Evgenia Medvedeva's skate to "Anna Karenina" soundtrack at PyeongChang 2018 | Music Monday
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Channel: Olympics
Views: 1,623,622
Rating: 4.8937635 out of 5
Keywords: Olympic Games, Olympic Channel, Olympic Medal, Olympics, IOC, Sport, Champion, PLMusicMonday, Music, Musical, Music Monday, Musik, Musique, Olympic, التزلج الفني على الجليد, 花样滑冰, Patinage Artisique, Eiskunstlauf, Pattinaggio di Figura, フィギュアスケート, 피겨 스케이팅, Patinação artística, Фигурное катание, Patinaje artístico, Figure Skating, Evgenia Medvedeva, Evgenia Medvedeva 2018, Anna Karenina, Dario Marianelli, Dance with me, anna karenina soundtrack
Id: dL3jNyA83SA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 29sec (329 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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my favorite dress of hers too
Ugh, I definitely cried with her as she finished during the Oympics. I think honestly it was her best performance then, you can tell she skated with all her heart and soul.
Also, watching it back now you can tell that her skating has improved. Sure, she still has edge issues, but all the movements and others has just got better.
I think l will forever cry with her at the end. It's amazing. Clean program, so much soul, all the emotions let out in the end, the audience completely behind her, only to not win :( Of course, not taking anything away from the winner, it just feels like the moment wasn't fulfilled for Zhenya.
As sad as it is, I guess this is how it was supposed to be. She's so much different today--- as a skater and as a person. I think it's for the better... as I'm happy to see her continue to skate (!!!!!) and improve. Too bad they waited so long to upload, they surely missed out on millions of views.
hits play in tears maybe she doesn't lose this time
Oh my god I forgot how different she looked.
Compared to know, she honestly looks a little sickly. Her back is just bones (you can see it at certain moments), whereas now, it's clearly muscle. Also her legs literally look like they could break!
That aside, her improvements are obvious. While I will always be heartbroken she didn't lose, having Zhenya where she is today is becoming more and more worth it (especially with her skates at Rostelecom!). I honestly think if she skated the way she does now back then, she would've won. There is just so much improvement that overcoming the few points would be easy.
I am gonna get downvoted to hell and back, but...
I mean technically this would good... but I did not like this program. That Eteri miming reached all time high. I could stand it in other programs, but here it was too much. That train sounds... tacky, imho. That brown dress (I prefer the black one, this brown-with-red-and-black-applications... too busy. Evgenia being too skinny for her own body frame, with stork knees (protruding knees), she later admitted she was "dry" during Olympics and did even have some disordered eating prior leaving Eteri. Knowing she was skating injury and those tears might be from some real physical pain... all the things add to making it hard to enjoy for me.
I prefer her recent programs much more.
Why did they wait so long 😑.
Anyway it reminds me of awesome memories.
I was heartbroken for her but now Im just blessed to have lived this amazing event. In my heart both Alina and Evgenya have a gold medal 😍
I think her best program was at 2017 world team trophy...she would have won the olympics with that