Everywhere at the End of Time COMMENT REVIEW

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[Music] oh [Music] oh so a few months ago i said this yeah so i'm one thousand percent gonna do a comment review on this one because wow [Music] so essentially if you haven't seen my everywhere at the end of time video there's a part where i rant and complain about the comments section i want to show you why and you know i was just not going to follow up you know just like every other empty promise i make on this channel but i realized you know i've already got the comments compiled and it would be super easy and that's what matters when you're making a youtube video so without any further ado here is everywhere at the end of time comment review keep in mind that these comments were found during my listen through about a month ago when i made the caretaker review so let's go everywhere at the end of time is regarded as a great artistic feat by many and james leyland kirby has become well respected in various pretentious art communities as a result of his work on this project this is a work that is noted for oftentimes bringing listeners to tears you know this album has deeply philosophical and nihilistic undertones and conveys a message about a serious ailment that thousands of people die from every year how bad could the comment section on this artwork possibly be who's here from tick tock people were saying you can't finish all the stages without going crazy or something i don't know but here i go this sentiment pretty much sums up uh a lot of the comments in this so with this setting the president i'm going to be dividing these comments into three separate categories the first category literal children some of these comments i feel were written by literal children and you will you will see this evidenced in these comments i promise you that number two the second category edgy teenagers these are people from the ages of 13 to about 17 who really don't understand how cringe their tough guy posting looks [Music] and number three ironic meme i'll figure this out later i'll edit i'll edit what section three is i don't know you'll see it on text on screen right now freaking ironic meme so here's one that fits into section two edgy slash cringe teens what is happening to me i feel it i i feel different i feel more into stuff i need to tell someone about this but will they try to stop me or will i try to stop them we are not safe what is happening i know but what does it mean nine eight two five zero one eight eight zero remember these numbers they're gonna ask about them oh no they're coming remember the numbers they are coming we need to do something but how they control us what if they are the ones i need help but how were i don't know as you can see this is supposed to be the oh whoa i'm going crazy i'm learning some crazy esoteric knowledge and there's a crazy big organization coming to stop me bruh shut up you're like probably 12. i don't know dude i don't know dude it's just music dog shut up next comment these next few are a series of comments that fit into both sections one two and maybe also three depending on what i decide for three to be ironic meme these are all by the same person by the way what is wrong with me i'm laughing like crazy i'm almost in tears from laughing i'm at stage four help exasperated emoji who's your friend [Music] so just gonna leave my mark here real quick my name like anime games youtube science among us and minecraft my favorite animes are your lion april erased naruto and tokyo ghoul my favorite minecraft youtubers are dream george not found sapnap skeppy bad boy halo tommy init and tubo i was an animator on youtube for a little but i took down my videos i studied about black holes and more i'm learning the basics of engineering right now i am going to start play the game of among us after this i have a discord where i talk to my friends this is signing off bruh all right so let's explain this post let's let's dive in a little bit i'm go that was a real name i'm going to censor that but i just said a real name while recording this script so essentially this is like leaving your mark on a quote-unquote dangerous video uh letting letting people see who you are uh i have a feeling that this person is in middle school because of uh the interests you know and saying like oh i'm learning the basics of engineering bro you're probably like in a 9th grade physics class you feel me but yeah i don't know i'm guilty of leaving a comment like this once when i was like in 5th grade and i saw a creepypasta and i was like oh yeah let me just freaking dox my personal information on the internet for anyone to see in this comment section like bruh i don't know it's just it's kid logic you know that's that's why i'm putting it into uh section one you're not the protagonist i am so stop pretending you're worthy of being hunted by ghosts or spirits or demons or whatever [Music] these next two go into the third category first we have shout out mental illness and next we have finn a freestyle over this see these are definitely epic ironic memes there was an attempt at being funny this next one is also in the third category please come to brazil [Music] imagine a six freaking hours concert of depressing old sounds but in brazil well that changes everything [Music] this one is both sections one and two both cringe teen and you know it's a very childish theory that's why it's in section one two i've had a theory about myself for a while my grandpa died way before i was born he passed away on valentine's day and 30 years after his death my mom gave birth to me three months early on valentine's day i believe i am a reincarnation of him people say i have a old soul and honestly i don't act like a 