Everything You Need To Know About Buying Your First Electric Guitar!

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first man to change his last name to guitar ok

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lazyassguitarist πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

30 minutes to say buy a butterscotch tele?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TESD_Ant πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Can we replace Crappers with doggo?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Pundy79 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 05 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

You get that eastcoast guitar when you like biggy smalls and you can't afford a fender squier ok

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 06 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
you [Music] [Music] hey guys welcome to Anderson's TV we you may see at one or two new faces on here or maybe they are familiar faces but um suddenly Justin Justin Sonico from Justin Keith on one of the biggest guitar tuition channels on YouTube and has been teaching me to the guitar over the last year or so but as talking hundreds of thousands of people have a guitar online massive YouTube channel and Pete and me as our resident as maestro and we were talking about Justin was saying he's asked all the time on his channel for help from beginners guitar beginners about what guitar should I buy what a measure by what pedals should I be oh yeah we thought hey let's get together - yeah abs a hundred percent certain it's all down to playability for a beginner you've got to find a guitar that he's nice to play if you have a guitar that's got an a high action which is when the strings are far away from the fretboard most beginners will give up because it's too difficult they know they can't fret the chord so you get a lot of the finger pain and all that sort of stuff and if you get a cheap acoustic guitar they very very rarely have a good action right yeah really I've hardly seen any that you know you have to spend a good let me see if I can change your because this is gonna be a serial isn't it yeah this is this particular video is going to be split into three parts I think just to make it easy if you watch the first part was just going to talk about the guitar the second part we're going to talk about the amps and I've chosen with Justin four amps that I think are good for different prices all low noises and the final part we can talk about pedals and whether or not they're a good idea or a bad idea for beginner beginners do you want to fight what's the most commonly asked question that you get then the most common is which one should I get which is just difficult because I actually think that the guitar the choice of guitar is kind of important you need to find one that plays really nicely that plays easy with this low action but the other players I think you have to really like it so it's really difficult to try and choose one that somebody says because you have to find the one that you connect with a so I think either looking online or going into a store and finding the one that appeals to you then trying to play it and if it's got a horrible action either buying it getting somebody to fix it up to make the action lower to make it playable or finding ones is that similar look and similar feel or style that you like that has that lower action I think that's really the key you're talking about inspiration placing you're talking about growing a talk that you when you get home you put it on a stand on a sofa and you're gonna go lay that I want absolutely yes but I think that's important as well yeah I do I've chosen three brands for this particular section fender and Gibson are the two biggest guitar brands in the world both of these brands have a subsidiary brand that they'll use for their more affordable stuff that's just really so tip where you do Squier will make the fender copies an Epiphone will make that the gibson copy so we've got those now back they both make great guitars but for affordability what you'll typically need to do is find a less famous brand who make good guitars and then you can still get a great guitar but not necessarily with the sort of pristine around owning name on the heads yeah typically fender you're gonna have to pass me a squire and everything that's behind you isn't it it's going to be most famous for making guitars like this the Stratocaster and also the Telecaster which will look a bit more like the one Justin's got yeah yeah and Gibson are going to be most famous for making it all look like this slightly fancier versions yes the East Coast range makes a selection of copies that look a bit like all of those so I guess the first the most affordable guitar that Anderson sells that I think is really really good is this East Coast GS 100 it's so let's talk talk because one of the questions that I get asked where all the time it's not just for style but what particularly to do with the pickup so this one's got these little skinny pickups yeah and then it's got this other one which is a little yeah it got pickup yeah and so these are called single coil pickups where they've just got one winding of copper around the little magnets and if you put two of them together they make less noise and they're called humbucker pickups less background noise not less yet are noise they actually make more noise than a better for a