about common people going crazy getting murdered the word magic doesn't refer to performing illusionists either we all understand that from the traditional folklore that curses potions enchantments incantations necromancy transformation exorcism purification weather control ghosts demons angels fire-breathing dragons Maithili forecasting waterbending and the Jewish Golem spell are all considered magical even when we find it in the Bible when the jinn granted elections will assume when the gym granted Aladdin's wishes that wasn't staged match within the story we accepted as real when Samantha Stephens we will serve be witched knows or when Harry Potter obi-wan Kenobi or Gandalf because they're magic they're not going slighted and card tricks many believers want to create this of this illusion enter that automatic refers to who we understand that magic is supernatural forces or the manipulation of supernatural forces which means that God's being made of supernatural forces are essentially made out of magic Hindus and Asians are generally okay with the idea that their gods are magic but Abrahamic believers hit up buddy about that so if you don't want to admit that believing means a belief in magic ask what is the best way to realize that is to answer the question how does God do midnight how does God let me find your keys or get that job or win the big game especially when God is on both sides of every game and every war he make moves us do all of this work to save his people even though you know it's his chosen people even know a good parent would never into having a finger children my children know that they participate overstaying and he tortures all these people that animals in the process but then he hardens Pharaoh's heart why just to drag this out and you and make it worse for everyone this is a God jumping to both sides of the chessboard or perhaps more appropriately it's a different working it seems to me that God is playing the game of Risk all by himself and maybe it's because he doesn't work or play well with others and consequently doesn't have any other gods to play with but he has to do Paul says these things about himself and so God hardened Pharaoh's heart so the Pharaoh would have released the slaves already were it not for divine intervention all that up God took over Pharaoh's mind to stop him from doing the right thing - thus depriving the Pharaoh of his ability to use his free will essentially his own agency because the Bible that is a dick as you know many gods often tend to be he could have just as easily softened Pharaoh's heart and then we wouldn't have this big ridiculous story that nobody nobody should believe and well all that unnecessary suffering maybe that's how God finds your keys did you take over your mom to make you look in that most unlikely place how else can develop you know whenever you find the keys II realize it was you that put them there he didn't use telekinesis either put in there or bring them to you he led you to it so he controls you that's you have no free will in another occasion you went to a job interview that you pray for and so you've got the job and you thanks God but what did you do did he take over your mind that have you dress and do and say everything correctly to get hired or did he take over the employers mind just enough to convince him to hire me so that neither has free will what if you pray for the job but you didn't have to because the employer was gonna hire you anyway but they've got hardened the the employers heart so they literally changed his mind what about all those people who prayed for their children before failure and death destruction anyway according to the Gospel of Mark Jesus said that if anyone says to this mountain be lifted up in front in the sea and has no doubt in his heart and believes it will happen it will be done free so if it doesn't happen it's your fault because you didn't believe hard enough so pretend with all your power nothing like that has ever happened there's never it was certainly no terrorist group claiming credit for that so it apparently is that no one has ever believed even with as much faith as a mustard seed and how much faith is that they don't quantify it because it's all made up right it's a it's just the power of positive thought of mind over matter where there's a will there way you just have to convince yourself that this lie is true and Jesus went on to say that whatever you ask in prayer believe that you would have received it and it will be yours so will be yours if you believe that you've already received it how does that how does how does that relate to parents and pray table for a dying child it means you have to make up some rationalization for a senseless tragedy meaning senseless that it's not part of any divine plan this wasn't an intelligent agency to cause this God didn't take your kid because he needed a new angel and what kind of a sicko would he be if you didn't do that but you can't question what you are commanded to pretend and keep pretending beyond the whole doubt because that means that those you love are not angels looking down on you they're not looking up either they don't exist at all anymore when we die when our brain style our thoughts memories personality our passions compassion and opinion everything that was once us will be instantly reduced to dust in tons of ate meat going bad we won't know the truth then we won't know remember think feel be anything anymore and that is how it should be yet there are people that have problems with that and always have been every religion commonly accepted as such by both adherents and critics is a faith-based belief system holding the notion that some supernatural essence of self somehow survives the death of the physical body to continue on in some other form every religion has different descriptions of this and all complain to be the absolute truth even though there is not one thing any faith can show to be true or more accurate than any other belief the truth is what the facts are thus there is no truth to any religion in the oldest stories the gods were worried that men might learn forbidden knowledge that would make them like them to gods themselves whether that was understanding of right and wrong or maybe mastery of fire but then the focus changed to immortality the original belief was that everyone died and went to the same place regardless of our needs in life and that everyone in the underworld of the dead were really dead because the dead play dead but then Gilgamesh freaked out with his boyfriend away and went on a quest to see if he could somehow cheat death we found his tomb so we know he failed in the attempt but at the same time we knew