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what's going onIsland Hoppers  today we are going to talk about   things to know when visiting  New York City let's do it all right as you guys know new york city is  absolutely huge with that being said depending   on where you're staying in New York there's  going to be three different airports because   new york city expands into greenwich Connecticut  it's in new york state obviously going up long   island and then into new jersey so if you're  going to be staying in the jersey side of things   or closer to jersey you go fly into newark  if you're going to be staying in downtown   new york someone might prefer laguardia if  you're in manhattan or even jfk jfk being   the biggest of all the airports so keep that in  mind now like i said new york city is very big   i know out of JFK they do have a subway  metro system that connects to the city   so that's really easy but Newark big airport  but it's on the jersey side so i recommend JFK here's something to know do order your food  your coffee your drinks quickly people are   in a big hurry out here not just the host not  just the server but the people behind you so   try to pre-meditate what it is that you're  going to be eating or drinking when you come   down here because remember it is new york and it's  fast-paced and especially when you're in manhattan   or the city centers it's going to be fast things  to know about visiting new york city i would say   always make sure that everything on you is secure  but when i'm saying this i'm not trying to scare   you or send fear for you i'm trying to tell you  that uh new york city is safe but make sure you   take the extra precautions to make sure you  have everything zipped up and you don't just   leave your valuables out in open sight and pl in  fact here in a big city like this in times square   you might want to dress down a bit you don't want  to stand out now every time i've come down here i   have not yet once seen any sort of pickpocket or  any sort of activity like that but that doesn't   mean that it doesn't happen in broad daylight  so i'm just pointing that out because people   are going to want to know is it safe well there's  my advice on staying safe is making sure you have   your belongings secure on you and not just  hanging out or taking things lightly this is   a very densely packed area things can happen  quickly someone could bump up next to you and   take something out of your pocket really quickly  now when it comes to things to consider about what   to wear in new york city this is going to be kind  of tricky if you're intending to show up to a chic   boutique or a club or a show there may be a  dress code for that but when you're out and about   walking around manhattan brooklyn bronx queens  wherever you're going to go you might just want   to wear a t-shirt and some shorts but make  sure if you're going to do a lot of walking   that you're wearing the proper shoes for that  you don't typically see people wearing sandals   out here so if you're one of those type of people  who thinks oh i'm going to come out here and bring   my flip-flops or my sandals in new york that's  not really what you're going to do you're going   to bring some tennis shoes some walking shoes  but like i said if you plan on going to a show   on broadway or something or a club there might  be a dress code so do be aware to pay attention   to that because we just talked about the clothes  to wear that's also going to go hand in hand with   the weather now obviously in the winter you're  going to have to dress up for the winter you   know maybe you'll have to wear a nice coat thick  coat long johns depending on how cold it gets in   the summertime it does get humid and muggy spring  you can have a cold morning and a warm afternoon   so fall can be the same thing now occasionally  in the spring you're going to have days they're   going to feel like winter in march in april it can  get really cold even in that time of year where it   can get down into the freezing levels but it can  also warm up two days later like i said during   the summertime though it's going to be humid and  muggy so take that into consideration occasionally   they do get hurricanes from the atlantic they  come all the way up to new york but very rare so here's something to know about transportation  in new york city hardly anyone really has or   owns a car they pretty much take taxis  or ubers all up and down the downtown   area because where are you gonna park in new  york city and if all these millions of people   who come in here as visitors are working people  in manhattan tried to park where's all the cars   gonna fit so that's why everyone drop drives  in taxis or ubers or subways or takes ferries   like this staten island ferry which is just  so happens to be free actually but uh if you   guys wanted to get a metro card it's 2.75 cents  per swipe okay so let's keep this store moving here's things to know about going to the restroom  in new york whenever you get an opportunity   even if you don't necessarily have to go you  should probably take advantage of it because   around new york city they don't have very many  public bathrooms restrooms anytime you get a   chance use it here's something to know about  the way the city is laid out so let's just   take manhattan for example you have downtown  midtown and uptown what that basically means is   the southern part of manhattan is downtown  which is where i'm at right now so   when you buy one