kind of a rockier sound so whereas that one's got three single coils you get a little bit note on when you've selected this pickup this one will be a bit meteor and a bit thicker sounding better folk perhaps if you like rock guitar and a single coil one like that which is a little bit more that one then what's that the shiny one is also a single call typing art okay I think it's just it's got a cover for cosmetic anyway anyone in the East Coast range again these are both the same price ninety nine pounds there isn't just because it's got the humbucker on doesn't mean it's better or worse it's just a different sound maybe Pete just wants to give us a strum a few tones all the amps that we're using by the way again a pick because they're affordable so we'll go through those in part two but Pete is plugged into this little fender champion 20 here wait we're just room marking this so there's no mics in front of it so what you hear is just a couple of mics in the room and there's a G chord so that's what you would that's your so that's like the darker sound right yeah so and here's when you put a position four [Music] almost Bostic sound just just for those of you I'm playing like the dumb dude here do we need to talk on the guitar here we've got these two different controls this one says volume this says tone and you've got this switchy thing yes so the different pickups sound different so this one will sound like brighter and more triple-e and this one will sound more round and fat so let's just do the extreme so do that round one [Music] they're really really different and if you're playing different songs you want to have a different sound so some songs you want it to be real bright especially for playing rock stuff you tend to be here unless you're doing the Jimi Hendrix where you probably likely to be here yeah if you do it Mark Knopfler you're likely to be there or there with these pickup combinations yeah so really you can control the volume so you know yeah which you know so you can save it on the back yeah and you control a tone so exactly so you can hear the the really bright sounding pickup at the back when you roll the tone control off sounds like a guitar in the next room all the top end disappeared off the sound yeah so nearly every guitar will have this kind of volume and tone things sometimes you have to cut tone controls yeah which will control like what no no that was yeah there isn't this one he defeat the original so the original and Australia okay which again would have been a professional instrument aimed at professional players had two tone controls on it one to do this pickup this one did this pickup this never had a tone control so you always knew there was one position you could go straight to for a bright cutting sort of tone but I think as guitars have been aimed at more beginners that's nothing like that they've realized that that kind of giant roam crawl it's a bit overkill yeah and you can save a little bit of money by just having any one tone controller on my custom kind of strap type guitar I only have one tone control yeah right yeah so I think having multiple tone controls kind of unnecessary I like it yeah no I played Telecasters you know they've got the same configuration for they yeah yeah so you only got to pick up so this yeah exactly but another thing is to also mention I think which is quite important this for do you do you need a strengthen body with the browser system so this is this is another thing that you have to decimal many things that you can look at when you buy a guitar so this is ninety nine pounds you're not going to played here underneath here some Springs right yeah to a little metal block where you put your strings through they come out on the other side and then you string the guitar up and as you can see this little hole here and we don't have the brass one but we've made a guitar for this it does come with why not just it does come didn't take it out the box yeah but here we go yeah so plug it in and on on here now if you can zoom in on that bit what this does this you it does that to the string so you get this whether you need that as a beginner it's it's you know that's another thing you have to have in your mind you know do you need that I would recommend for beginners to either not use it completely yeah even turn the attack what I would recommend from Venus one take this off you don't need it on there it's it's like an extra bit of plastic that we don't need in the world I just don't think it's a smorgasbord there's a few reasons why you might want to take it off one if you're changing strings a metal ball and very often depending on where the tremolo is the ball gets stuck between the back of the tremolo block in this plastic plate which makes it really silly the getting up yeah yeah I guess it's there to stop it being scratched or your belt touching on the springs of making a noise but you really it's still take it off and put it in a little bag somewhere put it in your guitar case for anyone health and safety cops yes there's no electricity or anything runs through a guitar yeah you're not gonna find something up dangerous enough it's for the micro voltage that the pH is you're exactly right this is you know for beginners I would that's why I reckon that all of the squire the bullets have got a hardtail s it's called my Telecaster yeah they stay in too much better because there is nothing that can move here you know so this is this