all these details of his life and his loves from 27 hundred years later that's pretty close to immortality so after killed a match the Zoroastrians came up with the idea that the righteous men would ascend to the kingdom of justice in truth ruled by the wise got a Poirot musta where s the selfish were evil man we descend into the kingdom fly ruled by our Imam the opposer also known as the safety and people out and say the devil made me do it but that doesn't happen even in the sacred fables except in the book of Jill where God uses that excuse he said the devil made him put joke through the reader because God was gambling with the devil even though they say the gambling is a sin that God is without sin yet he made a bet with Satan in shel Silverstein's the story the devil in Billy market or the Hinckley jr. song the Devil Went Down to Georgia or a movie crossroads with Rob Machado the devil never made anyone did anything he make deals with people and he argued he honored his side of the bargain even when he lost the only time you ever killed and tortured anyone was when God commanded him to do it remember that that story praises Joe for not blaming God for the things that God actually did this is how believers are conditioned never going God even when you think he did it but you've got credit even when he didn't do anything so if the paramedics arrive on time if the surgeon is sufficiently skilled thank God and not the trained professionals that happen to be there with the proper equipment and training and don't blame God for not intervening to prevent the injury in the first place people have to do all of God's work because God can't do anything himself and if everything that happens is God's will either way then why why do we believe that he does anything at all dear lord thank you for this food we ask that you give nourishment and strength to our bodies Amy just saying that change anything has it ever I have never had food poisoning of any kind and I obviously don't say Christ but I know lots of Christians who do that repeatedly and yet they suffer not nutrition and digestive illnesses and so forth so what does the prayer about how could any God change anything supposedly the Jewish father God who is also Jesus who is also his father at the same time and is also a separate being who's not petunias father God am NOT Jesus but still the same God of Abraham who is the one and only God who separate from Jesus somehow these different versions of the same done all see every spare and fall they don't do anything about it I mean sometimes God lasts and sometimes he claps but he sees the Pharaohs the sparrow fall and just lets it happen so why do we think why should we think that he's even watching then the excuse is that everything happens for a reason which is easy to imagine I've often felt like that my own life was strangely blessed with it with an amazing string of luck despite this believe where I've seen charitable people kind-hearted believers who don't deserve what they've had to repeatedly endure the people with the worst luck I've ever seen have all been the most fervent believers I'm not saying there's a correlation there it's a coincidence but if everything happens for a reason thank God decided in advance that all those children of the cancer ward are going to happen to her keen well through moving through multiple relapses before they die anyway and he knows that there's going to be grief grieved desperate parents praying to him and that he's not going to answer them exactly the way would be if there was no God and since those who don't actually know anything sure be that they know that God knows everything that will ever happen then he knows that every prayer you ever asked you know if why you're going to ask me when you're gonna ask it Kenny knows he's not gonna do anything about that either it's not going to change anything it's his divine plan and he knew in advance why how could you change it he already knows you're going to ask you already knows if he's gonna do it you you don't have a choice in the matter he sees the future there goes your free will again which is the thing that Christians need to really hold on you there is some debate in the atheist community whether there is free will or not but in the Christian community there so despite the fact that the Bible says that everything you asked for will be given it usually isn't you actually had better odds with a roll of dice because the rate at which prayer Sistema the answer is even worse than the random chance and why is it that believers hate evolution because they say that it's random yet a hundred dollars in the lottery they think that's a gift from God the lottery is designed to be as random as anything ever can be so if you think the you can control the lottery why can't you control the evolution to the mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot some programs at MIT have shown that extremely complex patterns beyond human ability can and will repeatedly emerge from system world world with very few rules so if God created everything then that's how he did it and evolution it everything else ran on autopilot ever after he doesn't need to micromanage anything certainly not everything if he creates a system for itself where's the real gene is there it's like we're all living in an episode of The Twilight Zone where kind-hearted people generally do okay but the selfish greedy people always have something inexplicable ER will happen to them for no damn reason right it's like it's destined to happen that way of course it's not like that in real life is it we wouldn't have freewill if it did and that's not really a god either this sort of God is more like the fates or karma or Dharma or the force in 2009 there was a survey of the American Association for the Advancement of science asking do you believe in a God or higher power the way that that's praised sounds like what they mean like war firepower is just a clarification what they meant by God but that's not how the scientists read 18 percent of them said they did not believe in God but they did believe in a higher power than hate God which I thought was interesting to hear that explore a few famous scientists said they that they worship the natural order of the universe as though it were a god but they admitted that that's not what most people mean by God and that's what you mean by up and you should consider these scientists to be a theist today's technologically advanced religious apologists argue for a very different God than the one they started with thousands of years ago the modern concept of God is said to be spaceless timeless immaterial omniscient omnipotent and personal none of which