the Evolution of Genesis

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all right as a child growing up in America I was taught that the Bible was the Word of God and an unquestionably accurate chronology of events in human history Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis phrased it like this is said much like God saying I know everything I've always been there here's what happened in the past of course Bible does read that way it reads like a man-made mythology of an uninformed deity in a jumble of discordant fables and human speculation with no moral or factual relevance there certainly isn't any hint of divine inspiration but because it was supposedly God breathed we're supposed to treat it as the absolute truth and the ultimate authority even when it contradicts itself hundreds of times and has been shown to contain as Mark Twain putted upwards of a thousand lies not even God can save the Bible at this point because even if God exists the Bible cannot be His Word not only does it not say anything that it should if a benevolent cosmic creator had actually written it but what it does say is so wrong about so much that it was obviously not written by anyone who had any idea what they were talking about on any subject the Bible was clearly composed and compiled by ignorant and bigoted superstitious savages and perpetuated by a culture attempting to assert their superiority and to justify their inhumanity by pretending to speak for their God I was taught that the Bible was the oldest book ever written and dealed a story ever told for the first book ever written in the oldest story ever told and if the Bible weren't true at all does much much be true also but we know it is not there are many other works from already established religions that are much older than that the scholarly consensus is that Genesis was compiled probably by Ezra from several unrelated oral traditions less than 2,500 years ago other documents altered in at about the same time all of which attributed two human authors mostly between the 6th and 2nd centuries BC the oldest book of the Bible that is not apparently adapted from previous polytheism is the book of Job and it hails from around 1500 BC that still centuries younger than the Rig Veda the eldest of the Vedic scriptures typically dated from 1700 to 1900 BC which makes Hinduism the oldest religious in eldest religion in continuous practice the Dead Sea Scrolls are the oldest archaeological texts known for the basis of rabbinic Judaism being radiocarbon dated to between 335 BC and 122 BC but relating to events from the seventh century BC curiously Zoroastrian Buddhist Hindu Helenus juridic Chinese and Egyptian religions all either began in the seventh century BC or they endured major revisions at around this time for example this is where we get the investors it's autostrada this is where they dated the current version of the bhagavad-gita and this is when Matsu wrote the Delta chain this flowering of philosophies also included atheism and the emergence of scientific naturalism among Ionian Greeks of the same period here in the United States a lot of people still believe that the beginning of time was only on 6000 years ago this estimate is based solely on the poor mathematics of a monk from the 18th century extrapolating assumptions with no other information than a single source a sacred storybook the entirety of modern scholarship in every relevant field everything we know about history archaeology geology anthropology and even ancient mythology from experts around the world so that this misinformed monk was wrong the migrations of men have been charted using genomics atop all these other fields as well as the radiometric dating of excavated artifacts and we now know for certain that 6000 years ago and for a long time before them Native Americans were already widely dispersed on both American continents Aborigines were already in Australia and they were already complex civilizations established across the Orient in India and North Africa and emerging in the Middle East the ancestors of each of the cultural deans and all these locations were already there way back then and they already spoke many different languages because it is possible to track the evolution of language to reading the literature of antiquity it is easy enough to see all the transitions showing how Latin devolved into Spanish and French and Italian for example it's also impossible to trace the influx of new words or contractions to show similar trends again without having them necessarily all of the literature to show when languages are both similar patterns of that language and also in the Indian languages of the Festivus and so on just like tracing mutations in an evolving genome so what about this Tower of Babel were all these original languages were supposed to come from that story is literally legendary the biblical account isn't true at all but it is based on a kernel of truth the unfinished Tower of Babylon still exists and is still visible from the site of the original city it was begun by Hammurabi around 1750 BC and it was originally dedicated to Marduk one of the elder gods of Mesopotamia pantheon the project was resumed in the next millennia by King Nebuchadnezzar and eventually abandoned the second time but it's the reason that it banded the first time that provides a parallel for the Pharaoh it seems that the shifting kingdoms of Sumer Babylon Akkad and Calvi at once boasted and shared the earliest celebrit texts ever invented they lived in sophisticated city-states they sent their children to formal schools where they were taught how to read and write in cuneiform this was a form of this was a special tool made for pressing letters of the sort into clay tablets which were then baked into permanent documents these people were fully literate until the fall of the Mesopotamian Empire or in this case Hammurabi's portion of that then the schools were closed public education