Everything You NEED To Know About Your Vivarium in Hogwarts Legacy

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one really cool feature in Hogwarts Legacy is the vivariums the vivarium is a place that you can secure and rescue beasts found around the Hogwarts Legacy world inside your room of requirements so in this video I'm going to talk to you about what the vivarium is how you can use it and how you can interact with the beasts within the vivarium it is going to contain a few mild spoilers particularly in terms of the progression of the vivarium and the room of requirements as a whole so if you do want to save yourself on that please save this video and come back to it at a later point so firstly what is the vivarium the vivarium is a place where you can store beasts that you rescue from around the world and these can be all different types of beasts and you were able to put them in here you can interact with them you can feed them you can pet them and you can create a little world inside each of these vivariums from your room of requirements for them to live in in total inside each vivarium area there is 12 active beasts allowed on the ground as it were and four different types of species per vivarium now as you can see the first one that you get is the one in the center here you then get two up to the left and to the right of this one and finally once you get to the point where you are rescuing a phoenix for deak you will actually unlock the fourth one now this is as far as I've got and I'm seemingly completed all of deke's questline as he hasn't given me anymore for a good few hours of gameplay and I have also completed the main saw request so as far as my knowledge is concerned this is where you get up to once you've completed the quest lines as you can see in this one we only have 6 out of the 12 active beasts but we do have four different species I've put in here my Phoenix my lord of the shores the eindale pilfer and some Dairy corals now each of these vivarium areas has a different theme a different setting to it and they're all very unique which makes the game even more exciting as you can decorate these in different styles and there is also secrets to find in each of them firstly then how do you get beasts into your vivarium in Hogwarts Legacy what you will need to do is go around the world and help to rescue these beasts using the spell that is given to you by Deke called the nabsack now this will require a little bit of progress into the main story firstly in order to actually lock the room of requirements and then you'll need to follow deke's storyline as you're progressing with the main quest when it becomes available to you to actually get use of the knabsack now once you have this as you can see from the gameplay I'm showing to you you will simply go up to beasts cast the knabsack on them and this will help you to catch them now things like puff schemes which are pretty easy to capture they only require one press of your hotkey in order to be able to get this capture these are fairly easy but some of the more difficult ones particularly such as unicorns when you get to that point you will want to use one of your yellow spells particularly as you can see on my Hotbar here I find arrester momentum seems to be one of the best spells for this as it does freeze them in place which gives you enough time to mostly capture these some beasts will require you to do it twice in order to get them as they can be particularly tricky but what you'll do is rescue them into your knapsack once you've captured the Beast you will take them back to your room of requirement now it's worth noting that knapsack does have a limited amount of slots so you will have to actually put some beasts into your vivarium of course those expand as you progress through Deek's Quest as well so you have more areas to put them into and then any extra additional ones that you have at that point it is probably wise to sell so that you've always got space to pick up a particular creature or beast if you want to do so now one really crucial thing to note about trying to get beasts in Hogwarts Legacy is there is actually animal dense or beast dens situated around the map denoted by these little paw prints you can hover over them to see which type of Beast that it is and these are really great locations to head over to in order to be able to catch beasts particularly if you're looking for that kind of Beast or you're trying to find rare versions of that type of Beast as well as these can often spawn at these Dent areas so now we know how to get the beasts into your vivariums in Hogwarts Legacy what do you actually do with them once they are inside well let's take a look into my first vivarium here I've put some random building stuff around some decorations and I've been having a bit of fun with what you can actually do in here one of the main things that you can of course do and again you will unlock these spells by continuing down deke's questline is brush them and feed them now this is particularly good because once you do both of them so as you can see here they are fed and I'll come back to that in a moment but once you do both of these interactions with your animals they will actually give you their magical ingredients which is used for upgrading gear throughout Hogwarts Legacy you can go around you can feed and pet each of these animals now as you can see I'm not feeding these but they are already fed and that is because I have a conjuration here which is of course the feeding station the feeding conjuration