Everything wrong with my survivor 1968 Dodge Charger R/T 440 (DANGEROUS TO DRIVE)

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[Music] this car is so cool well it just keeps going yeah it's almost to the floor it's a brake adjustment I bet this has drums all the way around it is four wheel drums something's leaking here I think it's brake fluids it is there's white oh your rear brakes are not working hardly at all they're all just spraying out so I hit the brakes and that's why there's so much travel in the pedal so I was driving around with no rear brakes pretty much huh well good thing I didn't drive this cross country then yeah it is a good thing welcome to hoopie's garage the dumbest Automotive channel in all of YouTube and my 1968 Dodge Charger rt440 is back home but not as originally intended under its own power when I purchased this car back in Miami just before Christmas I hit the road to drive it over a thousand miles back to Kansas and unfortunately well this is a very original car with 30 plus year old tires an original spare in the back and that's well the tires exploded unfortunately which meant I had to tow this thing to the closest Oasis which was Freddie Tavares Hernandez and he put new tires on it and from there I decided Well probably not a good idea to continue driving this home especially since the rear end gearing of this thing has it screaming on the highway something like 4 000 RPM to go 70 75 so I left it down there and shipped it home but the tow truck that was very expensive over a thousand dollars to tow it the less than 200 miles to Freddy and then over a thousand dollars to ship it here so in retrospect just shipping at home what have been a lot smarter but this is the dumbest Automotive channel in all of YouTube but now the car is back it's here on new Rubber and I think it's up for the journey to the car Wizards today to inspect it to see everything that's wrong with it and there are quite a few things unfortunately because like I said you heard the exhaust in the previous video along with the MSD ignition and probably some cams it's definitely got a nice little thump to it uh it is a very original car other than the repaint so there is going to be some going through on this car but before we head up to the car Wizards I want to talk about the future of Dodge and Mopar performance in General Dodge is building 2023 as the last call year for Mopar performance as we know it the last of the big V8 muscle cars coming from Dodge they're going to retire the motor entirely it's already gone and trucks replaced with a hurricane with the exception I believe of the ram TRX but that may be retiring as well 392 Jeeps probably not long for this world and of course more power performance we have Vehicles The Challengers and the Chargers this is the last year for them and they're replacing them with electric cars they're going to have some big last call party in March in Las Vegas where they talk about the last era of muscle cars and the new era ushered in with electric vehicles but they gave a little hint at the Consumer Electronics Show and well I'm not sure how this is going to work out for them because the new platform the new car is going to be all electric and you see the different levels of EVS as far as power as far as volts or whatever they're going by on their metric and well it's as exciting as turning up a volume knob and speaking of they're going to give the cars different sound effects speakers because electric cars are mostly silent that you can change to make the car make whatever kind of noise you want which is very appropriate considering V6 charger and Challenger owners the first thing they do is make it as loud as they possibly can even though it is a V6 so I definitely get that but as far as people like me in the midwest that worship these cars are really really going to get on board with electric Dodges and really I don't know I feel like the people are going to want to buy these are going to be really excited about the new Sony Ophelia which is a very funny name for a car all the other cars at CES Teslas basically these hip model Brands like apple making an Apple car that's what people want when it comes to EVS they're not necessarily brand loyalty to something that's over 100 years old like Dodge as a brand they want something new and exciting so it could be a new era when it comes to Mopar as far as performance and do really well for them or it could be a total flop and then we just see Dodge entirely go away but what we have now is certainly fantastic what's coming from Dodge and it draws on this history right here starting in 1968 with this charger the 440 a mighty vehicle and this one is a really cool green spec and I can't wait to show you the car Wizard and hopefully there's not too much wrong with it I wonder if the electric charger will have the 440 option when it comes to sounds because it's pretty darn good [Applause] foreign what do we have here a 68 Charger it's a green Duke's a hazard kind of Yes actually I want you to drive it good to see that your XLR is back together yeah I'm loving that thing I was doing my day you gotta give it a hug every day it keeps it