Everything Wrong With Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria Simulator in Almost 23 Minutes

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foreign [Music] when I was designing my pizza I put everything on that so I don't know why the Sprites are only showing a pepperoni pizza so this is a cutscene that only plays when you have no save data either by booting up the game for the first time erasing the data manually or getting the bankruptcy ending and clearly given what the cassette man is saying this is our introduction to this game and this job so why is scrab baby here during the game proper you don't get to try to salvage her until night three but why is that the case when she's here before we even start the game and another thing her being here during the intro means that she's already inside the restaurant right why isn't she attacking from night one why do we have to try to salvage her for her to start attacking begin audio prompt in three two one did scrap baby turn off my tape recorder I mean she's not really moving and if the tape recorder turned off by itself that was some impressive timing okay why is it that in this franchise the introduction video you sometimes have these children that look cute and stylized like this but then other times you have these 1950s propaganda ass looking kids aside from the daily risk of lawsuits there's also the risk that something might be hiding inside whatever you just purchased with that steeply discounted price tag which makes no sense by the way how can a gigantic animatronic suit fit into a cardboard box with plastic balls in it and have no one notice money for supplies and repairs comes out of petty cash so don't worry about it coming out of your pocket we've got you covered really money repairs and advertising materials come out of petty cash but I had to use my own income to buy a hundred dollar cleaning supplies also shining your light directly into a vent will most likely prevent anything from jumping out why would anything jump out why would anything be in the vents and more importantly why would you have a pre-recorded message warning me about there being something in the vents isn't this a new establishment isn't Freddy Fazbear supposed to be rebranding why would you even think that there'd be anything in the vents you also have three tools available from the terminal itself there is a motion detector an audio decoy and a secondary ventilation unit keep in mind however that you can only have one of these active at any given time oh come on we live in an age where we have robots that are literally designed to scoop up children hey scoop up ghost children but I can't have three computer processes running at the same time okay imagine this right the manager of a random Chuck E cheese in Utah randomly finds a broken down melty version of a Charles entertainment cheese in a back alley and management tells you that no one knows where it came from but that you have the option to either toss it back where they found it or risk death from exposed wire strangulation and or stabbing with multiple sharp teeth for a week straight all for their retail value of a PS5 and another thing why am I receiving instructions from a random dude's voice in a cassette tape was I not being taught how to do things from tutorial unit who gives me the cassettes they make it sound like they just found molten Freddy today so whoever found it must be nearby right why did they record this tape instead of just I don't know talking to me or doing it themselves and and the audio prompts you're asking me to play for the animatronics all seem to be the exact same so is someone coming in and rewinding the tapes or are they five separate tapes with the same audio someone setting up the salvaging room and bringing the animatronics in before I get here they must be because the maintenance logger has to fill out however I asked because I said they make it sound like they just found molten Freddy but cassette man never actually says that he only ever says that the animatronics were found in a back alley and are of Unknown Origin and I doubt the animatronics are coming into the salvaging room on their own meaning someone must be putting them here most likely cassette man himself so why isn't he dealing with this if he's afraid that the animatronics are going to kill him because they'll either recognize him or he just isn't capable of handling them how do you get them here in the first place it just doesn't make sense though to be fair these salvaging minigames don't make a whole lot of sense to begin with the animatronics want to kill me right what exactly is stopping them from doing so they're right in front of me the only thing separating us is a wooden desks and it's not like you start the Salvage with the taser shock meaning they're free to move however they please unless whoever set up the room tasered each animatronic right before I got here which again if that's the case why am I not speaking to that person directly instead of receiving orders from an ancient audio box mechanically I understand what the point of the maintenance logs are they're for the sake of transitioning each animatronics graph into their next aggression stage but why even give me forms to fill out if I don't need to fill them out all I do is play the audio shock them so I don't die and then hopefully I get some money in the end regardless of any danger each robot may present which now that I think about it is very in line with Fazbear entertainment's business model before you is an animatronic found in the back alley we are unsure of its Origins it is your job to complete