Everything You Need To Know About Buying Your First Guitar Amp!

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[Music] welcome back to part 2 now of our kind of hopeful helpful series of videos on what to buy first if you want to learn to play the guitar or a dog yes if you haven't seen or you've forgotten who we are and even this is just in Samba CO from their sting guitar calm one of the biggest teaching YouTube guitar channels one of the biggest guitar teaching YouTube channels in the world you know this is Danish Pete our maestro playing guitar player from Anderson's TV nightly sometimes known as the captain and I tried to steer the ship basically about crashing into it so we're onto an what should we do with the drunken serially what we tried to say in the first video is all the tone 99.9% of the tone that you hear from an electric guitar is actually is all coming out the amplifier so it's all about with the guitar it's about fighting some of the feels great looked cool right kind of price inspiration how you want it to sound is largely down to the M mm-hmm and I've picked four amps here to give you an idea of what I think we should start on yeah I'm 52 Hot 200 but yeah cheapest one is is 50 pounds or 59 pounds a little bit less I think if you buy it within like a guitar bundle with the electric guitar and the dearest one is just under 200 pounds coffee and actually the cheap is running the dearest ones were the two easiest ones to pick mmm we should probably start with the cheapest one let's do it now what we should also do well if we're talking about that is to grab out a really expensive guitar to compare the sound between that because you've got lots and lots really not as a great show the most expensive that is that's that 4,000 pound pull Reed Smith okay doesn't purple and I've got some purple Underpants oh that's a different video that we do actually is it didn't got my hat oh my god yeah give us the piece did I so did I yeah 50 pounds yeah this is what 50 pounds buys you you can either a dog by hey I tell you we'll go there are tiny little 9-volt battery amplifiers that you can buy for 20 or 30 pounds that look kind of cool they're sometimes a little plastic replicas of marking in your hair and you can commit and click them on the base oh yeah don't buy one of those if not unless it's a joke 50 pounds there are a Blackstar do a good one for example called a little fly which are pretty small but actually sound okay but what I've elected for 450 pounds is a is like a proper guitar amplifier if you like it's it's this kind of thing is if you've got a buddy that plays drums and you know you want a little GarageBand kind of thing together you can take this you can wind everything up to ten you can stand in the corner and you can scream away and you'll be able to do that kind of a mess around so that's why I've picked this it's fifty nine pounds it's got a little bit of reverb built in it's it says reverb on the amplifier it's kind of like a crossover reverb delay kind of chip you'll see what I mean and I think you'll agree that of all I think it sounds okay I mean 50 pounds we're not trying to do anything other than sound okay yeah but here we go [Music] it's got if I wind the Reaver but you'll hear more of that slapback echo thing so it just kind of takes the eight the dry edge off of a guitar tone it's got some built in game for 50 bucks the amp that I grew up playing was a gorilla yeah yeah GG 25 or something with a tube stack or something switch on it yeah it sounded like a wasp in a jam jar you know it's best day yeah awful sounding thing you know I still think you know what's been a jam jar criticism is a fair one to throw at this kind of thing you know they are small speakers it's a small enclosure and it is 50 quid yeah it's the same price as FIFA on the PlayStation you know it's like what are you but if you've got a personal there we are yes okay now in all fairness we don't sell a ton of these on their own but what we do sell a ton of these is the East Coast GS 100 you know that's the the superstretch style ones though that Plus that Plus all your accessories editor is 149 quid okay so that we solo so Coimbra that's great that's UK okay yeah it sounds any better with a really expensive and this is this I can either go play [Music] this is what we're saying I think there's no point buying an expensive guitar unless you're prepared to buy an expensive a little bit more clarity ever so slightly different I mean it's not really like it's not anyway you know it's not for spent justify that kind of money fifty quid you can't really can't really go wrong for 50 quid it's a great place to start yeah yes now on my journey of looking through all the guitar amplifiers we spend why don't you get above fifty quid and before you get to the boss katana which is boss katana is currently in 2019 it's and has been for probably the last two years it's the king of all the small amplifier yeah yeah I struggled to really go what's the standout one you know there's a there's just loads and loads of good a mess there's amps on special offer which make them interesting for a short period of time whatever but I ended up going you've probably got two options you're either going to go relatively sort of solid-state so a few options in terms of the way the sounds go and a few effects built in or you're going to go more of a modeling amplifier and I picked out my kind of favorite one so the first one let's go over this one is the ten that yeah this is pretty simple to use more along the kind of it's not really what I would class as a digital modeling amplifier and it looks cool it looks it looks like a Fender amp yeah it's an inspiration to them and it sounds pretty good like I've been pretty impressed with this yeah so quite a lot of the idea you've got these voices here you'll notice I know if houndoom dim we are here but there are four main voices from sort of clean fended ones through two heavy metal ones and each voice has a red a green and an orange mode which are just different types of sounds gain and volume controls here the more we one the gain up the more dirty I'll get and then we've got an interesting effect section so we've got some basic kind of reverb chorus delay stuff like that hmm and for it's not just a basic amp there's no this is gone so this is this is over a hundred pounds now so these are about a hundred and ten hundred and twenty pounds something like that not much louder than the you know maybe I mean it's it's an hour but it's maybe it doesn't make a big deal to the volume still a small speaker like a little eight-inch speaker in there yeah so still very much a home practice amplifier but if Pete plate or either of you play now you might begin to hear more of a difference between the new cheap and the DRM now [Music] nice MIDI kind of game I say so here we go you know it's a yeah let's hear it through this really expensive a tryout yeah really yeah it's almost a bit too abrasive it I can't nobody say down the middle thing [Music] I mean it sounds slightly better I can you can