Everywhere at the End of Time | My Thoughts

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welcome back to my channel where i talk about things that interest me because that's all i do all the time this one's a juicy folks so recently i learned of everywhere at the end of time which is a six part music series that is framed around how dementia takes over someone's mind in its entirety and it's basically just old like kind of classical jazz pop 20 stuff that gets progressively uh more distorted throughout its six and a half hour run time so i've heard great things about the ending and so i thought i'm just gonna run through the whole thing in one big day-long stretch i want to start at 8 30 here soon and i'm going to be listening to it today as i mow the lawn take a shower eat breakfast go to the print store buy a mother's day gift drop off outgoing mail at the post office do film class homework and make some diy album covers i've been making mercedes of playlists that i've been making i don't know how this is going to go i've heard great things about the ending um but i have to be at film class at six o'clock so hopefully i've given myself enough buffer time so that i don't get interrupted too much uh so it should go all good and once i'm done i'm gonna come back and share my thoughts about it and talk about it more so i will be back in probably like seven uh seven and a half hours see you then uh so i'm done now um and i just recorded like four minutes and uh the camera messed up so let's hope that doesn't happen again but um right before that i had finished uh listening to it about 3 20. it's about 3 33 now and i started at 8 20 so it took like exactly 7 hours basically um 30 minutes of stopping um in between like switching to different speakers and uh i was buying things so when i was you know at the checkout counter i wasn't listening to um the music and so i paused it for a bit but otherwise it was pretty much continuous the whole time um and i wrote notes in my phone the whole thing i i recorded it basically and so everything but the last hour or so is gonna be secondhand um me retelling it from my phone instead of just actually saying what happened because i don't it was it's kind of a blur the whole thing was one big experience all together that i remember just a few certain parts of and i only go into like a great amount of detail with two or three of these like notes that i kept uh so 45 minutes in there's this really um nice like downlifter and if you're not familiar with the downlifter it's like a music term it's the opposite of an uplifter which is where um you hear like in the background a down lifter is the opposite it's when it goes [Music] in the background of something to help it kind of ease out of a new section of a song and i was listening to a really nice one i was like wow that's a really cool sound and then it got cut off [Music] that is the first time of many uh that something is cut off and just completely shifts immediately um and uh that continues on throughout the rest of the um entire piece i wrote here in my phone that it's felt like my youtube music app was just stopping it was like broken and so definitely wasn't i mark it in hour 36 that i hear the first major distortions and i'm pretty sure that's correct it's the first place where it's kind of like you know kind of ripping up and like popping as if your cd is skipping a ton um and that it doesn't really get any better um throughout the rest of the piece uh i was mowing the lawn at um two hours and two minutes in and uh it was between my front lawn and my back lawn i was walking the lawn mower between them in kind of the fenced in alleyway between houses and 202 uh two hours and two seconds there's this part where it's kind of just been this kind of weird like scary sounds and then it cuts off and then goes immediately into something even more terrifying i kind of got used to that um kind of gameplay loop thing that was going on there where i was just mowing the lawn listening to this kind of like room dark open sound and it just immediately cut to this and even though it was bright out it was 10 am there were kids playing across the street uh everything was totally on the up and up it was sunny uh but i just felt afraid for a few moments while i got adjusted to this new section at 2 14 i finished mowing the lawn and uh i got to this point where it was like bell sounds or something it was it was really nice um and uh it was nice to listen to in the middle of it because it not really resembled music very well for a little while and i was starting to kind of get a feel for like something i'm used to again so once i got done with the mowing the lawn i went inside and took a shower so six minutes later uh i wrote this big long paragraph whoops camera was in the wrong spot where am i gonna put graphics uh okay so i have it right here i'm just gonna read it off and i just sat for a couple minutes and just recorded my voice into my phone and it wrote everything down so this is kind of a stream of consciousness giant paragraph around 220 i went to take a shower and i was not expecting it to be as scary as it was because normally you feel safe when you take a shower once you grow out of that feeling that there's somebody with a knife on the other side of the shower curtain once you do that you start to feel safe in the shower and it's too warm there's probably a light right above your head and it's comfy and clean and it's a little reprieve from the rest of your day but i didn't want to cut off this music i didn't want to give myself that break so the so i got out a water resistant bluetooth speaker and i put it between the shower curtain and the like inner shower curtain and i played music while i was in the shower uh just enough of a level for it to be uncomfortable but not enough volume to disturb the rest of the people in the house there were a couple points um at the beginning and the end of my shower um where something kind of notable happened in the music there were these weird distorted record scratches and it was like actually genuinely frightening i i didn't want to close my eyes while i was in the shower because i just didn't feel safe um but of course i have like shampoo and like face stuff to put on and so i had to close my eyes and it was the first time since i was like seven that i felt genuinely afraid of just being in the shower and like closing my eyes for like 10 seconds i also wrote that it was the first time since for a long time that taking a shower has felt unfamiliar to me it really felt dangerous and not like something i do every day four hours left to go by 2 55 i spent five minutes listening to this part um also with the kind of like bell stuff maybe i was remembering wrong the bells are definitely now so this was um this nice like plinking sound uh and it reminded me of like when i'm in ableton and i'm noodling um on the on the piano and it was really nice i was just sitting there petting my cat um and uh and it was it was nice it was this little like chill section where