plus why would I because a lot of Muslims drive God that way at all one believer recently told me that God is an eternal being that controls every aspect of every force and rather than being to give in to an old man of average height he is a consuming fire and a massive light energy as bright as a thousand suns and ironically this is also how the Hindus describe Lord Krishna even though he usually or the appearance of a mere mortal when did God become the equivalent of a cosmic rod serling writing the script of everything that ever happens or everything that we think we are doing because among many God's many faults in the Bible his prophecies would have true also deprived us of our free will and they're either too ambiguous to call or they don't say leaders welcome to where they flat-out fail away any interpretation proving that God can't see into the future or move back and forth through time the Quran becomes a little closer to the updated version of guys being the ultimate nowhere and controller of absolutely everything where reality is like the matrix a god it's the supercomputer who not only created it but sustains the continued existence of existence itself so that if there wasn't a there'd be nothing at all if believers were right but there's no way to prove that wrong because you can't prove that version of God wrong for the same reason she can't prove that everything you perceive to be reality isn't just a dream or a simulation being vented to the back that contains your unwittingly or unknowingly stupid - deluded one stupefy brain in the many arguments I've had with religious apologists have noticed this defense comes up almost every time especially when it presented evidence to explain - that they have to explain away the only way they can be right is if reality is wrong meaning that there's a possibility that nothing is really real only a very deceptive God who faked all the evidence like that and the Bible says that God doesn't lie of course the Bible also says in another case that God does lie but we're going to we're going to be like the believers are pretend there's no contradictions just as oppressed interrogation reveal things in science it's not yet to figure it out so too will it quickly just as quickly push religion back from its basis of faith where we see that there is no reason to believe anything that the the theologians do or claim to having and having no reason to believe something is a pretty good reason not to believe it look what we're talking about evolution versus creationism and it's a different matter and it doesn't matter because even if that cut exists evolution is still an inescapable fact that population genetics and the Bible is still man-made mythology and not even the existence of God could change either of these things I don't even care if that God exists because it doesn't change anything either way even if he does and you shouldn't judge me because it's his fault that I don't believe and the scriptures say that most of the Bible and in the Quran he knows exactly what evidence and I would need and so he's gonna judge me because he didn't give it to me he knows how unconvincing his apologists are so it's Islam if God exists outside our reality then he does not exist in reality if your version of God created an actual reality as opposed to an illusion that would make no difference for those living in it that's still our reality because we're the other choice but to divide its rules even if it were it would still be real to us and if we see a trail of footprints frankly no strawberries in this virtual reality is because someone actually walked through that virtual field the evidence would still be factually indicative even if nothing is real did you know some seven meetings there and this sort of goes in its irrelevant anyway if God exists beyond time then at no time does God exist a disembodied mind can't exist absent the brain that created it because that's what a mind is is that is the data and information that the knowledge and memories and such that is produced by a brain of some kind and nothing can be wished into reality either a praying to God is exactly the same thing as wish you look on a star and hoping the wishes come true if there was such a thing as a god and in performing miracles daily as so many people believed there would be some verifiable evidence of that by now certainly every miracle he ever did would be easy as so easily explainable as just a normal happenstance that would have happened anyway I'm gonna think about a 911 wouldn't it be great if the Jets stopped ten feet away from the building and slowly lowered down that would be possible there's no explanation but that would be an intervention dividing prints that would be a miracle I would celebrate that nothing like that ever happens every time God cures cancer it's obvious because the chemo did it or a been into remission it would have happened anyway that with the lovely wispy notion of a deistic sort of Godman writes all the scripts for our lives and mysteriously orchestrates everything that ever happens may be impossible to exist and it possible to disprove either but that doesn't mean that you can't disprove the Bible or the Quran or any of the other supposedly sacred scriptures of every violently conflicting religion there is each one purporting to be divided the inspired by the one true God whichever when they I'm talking about most believers worship a deity some however worship a creationism is a form of religious extremism requiring penalties to deny reality in favor of doctrine and their truths inside an interpretation of their favourite fables which were conceived by men and called the Word of God such that disproving the Bible disproves God in their perspective so today I'm only talking about the Bible God not just because that's one of the best and not just because the country that I live in is becoming a virtual Christian theocracy but because of the Quran and the Book of Mormon are both based in part on the Gospels which are based on the Jewish Tanakh which is based on the template set up by the innocent Athenian politics who are their predecessors so what kind of God do we start with first we have to ask what visit God if you're gonna categorize any collective you must first define that that grouping by the total tally of traits held in common by every member already universally accepted in that set before you decide whether there is some other character belongs there you can't define a God as a space most timeless nothing that made everything because there's a lot of cows and don't fit that description and you can't dismiss or ignore the hundreds of gods worshipped by millions of people for