Boss Fights in Mafia (2002-2020) | Evolution

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[Music] don't move scumbag oh [ __ ] surprise you weren't looking for that at paulie's by chance sam what's going on i thought we were meeting alone the situation's changed tom i had to decide whose side i was on and sorry but it would be suicidal to stand on your side i can live with murder though so you killed paulie well i was more the means to his death the same as i am in your case i would never have expected this from you sam well i'm in a good mood things are looking up for me and i well i found a bag of money so killing off your partners is a big laugh maybe i should try it hmm it ain't bad but you probably won't have time it's never too late to start i guess honor's out of the picture honors meaningless this is business and you've broken its unwritten rules many times over time maybe i feel some pity that's out of place in business i didn't notice that i was the cause of the family's problems really you did what you wanted tom you didn't kill frank you let that [ __ ] get away and then the bank you can't do what you know is right because you don't know nothing you don't grasp the effects of your actions the don is the thinker you were never a great thinker so you probably need him that's not how i feel i can think for myself the opinion of don cilieri is that he won't go and sit in jail just because of your feelings and i agree with his opinion completely don cilieri really liked you tom and i did too we'll cry together at the funeral you poor bastard sam i feel sorry for you but i'm alive it's a pity you can't use that money oh don't worry we'll give sarah a little something you know single mothers don't have it easy these days the don will take care of her he isn't as much of a monster as you think goodbye tom it was nice knowing you take good care of him boys and please don't make him suffer he's my buddy [Music] it looks like you underestimated your new partners maybe you ought to change sides it's still not over tom [Music] things aren't what they look like sam salieri also double-crossed you what are you talking about we almost got killed because of those stupid cigars salieri knew that the job was risky there were diamonds hidden between those cigars he didn't want to give us a cut that's why paulie wanted to take the bank because he realized how salieri was ripping us off he told me about those diamonds tom he only wanted to keep them secret so nobody knew where they were before he sold them besides the diamonds have nothing to do with the fact that you didn't kill frank he broke the omerta which is worse tom how do you know i didn't kill frank you can blame it all on someone else you didn't kill [Music] you're too human she came back to the city and we found her by accident tom tomtom you know you can't trust the dame i can understand it isn't easy to kill your wife's best friend yeah i should have done it for you she also pleaded with me and cried huh well we realized that we couldn't rely on you so we checked up a little and found out about frank sam do you really think everything has to end like this we still got a chance there ain't no way back now tom i'm sorry so oh [Music] uh damn it [Music] hey it's the same situation again tom and once again you can't decide damn it [Music] oh um [Music] so [Music] oh you did it but they'll get you all the same salieri we'll get you he stood by you you rat you're dangerous tom and paulie is dead he was never never sure that you would wouldn't forgive his death oh you're gonna have to hide like an outcast and one day they'll get you all the same like frank they found him you only like lengthened his life but in the end they found him all to say and frank was the don's only real friend friendship ain't good [ __ ] oh [Music] [Music] okay get on we got work to do hey how much wire you got enough how much is enough will it reach up to the roof of course not just go up one or two floors and blow it so much for you being a smoker what this is crazy what if the explosion takes us out too it won't you'll barely feel it you better not if we fall off this thing you're going to be dead before we hit the ground okay this is the right floor vito grab the squeegee and start washing windows so we don't look suspicious i gotta connect the wires [Music] [Music] ah that's it okay got it take us up a bit paybacks of [ __ ] [Music] yeah just like clockwork ah here we go [Music] i don't know the thing just blew we'll barely feel it all right all right let's go take a look i don't know why i [ __ ] listen to you i swear you like your hair for rethought sometimes [Music] bastard you [ __ ] get away come on yeah you think it's over wrong [ __ ] i'm going in all right this to it don't worry about that just follow him he's in the black pill joe i got ice too you know be careful that's the end of him can't be sure unless we check [Music] this is for marty now it's over let's go to my place [Music] wow look who it is this is who they said this is an insult what'd they tell you vito take care of me and all's forgiven you really think they're just gonna let you walk after everything you did then again chumps like you never do think about the big picture but your buddy joe understands don't you joe what the [ __ ] is this i could ask you the same question loyalty's a funny thing harvito no such thing as friendship in this business didn't your old pal leo teach you that while you're sucking his [ __ ] back in the can you're just a [ __ ] pawn veto that's all you ever were when are you gonna realize joe you just gotta trust me you think i give a [ __ ] about the feds for those tired old [ __ ] on the commission they're using your veto just like clemente used you just like i used you just like that rat [ __ ] henry used you you vouched for that piece of [ __ ] brought him into my house and now you're dumb [ __ ] you're gonna