the maintenance checklist before claiming it as Salvage who the is this guy so he's credited as William Afton who is the purple guy from the second game and springtrap from the third game as confirmed by Sister location but springtrap doesn't look anything like this and I understand these animatronics are supposed to be broken down versions of already established characters but how do you explain some of these changes his colors different his head shapes different he has a different snout that teeth aren't the same his entire body structure is different and he has feet now well not that he didn't before but back then they were more endoskeleton looking now they're covered up by what the suit should have had how why are these designs so different these cannot be the same character circus and scrap baby it's far-fetched but I could kind of see how you can make the argument for that spring and scrab trap though hell no not unless this hoe got jaw filler buccal fat remover and hit the gym six times a day to magically grow feet you don't really know who your employer is do you well I'm not convinced I do normally for things like this you'd think I'd get an email or a phone call not a goddamn Walkman with the same tape in it every day okay I know this is a restaurant where little kids eat nothing but pizza but dude it is my fourth day at this place and I am still unclogging toilets why am I unclogging toilets every single day at that point just call someone they're just leave them a cassette tape foreign and it's because I don't understand like I said from a real world game design standpoint I get it but if Lefty is Jump scaring the protagonist during the Salvage how are we alive why didn't Lefty kill us did he just scare us and then run off into the vents where he will then try to kill us anyway now we can do what we were created to do and be complete I will make you proud daddy scrap baby I am a stranger just trying to make an honest living at this Pizzeria and while flattered I don't think it's appropriate to call me you were talking to crap trap okay connection terminated I'm sorry to interrupt you Elizabeth if you still even remember that name okay see this is what I'm talking about why the hell did we have a tape recorder when cassette man could a hear us this whole time and more importantly B could communicate with us whenever he wanted to and to you my Brave volunteer who somehow found this job listing not intended for you not intended for me it was a job listing to be a franchisee of a pizza restaurant run by a Giant entertainment conglomerate where I had to put money down to even open the place if it was intended for a specific person why was there even a job listing them although for one of you the darkest bit of hell has opened to swallow you whole so don't keep the devil waiting old friend so that was a lie we value our commitment to atoning for past mistakes and tying up Loose Ends imagine uttering the words Five Nights at Freddy's and tying up loose ends in the same sentence there is no need for you to return to work next week as Fazbear entertainment is no longer a corporate entity so that was a lie okay why does every sponsorship ad have the same music imagine if you watched a life insurance ad a medication ad and ad for the latest video game and an ad for an upcoming movie and they all use that one Kevin MacLeod song that every YouTuber and their Grandma uses yeah you know the one congratulations you've completed a full week on the job and you've done it in such a lackluster way that no one is proud or disappoint it well to be fair you did say that no one was proud or disappointed which not only the title of my autobiography but it also means that I did do what was asked of me I just did the bare minimum while such a minimalist when's done with the title of a sequel to my autobiography it's a fine line to walk but you did it completing your job with such an efficient level of laziness that we're surprised you're able to dress yourself in the morning hey screw you Scott coffin I play video games to escape my daily life not reflected as the name implies the insanity ending is insane you have to buy egg baby and then during the office segment turn off the computer press the button on the computer which is normally green and is now not only blue but turned off and then turned the computer back on it's not difficult but it is such a specific set of things to do how and why would anyone think to do them [Music] Roy activated simulated seats not only is that not an acronym for anything which it clearly seems you wanted it to be based on the periods after every capital letter the last letter doesn't even have a word attached to it what does the C stand for did you give up three quarters of the way in it's during this ending that it's made clear that Lefty is actually a containment suit for the puppet given the context clues such as lucky being the only animatronic that doesn't speak alongside the security puppet minigame being referenced during the completion ending and a screenshot of the puppet itself in the second game being shown explaining why Lefty sort of stuck out amongst the others is a character we've never seen before and one that wasn't entirely disfigured but so let me see I mean why it's time to rest how did cassette man know how to develop a suit that could capture the puppet Lefty's real name is also an anagram except spelled with an e instead of a y standing for lore encapsulate fuse transport and extract meaning he was designed to lure and trap the puppet within for the purpose of bringing it to this Pizzeria but why not just lure the puppet to the pizzeria the