world trade that's downtown  if you go up towards central park area you're   in midtown so when someone says they're headed  downtown that means they're going 79 78 77 76   towards the downtown area if they're going midtown  they're going up so they'll be going 79 80 81   and then if they end up on the north  side of manhattan that's uptown so here's the thing people are always talking  about how the people in the northeast are in   particular in brooklyn new york queens manhattan  they're not friendly from my experience they   really are it's just they move really quickly  they don't have time for the good morning casual   hey how are you kind of conversation they're in a  hurry to do what they got to do because they got   millions of people compacted in a very densely  populated area and so when you're over here in   new york don't be too offended if someone  doesn't give you the time of day they got   enough time to maybe answer your question  ask you ask you where something's going on   or you ask a question what's going on but the most  part people are friendly they're just in a hurry let's talk about cost of visiting new york  but in particular we start out with things   that are free to do in new york so anything  you can do that makes you closer to being like   a local like taking a ferry the staten  island ferry for example that's free   also taking a ferry just across from  manhattan to brooklyn 2.75 cents last i heard   that's not going to break the bank now  is it there's plenty of other things you   could do all across the city they're free  like go to central park several museums if   you do your research you can find out which  museums are going to be free of charge so   living like a local here in new york city can save  you a lot of money but also realizing that many   activities just walking around times square that's  free okay you don't always have to go on a tour   although tours can make it a little bit easier but  i think you can come to new york run a hotel room   for 115 dollars a night and do activities  in the daytime without breaking the bank all right so as you can see here i've got a  nutella banana and uh it's a crepe with iced   coffee but here in new york there's a wide variety  of different foods everything from cheese steaks   to pizza to you know halal food in the stands to  fresh squeezed juices on the stands you could be   just walking down central park and you'll have  a food truck or you'll be walking down times   square and there'll be food truck there or  there's many different restaurants now when   you do eat pizza here because this is something  you're going to do a cheese steak a pizza you're   going to eat it with your hand it's considered  weird to eat pizza with a fork and a knife here   all right guys you guys can see these really  skinny tall towers the reason they build them   so skinny and tall nowadays is because the real  estate that they're built on is so expensive so   they don't get a big piece of land what do they do  go straight up you know how much an average home   rents for an average apartment in  manhattan 3 400 a month for a one bedroom so when you come to new york you can shop  all across the city of course but the main   area you're going to want to do your shopping  especially if you got the high budget is going   to be fifth avenue if you look behind me we have a  versace you have gucci cartier if you look across   the street right here you have nike so major  shopping happens here obviously it's famous for   saks fifth avenue and the trump tower but this  whole area up and down here bring the big money here's something to know about  visiting new york is try not to make   eye contact with crazy so if you see someone  who's out there maybe trying to solicit money off   people or being aggressive the second you make eye  contact with them they think they have to write a   way to engage with you further so typically  when you see panhandlers or people who are   being aggressive on the streets the  second you make eye contact with them   that basically gives them the green light to  uh engage in conversation with you further and   then sometimes it's really hard to get them to go  away so try to avoid eye contact with uh crazies in summary here's what i have to say about  new york you're going to absolutely enjoy   new york city there are some boroughs that  are probably not worth checking out but   if you do get a chance to go over towards  brooklyn maybe even north uptown beyond   manhattan towards harlem or queens in that area  staten island you're not going to be missing   you're not going to feel like you missed out on  too much when you go to staten island but overall   the main area you're really going to want to hang  out and focus is going to be on the manhattan   island okay so that's where you really want to  focus so hope you guys uh have a good time and   enjoy your stay here and if you're new to  islandhopper tv you can subscribe and watch   some of these other videos like this video if this  helped you out and we'll see you on the next one   you
Channel: Island Hopper TV
Views: 14,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Walking Tour, Virtual Tour, Travel, Vacation, Travel Guide, New York City, New York, Visit New York, United States, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Staten Island, Queens, NYC, Things to know new york city, new york new york
Id: NjSdDhe4rlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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