Everything goes horribly wrong! | J plays Palworld #palworld #vtuber

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you've got what it takes to be a pal Tamer do I I don't think I do hey everyone it's me Jay it's been a while hasn't it I've been totally neglecting the second channel uh it's largely because mem stepped away from the channel and that's not going to be permanent we do plan on her coming back but it's been a very long and kind of difficult Journey admittedly but I don't want to get too much into the details especially since uh you know I think that's M story to tell this is also the first time using my vtuber model to play video games which I think is very fitting so even though I don't quite consider myself a vtuber yet I don't know we'll see how this goes and let me know how you feel about using the vtuber model I think this would be better than putting in the little buttons that I was doing before especially considering the fact that it's just going to be me this time around so you don't have to worry about trying to figure out who's talking I thought that I would want to check out pal world since it's been getting quite a lot of attention recently ever since it came out and it's currently in Early Access but I've heard a lot of really good things about it I honestly don't know anything about this game other than the whole it's Pokémon but with guns so I was curious especially after hearing about how well received it is so I figured I'd check it out but I'm going in mostly blind I don't know anything about the story or what exactly we're doing I know it's open world and it's a Survivor game and that sounds really cool so I'm going to kind of just jump in and see what happens let's do Tanner Islands Tanner confirm why not right change player name let's just do MJ Tanner oh gosh oh my god oh that's hilarious oh wow they're they're like mostly manly faces this one's kind of cute h um okay should I go for like the meme potential I don't know this one's kind of cute but she's I don't know she's a little stoic hang on I guess the Bas is pretty cute the basic face H hang on H oh gosh looks like she's staring into my soul oh that made it [Laughter] worse wow oh my gosh oh no oh that looks kind of like cat eyes maybe we should do that one no that looks like junjiito that's kind of cute let's go with the cat eyes do they look like cat eyes or snake I think it's cuz it's green no we're going cat eyes okay let's do eye color uh purple yeah that's cute can I change the eyebrows though hang on how do I change the eyebrows oh eyebrow color was right there excellent okay we're going with that I wish they had some long hair options just totally bald oh that looks like Dr Stone I guess the pigtails are kind of cute H oh that's kind of cute no let's just go with this one yeah that's kind of cute I like that okay start game yes all right let's just check out what's around here ooh something's over there someone's over there okay all right ooh ooh there's a pal look at him I'm going to avoid him for now let's go check out this guy over here uh check on this guy that I didn't mean to sound like that hang on hello oh are you a girl been a while since someone who didn't stink of Pals washed up here okay this island is a living hell the people I came with aren't with us any longer those damn Pals ate every one of them they can eat you I didn't know this was a thing okay this really is a Survivor game okay cool you be careful out there here take some basic supplies o thank you you need to toughen up if you want to survive out here thanks I'm totally green open build menu how do I check on my uh oh he gave me wood cool how do I check on my inventory so I can make this workbench now okay I got to put it so I'm just going to make this my Camp too by this person cool f awesome okay o i leveled up sweet all right let's get this Branch there was one right here wasn't there oh oh okay okay H there was a branch there now it's gone cuz I put the workbench over it where's a bran okay there's a branch there's a branch okay excellent F nice uh select recipe ooh oh we're going to we're going to attack the pals ourselves okay start production awesome okay okay cool now we can beat up little monsters Palladium fragment and stone all right seems easy enough enough just got to find some padium do I go down here yeah okay ooh ooh I see something sparkling let's go check it out no not the berries yes pick it up awesome craft pal sphere what else I need Stone should I get some berries sure okay cool uh I don't need all of them right now Now where's a stone oh can I make stone out of this does that work is this not working I don't think this is working okay got to go find a rock on the ground are these Stones oh that's a stone right oh yes awesome how many do I need where where's Camp oh oh no where's Camp oh no it's getting dark oh no no and I don't remember where my friend is how did I already get lost I'm like Zoro ooh there's more Palladium down there oh there's stairs here okay I need to find Camp first oh wait okay so there's that yes I am in the right place oh look at the little chicken guys hi you want to be friends hm these are level three the other things were level two oh I'm so glad I found Camp hey I don't know your name still want to talk Expedition Survivor I'm so tired I tried making Graves for everyone at first but when more than a hundred Di died I gave up on that idea I'm not sure what