Everything Aminé Eats in a Day | Food Diaries: Bite Size | Harper's BAZAAR

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- Yo, what up y'all this is Amine, and this is everything I eat in a day, not technically, but yeah. (gentle music) The first thing I do when I wake up is I kind of have this habit of needing to put Listerine in my mouth before I brush, 'cause I don't know, it's just, it wakes me up almost, and then after I do that, I'll just brush my teeth and then use like this cool tongue scraper thing. I've had a lot of time during quarantine, to buy things I don't really use on the usual. So, I bought this like really intense tongue scraper, so that's been cool, it makes me feel good about myself. It makes me feel really clean. Before quarantine, I kinda would just walk out the door to the studio and maybe eat something (beep) just like a Quaker Chewy bar and then start recording. I kinda liked to work during the day. I used to work a lot throughout the night, like from like midnight to 7:00 AM. In 2019 to 2020, I kinda just started working throughout during the day 'cause I like to treat it kind of like work. My mom always tries to get me to drink tea. So that's kind of where I think I got the habit from. The types of tea that I like to drink, I like honey, even other camomile. Something about camomile, always feels like home to me, but usually I don't drink that. I usually drink Throat Coat, just because that's what's best for us in the studio, but coffee, I can't really drink it unless I've ate a meal. Coffee gives me the bubble guts and I'll be in (beep) for like two hours. And that happened to me like two days ago. So yeah, I don't usually eat first thing in the morning, before quarantine, but now that this quarantine and now that I'm home all the time, I always eat breakfast now. A typical breakfast for me, would usually just be like me eating out, to be honest with you. And it always, usually include egg sandwich with toasted buttery bread, bacon and Swiss cheese. Pretty simple, nothing else. I actively avoid avocados. I hate avocados. Avocados are trash. Avocado toast, it's absolutely disgusting to me, you could not convince me to eat that. Those could never be available again, and I would not be it affected. I'll be like, it's like cool. I am a horrible lunch eater. I forget to eat my lunch like all the time. I get so like focused, tunnel vision into my work, and then I start to get a headache, and then I smoke a joint to get rid of that headache, I get hungry again and then I eat lunch around, like four usually. My typical lunch, would be usually like a Turkey BLT. BLT means like bacon, right? Like they're... - [Man] Yeah, bacon, lettuce, tomato. - Yes, I get a Turkey BLT without the bacon and tomato. So it's just a Turkey sandwich with a provolone cheese. I like to put honey mustard and some barbecue sauce in that (beep) I know it was weird, but that's my thing. And some chips, I like Ruffles Cheddar, Cheddar Ruffles or Doritos, Cool Ranch with the extra Cool Ranch though, not the regular (beep) 'cause they don't really be putting enough Cool Ranch on the Cool Ranch. I do not do sourdough. That's (beep) got me throwing in the trash, I hate sourdough bread. And I'll even do wheat before sourdough. Sourdough was like the devil's bread. That (beep) is just disgusting. I gotta make a diss to sourdough bread, bro. (murmurs) I snack on a lot of things throughout the day. I go to Costco a lot. So I'll purchase things in bulk. So I have, you know, snacks on deck. So a lot of Welch's Fruit Snacks, like little pouches Trolli, like Berry Gummy Worms, they're hella good. I've had a lot of cavities in my day. I usually eat dinner around like 10:00 PM, because I usually eat lunch way too late. My routine is usually, smoke a joint before I eat dinner. It just makes the dinner tastes so much better. One of my favorite dishes for dinner would be the Big Mac at Petit Trois. It's like "French Big Mac." - I love Big Mac. - Le Big Mac. - Petit Trois, that tastes hella good. It's like a French bistro restaurant, which is just, it's just fire for anyone. My beverage of choice at dinner, bro. I don't know, I like to usually drink from the same place that I like to get my favorite dinner at. So it'd be the Fleur Du Mal, is the name of the drink, sounds bougie as hell. It's a cocktail. A rose infused vodka with like grapefruit and lemon. It is just like, it tastes like summer. That's what the drink tastes like, if it's hella good, I don't know. I don't really like to drink like that, but when I do, those set keys, I don't know, I thought that was like a good punch though, like the commercial. But if I'm home, I'll cook like some Korean beef with some rice and some cilantro, I throw it down like a little bit, I don't really know how to cook like that though. I get very angry. You either better hand me a joint really fast, or you better hand me some food. 'Cause if not, it's gonna be a bad luck. We probably gonna fight. The best Ethiopian dish that my mom cooks is shiro. I forgot what shiro is made from. I think it's like, I'm not actually gonna, I'm not gonna say what I think is made from, 'cause I don't wanna ruin it, 'cause then my mom is gonna be mad at me. So shiro is my favorite Ethiopian dish. I like fava lot too, that's a dish you eat during breakfast. That's what I do, yeah yeah. I think that's where my mom be killing it. But my favorite food city is Portland Oregon, where I'm from. I don't know, just a lot of weird restaurants. My favorite places to eat in Portland are a Kee's Loaded Kitchen and Trap kitchen in Portland. There are these food carts and food trucks that kind of have like the best soul food in the city. And they just kill it every time, so shout out to them. I do have a favorite dish I like to cook, but I also don't cook a lot. And I don't know how to cook many other things so, but I'm also really good at pancakes too. I put a lot of effort in my pancakes 'cause I don't just do regular pancakes. You know (beep) I got the milk with the like the butter whatever they (beep) call, you know, they just do a regular pancake, but mine, super buttery. Up I melt like this much butter, and I pour it in the batter and it just makes it (beep) I want. I don't know if that's good for you, all I know is it tastes good, and that's all that matters. So if you would like some good pancakes, come over. Only if I know you though. I do a lot of late night snacking. If I'm super duper geeked, I'm gonna eat a lot of pizza like with some breadsticks ranch, I'm a pig out and eat it kinda in my bedroom, which is kinda, I don't know, it's just not a good feeling after you do it. You know, if I'm going on like the lower end of that spectrum, I'm probably eating like cereal from Captain Crunch or some Cinnamon Toast Crunch in a big bowl though, in a big bowl. I'm real particular about the bowls I eat my cereal in 'cause people would be like, eating this cereal in small ass bowls, which I really don't (beep) with. I used to watch "Boy Meets World" and the brother in that show had this episode where he had Coco Puffs in a big ass bowl like this big. And ever since I saw that, that's who I was inspired by, to always eat my cereal like. So I always think of him, when I eat my cereal. - These are Cocoa puffs. - And that's everything I eat in a day. Be sure to check out my album Limbo, out now, on all platforms. Much Love. Peace.
Channel: Harper's BAZAAR
Views: 452,362
Rating: 4.9593873 out of 5
Keywords: Harper's BAZAAR, Bazaar, Skincare, Fashion, Skincare Routines, Beauty Haul, food diaries, food diaries harper's bazaar, amine, amine riri, amine type beat, amine food diaries, amine harper's bazaar, everything eats in a day, food diaries bite size, amine shimmy, amine interview, amine food, amine live, amine 2020, amine limbo, amine woodlawn, amine caroline, amine caroline reaction, amine tiny desk, rapper food diaries, what a rapper eats in a day, WIEIAD
Id: hig42q13LWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 24sec (504 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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