15 year old and this song i feel like i've heard it before when i say that i mean songs like this like i'm reminiscing about them what if that's bruhs [Music] coming through me my grandpa's soul is with me i just can't remember who i am a case of heavy dementia you could say i'ma keep listening and see what happens y'all bruh this one feels like disrespectful to this dude's grandpa to be completely honest this motherfreaker straight up died from dementia and his grandson developed some cringy anime protagonist backstory with it imagine dying slowly losing your mind to a serious and horrible illness only to have your grandson pretend you're a jojo stand [ __ ] all right and as is customary i have saved the best for last this one is the epitome of sections one this is a complete misunderstanding of what this album is like and uh this is literal observable evidence of the shortening human attention span so a bit of explanation this person thinks that they are on the different stages of the album but really they're just on the uh different songs you know people are complaining about how long the album is the video itself that this is commented on is literally six hours and 30 minutes and they're about like five minutes in at this point like five to seven minutes i'd say so here we go hello guys i'm currently on stage five but i'm only gonna write how i feel about stage five because i forgot about the other stages in the beginning so anyways stage five i feel so good and i can't understand why people are being so dramatic anyways my eyes are tearing up stage six i'm right now on stage six and i don't like this one because it makes me uncomfortable and i feel weird it makes me feel tight which i definitely do not like tongue sticking out emoji exasperated emoji sad emoji peace emoji stage seven anyways so um i'm just going to edit for every stage smiley face my armpits smell like onions i don't know why but it's probably because i'm sweating and ways for number seven i don't know what to feel i feel so dang fancy that it makes me want to eat a big vanilla armpit hair cake sad emoji anyways i kind of like this one it's so fancy sounding this is like something that a cartoon like tom and jerry would have as music in an episode peace sign emoji i feel so smexy like shrek that i feel like i'm gonna turd all over my floor sad face kissy face nails emoji stage eight omg this might be my favorite it feels so good that my armpits are starting to feel dry which is so good it makes me feel calmed which i like it's honestly a vibe fist emoji pregnant emoji devil emoji stage nine okay now i'm on this stage and it makes me feel so smexy devil emoji devil emoji anyways i'm just trying to write while dancing because this is such a vibe like i feel so good y'all just being dramatic plus my cat just standed up and started dancing with me devil emoji kissy face emoji nails emoji stage 10 i feel like i'm in a live story with a sexy anime boy that keeps farting on me mitch makes me feel so loved he is kissing my toes now which makes feel so good like yes poppy just like that nails emoji anyways yes kissy face emoji stage 11 okay guys i think stuff are repeating now i roll emoji i'm so mad uh i'm going to fart on my dancing cat devil emoji sad emoji anyways this sounds like it was already heard like uh annoying stuff right guys nails emoji teacher emoji anyways i'm currently sitting on the toilet taking a fat a big fat juicy chat exasperated emoji unpleasant to boji poop emoji oops um i think this is pretty good it makes me feel like the baddest bleep devil emoji i'm taking over addison rey's career eyes emoji nerd emoji stage 12 guys i don't feel sexy no more i just saw a shadow plus i'm alone in the dark i think i farted it stinks or maybe it was my dad i roll emoji anyways this stage makes me feel so scared that i think i'm gonna have explosive shart i keep looking in front of mister to see if my cat is flying but this makes me feel confident i don't i don't even know an emoji that is is that like a chick popping out of an egg stage 13 oh guys now that i'm thinking about it i shouldn't have done this cause now i'm so bored and want to play games devil emoji plus my phone's getting glitchy and laggy but um the background for stage 13 just changed and i think i'm gonna shart and i feel foot stomps outside my door but this makes me feel like i'm being rushed and then like a billion emojis i don't want to say omg i just realized that i'm still on stage too three crying emojis i thought that all the times the sounds changed those were the stages um by and then like a bunch of yeah and then this guy says i thought this was all a [ __ ] post but no [Music] this one this one is well i can't even really do this one justice honestly i you know at first i thought it could be a meme with all the pooping and farting or whatever but like honestly reading further into it i i don't think it is i think that this person is 100 genuine and just happens to be very immature i watched this comment get updated in real time [Music] in the words of james leyland kirby this comment is simply quote without description hi thanks for watching my least scripted video yet if you enjoyed please subscribe maybe follow me on twitch because over this next month i'm going to attempt that's right attempt to start live streaming get over the uh stream anxiety that i might say the end subscribe to make me feel better about my regrets are completely missing the point
Channel: TripleBeppo
Views: 1,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: triple beppo, triplebeppo, beppo, chups, reverwhere at the end, caretaker, caertaker
Id: izQ4Rnv9CdE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 12 2020
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