I was expecting from this game but this is a lot here ignorance leads to death there's a sliver of hope to be had if you manage to tame a pal but not one of my comrades was able to accomplish that can I get a gun hey you have one of those ancient devices with that you should be able to make a pal sphere if you make some you can catch Pals with them awesome okay let's do that cataba is that a catlike creature shall I get like entirely cat themed Pals let's try you I really hope this thing is good enough oh wait no don't run wait hey hey hey get back here no don't run from me I want to be friends I mean I'm going to beat you first but you know still wait wait wait wait wait honey wait wait wait don't run from me we will be friends just going to slowly oh no what if I like knock it off oh my gosh did you run away from me again I suck at this okay we're running we're running get back here we will be friends after after I beat you a little bit with this bat okay okay sorry I'm sorry oh oh I probably shouldn't have attacked two of them okay just just keep beating just keep beating we're fine we're fine okay now I just need to throw a ball at you you did did that work that why is this not working that was both of my balls hey you want to be friends I know I just beat you unconscious but wait can they not be unconscious no what's that shining one maybe I can't beat them unconscious maybe I just have to weaken them oh I'm so stupid why do I even play video games I'm so bad at them hang on this thing is shining I want to grab it can our weapons break in this game I'm grab ooh an egg perfect I can just raise one as a baby and then it'll love me well I can't take this fine what about this I can take this okay it's getting dark I need to get out of here h I know I have unused stat points oh I hope I didn't lose my way again I probably did oh okay we're going to run over here I should just go back to the way I play Pokemon and throw Pokeballs and everything until it finally sticks forget beating them that doesn't work they just die [Music] oh it meowed oh stairs excellent I will befriend one of you I already got an egg so that's cool hey that one's sleeping maybe that one would be easier to catch oh that one's level one oh there's a bunch of them that are just sleeping oh where is my base cold oh oh no oh no I'm totally going to die where is my base oh it's by that statue where's the Statue that looks like there' be something there I really hope probably not do I have a map that would help a lot I'm cold I'm going to die oh no what about my stat points hang on oh hang on structures ooh fire but I probably need the crafting table to do that yes can I do that now maybe I can build a bench right here I don't know where I am I'm really bad at that I need to build a fire like now o is that something yeah we're just going to build F Well I unlocked the fire where's my fire I know I'm cold how do I build a fire oh I need more wood oh my gosh Pals okay that's why that's the problem I need more wood how do I find more wood now great now I'm going to get lost and not be able to find this workbench I just built and there's nothing around here I don't know where I am how did I get this lost and it's dark and I can barely see anything I'm going to die I'm going to die on my first day cuz I suck at video games and I have no sense of direction oh I'm cold and hungry hang on I can eat inventory maybe I should I should grabbed more berries eat the berries require small feedbag and my berries are going to probably like there's a countdown timer so I'm assuming that I'm going to like not be able to eat them anymore what should I get what would help me like right now repair bench wooden structure cloth that might help there's no way I'm going to be able to oh I just fell off I'm like 5 minutes into this game and I got lost and fell off a cliff I'm going to get so roasted whatever at least I'll respawn back at the is this where I'm winds up hills Plateau Beginnings yes go there cold I know I'm cold yes get by the fire all right I forgot about that I lost all my items which is fine please get warm you've got what it takes me a pal Tamer do I I don't think I do craft some pal spars get out of there and catch some Pals pal Tamers gain levels from Catching Pals you know yes I know this has been a complete disaster stay away from that Tower until you get a little stronger the rain Syndicate controls that place they're a dangerous group you'll be killed for sure if you go now my friends who tried ended up dead just like that I've already died okay well I think this is a good place to end the episode that was an unmitigated disaster at least I'm back at Camp I'm going to get so roasted for this okay well that was fun at least and I I hope it was entertaining I'm going to need to work on the getting lost thing I take two steps from camp and I just get lost I'm like Zoro I really hope there's a map that would help so much you know what Ash sucked in the beginning and look how far he came I'm going to come back from this I'm going to become a pal master and it's going to be great and I'll totally redeem myself okay well thanks for watching I hope it was fun let me know if you want to see more of this and I'll see you in the next episode hopefully that won't be like a year from now okay bye
Channel: mjtannergaming
Views: 1,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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