puppet itself isn't a spirit it's just another animatronic and in your diagram you even note that behavior within the suit isn't guaranteed so why build all these bells and whistles to contain the puppet it just seems like too much work for something you didn't have to do all the other animatronics came here somewhat willingly they were all lured here and didn't need to be put inside another suit to do it well except for Afton that is totally a different suit my point is you didn't need to do it if you already knew how to lure the puppet to somewhere or something and especially if you found the puppet already trapped in something like oh I don't know a wind-up box how is it that the puppet has one of the only stories that makes sense in this series but then Lefty dismantles it by making absolute zero sense from a purely conceptual standpoint congratulations you went somewhere you weren't supposed to go saw something you weren't supposed to see and prevented a tidy resolution to a messy problem trust me bro I'm not the one who prevented a tidy resolution to a messy problem you've had that since the series started we're giving it to you to ensure that no one believes you and to ensure that we can promptly replace you without answering accident I can just throw this away like I care doesn't really mean anything if no one sees it not to mention this stinky novelty certificate would never hold up in court okay you why the hell am I even in this room then clearly someone isn't setting up this room because why the hell would they waste my time by setting up the stupid wooden standing just to tease me not only that but the animatronic went out of its way to mock me by engraving I'm already inside on the sign which how the hell did it engrave it that's clearly not writing it's way too font like do they have pinpoint accurate laser vision or some are they programmed to etch into wood with their razor sharp claws those that have them and another thing how do these animatronics know about the Salvage process why would they walk into this room play stupid by letting me shock them and play them these tapes and only try to kill me the next night and see that's my problem with this from a story perspective neither scenario makes sense someone must be setting up the Salvage room for me because someone needs to rewind the tape and even if you theorize that someone must have set up the tape recorder to automatically rewind each night or whatever the hell how do you explain the maintenance logs you have new ones each night am I bringing those with me before I come into the room who do I deliver the logs to why aren't they dealing with this do I leave the logs in the Salvage room after I'm done then obviously someone is coming in to collect them and that has to be true because otherwise how did the animatronics which are supposedly being found get here in the first place but then why would whoever setting up the room waste my time I'm bringing in this wooden stand in no I'm gonna throw it back in the alley and if it's the animatronics we're coming in this room willingly how did they know that we'd be trying to salvage them in the first place they clearly do because any of them can leave the stand in why are they wasting their own time why let me shock them I know I've already brought up a lot of these points in previous sins but it's so incomprehensible that it Bears repeating and what's worse is that if seems like they can come in whenever the hell they want so why wait like I mentioned earlier the animatronics can only get into the pizzeria after a salvage attempt or if they sneak in through purchasing a markdown item from the catalog but there is another way most people seem to think that purchasing and setting down items with high risk only increases your odds of facing a lawsuit at the end of the day but they also increase your odds of any of the animatronics breaking in early regardless of whether or not you bought a markdown item I was going for one of the endings and didn't buy sanitation station in favor of buying trash in the gank so I could get enough money for other things on the first night because of that I went into the first office section with three risks but I figured well it's the tutorial night I'm just gonna do my tasks and be fine and then bam I got jump scared by scrab baby who shouldn't have even been able to be here until after night three so what the hell in Universe risk should only represent liability risk right like How likely and often it is that I'll get sued because of how dangerous any of the things in my Pizzeria are to any of the customers so why the hell does that that translate to risk of an animatronic coming in anyway what does it matter then why not just walk in every night why not all walk in together no one gives a about the rules and I don't even know what the rules are to begin with listen I am hate listen to me I need you to really listen here don't just hear what I'm saying actually pay attention not a lawyer but I don't think a complaint in a civil lawsuit should start on paragraph six as well the complaint itself States nowhere what the plaintiff is seeking and damages a retribution I just have a silly little settle button on the top left and to top it off legally I don't need to answer this lawsuit immediately most have a waiting period of 20 to 30 days there's no way I'm expected to answer this complaint immediately after I'm served with it where in the sweaty balls is this office if it can get as hot as 120 degrees Fahrenheit like I get that it's a small cramped room where I need a fan to keep it cool but even with the computer on there's no way it gets