was abandoned and soon no one could read cuneiform anymore this would have been roughly concordant with um Robbie's initial construction of the Marduk cigarette which was seemingly rededicated under Nebuchadnezzar and is now more popularly known as the Tower of Babel the base of the tower is still there but otherwise the loss of literacy may be the only element of truth that fable has this is the important part for after all the schools were closed the stories were kept alive by memorization and rehearsal it does not matter how true to the word you try to be subtle changes will occasionally or eventually occur with this process either in translation or interpretation and both of these still happen all the time even when the Bible was written down in supposedly indelible ink again that's why we have myriad denominations despite their devotion to an allegedly unchanging Word and regardless of our enlightenment and access to information otherwise so imagine what it was like back in the Bronze Age when they were no longer set in stone he's originally unrelated legends of these collective people were more readily subject to embellishment in cultural integration for several centuries this went on with each generation passing these funds on to the next by the time the Phoenicians reinvented syllabic texts around the 10th century BC all the elder legends had evidently evolved being enhanced exaggerated or otherwise influenced by neighbouring religions and political dynamics some experts now recognize four sources just for the Pentateuch the five books of Moses according to the wellhausen documentary hypothesis these forgotten contributors are now referred to as the yahwist s' from 950 BC in the southern kingdom of Judah the L OS from 850 BC of the Northern Kingdom of Israel the Deuteronomists from 600 BC in Jerusalem period of religious reform and the priestly writers and this would include israa these are the Jewish priests in exile in Babylon modern scholarship doesn't credit Moses as the author of anything one reason is that Moses couldn't possibly have posthumously written about his own death and remembrance as detailed in Deuteronomy and worse Moses evidently never even existed as described as folklore changes over time and has filtered through different tribal deems very often the names of even central characters are changed just as Rome has different names for the gods and heroes of the Satanists as a having Greece the same thing happens in ancient Semitic mythology too for example it seems that the character now known as Moses is actually a compilation of a few different predecessors from elder Methos the most obvious disease is Hammurabi the Babylonian lawgiver he received the stele of law from the sun-god shamash some 500 years before Moses was supposed to have lived which is typically just estimating to be around 1250 BC otherwise the principal difference between these two figures is that the stele of law is an actual obelisk standing eight feet high and on display in the London Museum while the Ark of the Covenant is one of those things that seems to only exist in movies Egypt provided another precursor in the form of judge among the ritual priests for the Pharaoh Senna fruit from the Fourth Dynasty in the old kingdom in the 25th century BC one of the five tales included in the West cart papyrus details a voyage wherein Sneferu took a score of buxom beautiful young girls stripped them all making and put them on his long boat so that he could watch the view as they row across the lake who wouldn't do that it's good to be the king one of these girls accidentally dropped a bauble of turquoise over the side and became so upset about that snafu called her judge a might hit witches priestly mage and judge and make cast a spell that took the lake and folded it over itself like looking under a blanket so thats neferu could gather the turquoise bubble and become a hero to a topless slave meeting okay so it's not quite so so b demille but it does cause one to wonder how the story of Moses parting the Red Sea could have been that significant in the same land where they had already written up this satirical forest well more than a thousand years earlier and I thought the original story was better in their book deceptions and myths of the Bible Lloyd and Elizabeth Graham described parallels between the stories of Moses and Sargon in the reading now the myth movin about the legendary Sargon 12750 BC strikingly resembles early history of Moses that is his infancy this part is given only by the eldest when she Moses mother could no longer hide him she took him for an ark of bulrushes and daubed it with slime and with pitch she put the child therein and laid in the flag's by the river break its eggs us-23 then on the tablets of coin Juke Sargon tells his story my mother the princess conceived me in difficulty she'd brought me forth she placed me in an arc of rushes with bitumen my exit she sealed up she launched me in a river which did not drown me the river carried me to Aki the water carrier it brought me a key the water carrier in tenderness of bells lifted me in appreciation Sargon named his capital Agati called the Semites Akkad and Akkad was near the city of sefar I now remember that Moses's wife was named zipper too many coincidences portions of the story were also repeated in the New Testament except that this time it was King Herod trying to kill all the infants to get it Jesus there are many parallels between Jesus and other pre-christian Godman but I won't have time to get into that we're only talking about Genesis today it's also important to note that some of the parallels are not accurate I've read Percy graves I've seen zeitgeist that are both fraught with errors but there are some predecessors like Dionysus and Prometheus and Krishna that can be positively confirmed then we have a discovery a significant discovery in the mid 19th century wherein we had twenty two thousand tablets of