Everything Hollywood Doesn’t Understand About Poverty - Reckless Disagreement (Shameless, Daredevil)

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[Music] on who turn this on am I talking to here but me and the shadow people welcome to reckless disagreement the only show on the internet you can trust I'm your host I'm slowly starving to death in my self-made prison and here's a clip from Buffy the Vampire Slayer where she discovers a dark secret about an evil corporation the doublemeat medley is vegetables how do you know that she's immediately offered a bribe you want money but instead insists on taking a minimum-wage job I'd really like to not be fired anymore some context here Buffy the Vampire Slayer is a Vampire Slayer and the only person standing between the citizens of Sunnydale and a sinister cessation of existence due to blood sucking every second she spends flipping burgers is a second some poor schmuck is getting his hemoglobins gobble people died because she was too virtuous to blackmail a multinational fast food chain for lying to their customers and that is the moment that I realized that no one in Hollywood understands poverty or working for a living or even money far-fetched right who could believe that the notoriously down-to-earth and relatable billionaires of Hollywood Hills could possibly you get it you know where I'm going let's just get to it yeah Lana what's going on I am the owner of alibi well we can't stay here not enough money in the kitty to keep the lights on past midnight Barnes stole our safe kids after getting laid off I was finally pursuing my lifelong dream starting my own architecture firm you know it really grinds my gears the fact that there is no point in a TV characters life where their terrible decisions catch up to them it's just wacky adventures and gross incompetence and then they go home every day to an amazing apartment because I guess they starting to gogurt commercial once it's still air in that spot yeah dude it's called my rent for years now go-gurt comes the thrill let's talk about the amazing home Ted Marshall and Lily Sharon how met your mother a second thought we don't really need to talk about it looking at it it's probably sufficient for this point you're smart your brain can draw conclusions from simple images the most interesting example has got to be the show shameless which is let's be clear an amazing show but take a look at the house they live in so a lot of people live in the real world probably the most realistic home I've ever seen on TV but listen to what flood magazine has to say about it shameless is raw honest and dark the audience can practically smell the fetid marsh of its settings through the screen vomit and secretion our featured characters TV has so warped our understanding of what life is like that a semi realistic depiction of poverty is the most disgusting thing this writer can even think of I wonder do you like to live there and have servants valley's sure people who tell you where to go and how to dress that's better than here you're always scraping for food ducking the guards I understand that a movie about a genie and a flying carpet doesn't also need to be a sober reflection on class structure but maybe it's weird to say that princesses who are sick of being told what to do have less to complain about that a guy who in his own words has got to eat to live gotta steal to eat tell you all about it when he's got the time assistant professor Jesse's tribe at Duke University conducted a study of every g-rated Disney movie to make over a hundred million dollars and found that the big theme is that inequality is benign proving that what I do for a living is just like being a professor at Duke mom also thanks for watching them in Snow White the Seven Dwarves sing their way to work every day the citizens of bells quiet provincial town love living in the crushing poverty of 17th century France I know that the point is supposed to be that money can't buy happiness but it ends up being that the poor on an even footing with the rich which like I believe that's wrong you can probably find a study somewhere it's not just fairytales and the first Iron Man Tony Stark nobly shuts down all weapons manufacturing in his weapons manufacturing business and the TV tells him that his entire corporation is doomed but by the next movies clothes are fancier his gadgets are only cooler and his business is more profitable than ever both daredevil and Sherlock are shows about superheroes who live in really dope apartments even though they only take cases they find interesting or morally challenging in some way foggy in particular is always worried about money but only because the annoying fad wrong character because who would worry about money a loser it's way better to just put on a mask and punch whatever you hear you've never owned a credit card or leased a car nope amazing hey not really one in 10 Americans have a credit score of zero that's 45 million people among folks Fiona's age that number spikes to more like 4 in 10 you can open up a credit card account take an advance of thousand dollars pay it back tomorrow and you're an excellent credit risk that's ridiculous - Fiona's not an excellent credit risk she has no payment history and no long-term accounts you know 78% of Americans don't know that length of credit history is an important part of your score or that closing off older accounts won't hurt that score just gave you valuable financial advice in this comedy video bet you didn't see that coming I'm full of surprises you love me managing your credit properly can give you a huge advantage but only if you're the type of weird I would like stone cars or homes or not pay ridiculous interest rates and remember shameless is the realistic show let's go through sometimes wacky characters casually ruined their lives for a quick joke now listen I already transferred $3,000 balance from the valley federal card over to my Spring Mills mutual card because I had an $8,000 limit but since I'm already bumping against that I'm as low transfer everything to yours because it has a twenty thousand dollar limit it's my visa bill envelope one of two How I Met Your Mother went out of their way to make Lily's credit card debt a season long problems so you'd think they'd think it through but in the end it just seemed like a point of mild shame for the characters with no actual long-term consequences for their lives by designer clothes and accessories that I can't afford I have 15 credit cards and they're all maxed out after Marshall and Lily bought an apartment at a ridiculous 16 percent interest rate it turned out fine instead of the kind of thing that would ruin you forever because Marshall just happened to stumble into a killer high-paying lawyer job where the only downside is that it's evil and crushing him never mind that most people would gladly take an evil soul-crushing job in exchange for benefits and financial security because the alternative is usually an evil soul-crushing job that doesn't have benefits or security and it will also destroy you physically because you're working with dangerous chemicals or carting around thousands of pounds of bricks like lip did in his summer vacation in shameless hey shameless is pretty good for the most part right it's not just me calling it the best depiction of poverty and TV so let's talk about how shameless makes poor people look like dicks like i touched on earlier i love this show it's rad well-written emmy rossum deserves every award etc but also the main joke is how awful the characters can be lips stealing the truckers meat is just the beginning there's also the time kevin and veronica had a threesome with Veronica's mom the time Debbie lied to her boyfriend to trick him into getting her pregnant and the time Frank's girlfriend jerked lip off by touching his feet funny it's just weird we'll have like whole arcs about addiction and untreated mental illness and failed business ventures that are treated really seriously but then they'll pay rent by lying about their landlord being a pedophile and blackmailing him for it the show's gimmick is how gross it gets and show times audience is mostly wealthy people and they keep going for the cheap laughs and I'm not proud of that pun so let's just finish up here the overall message we're sending is that money is easy to manage and unimportant and that poor people are lazy and gross I get this is all escapist fantasy but finances are a pretty important topic for everyone to consistently get this wrong so the question is what do we do about it you know this is an important issue and this is the internet so we got to take it seriously I don't I'll ask the shadow people they seem to have theirs more or less together come to me my shadow friends we have much to discuss hey thanks for watching our video hit the C in the Middle's to subscribe and hit the little bell to be notified when there's gonna be more videos and then leave a comment telling me what this does nothing
Channel: Cracked
Views: 2,129,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shameless, Showtime, Daredevil, william h. macy, reckless disagreement, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, emmy rossum, shameless season 7, hollywood, poverty, hollywood doesn't understand, cracked, cracked.com, sketch, comedy, funny, spoof, how i met your mother, Iron man, Disney, disney movies, Hollywood poverty, poverty america, Matt Murdoch, Foggy Nelson, Credit score, credit
Id: 5YBehtmDHoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2017
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