thousands of years by definition will be up just because they don't fit the definition the new definition you just made up specific for your God alone not all the gods are creators not all the gods are spiritual forms but they are all magical anthropomorphic immortals they all have supernatural powers in some human attributes at least intelligence and behavior and just because there are mortals doesn't mean they can't die it takes special means to kill an immortal I'm sure we don't remember there can be only one it is possible to kill a mortal if you do it right but they don't know I have cancer or old age there are some other things that fit that same definition the magical antropomorphic immortal but they're not typically defined as deities so how do we get around that Neil Diamond in his book in the TV show American Gods I think does that beautifully where he takes a little collection and puts them puts a leprechaun's and the undead and things like that even in the same category but at a lower tier exhume the difference between dammit gods is that only some of them get to be called cousin don't have a more specific definition give it up another thing that all hats have in common is they're not if it'll be real and the nukes are okay with that as long as you don't say that they're evidently not real because they're okay to not have any reason not being able to give you a reason to believe them as long as you don't give them a reason not to that's why they complain to me why can't I believe what I want to believe why does it always have to be true why can't I believe it even if it isn't true I've had people say mystery I've had people tell me that they know that what they believe is not true but they're gonna believe it anyway and I don't understand that perspective but it shows that they have no value for truth and I think that's the crux of the difference between those who have a need to write they need to believe versus those who have a desire to understand if you want to improve understanding you will insist that your information be accurate you immediately discard it if it's not and you're going to look for the flaws in it and if you show me a flaw in my perspective even if you do that right now today and show that I'm fundamentally mistaken it's something I've always held dear I will thank you for it tomorrow because at least I'm not wrong anymore believers obviously don't hold that in you the Bible says that God is well the Bible God is just like Zeus or Jupiter because he's human created in our image and believers insist that he's not that he's different from the other gods men via because the God of Abraham was because shapeless and masculine significant was a ghost without a body but the fables new Bible say he walks talks eats sits on the throne hides his face lays his hands shows his backside and cheats at wrestling this is not a disembodied spirit there's not Jesus you there because the scriptures were written by before the Jewish religion even knew Jesus of time and his goddamn alleged father also known as hell ha ha ha like Yahweh was obviously not omniscient nor unlimited nor omni-benevolent either because all the stories present this God is a petulant and tyrannical in securing unjust narcissist prone to violent reactions of indefensible cruelty his demanded that we believe in him on faith for example is not what we'd expected anything that is real these are the desperate requests of Liars trying to sell something and they want to lie to themselves as well as to you but at the same time God can also be barking down or defeated in combat even by the most primitive technology that has an issue with our chariots for example he backs down changes his mind was remorse when he makes mistakes he even feels the effects of alcohol the Bible God gets drunk and abuses his children which might explain why a couple of his favorite people in the scriptures Noah and lot do the same thing the Bible God is not a transcendent being but a human formed with miraculous powers the God of the Bible says that God has a hair that see because ahead the hair and ears and a face with high boots nostrils an amount that breathes with lips at a tongue that he has arms and hands and fingers of his feet he has a waist and Moines and the Bible even says that God's got back not all of these passages furnace mineral that at least some of the work so God was originally very explicitly described as having a physical body he doesn't become a talking cloud until the New Testament and the Old Testament he most often appears as a volcano but in the earliest stories he's just a guy who showed up at Abraham's door and was recognized on sight by him and then sat down to have lunch with him because even though the Bible says that no man can what could has ever seen God States and live it also says that Abraham Isaac Jacob Moses and 73 other people either spoke to God face-to-face or were at least allowed to look upon God with their own eyes and live to tell the tale so where did the idea of gods come from this is what I think happened when men first began to exhibit and explore artistic talent they started by playing in the mud and the first things they made were human and animal figurines out of clay and so some of the inevitably at some points that wouldn't it be great if we could breathe the breath of life into these clay figurines and make them come alive it's someone eventually answer maybe that already happened maybe that's how we got here and they liked that idea especially since they have no clue of the real truth isn't historial of them to pretend that they're really important that they were created with a special purpose then they decided that their breath was their spirit leaving their bodies of this was that that's that spirit could continue on without the body or maybe inhabit another body we're living forever in the clouds and they really hated death because death stinks so they like that idea so much that whenever any Nelson tribe said well I don't believe that they killed him it's don't even to death so that according to population mechanics it wasn't very long you know before you're killing people on the word of one or two witnesses simply because they were an unbeliever it wasn't very long before the believers are outnumbered the unbelievers the ration of people that is hell man-made gods it is on page [Music]
Channel: AronRa
Views: 159,073
Rating: 4.8757763 out of 5
Keywords: UWM, University, Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Id: hVXtuGa-plI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 2sec (2402 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 11 2018
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