one we don't have any well this is it's got like the strings still get fed through the back of the guitar yeah and come at the top but there's no kind of moving parts to go at the tune I think this kind of thing is is really good and if you've got one of this type of guitar with the tremolo I just think take the bar out like if you're going to use that kind of stuff it's more for advanced guitar players a beginner can play a chord and what up and down that kind of sounds interesting for about five minutes so maybe put the bar in give it a wobble around get any sort of sounds like and then get over if you're in the UK or Europe or somewhere where Anderson's can ship to reasonably affordably I would absolutely suggest that you look at the East Coast snow it's great value yeah it is so less expensive than the squire yeah it's a you know great really well-built product yeah if you don't live there you're somewhere else there's bound to be another sort of version of East Coast near you but if you if you're worried about buying a brand you haven't heard of a hundred percent you can get Squier anywhere in the world yeah it might be a little bit more expensive than coast but not a lot more examiner or you can get there before we've come to that welcome yeah because this looks a very different yes so imperfect that's the the the GS 100 that you know this is a Stratocaster we often refer to these a strat style yeah have to be a bit careful with trademark you know 99 pounds in fairness actually what Pete and Justin have ended up holding are deluxe versions of the of the two East Coast so these are the same basic guitars but with nicer Timbers and slightly nicer pickups so actually your clarity it's actually this one and the ER and the red one that had and a load of other colors by the way it's a solid color from East Coast then these are the 99 pounds one and if they're sort of posh see-through cut colors they'll be a little bit not a lot more expensive but a little bit more yeah cool and just yeah so the main the most popular fender type guitars are this Stratocaster type or S type some people call it this type which has only got the single horn at the bottom and then around a thing at the top usually the the position of the volume and tone is different on a Telecaster type or a T type guitar yeah and there's one other type over there which is kind of like um so a Mustang it was slightly less well-known but as you say cooler Mustang it's the blue one this by the way all these Squires are from their bullet series it's important that we point that out since the bullet stuff is is the stuff that's only a little bit more expensive than East Coast there are other Squier guitars that can be three or four times as expensive the bullet same kind of basic idea of construction a kind of a single piece of wood here with a bolted on neck yeah the very obvious different yeah okay what we can say is string strings coming in from the top in the bridge yeah so that would be a slightly different sound but the really obvious differences are now two humbuckers going to sound different and we can talk about this a little bit it has a different scale length as well so actually slightly shorter from here to here yeah you tuned it the same so it makes all the same notes but the strings will feel looser and slacker which some people prefer we could make it easier as a beginners guitar yes it's gonna it's just smaller guitar it's mostly easier to sit with so you don't you know you can't get your hand around it so I mean is the neck narrower on that as well cuz a lot of the Mustangs or the bullets are to say yeah I mean really magnets I bought one of these do you really hmm so yeah the squire bullet series all of the kind of idiosyncrasies if you like that you'd perhaps associate with the differences between straps and Telly's and mustangs that are higher and I kind of not really there it's really the necks are all going to feel the same the lot of the bridges are the same the Timbers are the same it's it's a it's a visual thing and then an obvious tonal thing when you've got very different pickups in yeah and so that one instead of having this sort of switching system that this one had where we had five different places yeah this one's got a 3-way which is the front pickup both pickups together or the back pick up like a Telecaster only has a 3-way switches well surely a front both or back so why doesn't one of you just do or just using the same amplifier just get let's get some basic sort of clothes from from the three guitars okay so I got the Telecaster Titleist to the front pickup first of all both and generally speaking you want the volume and the tone all the way up if you you know there's a starting point [Music] lot brighter lot brighter yeah the back there is that the two together as you'd expect kind of halfway between bad right it's actually pretty [Applause] [Music] let me tell you this one amplifier same app same everything same fingers okay so from pickup first my hopefully turn the volume up [Music] Pizza [Music] I think no telecast is a lot of t-shirts tea Styles guitars are a little bit brighter yeah and the bridge pickup whoa yeah yeah a lot more powerful this is to their split fitting positions as well so the back in the middle together and the front in the middle [Music] similar yeah and then just so you can hear the squad bullets yes mr. sound terribly different to that one no expecting is from like the front