Everything You Need To Know Before Buying A Rolls Royce Wraith

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hey everybody PES 1 getting me back with exotic car hacks and today is a rather good day for me because I'm finally getting rid of my Rafe now you might be wondering why would I want to get rid of my rolls-royce Rafe especially when I put all these mods and everything in it and let me simplify it for you in a very clear and easy way you see this is a parking spot right here this is a white line and this car is right in the middle of this parking spot one of the big things you'll notice is that in the easiest position to get out of the car this door is now almost a quarter of the way into the other parking spot and in its full open position it is not almost a half into the parking spot making it one extremely uncomfortable to actually drive this as a daily driver now excuse me one of the big things you all need to also notice come over here I've got to show you this is this car is a two-door but it's equally as long as the four-door giving it some very bizarre proportions but one cool thing happens as a result of that which I want you to understand but it's still not cool enough from a daily drivable standpoint you can clearly see here that there's a lot of room right here in the back seat which I'm gonna sit in so you can really understand and a normal person as you can see can comfortably sit here however from a daily driver standpoint the getting in and out of the back seat is so uncomfortable and so inconvenient then it just makes it impossible to really use it if you have to take friends family or anything around which makes it a really horrible just daily driver now in addition to that I want to point out these umbrellas can be used for rain here in Florida happens all the time I'm actually afraid to open them because every time I open them and put them back in this wall they actually get stuck so then I gotta spend $200 to take off the fender piece and actually get the umbrella out again a huge flaw and finally one of the big things that I've noticed in the reef that is not so common in the ghost is that a lot of the pieces on the newer rate versus the older ghost or of course much nicer right they're supposed to be crystal the Spirit of Ecstasy iDrive looks nicer and bigger but it also looks a lot more plastic and there's a lot more plastic on this than there is in the ghost which is why since I really like the status of the worlds and before somebody says well did you know you can press a button and close the door yes you see I understand that I can press this button and hit myself with the door open it again hit myself again yes I know it's serious II I know and I know it does both doors and I can read the other button that says boots I get it like I understand so I'm gonna try to close it you see oh look it's moving and I'm pressing the button the button is being pressed anyways so please stop commenting that did you know there is a button you can press the button this is coming from a guy who can't even own a Honda Civic and then telling me like I got a person button to [ __ ] open the door but anyway so back to this we're talking about a rape here not your ambitions you know going from a Honda to a Rolls Royce the the other issue with this car is that while it's really really awesome from a status standpoint I just don't feel it brings out the value for 160 170 grand ish because if you follow me over here you'll see my new replacement and I want to make sure I'm clear about this you see this is my new ghost and this is now in a stock form meaning you're gonna see more case studies on this and and while this right here is only a 2010 with very low miles this is a black 2010 with the full black interior with the black piano wood but as you'll see in future videos this just is a better car than the rape now we're not talking about this one versus that one we're talking about the car as a whole it's just a better usage of what wolves royce always should have been then one of my biggest complaints with the dawn was similar to the things that I have with the rape I thought I could get over it I really can't now the other thing with these ghosts is really nice clean goes like this can be bought under 120 grand which means that your 50 grand cheaper you get four doors you get all the entertainment in the rear you get all the umbrellas and same features and you're rolling in a car that's just equally important status wise so this makes more sense than that which is why I'm switching over but I didn't just gonna leave this stock I'm gonna move all of my aftermarket parts for my rave to my ghost and be able to now enjoy your modified ghost for a fraction of the so if anyone's ever considering a daily driver because this is now going to be my third ghost and this is my first rave and I've also been in the dawn which I'm not necessarily a fan of I can give you a few tips if you're going to be in need of a daily driver and it's going to be your only daily driver meaning you're not going to have another you know SUV or something to have on the side then make sure you buy a ghost not a rave if on the other hand this is one of your other cars and you want a coupe a then the Rafe may make sense now the Rafe has a lot of power it's a lot of fun to drive and honestly it's got a lot of status some people love the design I just don't personally it's not a design that really appeals to me I mean if you really look at this I feel like the proportions are just off like I mean if you look at it like right from the side here you can get a good angle this part here reminds me of the Hurst where they put the dead people you know like they kind of roll the thing which is cool because kind of the name of the whole Wraith name if you actually google it what it means are in terms of past ghosts and everything is actually a cool feature but it's just it's just very ugly to me like I just don't I can't get into the back no matter what I do and the interior is very BMW ish they both are but it just feels more sturdy and workable in the ghost than the rape so for this reason this is the last time you're now seeing this car it's extremely dirty it's sitting here next time you actually see my next video we're gonna talk about the ghost and what to look for if you're buying a ghost especially today with so many ghosts on the market being cheap how what to look out for and make sure you don't get taken so you're spending thousands of dollars fixing these cars older Rolls Royces meaning anything from 2010 and 15 is going to have a lot of the older components like the older control arms shocks and struts that are going to be in need of replacing usually if the car is not well cared for has been driven over a lot of potholes and so on and so forth so I highly recommend that you watch my next video on how affordable the ghost is and what to look for if you're buying one so today we take one last look at this awesome rolls-royce Wraith it is now the end of this car for me and most likely the last rafe you're ever going to see me own or dawn just not a fan regardless of what it is similar to the Huracan which I said listen I get it just the execution was poorly done I feel like going from a 335 called cake are appreciating the 170 just isn't enough for this car so I'm giving it really like unfortunately a thumbs down and I'm gonna have to say that once it hits the hundred maybe 120 karinch some of you should consider it but as of now the Rafe unfortunately is not the car for me so say goodbye to the reef and hopefully if you've enjoyed some of the things I've talked about here and again the beauty of being able to do this I don't have to lose money getting out of the car so meaning I can just four months later I enjoyed it it wasn't for me I can now buy a ghost and not worry about oh man I'm gonna lose all this money switching cars I'm gonna lose my taxes and have to repay them buying cars that's not how any of this works if you want to learn how to get in and out of exotic cars without worrying about depreciation repairs insurance or taxes make sure you click the link into the bio and actually learn and take my free training for an hour on how to buy your dream car without using your own money and in many cases actually making a profit along the way so feel free to do that give me a thumbs up if you like me if you hate me give me a thumbs down it's okay I can live with it you know I'll probably survive the next day and for everybody else please subscribe guys we're almost at our under case so I thank all of you guys for your support and I will see you in the next video at exotic car hacks
Channel: Exotic Car Hacks
Views: 60,298
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: exotic car hacks, ech, exoticcarhacks, exoticcarhacks.com, pejman ghadimi, car flipping, how to flip cars, cars, car buying, new car, luxury car, exotic car, rolls royce, exotic car crash, best cars, cars racing, racecars, luxury cars, rolls royce wraith, wraith, bentley, ferrari, lamborghini, aston martin, mclaren, super cars
Id: EsgYT4qfXNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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