keeps it oh very nice well I don't think there's any leaks on the 68 Charger but it is a very original 440 RT yeah you like that burble sounds like America it does let me get my lap belt put on here will it fit me I have it made for my size but [Music] no that's not for Americans oh well people in the 60s weren't as girthy I suppose I suppose yeah but uh it has a lot of go which is part of the problem but then the stoppage you'll see go ahead and yeah start driving okay this car is so cool well it just keeps going yeah it's almost to the floor it's a brake adjustment I bet this has drums all the way around it is four wheel drums which I don't know if I should convert the fronts to discs obviously that would be much safer and give her the beans that'll make you smile yes it rips High though it does yes yeah we are going 40 and it's a 3000 RPM so it has a great snap off the line but then you're on the highway going 60 65 it's over 4000 RPM my goodness which I need to do something about I talked about maybe converting it to a manual transmission but I think I want to leave that alone yeah obviously it's been modded the motor great exhaust probably a cam on it the rear axle ratio I imagine is not stock it's probably got like 456 who would have had maybe a mid lower 300s from the factory so it would be nice to not have that to where I could go down the highway at modern speeds definitely probably some 355s or something like that would be good but what do you think of the green I love the green I said it looks like a Kermit the frog's butt crack it kind of does yeah but it's kind of it's all the things that I wanted that my super bird didn't have as far as yeah mostly stock practical I was about to say it's like a comfortable version of the Superbird yes the same gauges this steering wheel with the fake plastic the center console is the same as well but yeah automatic steering seems kind of wonky yeah it's definitely lanyardi vague which I imagine it was like that new but it could be freshened up there and then hit the brakes again yeah that's like most of the brake pedal travel all the way to the floor it's not confidence inspiring so you hit the brakes it's like a one Mississippi and then it grabs and it's pretty much an on off switch I think that before we do a disc brake conversion let me work on your drums I can make them work really good I'm familiar with the drums okay you'll be ha I think you'll be happy with the control the turn uh stop stop I don't want to chance it around this turn with these wonky steering yep these cars were meant for Curves really yeah it's wrong though yeah Drive trade to the 440. it's good so you like it I like it horn and then this doesn't work it has Factory AC but it doesn't blow any different I think the vacuum stuff's dead because the pods for the headlights it doesn't flip up either so they need some things yes it needs quite a few things let's get this thing back and put it on the lift I really want to look underneath and see what it looks like sounds good that noise it is so so nice if you ever sell this thing you have to call me first what I like about it is just how original it is it has been repainted but the repaint does have some H2 as well there's patina there's imperfections just little things here and there but just presents so well you know looks like a cat oh yeah that's when Elliot took delivery he uh delivery while he was take a look at this I topped off the oil and then I I must have forgotten to put it back on it's pretty standard we can probably find it Well it was it was a little breather actually yeah what's breathing really well right now it is breathing really well [Laughter] anyway yeah nice little Mopar performance valve covers you can see the headers they are headman headers headman headers that's quite a name MSD ignition Magnum 440. yeah no six pack in 1968. I thought it had the 6 [Music] . you hear that noise it's like boiling uh-uh what is that oh I hear it now yes what is that that's today's gasoline whether it's ethanol or not today's gasoline boils in your carburetor that's why it takes so long to crank when when you first start it hmm when you park this thing it will literally boil the gas out of it there's nothing you can do about it well this carburetor seems tuned pretty well it runs well yes yes and no obvious leaks from the top it's doing pretty good it's got good power but the ancient AC compressor I do not believe kicks on I only have one temperature it doesn't change temperature but even when you hit the AC button this giant thing I think you would notice when it kicks on yeah it's probably a York compressor or something like that it's actually like a V-Twin like a motorcycle there's two cylinders really it's big yeah I know there's kits to convert it to a modern AC compressor uh you can go that way but man does that look so correct for the car as far as replacing or rebuilding I would rather make this one work if we can yeah everything looks correct under the hood like it would be even has the Campbell Soup can what's that for it's a vacuum Reservoir interesting they use it for the headlights probably well that's another thing that doesn't work just