pay for it now joe hey you're gonna pull that trigger do it already what are you waiting for vito let's shoot this [ __ ] remember what we talked about you're gonna throw all that away do it two now oh i kinda miss this reminds me of my prohibition day you know something carlo for the last 10 years all i done was kill i killed for my country i killed for my family i killed anybody that got in my way but this one this one's for me [ __ ] [ __ ] prick [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] do [Music] so hell of a sight ain't it when i first come to this town it was nothing more than a backwater [ __ ] now look at it let me see your hands whatever was between us is over you understand it ended the second it was you coming up them stairs instead of my son you want a drink all right i had this imported from scotland single malt usually i'm a bourbon man but i figured i'd order something with a little more class for when the casino opened not much of a chance of that happening now is it don't look that way take a seat i ain't going nowhere [Music] hey not bad i think i still prefer shine [Music] you know a month or so after my brother lucho died i started having nightmares i had this one where i was on a boat a giant wave come knock my ass overboard i hit that water and sink like a goddamn rock and there was another one where cotton mouths biting me all the hell but the one that really got to me was george's funeral he's laid out that shitty little casket neck cuts same as lucho's [Music] yeah that one really got to me it'll come around again every three or four days [Music] i've won one back and nom sleeping in a foxhole all of a sudden these dark figures come out of the shadows i try to fight them off but they hold me down tie my hands together stuff somebody rag in my mouth so i can't scream can't warn the men sleeping next to me [Music] and then i gotta listen as all those men die imagine that's not gonna go away anytime soon [Music] no i imagine it won't and then this this was all to try to keep mine from coming true look how that turned out i buried a lot of people more than i can count the one i never wanted to see go down in that cold ground was my son and here we are yes here we are my son is dead and i'm having a drink with his killer [Music] i'm not gonna apologize for what i did you understand if i did i'd just be lying i don't have it in me to feel shame for the things i've done to others never have didn't come here for an apology nah i know you did goddamn i was right about you wouldn't i knew it that second i [ __ ] saw you with the country club [Music] men like us we're just wired up wrong only one thing we know one thing we're good at i'm gonna be waiting for you lincoln clay this won't be the last time we see each other i know what are you waiting for [ __ ] do [ __ ] do it finish this you [ __ ] coward you just gonna [ __ ] stand there god forgive me [ __ ] you [ __ ] do it finish this you [ __ ] coward [Music] [Music] don't move tommy [ __ ] hey tom sam [Music] what the hell's going on you and paulie put me in a bad spot [Music] i know sam but i'm sorry about that but i need to get out of town can you help me or not there you go again making me choose between my friends and the family this is what you were looking for paulie's here's your cut it's more than you deserve yeah [Music] you killed him you killed paulie no paulie got himself killed and you seem real tore off about it i'm just in a good mood things are right between me and the don i'm moving up and i just found this big bag of money [Music] don knows about frank tom the [ __ ] too that [ __ ] the girl you were sweet on you're the one that let her live i'm sorry about this tom but our business has rules shame too don salieri really liked you guess we'll both have a good cry at your funeral you think you're doing this because you're loyal but you're not you're just scared maybe but you'd have lived a lot longer if you would have just looked over your shoulder from time to time [Music] goodbye don't let him suffer boys he's my body a lucky shot time but the thing about drug money is it pays for a lot of muscle put them down boys [Music] and i'm the guy that gets to give it to you however far you run out there will find you nobody's carrying it to the doctor this time see him you kill me now in the dawn she's never gonna stop looking for you but you let me live i'll tell yerry you're dead you can disappear just like frank only you'll be smart enough to stay gone right what happened to him [Music] he was hiding out in europe [Music] for the dumb bastard she started betting at the dog track got spotted by a friend of the family society he sent out a crow and his family christ you can't do it can you always have a little voice in the back of your head maybe sounds like your baby girl or sarah always telling you not to pull that trigger and you can't make up your mind getting easier every time you open your [ __ ] mouth we sure had some laughs right remember that time me you'll paulie [Music] [Music] [Music] silvery moon is shining through the trees cast to me you sound of kisses floating on the brink act one
Channel: Mafia Game Videos
Views: 199,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mafia, mafia definitive edition, mafia 2, mafia 3, mafia 2 definitive edition, mafia 3 definitive edition, mafia vs mafia 2 vs mafia 3, mafia definitive edition vs mafia 2 definitive edition vs mafia 3 definitive edition, mafia comparison, mafia physics and details, mafia definitive edition details, mafia 2 details, mafia 4, mafia games, mafia remake, mafia remake vs mafia 2 vs mafia 3, mafia game, mafia2, mafia3, mafia4, mafia1, tommy angelo, vito scaletta, lincoln clay, endings
Id: V7vzYAxksaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 36sec (1716 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 18 2022
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