Everything You Need to Know About 3D Shapes in FUSION

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so i was playing this game recently it takes two fantastic game you should play it but that's not the point point is they did a remake of rainbow road and i thought to myself i bet i could remake some of that in fusion so i spent a few days trying all sorts of crazy things in fusion which brings me to today's video everything you need to know about 3d shapes infusion and that's a really long title i digress let's jump in and see what we can do transition all right i'm starting out with just a basic fusion composition here nothing in it we're going to go over what kind of shapes we can make what the limitations are and i'm going to give you a few tips on how we can kind of get around some of those lesser star for the shape node and see what basic shapes we can make all right so here i have my shape node there's a few things that we can do with it first of all we can just make a plane there is also a 3d shape image plane which we may look at a little bit later this is more of a square it'll have different dimensions you can adjust it's pretty easy just have our width we have our height and we have our subdivisions i'll turn on wireframe so you can see what's going on here subdivisions are just basically the resolution that we want this this doesn't help us a ton if we're just doing a flat shape but if we want to get more complex shapes we want to increase that resolution so let's do some more advanced shapes got our cube nothing fancy there we make it a rectangle and change it in three different dimensions we have a sphere now here's where you might want to increase or decrease subdivisions so if we have our sphere let me increase this window here so you can see we've got our base subdivisions and our height subdivisions a little tip here this is kind of hard to see if you need to see it a little bit go over this and go from solid to lights and that'll give you a little bit of contrast so you can actually see what's going on so we have kind of a weird shape here and do the same to our other height subdivisions and we get this uh kind of 3d dimensional diamond shape here now where that comes in handy is actually on the cylinder and the taurus so we have cone here we have an ico which is just another version of a sphere instead of having those different sides it's actually uniform all the way around but let's look at the cylinder so here we have our cylinder and we have our caps we can turn on our caps or tops and our bottom just have a cup if i want to make a triangle or even if i just want to have a square i can turn down the the subdivisions so let's go four there it gives me that that square if i go all the way down to three which is the minimum i get a triangle and same thing with the taurus i can have the torus here i have my intersection i have my subdivisions i have my height subdivisions the radius is just how big it is but i turn down my base subdivisions again i get this triangular shape well what else can we do there's also a few other features here if i crank back up my subdivisions this will make it look more rounded all right increase that i do get a donut we like donuts here but i also have these things here the angle and the latitude so if i move those around these are where these come together and this is the rotation there so i can get a semi-circle and get a few different things unfortunately these aren't real 3d shapes and this is where we start running into limitations these are really just shells and that makes it a little hard because there's nothing to change the thickness of this and i don't have anything to change the depth if there was a way to change depth you could just take a 2d image and you could just extrude it out and make a 3d shape there's nothing like that except on the text 3d which has an extrusion now i don't know why they set this up this way it would be really easy to make 3d shapes if you could just extrude them out but there's nothing on the 3d shape at this point at least that's why i made a video on how to make an easy 3d logo you can check that out just using some simple tools and blender to extrude it out and bring in your 3d shape so unfortunately we're just stuck with this now there are some ways we can 3d geometry that i'm going to get into and there are some ways we can change the geometry more than just these basic shapes shape so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to bring in a cylinder i'm going to just have this basic shape and we're going to use this kind of as our guinea pig for most of these these let's start with this width here and actually i'm going to change this to 4 subdivisions i'm going to have this like that i'm going to change rotation so now i got this nice square here and what i'm going to do i'm going to try and make an hourglass shape out of this first thing i'd have to do is i'd have to use bender then the bender is really useful it doesn't have just the bend function it actually has three other functions so i'm just going to go ahead and duplicate and we're going to see these different functions all right so here we have a shape and i just renamed all these bend taper twist and shear so we can see what they do so if we go to bend go ahead and look at it i can increase the amount of bend in one of three directions i have the y-axis i have the x-axis and i have the z-axis i also have the angle i can change the angle of the bend change the center this is a little bit different than the pivot i'll explain that in a little bit unfortunately there's no way that i've found to actually change the pivot and we also have the range here where you can change kind of how far each piece moves all right so we also have the same parameters on the taper paper change the taper amount we want to make a rhombus and do the same on the different sides there we go we got ourselves a little bit of a pyramid for twist it's just like sounds twist things around and this is how we will get our hourglass shape shape twist it all the way that way and twist it all the way that way gives me my shape as you can see it's a little bit off center these aren't crossing completely you can actually go a little bit above this it doesn't have to end at one could potentially get it lined up right there have them cross in the middle and then again twist works on the three axes remove the center center and then of course their shear and shear just like it sounds will cheer on a different axis so with that we can make all different kinds of shapes i'm going to go back to my hourglass shape here let's try and