along with all of the other conjurations that I'm going to speak about in today's video are of course obtainable through terms and Scrolls which is in hogsmeade Village so if you don't have any of those or you want to see where you can get them from head over to there and you will have to purchase them from that shop so as you can see if you use your conjuration spell inside the vivarium area you can click onto Beast items here and you can get yourself a beast feeder it costs eight Moonstone to place down and this will automatically feed the beast in the area for you which gives you one less task to do when you come in which is just going to be to brush them now as you'll be able to see as I'm going around here some of these have got materials for me and as I am brushing them of course they're already fed but you would have to feed them also if you don't have a feeder they are now popping up with the materials that I can claim so I can go ahead and interact with the individual ones or I can open up my Beast menu or press F again with one I've already claimed and cycle through using on keyboard and mouse it is a and d but it'll be your respective keybinds for console to scroll through and actually pick up and show me and another thing that you can do through this menu is as you can see here this Domino needs a brush still so what we can do is again on PC this is tea to summon on Console it'll be in the bottom middle of your screen you'll be able to see it bottom right hand corner you press whatever the respective keybind is to summon it and then you can go ahead and interact with it there so that you can go ahead and collect the drop you can also bring up your Beast management window which again on PC the hotkey for this is H but if you look in the bottom right just above my spells toolbar you'll be able to see what that button is for you and your respective console you can go in here and again you can click through to the beasts and that will take you back to the scroll through menu to be able to pick these up without having to run to each one and indeed being able to some of the ones that you want to interact with now this management window is particularly useful as you can see in this interface which of the beasts have firstly been brushed and taken care of which ones have been fed and how often or how long until your next resource collection cooldown is from that particular Beast so this is a really good way to check if you've got all 12 down which ones you haven't haven't done within that vivarium and when they are completed they're ready to give you their resources you'll see the nurtured text just underneath their names here now it is important to note here if you are interested particularly you can rename beasts so if you go up to one and interact with them specifically again you can press the rename keybind at the bottom right hand corner here and you can change the name to whatever you would like it to be which is a really cool little feature as well now the other thing that you can do with beasts that you've captured of course course is breeding and the breeding pen is something again you will have to unlock but once you do a lock it you're going to be able to place this down for 15 Moonstone now again this is a particularly big item so you will want a good amount of space to be able to place this down you're gonna have to make sure that your beasts are not in the way when you're trying to place this down otherwise it won't let you place it of course but once it is placed within the vivarium you can go over to it you can interact with it now if you have a full vivarium like I have got here it says at least one space must be available in the vivarium to breed a new Beast manage beasts to make space so again you can go back into the Beast management window and you can actually take any of these and press the hotkey to move to inventory and that will free up a space so that you can breed some new and potentially rare beasts which we'll touch on in just a moment's time now if you do actually have space for additional beasts inside your vivarium once you go over to the breeding pen you can choose a species as long as you have a male and female available of that species inside that vivarium you can click on that and you can then click breed if you have multiple of then you can choose the breeding pair so you can see which ones you want to put together and then you click on that one and it takes 30 minutes for those to breed now if you open up your vivarium management tab here you can see that the professional Offspring here is of course gestating which means being created you've got one here that's nesting which is of course breeding for that Offspring and then we can see all of the other beasts that I have inside this vivarium now as you can see I've got several festral offsprings here the question I know is burning on a lot of people's minds is do The Offspring grow up in order to become adults especially when you get some rare ones and the answer to that unfortunately is I do not know as far as I can tell they do not grow up because I have been playing this game for several hours since having a couple of these I created another one a few hours ago and I'm obviously doing another one now now these have been info fair amount of game time and haven't seemed to become full festrals yet or non-festral offsprings so I do believe that they do not grow up however maybe it's something you will look much later in the game that being said I've pretty much completed the full main story of the game and