that hot in fact considering how giant the vents are is my office in the vents whose bright idea was that that on the other hand what kind of jet turbine do I have in my office that can make the temperature go from 120 degrees to 60. no wonder this is louder than an anxious dog at a mailman minding his own damn business convention while I'd argue that most of this game is fairly skill based the blacklisted ending feels like it's five percent careful planning 35 skillful execution and 60 luck I can't possibly know if something's going to get marked down and how much risk it's going to give me some items don't even give you risk despite being marked down sometimes items you don't even have access to yet can get marked down and what's worse other times items you already bought can get marked down but you need to keep making money so sometimes you have to put down attractions or animatronics that will increase your Revenue despite the risk involved which can result in lawsuits that you need to spend money on in order to afford your legal fees which can mess up your entire plan which leaves you reliant on performing well at certain mini games which are pretty goddamn stingy with their bonus requirements I was lucky that I got good enough at carnival hoop sometimes so I buy Orville elephant and complete the mediocre Melody set so I could get the ten thousand dollars in order to afford gravity Vortex and get the last five risk I needed on the first try or I would have had to play the entire week all over again we'll mail you your final paycheck minus the costs of wiping the security footage clean and erasing all trace of your employment from our files there's a cost for that oh that seems like a pretty straightforward job I don't know why you feel like you'd have to pay anyone to get that done so regarding mini games like Fruity maze obviously it's not us playing because I doubt they'd let a little girl be a franchisee all by herself so this must be a glimpse into the past meaning the little girl we see in the reflection is actually playing this arcade machine which actually features mangled dogs while we leave behind a trail of blood and I gotta ask who in the Freddy Faz made this because this isn't just some head Cannon theoretical scenario no this little girl played this and was lured by Afton after seeing these Sprites but did he make this game how did he know this little girl lost a dog in a car accident I mean that's what being implied here right the most obvious answer is that Afton knew this little girl and ran over her dog himself but Are you seriously going to tell me that this man dressed in a blessed bunny costume ran over a little girl's dog made a video game featuring the dog he ran over produced an arcade machine to put the game in in the hopes that the little girl would visit the pizzeria he worked at play it well enough to get to the level featuring the dead dog also he could lure her with the promise that maybe her dog survived I'd sooner believe that little children's ghosts can actually haunt robots in real life than that so interesting thing about this game that didn't exactly make sense to me because there's just zero way you would know any of this without going into the game's code or reading a guide on it the lore keeper certificate and the lore keeper ending are somewhat separate every guide I read on getting the Lord keeper ending detailed how to get the Lord keeper certificate which is the only one of the title screen certificates that doesn't have its own ending cinematic technically so I got jump scared after finishing the requirements to get the lorekeeper certificate and was surprised to see it show up on my title screen without having me actually finish the week first as it turns out and something that none of the guides I watched or read through mentioned is that you automatically have it upon finding everything you need but the completion ending changes once you have the lorekeeper certificate which is really goddamn confusing and isn't explained anywhere because I knew that I had to play through some mini games and nothing else I assumed I could just ignore the salvages just to make things easier on me and I was met with a cutscene I literally never even heard of before if you fail to meet the requirement for any of the endings you get the bad ending which doesn't even have an accompanying cinematic it's just cassette man firing you for failing to do what you were hired to none of the guides mentioned that I had to get the completion ending alongside the lorekeeper certificate requirements in order to get the lore keeper ending in fact some of the guides even explicitly say I can ignore the the salvages and while you could argue that's not the game's fault that's the fault of whoever wrote the guides and you're not entirely wrong how the hell am I supposed to know what to do midnight motorist minigame is the easiest one to run into because the path is pretty obvious to see fruity maze requires you to beat the level you're playing before the next level can advance so that's pretty self-explanatory too though given that play testing the arcade games is for the sake of increasing fast rating and getting money I do wonder how many people would use fruity maze to do that playing it over and over in a single save file and security puppet is even worse considering you have to play it not once not twice not Thrice but four times in order to see the cutscene but you're never meant to do anything beyond that why would you ever assume that you need to do that in this game there's never any interaction and that doesn't change on any of the three times you play it beforehand