one on that the middle yeah Jerry that's the demux when having a single coil and a humbucker of the moon now let's just try it I mean this is don't get confused here we've got two rate guitars with white scratch package okay I think that's like [Music] I'm totally surprised to be completely honest this sounds so great much better look but so that's as I said you've got 99 pounds to do the East Coast thing and bullets are typically like hundred twenty two hundred and forty depending on not a big dip no and that's all anyway we've got the whole kind of classic fender style guitars so yeah as I said yeah if you're in if you're in Europe you sort of you know you can take your pick from Anderson's as to whether or not you think the Squires are better or the East Coast is better anywhere else in the world as I said Squire is the safe bet in my opinion okey dokey Oh what so now we're talking about now we've jumped over to a classic and not you know in my opinion like with the other classic designer it is a Gibson Les Paul we'll have to just put one on screen now a Gibson Les Paul looks like this everybody knows this looks like players like slow laser ball through the slash and everyone in between and played this guitar however it is by its very nature an expensive guitar to make the Les Paul if we take all of those fenders even the posh fenders are essentially a piece of what we call a slab body wood so essentially it's flat on the top and flat on the bottom that makes up the body and then the neck is a separate piece of wood that bolts to it that is inherently a very economical way of manufacturing your guitar as soon as you go to a Gibson traditionally a Gibson is a is a sandwich of woods it's a mahogany body on the back it's then a maple top piece of maple on the top and to make things even more expensive it's a carved maple top in the olden days that was all done by hand but even now it's more expensive to make that than it is to do a slab body and to make things even more difficult the neck join on a propolis uh-huh is glued in yeah so again with the link thing goes because it's glued in that has to be done by hand then the neck pockets and the neck joints invariably have to be sort of matched in a much more elaborate way then yeah there's a few other things on it Gibson all that make it expensive but I this is my own personal thing I'm not sure that then makes this style of guitar a particularly good option for a beginner especially not a beginner who's really price conscious mhm because if you sort of said well what can I get for a hundred pounds then the only way that Epiphone can do a hundred pound Les Paul is to make one using a slab body then a bolt on that and then you sit there going well it's not really this pot well is it now it's a sort of its its shape of a Les Paul there is an East Coast version of it which i think is closer looking because you have at least got the arch top now it's certainly prettier looking huh but you can flip it round you'll notice it's still got the bolt on yeah and you've got to go to 200 pounds in the East Coast range before you get something that looks like that with a glued in narrowing you know you've got to go to more like 250 300 pounds in the Epiphone range before you get that so we're absolutely gonna hear these they'll absolutely be guitar players getting note the whole reason I'm playing guitar is because of slash and I haven't had a guitar yes if you're you know just accept that it's I don't think that it's as good value going down this route as if you were to go down the fender so how much are these compared with the 100 quid that's 149 / 199 if you want the glued in neck joint and the princess like a that's all ya 50% more expensive or double the price this this one is more this is more like a hundred and ten so that is pretty much in line with it but you know given it's got the slab body and the bow in it it's it's really helped it I'll be totally honest with you other than maybe the bridge here being slightly different there's not really a great deal of difference in the construction between these two three-way a three-way John and you know both bones on necks will I said if you like the idea of two humbuckers but maybe you know the idea of owning a Les Paul looking guitar isn't so important to you that's where the Mustang comes in I mean the Mustangs not a brilliantly known guitar in the way that Australian Telecaster is but you know plays like Kurt Cobain you don't have made the style guitars per square so great so well let's have a little isn't my visa right so anything that's sort of yeah like because this is symmetrical is called an offset in the area range thank you as jasmine yes Mustangs nice stick sound big fan [Music] yeah that's nice between having the single coil so the single pickup and having humbug yes and I think some people would even say that the fat of body the difference that's that he used then when you get into the glued in neck you know there's a there's a certain something that it does to the tone and the sustain that makes a difference yeah it's a you can get you can you can go do you can absolutely go down a rabbit hole what is the last 5% of tone but not in a couple of hundred quid well that's the curve of your money money goes up but an even I think interestingly we're gonna you know this part of the video is all about the guitar stuff like that when we're really talking about the sound I think when we get into the