notice there may be a little bit but I can gain it up if you one of you wants to look up in a bit of go back now this is more interesting as well because it's the Gainey sounds that have the kind of the beat the wasps in a job let's see if this doesn't the same I shouldn't do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah not behind with you if I had one of these notes right now I'd have played this thing to death you know just hear it with the the Dara we should just try some other cheaper guitar yeah okay so we've just switched back to one of the guitars we have from the first video I've still got just another kind of a slightly dirty south [Music] [Music] right there we go yeah if you want to go you know next level now now just one thing that this just did yeah I really like was cleaned up a bit oh okay on there just backing the volume up made quite a difference on that yeah that's a good thing so there we go there's that one we've got a black star ID core 20 similar kind of money now as I said I'll just sort of reiterate again I felt there were a lot of amplifiers in this sort of hundred to 150 pound you know there's amps from Marshall Orange Line six there were a lot of amps we could have chosen I there was something about these two that drew me to them I you know but I don't think other amps are bad at this kind of fried so the the black star basically just has more stuff so you've got sort of kind of more different modes few more effects in it the ability to you know modulation today it's got a USB connection on here as well so you can plug it into your PC it's just more stuff do not inside are loads of stuff yeah some people I suspect younger people that like technology are quite drawn to these products and then other people that still can't work out how their television works you know likely to go and use something like the old Fender okay tunable in here cool do we need it we do yeah look that's cool though there's a tune on it mutes and everything that's good and you got that editor as well so you can hook it up we USB to an editor and then between edit sounds and install them you need to be using an editor to be able to access or come becomes our free and with the free editor no no you've still got all the all the delays and the modulation and stuff here so okay you don't necessarily need it but it comes for you with it yeah so I'll get you a couple different sounds this one is 20 Watts against the same sort of volume as defender which I still wouldn't really classed as anything other than just a mess around at home bending your garage under amplifier this is stereo though Lee it is it's got big sound might not pick that up on our miking setup but it's a good sounding [Music] [Music] I really like that I mean it thinks a greeny good clean sound and then crunch [Applause] [Music] today's we can go super Mel [Applause] [Applause] how's that guitar now this is 309 this is this is a maybe another 10 or 20 pounds over and above the fender again I like this thing's a cool sounding Atlanta fires yeah ice and compact it didn't have as nice of a co-sponsor I thought I thought the fender on the clean sound had a fatter yeah fender do kind of plastic fender clean sense right anyway yes this is on me the easy one to pick is the boss guitar a 15 guitar 50 pin out for two or three years now and it they sell twenty of these for any other brand of amplifier at this kind of price it's super simple to use it's 50 watts so it's the and it's got the bigger speaker in it so it's the first 12 games yeah it's the first of all the amps in this kind of sub 200 pound pound bracket where I think you can safely say absolutely go and join a band yeah and it's got a practice mode as well as it's got yeah half of what you can play at home which is great so I think these are by far the best beginners yeah yeah 190 they are same kind of idea as with the vendor and the black star in that you've got these kind of different modes from clean through to dirty sort of sounds got lots of different effects again you can USB hook this engine computer to do some editing and it can be use it as an interface that when you hook it offers encoding recorders to it anyone I think predominantly popular because it is the first one that you can really get a sense of a live sound out of it yeah yeah so here we go a couple of trends clean [Music] it's just a massive step and we'll gun it up a bit get some dirty [Music] [Music] and you can take that and just use again to hear that now now the difference will be more parent so if you're gonna clean channel again [Music] there's something about the dynamic feel on an expensive guitar that is different when the apps come up like the difference loud and soft becomes more apparent that I don't understand why that doesn't have the same well I think wow you know it's put together and it's got the so I think really just to try and conclude this video that the advice was if it's really really on a budget and you know you maybe want to get the complete bundle with with the electric guitar as well but this one of them one for not only not meant you can't really go wrong with that as it sad that's amazing at the other end of the scale if 200 pound if you can stretch to 200 pounds and you can get a katana 50 you absolutely have got a really great sounding will do little gigs it'll it's got a home use mode yeah like I said and then in between I was like you know there's a lot of good amplifiers there and it's sort of a personal choice really but just accept that if you go much smaller than this you're only really gonna have a home use amplifier and you just choose if you quite like buttons and technology and stuff I think the black star ID course that's great if you like a simpler amp to kind of go and play with you just wanna get some easier simple sounds of it I think the fender champion range is great yeah but hey and when you if you buy something like this and you want to upgrade your guitar you don't necessarily have to upgrade your amp I think this will last you longer yeah I hope it's busy there's even and this is a whole different can of worms rabbit warren to dive down which we're not going to do now of course if you've got if your aspirations are only to play at home and you've got a PC or a Mac you know you've gone computer there's loes and those are software that you can buy and you plug your car and then you know and you know some of that sounds amazing as well but this has really just been on guitar amps yeah anyway that's part two done thanks for watching part three is we're going to talk about you know do we need any of these you
Channel: Andertons Music Co
Views: 271,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Andertons, Andertons Music, Andertons TV, justinguitar, captain anderton, lee anderton, pete honore, danish pete, eastcoast, beginner, beginners, guitar amp, practice amp, blackstar, fender, champion, id core, fender champion, boss katana, combo amp
Id: CrM4oHr71D0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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