i actually felt like better about it like safer at 3 hours 36 was another important part i got um to get in my car to go run some errands uh and i was just listening to this kind of weird like i wrote serene babalibu going on and it got kind of foggy in my glasses because i was wearing the mask and i i ended up having to take off the mask because it was fogging my glasses up too much for me to drive but for that little bit where i was in the neighborhood and uh i had just this constant sound in my ears it sounded kind of like this um and i had the mask on and everything you know my uh the the fogginess was getting and like it you know got foggy and then unfoggy as i as i breathed it back in it was this kind of weird um the whole world was kind of like surreal around me and uh it it kind of all felt safe for a minute and then bam a big change again right when you start to get used to it again it throws you into something new and scary and that's really good that's that's really good at 3 40 for the first time in like a really long time i heard music um it had for a while now just been weird ice cave sounds that i wasn't really seeing any pattern in it wasn't really music um and then at 3 40 there's this moment where it goes from two and that's really nice but then i wrote it three three forty one i said please bring it back because it goes from to woohoo an abrupt lighting change at four hours and nine minutes uh i started to hear a lot of this weird sound that reminded me of this like screeching and flesh and metal from the doom 2016 soundtrack it sounds like this after that it was just kind of just sounds ice cave sounds again um until it got towards the end uh and i was doing some arts and crafts i was doing these like um things with with the photos that i was printing out and i finished it all i got everything put away and then the ending happened spoiler alert for the ending um it is it's pretty intense once you've gone through the whole six hours so if you do plan on doing this yourself and listening through the whole way don't listen to what i'm about to say because what i say spoils what happens in the end i'd also recommend that you don't go and just listen to like five seconds and skip all the way through it and then get to the end and listen to that because it doesn't do it justice um until you've got the whole picture in your head and i know that sounds like oh pretentious wow listen go to the whole six and a half hour long album that i listen to but it it's it's really like that you know so it's it's not the most incredible thing you've ever heard in your life but it is like okay i i guess i expected that but i kind of didn't and it kind of blow you away a little bit the the choice that the caretaker made so after 6 hours and 24 minutes or 6 hours and 26 minutes or so the last five or six minutes are just um you hear like a slamming and i don't know what the sounds are i don't know if it's like the patient being um put in a coffin or or being cremated or something like that um but it kind of felt like to me what i imagined in my head was someone being put in a coffin um from the inside of a church where there's a funeral procession of some sort happening and there are um there's a chorus and there are songs being played by a small orchestra uh and that might not be what is the intended effect that's what i got out of it that's what it sounded like to me uh that's just what i that's what i experienced it goes on for a really long time and then it just cuts out and there is a minute and like two seconds of silence at the end just blank nothing there um obviously representing death this is a patient with dementia probably older um and it ends in death and that's the the name of the last song is place in the world fades away so it's death some of the stages had really interesting parts where um the the descriptions um are really really accurate to what is going on because once you get into like stage five it's all just a mishmash of like pain sounds and like and just like like fear in an audio form um going through plaque entanglements and synapse retrogenesis and stuff like that but in stage three i think it was the most interesting one because you know in stage two things start to kind of fall apart in stage three it's just it's it's that's the good part um and uh so i'm gonna read off the description from the description of the youtube video uh here we are presented with some of the last coherent memories before confusion fully rolls in and the gray mists form and fade away finest moments have been remembered the musical flow in places is more confused and tangled as we progress some singular memories become more disturbed isolated broken and distant these are the last embers of awareness before we enter the post awareness stages this is the last part of it where there's recognizable stuff the the post awareness stages are just sound um and it's it's kind of grueling to sit through four hours of that stage three it kind of encapsulates the whole thing it's a microcosm of the entirety of the piece you go from stuff that's you recognize it to just garbage that is completely unrecognizable i specifically remember uh listening through it and when i got uh to stage two quiet dusk coming early an hour 7 17 song d2 i remember specifically looking it up because i thought it was actually like really nice and i thought that that was the last song that i remember hearing and going that's pretty music this is nice i'm listening to this i don't really have much else to say on the on the topic i listened to it all the way through uh and the ending was really nice um and i exp i just i can't the words don't come when i try to explain when i try to explain it in in anything other than like oh it's unfamiliar and it's weird and uh you know wow it's uh it's dementia for sure um i just i just can't i can't explain it but it's a pretty good piece i'm glad that i listened to it all the way through instead of just skipping through it which is what i initially planned on doing just like most people i assume because who listens to this you know the only reason i did this was because i i think it's interesting to kind of relay it to other people it definitely got across the feelings of um not being able to feel familiar with anything for longer than just a few moments which is i guess kind of the main thing with dementia is that you know everything familiar turns unfamiliar and you start to think you see familiarity and unfamiliarity um and it's just this downward spiral um and uh i definitely got that it does a good job of getting that across i don't know where i was going with this i just thought it'd be interesting to listen through and go over it and you know kind of explain what i felt um so that's all i hope i taught someone something [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Bryson Taylor
Views: 9,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9aff5CD6m9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 25 2020
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