amplifiers you're gonna go oh hang on a second yeah it's like if I have a tiny tiny amplifier it doesn't matter what guitar I own again sound tiny yeah if you put in twenty thousand pound vintage mm guitar into really small practice and you really won't hear any difference no so it's yeah anyway we know that just add atomic is this really important that the choice of guitar is important that you like it much more than really even the what a sounds like to some extent you're giving it something that you really like that inspires you to pick it up and that plays nicely that's yeah two key yeah and I love things from a message to parents here as well you know I get a lot of Mines and dads who come into the store and they're taking a very grown-up and sort of sensible approach to buying their child's first guitar and you can absolutely see the child is going I just don't have a look at this you know dad's going to make me buy the guitar that Hank Marvin played and I don't like logically your daddy or your mommy's it's the right guitar to buy video Mikey and you never play it it's completely the wrong with that man tonight there must be so many guitar sitting in corners of houses or in carpets yeah that been bought on the something like that because he's got I don't want to I don't even want to play guitar you know whatever yeah I don't like it I don't want to pick it up I think one of the other decisions like that for parents is that if little Johnny's just learning guitar he probably doesn't know what he likes here or what he wants on the the appear is the look so do cheaper guitar that he likes to look of now absolutely and then in years time or two years time and he really knows and he's discovered that he loves guns and roses or he loves Little John Mayer or whoever little bag is that you know I mean the end of the day the reason you want to play guitar it's cuz a dime bag yeah and chances are none of these are really gonna blow and you need to just go and find something it might be not that great guitar it might look badass yeah and that's the one to buy to at least hear through the first 12 months yeah cuz that inspirational figuration is so Waylon is beginning playability yeah an inspiration to key I mean we should just say again I'm I really approach this with you know when Justin asked to do this I really approach I'm purely and simply going on value you know I'm not telling you that I think these guitars look cooler than anything else or anything it's like if you whatever you like the look of is your own yeah yeah I'm just I'm just telling you that for value this is where it's all at yeah yeah the crazy shaped guitars I'm not mmm you know they're not gonna feel as nice as these at these kind of prices they might they provide an even exist at these kind of and also that if you do seeds a guitar you really won and it's another 50 quid go on get a paper round and get the money do some chores for your grandma a trade guitar and then like get a blow torch on it and covering stickers and carpets out of it and make it look how you are exactly and then but the most important thing is that you play and you want to play guitar okay no stop with that [Music] yeah bigger [Music] right yeah yeah I mean vamos doing the video on these in Italy when they came in and I'm very well that sound will these are great we'll talk about distortion sounds I think when we get to part two I'll talk about the animals okay okay so back pick up everything's on [Music] as before it's just slightly preferred that one I think they descend a bit grittier [Music] nice big round fronts out front of this is nice yes nice yeah yeah and again I know it's only a forty pound difference between these two but in percentage terms that is nearly 50% more expensive than that yeah so again you you are it is that there's a big percentage difference anyway hear what that sounds like as well okay [Music] bus [Music] yeah yeah that's a good point pretty much all these guitars are available in different colors again they got in the description I'll oh yeah one thing I want to mention is to do with the setups the out the guitar yeah now any guitars coming out of the box has had minimal set-up time probably the robots aren't doing a great job at - and that made it a little bit of human touch to make them good if you've got a guitar where the action is a little high and you feel like it should be lowered I have a course over on my website and I did with a legendary luthier Charlie char on how to set up your guitar you might want to check that out that yeah he is the center to the stars man isn't he oh yeah man that's part one yeah links in the description below hopefully you found this useful and part two is gonna be about amps and probably a lot shorter subscribe like and go and check out Justin Sun as well full of his is the best guitar teacher I've ever met in the world ever ever Wow so yeah thank you bye you
Channel: Andertons Music Co
Views: 208,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andertons, Andertons Music, Andertons TV, beginner guitars, beginner electric guitars, best beginner guitar, first electric guitar, eastcoast, eastcoast guitars, justinguitar, justin sandercoe, how to buy a guitar, squier, squier guitars, epiphone, epihone guitars, danish pete, lee anderton, peter honore, captain anderton
Id: tCluTk2ety4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 04 2019
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