find a way we can turn this into an actual hourglass so another modifier we can use is the duplicate okay so if i bring in the duplicate i can add in a number of copies i'm going to go ahead and increase it up to 10 and what i need to do is change the offset i want a rotation offset not in that direction although that looks pretty neat i want it end the y so i have 10 i need 360. so i'm going to space was 18 look like there we go so now i kind of have this hourglass shape and that's pretty nifty okay so another way i could have done this is if i would just had a cube and then i went into the twist i go ahead and twist it around try and get that center point in there should be around 0.5 there we go and then i added on a bender to that so i'm going to go ahead and duplicate that i'm going to plug in this bend as you can see kind of get an hourglass shape now this is a limitation of the bender the bender works a lot like a revolve except as you can tell like i mentioned earlier the pivot isn't centered so this is the problem that you can't change the pivots because if we could we could use this as a revolve and make a lot of different shapes that won't work the center point doesn't obviously do anything and it adds in this kind of flare because we only have one subdivision for our height of course if i add in more subdivisions it's just going to end up adding more in there and adding more twists which is kind of cool looking it helps if you want to make kind of a screw shape i will show you that in a second but we can't get a good hourglass look closer we can get to an hourglass shape is going to be by twisting it and then duplicate duplicate and then if you wanted that you could always increase the duplicates and change the angle just a little bit to smooth it out that kind of puts us around some of these things um obviously it doesn't look super great again these are some of the limitations with the features this is why 3d software like blender really comes in handy well there are some decent ways that we can make shapes let's try making a screw thread and maybe a coil we're just going to use a new shape 3d here i'm going to go ahead and make this a cylinder i'm going to make this this three i'm going to bring that in the height and i'm going to go ahead and put it on its edge so i'm going to take that shape 3d i'm going to put it into a bender i'm just going to do it around the z axis nothing super interesting happens in fact it disappears if i go too far but if i increase the subdivisions now we get this interesting shape revolved all the way around again the bender can act kind of as a revolve tool but since we can't move that pivot it's a little hard to control but with this i can also change the angle and i can get this cone shape kind of get these interesting pieces here here how can i change my angle a little bit and get some more warping and add on a twist kind of vast looking thing things around with some parameters some angles you start to get some interesting shapes when you start adding things in there so what i can do i'm actually going to take this shape and i'm going to change it to four sides give us a nice top look if i change the angle and get some of that if i go back to my shape you can change this angle a bit too what i'm going to do is i'm going to change this bend all the way up i think it maxes out at eight and we can move around the center point move around this angle until we get something that we really like and there's a pretty good one of course we could try a twist the problem is you can only do one of these but who says that we can't just tack on more nodes so i'm just going to copy and paste that over let's see what this looks like i can even bypass this if i don't want it but i can grab this i can i'm just going to mess around with these primers until we get something that looks pretty neat really is all up to you how you want to play with it if i want to get an exact cord screw i'm just bypass that bender this will give me what i want so i'm just using a shape here i want to go ahead and increase the height height and do that so lots of possibilities by packing on different notes in fact let me show you one that i did i made this spiral by packing on a bender bending it slightly and then i twisted it and i twisted it again and again and again and again and i just kept going until i got something that i wanted now one thing you will notice is if i keep bending stuff and twisting it it starts to get really really flat it no longer retains that cylinder shape that i had but you can pack on as many of these as you want and it just makes some really interesting shapes another one i made just by doing different bender notes threw in a bend i threw in a twist another twist and just became really really interesting and then of course i just made a change over time with this rotation angle and it just brings it to life so there's a whole lot of things you can do with the benders as well as the duplicates so let's move on to another one the replicate so what replicate does is it makes some duplicates of something but makes it in a grid if you want to think of this kind of as an array modifier as you would have in blender that's kind of how this works you will have a background something as a background something is the foreground now the background is going to be your stuff is positioned so let's turn this one to a sphere just so you can see this we're going to have spheres and we're going to place it on the positions of this cube so if i went to wireframe i could see all of these points let me turn this down just make it a few points so at any one of these joining points on this mesh that's where all of those are going to be put so i'm going to turn this subdivision down just so we can see a little better when we plug this into the background plug this into the foreground so that and every one of these points that's where they're going to be placed so you can make some pretty interesting shapes here so let's go ahead and change this to taurus go ahead and make it all the way around i'm going to change that center section make it a little smaller what i'm going to do with this shape is i'm going to scale this down it's really big get down really little now if we look at it it's making this pretty cool pattern i'm going to go ahead and turn down some more of the subdivisions scale those down and we've got some pretty cool stuff here and we could change it with the latitude could animate that lots of neat things that we can do with this replica so those are a few modifiers that we can do with shapes now i said there are ways that we