cuneiform discovered in an adduct and we had George Smith working at the London Museum who was learning cuneiform and starts translating all these and he comes across familiar stories he comes across Bible stories but it's more than just the names that are changed it's the significance of the story in some cases that have changed and he found a lot more than just the story of Noah he found several others I'm going to be touching on some of these Noah for example was originally known as Zooey sudra in Sumer Atrahasis in Akkad Luton episteme in Babylon and each of these early accounts vary from each other and from the Bible as well yet so many verbatim passages are shared by most that they are all clearly talking about the same event that the Bible does that being a local flood centered on the city of shuruppak at the end of the gem dot mr. Perry around 2900 BC all three of these myths describe well at least two of them describe the depth of the flood as being 15 cubits which is about 22 feet and in the iraqi flood plain under 22 feet of water you're not going to see anything but tree tops and in guilty mass version the yes I've quite a bit more horrific than the Bible version because it describes the water being dammed up by floating bodies as you know the barges come to rest here there and there again with releasing the Raven to find the land and all there's so many parallels that it can't be talking about something different now neat nearby places you'll have other miss like in Greece they talk about the Great Flood there but the flood they talk about is different because people get to escape it by hiding on hilltops and other miss like in China they don't have the same myth world right and in China they had this one king who lost a bad one he became enraged and so he went up to a mountaintop and he threw his spear and rage and hit the sky and broke a hole in the firmament of the sky which led all the water in which flooded China and then they had to call the goddess new quoi to come and clean it all up so there's a good deal of geological evidence for the flood of Chirac but we also have evidence in archeology - one of them being the Sumerian king list as in three copies one of which is in October Nepal's library this is an incredibly old document um one of them is a uniformed cylinder and it says that the kingship descended from heaven or women kingship descended from heaven Aladin became the first king and he ruled for twenty eight thousand eight hundred years the next king ruled for 36,000 years and he was followed by a half a dozen others who ruled from 43 thousand two hundred to eighteen thousand six hundred years each then the flood swept over and after that we have a couple dozen more Kings who rarely worked for more than a thousand years one of them only rolled for a hundred and forty years the most recent of the pre-dynastic Kings were independently confirmed through epigraphic xi s-- - hail from 2600 BC no doubt none of these guys lived anywhere near this long and I don't know if it's possible even calculate the is in real-time sometimes you can get the right answer by dividing by 12 sometimes you can get if I divided by 10 it's a sliding scale we use a base 10 numeric system unless we're missing fingers and they have theirs in his incredibly complex system as base 60 they did not have a zero and that was one of the complications in their math so their base 60 system was composed of SARS which is units of 3,600 nerves which are units of 600 and sauces which are units of 60 so you can imagine trying to calculate people's age and suddenly what was as Methuselah 900 big deal okay in Numa a leech if one of the oldest creationists ever ever uncover I think it is the oldest and it tells of creation not in seven days but is written on seven tablets and details it let our seven generations of God's the key one being with the sixth generation created man to complete creation so that the seventh generation of God's could rest see parallel there that theme was repeated in the epic of Atrahasis wherein lob Elohim essentially said let us make man in our image and they did using a golem spell which is a traditional Semitic spell we make a clay figurine out of something that you I to put a spell into its mouth or you put in on key to his mouth or we breathe into it the breath of life and you animate it that way this is a parallel of Genesis one because the it was a God sacrificed and then there were seven men and seven women were made out of the clay figurines that were cleansed and soaked in the blood of the sacrificed God this is as opposed to Genesis 2 where in Genesis 1 you had men and women being created together and in Genesis 2 you get one man being created by himself and his consort being conjured as an afterthought by an absent-minded and not quite I'm nation God remember that the name Adama means man of the red dirt or red clay also in that collection of cuneiform documents is the legend of etapa also known as Adama the seed of mankind was called before the gods he was warned not to eat or drink anything offered to him because it was thought that the gods would poison him but instead of giving him the food of death they offered the food of eternal life and he refused as he was instructed to do they offered the water of eternal life and he refused that too they offered him clothing and he dressed himself consequently he was denied immortality and returned to Earth to put sickness and evil into the bodies of all the people so now we turn to eat and the epic of gilgamesh the wild man Enkidu realized that he was naked for the first time in his life after he had been seduced by a harlot who became his Eve the god 80 in another story trespasses into the sacred garden of Inanna and eats several forbidden fruits he is caught by the guardian of the garden what's not in doubt in this case I think it's an inner psyche the goddess inner psyche forgives his transgression and bares several daughters to