manually flips up [Music] if you're a high-tips blind beat here yeah that's a vacuum leak somewhere okay oh oh you open one and it closes another it seems like they like to close [Applause] and they try to yeah but it seems like the things that this car needs are not major redos it just needs a lot of tinkering here and there yeah well fingers crossed on that it's not a rope seal engine out Like the Jagger or something that's crazy everything looks original on the wiring it even has here oh what to figure out what that goes to see it's crumbling you can see it down here wow so what does that control I'm gonna have to wow you just completely stripped it just by touching it there huh it's gotten very hot whatever it powers or whatever it's doing we'll have to figure that out it's it's really melted that wire okay but it's original it's original wiring that's really cool at least so many of these cars are so hacked up by now and this one's pretty much left alone well it looks really cool under here I'd like to see the underneath sounds good well that's some jiggle there I think we have what's called stacked tolerances like this is a little bit loose that's a little bit loose that's a little bit loose when you combine them all three together it allows for quite a bit of play does it look very pretty up there either huh well the boots not torn I would I would say that's fine just keep it greased and that's our not confidence inspiring steering there that I think I think gearbox needs a sector shaft adjustment oh and that allows play before he'd even engages this stuff okay so we could look it to that it looks like it's leaking though that's steering yeah gearbox his torsion bar or suspension there's no Springs how about that Zuckerberg was like that there are some sharks yeah it's nice and tight looks like you got an oil pan leaking all around the oil pan yeah well that's pretty standard yeah that won't be too hard to fix at all and that looks like a very factory paint color it is oil pan and block Chrysler blue I imagine it's been rebuilt but probably man that's a deep transmission pan if you were to hit something like a brick in the road oh man well hopefully I don't do that but definitely a nice deep Mopar performance pan yep and then this exhaust looks really darn cool obviously it sounds awesome so headers back it's definitely beefy it definitely is there's no serious rust going on on the uh no floor pans nope nice modern brake lines is that what that is yeah they've been redone this is like I think this is a 727 torque flight transmission all three speeds very tough I don't see a whole lot of leaking coming from it the drive shaft rubs on the exhaust whenever it's extended like that probably not when you're driving though yeah blow Masters unless I'm jumping it like the Dukes of Hazard I don't need to worry about it and then the differential which is leaky as well huh very leaky looks like they use silicone oh I see a tag yeah this is 323 well that's that's impossible that would be like it's factory axle ratio which doesn't exist anymore right there's no way it probably should be that but 60 miles an hour four grand over four grand I don't think so why would they put the tag back on then I have no idea what does it say there Lube yeah use Sure Grip lube so they just kept all the old factory tags and things for originality which that's what's so cool about this thing something's leaking here I think it's brake fluids it is there's white oh your rear brakes are not working hardly at all they're just spraying out so I hit the brakes and that's why there's so much travel in the pedal so I was driving around with no rear brakes pretty much huh well good thing I didn't drive this cross country then yeah it is a good thing yeah I think once I get everything fixed and set up just right on the drum brakes I think you'll be happy with it okay we're not working right they'll throw you through the windshield they work good all right well I'll give them a chance for sure and then there is the differential figure out there's the climate control to figure out there's the vacuum system to figure out there's electronics that aren't working to figure out there's a melted wire there's wiring melting and was hot it's a bit of a project but overall I think you did really well you like the start of this one better than the super bird oh way better because it hasn't had a bunch of f word you know every going on ah yes well all right I guess I'll leave it in your hands you probably need to dive in a little bit more before you give me an estimate yeah I wouldn't be able to give an estimate yeah I need to find out what's melting the wire and figuring out what's all going on with this rear end I don't even know price yet sounds good and since I paid for all the cars before I left I don't have to pay you anything I can just take that home for that homework well not that one not that one unfortunately not yet all right well thank you for watching
Channel: Hoovies Garage
Views: 1,031,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vgxf_41cGv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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