could fake 3d shapes let's go ahead and do that so let's go back to our triangle all right so now i got upright and like i said there is no way to change the thickness or change kind of the extrusion but there is a way to kind of fake it and so let me show you that and all we're going to use for that is a duplicate so go ahead and go to your duplicate go ahead and make a bunch of copies say 50 and we're going to offset it by scale so we're going to bring down the scale and let's make it like 0.99 and as you can see we've made ourselves 3d triangle now you can start to see the issues that we have with that that's why you want to make a real 3d object but if you're in a pinch you could make some pretty cool stuff let's go ahead and give it some color i just create a fast noise give it a gradient and i'm just going to plug this into the shape that makes it look pretty cool but again you can kind of see the separation of those layers another way that you can do this say you want to make a custom shape is by using image plane 3d so let's create a shape i'm going to use a polyline i'm just going to reuse the fast noise from before and let's just make some kind of spiral circley thing i'm going to go on my polygon i'm going to just increase the border width now if i plug this into an image plane 3d it's now in 3d image and i just need to duplicate that but instead of doing scale let's change the scale back to one let's change it to a z offset 0.001 there we go we have a 3d shape now if you look at the sides you can see that it's not quite 3d we have those issues but it's a quick way to kind of fake a 3d shape one last quick way you could do this is by kind of combining different elements together to make a 3d shape all right so here's a 3d shape i made by simply drawing triangle put that on an image plane drew another triangle and then i took these two triangles together and then i just kind of pasted them all together into a merged node so a front back and then an inner and outer and just create a shell that's a really long kind of tedious way that you can do it and you can just kind of have to line everything up that's another way that you could kind of make a 3d shape 3d infusion if you really needed to for whatever reason lastly let me show you how you can create custom shapes using an idiot something i stumbled across while watching a pirates of confusion channel i'll leave a link below basically you can control the shape of your shape i guess uh by using a color gradient so let me show you what that looks like so i created this heart shape using a color gradient now i made it 3d duplicating stuff so let's go ahead and get rid of that for now let's talk about how i made the shape let's bring that back so i can see it so all this is this is a fast noise this is a glow this is just basically just a color to add onto this shape i started out with a cylinder and what i used was a displace so let's look at this displace and this works for 2d shapes as well usually with a displace you throw in a fast noise that's how you get movement but you can actually use this to you change your shapes so the way the displace works it reads basically a black and white input to determine distance just so if i look at my background here what i did for the background is i just created a grayscale so we can just see kind of what this looks like looks so not super impressive right now so normally you just have this going from black to white but what i notice is you can actually move things based on the color so the edges i made white on the center i put in a black spot that gives me this harder edge red right here but then it dips in there because of that and then what i did is i just kept increasing this so as you can see as i move it the darker something is the more it's going to crease in and the wider it is the more it's going to round so for that i can start creating shapes and as i started adding in more shapes i just increased that tightness of that line there to get that crease and just added in more shapes to smooth things out and i wound up with something that looked like a heart now there's a few other things you can do this i added in a bender with a bender i was able to add in a taper and just kind of smooth out this shape another thing no though about this gradient is it's not actually smooth you know you might think it's going from different colors it might seem smooth but these actually are just a bunch of points as you can kind of see right here you can see these just basically go from point to point to point to point it's not actually smooth gradient what you can do to get around that is actually adding a blur and if you add in the blur it will actually smooth out that gradient now the problem is i didn't use that because that takes away my little notch there so i didn't want that so i ended up turning that off and using this bender and you can kind of visualize it here pipe this into a displace i just have a line here background which is a line and with this displace we're just using this y refraction really nothing more we're using it to bend a shape around but you can use that to kind of help you visualize how you want this to go and you can adjust your gradient see some of those points add a few extra points change the colors and get all sorts of shapes going just real quick i want to show you guys this star i did as well so i did for this was on my shape 3d i changed base subdivisions i cranked them down to just 10 so i have five points and basically five indents and then i went to my background and you see i just alternated between black and white to get these points in and then under displacement i have scale which kind of gives me my points in and out and then i have a bias so i can kind of do like a pentagon or i can pull this way in and get this sharp pointy star i just want to show you that so basically you can have free rein with whatever shapes you want just using this gradient i don't know how to end video so i'm just gonna end it there i did some weird stuff right
Channel: Dabbler Labs
Views: 8,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beginner tutorial, davinci, davinci fusion, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve 17, davinci resolve 17 tutorial, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resovle tips, edit video, effects, free video editor, fusion, fusion composition, fusion nodes, how to, how to edit with davinci resolve, resolve 17, resolve tutorial, tips, video editing, Fusion shapes, 3D shapes
Id: Mcx7nw_WOFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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