carry each of his wounds one of them is called nin t daughter born of the rib for she was made to close the wound to his side in the legend of the who Lupo tree Gilgamesh the god cave plays the part of God in Genesis as he walks through the sacred garden this time attributed to annona wherein he finds the dark maid Lilith together with a serpent who could not be tamed both in a divinely chosen tree Lilith was eventually cast as Adam's first wife in Talmudic legend Gilgamesh took out his axe struck down the snake who knows no charm and in the midst the maid at Lilith tore down her house and fled to the wastes the Lilith character is staying in that she was eventually integrated into the Garden of Eden story in two places as a matter of interpretation much like Satan was as well at some point there was a story was that there was man and woman made at the same time and the Eve forunate Lilith rather wanted in an equal position and this is the tales given by the rabbis and Eve one or Lilith one in an equal position Adam wanted her to be subservient he wanted to be dominant and she escaped the garden because she knew the secret name of God and that gave her the ability to fly and then later on we see that she is she is in love with demons at the river side of the Red Sea there's all kinds of wild stories about her but then she comes back as a woman scorned by the younger woman which is the actual Eve that was created later and then Lilith is cast as the serpent nowhere does the Bible imply that the serpent in the garden was ever supposed to be anything but a talking snake yet today it is a common belief nor does the context of that story even allow that it could have been saved in a Middle Ages it was a very different interpretation it was held by many Jews and Christians virtually every Renaissance rendering of the temptation of Eve from a relief in the Cathedral of Notre Dom to the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel the serpent is typically depicted as a woman usually in the form of a Naga we have a woman's torso growing out of the body of a snake so but the Talmud comes later than the Bible and I'm only supposed to be talking about the origins of the Bible many of the elements of the New Testament are found in the myths of Semitic and Sumerian antiquity - for example we noticed that the notion that Satan rules over help came from Ereshkigal the Mesopotamian goddess of the underworld basically the same thing as the Greek Hades ruling over the subterranean land of the dead originally everyone who died went to the same place then after the 7th century see the Avesta the Zen divest of Zarathustra offers a choice of options depending on judgments of your deeds in life the good and righteous will ascend to the kingdom of justice and truth ruled over by a forum Osman also known as or modest while wicked men descend into the kingdom of the lie ruled by our Amon the opposer and as the Zoroastrian religion is reputed to have profoundly influenced the Billiton later Judaism more than any other sect and in Hebrew the term the opposer is pronounced hafsat on the Satan the concept of Satan is is a composite of multiple characters - but again we're only talking about Genesis here so apart from the Talmudic and Renaissance references to Lilith notice that each of these highlighted elements of the Genesis mythos appeared in a collection of originally unconnected fables from at least a thousand years earlier and they were often written by the great-grandfather's of the biblical authors notice also that the modern theme so critical to Christian belief is not tied together in any of these so it is not possible that Genesis contains the original uncorrupted or accurate accounts the current versions of these stories clearly did not exist in that form initially ancient Mesopotamian mythology if evidently evolved over many centuries of occasional enhancement such that the old legends were adapted for and integrated with the emerging culture of Judaism so that by the time the Phoenicians wrote newer versions of these stories down some 3,000 years ago the more familiar revisions finally emerged as a plagiarism of previous polytheism there's also an Egyptian creation myth if the bullheaded God kinome fashioning people and animals on a potter's wheel and then his consort Hecate offers them the breath of life to their clay combs in the form of an ankh representative of place against the nostrils so Dennis - is impaired precedent to Genesis - and this is where we get to where the gods and spirits came from the archeology of pre Judean polytheism shows that Yahweh Oh Jeff walk Network table Yoga was originally part of a Semitic Pantheon descended from the Father God L once upon a time some twenty eight hundred years ago he was even depicted as having a wife Astra although that may have been part of his unified association with L LS consort a threat may have become a charade just as l and yahweh were merged together into yahweh l whom the Muslims call Allah the God and Christians call ABBA the father composite house were once fairly common for example the Trinitarian concept of Jesus shares an identity with a legal way and similarly in the Hindu Trimurti Krishna is the supreme personality of the Godhead of Rama Rama Shiva at one time all of the gods including la were either magically endowed immortals like the sixth divine generation of a new media leash or they were anthropomorphised elementals like the river OPSEU plunging into his leopard team up to the spirit goddess of the ocean a moon was both at different times just like with yahweh as the deity grew more powerful in the eyes of devotees the wife became something of an ax cumbrous restraining the elemental aspect in human form eventually the wives of both dogs were discarded and the deities followed parallel paths even though yahweh was more typically depicted as a volcano God and a man was a Theban airgun in his full elemental state he became invisible