a lot of the side quests and this hasn't been unlocked for me yet so as far as I can tell The Offspring don't grow up so if you want to keep the shinies or the rares in your vivarium cool and if you do want to sell some of The Offspring to make space that is something that you might have to do if you do want to go ahead and sell some beasts or some Offspring what you will need to do is head into hogsmeade and go to The Brood and Peck which is at the top Center of this map there you'll be able to sell the beasts to the Bruno Peck which is another place to rescues them and obviously has a little bit more space than what we have in our vivariums easiest way to get here is by the north hogsmeade flu fire so like I touched on briefly before there is the possibility to get rare creatures and beasts in Hogwarts Legacy and that is denoted by the star next to the name so if I hover over this niffler here you can see that it has a niffler and then next to that it has the star which means that it is a rare Beast now I also have some named beasts in here like Irondale pill for it which is from a quest I managed to capture him but there is also a niff here so this is different this one doesn't count as a rare per se but this one does so we can add them to the vivarium and we can see them walking around they do have the star next to the name this will be what they look like out and about in the wild or in some of the dens that you go to if you're trying to find a rare just look for the star next to their name and that will show you that this is a rare creature now inside the vivariums there is no way to access the map if you press M or your respective key band it just brings up the whole Hogwarts map but there is a little mini map which you will get in the bottom left of your screen and this can often help you to find alongside revelio some of the secrets that might be in here so I'll show you where some of the chests were in this one there is usually two in each vivarium obviously I've already claimed these but they are collection chests so one was down here off the side of the ruins this is where the second one was located inside this evarium now there may be more secrets or more things that I haven't found in each of my bavariums of course there is resources in these as well which is great to collect especially the Moonstone but if there is some more collection chess or some more secrets inside these areas that I haven't found please do be sure to let me know about them down below in the comments so ultimately then what is the point of having beasts in Hogwarts Legacy other than rescuing them and then being very very cool you can actually get a toy box and play with them in there if you really want to but they do have a crucial role in the game which is the upgrade materials they give you when you look after them so for example if we go onto some of the gloves that I have here we can click view upgrade and this is going to tell us what materials are required to upgrade this item so we can go ahead and do the first tier you can see there is three upgrades total so for the next one I would need thestral hair Moon car fur again and this time I would need swooper feathers so obviously I would need to go and get a thruper I would need to look after them and get that upgrade each piece has different upgrade options and materials so as you can see here this piece going to level two requires three job anole feathers one niffler fur and one third Watts so you can go ahead and upgrade that one and then to actually get this the top level you're going to need five different ingredients median switch again I can currently do so I'll do that to show you guys what it does and that gets you obviously a big boost for the item it does give you some player XP in the top left as well and of course that is the main reason for looking after these beasts is they provide you with some magical ingredients to give you a huge power boost to some of your items so if we go and have a look at that piece of gear now it's on 92 defense and 36 offense and if we pick something okay this is not a legendary but it's only got an 85 defense and no upgrades are applied to the offense so 36 extra offense is going to be super useful and that is ultimately what you get as a reward for helping and looking after these beasts so hopefully this video has proved useful hopefully it's taught you some new things or at least recapped some things that you can be using the overvarium for in Hogwarts Legacy if you have enjoyed the video please do drop me a like down below as it really helps out the channel and if you do want to see more Hogwarts Legacy videos and guides then be sure to subscribe as there is tons more on the way other than that I would like to thank you for watching and I'll catch you on the next video take care and peace foreign [Music]
Channel: Invin
Views: 89,006
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Keywords: Invin, Everything You NEED To Know About Your Vivarium in Hogwarts Legacy, hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy vivarium, hogwarts legacy vivarium building, hogwarts legacy vivarium upgrade, hogwarts legacy vivarium guide, Hogwarts Legacy vivarium Must Know Tips & Tricks, How To Get Rare Beast in Hogwarts Legacy, How To Breed Beasts in Hogwarts Legacy, hogwarts legacy vivarium beginners guide, hogwarts legacy vivarium must know features, vivarium hogwarts legacy, hogwarts vivarium
Id: inXzGVsTlTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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