why would anyone think oh fourth time's a charm maybe something will happen on the fourth one [Music] wait you're telling me that if kids spend enough money on price King they could win Funtime chica how the hell does that go down at the price counter I'll take one seventy one thousand dollar animatronic please imagine telling your parents you won a whole ass robot by spending 10 tokens at a local pizza place [Music] okay no how did you fit an entire music man down there and are you again telling me that kids can just win this thing if they fish it out of a ball pit so I saved the bankruptcy ending for last like complete accident uh I was actually going down the list and hadn't realized I'd skipped over it while following the guides and I'm kind of annoyed because while it allowed me to capture the intro to the game which I hadn't done because I wasn't recording when I first played this game and like I said it only appears when you have no save file it also got rid of my achievements which granted I'd rather those in my certificates but Posh Pizzeria is not an easy achievement to get and it doesn't even make sense anyway I can't reload my save file to the day before my bankruptcy but you'll let me reload a save when I've literally met the conditions for completion per your requirements well that's kind of up that all the kids got their graves next to each other in the middle of nowhere as opposed to in a proper graveyard also did the parents of the kids come together to make that Fazbear entertainment do this like how did that conversation go about man I'm so bummed my kid got killed at Freddy Fazbear's place oh dude no way mine too are you guys talking about how your children got murdered at Freddy Fazbear's pizza because my child got murdered there too and then that but for three more kids [Music] foreign to swallow you whole hey everyone Char I5 here thanks so much for watching my CinemaSins Pastiche of everything wrong with Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria simulator um I've been on a bit of a FNAF kick lately because of the ruined DLC coming out for security breach and I realized that I'd covered all the games in the core collection plus base security reach so I wanted to go back and cover all the games that I haven't before tackling the ruin DLC question of the video what is your favorite Five Nights at Freddy's game uh I think that I'm I'm pretty partial to Sister location weirdly enough I think it's because it's it's still as Indie as the games that came before it but it was the first one that felt like it had a budget you know what I mean which it was super cool at the time I think that's why I just have always thought that it's like weirdly cool in my opinion although I have to say that making this video I've developed kind of a soft spot for pizza Sim 2. um thank you to my patrons and channel members on screen you're seeing the names of the wonderful people who used to support me each month and if you want to be featured alongside them you can check the link in the description for my patreon page or you can just hit the join button that's below this video um you guys know what to do check out CinemaSins if you haven't already like comment all that fun stuff share with a FNAF fan that you think might find this funny uh maybe they'll have a good laugh with it until next time stay safe and stay awesome this is Char i5 signing off I think it's time for you to come out you've been managing fine on your own I'm not supposed to manage this on my own it's supposed to be you and me there's just been so much going on it doesn't even feel like you and me anymore because it's not I've had to step up and take care of things I'm just so tired and I'm exhausted would you think I get a break I have to take care of things around here plus try to get working whenever I can before I could defer to you for that you could do all the creative things because that's how we work you create I critique and keep you in check but now I'm the for everything I'm the one keeping you down I have to create and manage and I can do it but I don't want to do it alone you want to but you know you can't you know I'm the one over your shoulder telling you where you could mess up before you do or where you did before others do and that's why we need each other I can't create as well as you can efficiently sure but I need the passion and without the passion I don't even know what I'm doing sure you do you've seen me do it plenty no I mean I don't know what I'm doing even continuing you get stressed so easily and I try to put your feet back on the ground but that doesn't mean I don't get stressed either were times where I thought it was both of us at the same time but I don't think that's ever happened it's always either you or it's me cause you're right I'm never not there but I need you to always be there too I'm not myself if you're not there but I don't think I'm the one that needs to know that
Channel: Charriii5
Views: 214,300
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EWW, Charriii5, Minus World, Five Nights at Freddy’s, FNAF, FNAF Movie, FNAF 6, Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria Simulator, FNAF security breach, FNAF ruin, Security breach ruin dlc, Connection terminated, Cassette man, Henry Emily, William Afton, Scrap Baby, Molten Freddy, Lefty, Pizzeria simulator all endings, Completion certificate, Blacklisted certificate, Bankruptcy certificate, Lorekeeper certificate, Insanity certificate, Tetrabitgaming, game theory, Markiplier
Id: Z6X3HOfXiFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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