which meant that he could be anywhere which meant they may as well be everywhere which is how you become under present we feel the breeze move against our bodies all the time since no one yet understood the air was made of chemical particles but everyone knew you would die if you couldn't breathe and it was believed that the movement of air was somehow spiritual yahweh was granted this aspect as well so that when Genesis 1:2 said only the Spirit of God moves over the face of the waters they're talking about the wood the Pharaoh Amenhotep is commonly credited with having created the first truly monotheistic religion he did it with a composite of two gods like Jung way out Amenhotep combined Amun the air God with raw the gut of the Sun disc authentic thus he made almond raw something that was always looking down on us and who had a spirit that touched us everywhere in the world then on Amenhotep changed his own name to Akhenaten his God could be seen and felt what other deity could compete with his there are many parallels between many different gods and heroes so many that it's obvious that the myth makers borrowed perros powers and adventures from elder lore which is why Pandora's box reads as a parallel of the story of Eve it also seems that the Hebrew people exaggerated their gut and however necessary to make it bigger and badder than everybody else's oh yeah well my God can do anything he wants if he wants a thing to be he will speak it into existence and manifest out of nothing something like that desert deities were often depicted like a jinn the plural of which is genie early Islamic literature depicts the genie has devious air elementals they weren't usually confined to bottles or layups but we're often described as free roaming nomadic spirits which is why wandering whirl winds are called dust devils are also strong sometimes between the medieval version of the Djinn and our version of God remember how Elijah was taken into heaven in a whirlwind so the transition is easy for Yahweh because his name always worked perfectly for an air god we supposedly say his name every time we breathe through our mouths and throughout the time when the Bible was being composed its authors commonly believed that the first breath of the child was when it became infused with the spirit and thus became a living being and of course the flood in Genesis 7 was meant to drown everything that had the breath of life in fact the single wisest comment I could find in the entirety of the Bible again shows better than any other passage how our notions of spirituality actually stemmed from misunderstanding of the natural aspects of air I said to myself concerning the sons of men God has surely tested them in order for them to see that they are but beasts for the fate of the sons of men and the fate of beasts is the same as one dies so dies the other indeed they all have the same breath and there is no advantage for a man over beasts for all his vanity all go to the same place all came from the dust and all return to the dust who knows that the beats that the breath of the man ascends upward and that the breath of the Beast descends downward into the earth I have seen that there's nothing better that a man should be happy in his activities where that is his lot for who will bring him to see what comes after him that is Ecclesiastes 3:18 2:22 this is according to the new American Standard Bible the New Revised Standard Version and the American Standard Version and the King James Version all replace the word breath with the word spirit this translation eloquently illustrates that the gaseous origin of man's belief in his own soul in other words it's so much hot air as for the impetus to change Yahweh's name or his image from the terrifying volcano god that he was depicted as in in Exodus into that of a relatively subtle airgun a likely scenario I think came from an old Arnold Schwarzenegger movie Conan the Barbarian argues that my god is strong strong on his mountain and his companion who worships the four winds which actually was a religion at this time says his God is greater his God is the everlasting sky your God this it's beneath him so what precedes all of this all of it when all these other legends come from the common thing we see is that their clay figurines involved so what we have is people making stuff out of mud and they make something that looks like an animal and they become accomplished artists and then they start fantasizing wouldn't it be neat if we could just make this come alive maybe if we can smash the blood into it or force breathe it and get it to come alive that way wouldn't it be neat if you can do that then we would be gods that's where they come up with this thing and somebody of course takes the next logical step and says ho hey maybe that's where we came from and I would say and that I believe that Genesis contains no more truth than that
Channel: AronRa
Views: 330,272
Rating: 4.8593664 out of 5
Keywords: Enuma Elish, Gilgamesh, Atrahasis, Ashurbanipal, Lilith, Amenhotep, Akenaten, Amun-Ra, Sumerian King List, Bible, creationism, mythology, archaeology, cuneiform
Id: FLviKiEuj30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 15sec (1935 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2013
Reddit Comments

Genesis and the rest of the Torah was compiled/ written in about 600 BC, and is a fascinating look at ancient beliefs and cultures, and 100% contradicts everything tscc says

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/batslovehugs 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2019 🗫︎ replies

TLDW: Almost every aspect of Genesis was borrowed/stolen/adapted from other religions traditions of the region. From Adam/Eve/Satan/Noah/Moses/Tower-of-Babylon/7-day creation/etc are all much older than Genesis/Old-Testament

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/scotland42 📅︎︎ Jun 27 2019 🗫︎ replies
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