10 Things Aminé Can’t Live Without | GQ

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how do doctors put these on so smooth like this is hard except this is a me name these are my ten essential things today will be caring for these ten essential things with rubber band clothes because they're very essential and I care about my things first up is now I wear Julie just because it makes me feel a bit more confident this is my favorite ring that I got it was like the first purchase I made once I got a little more money in my pocket this is my grill I only wear this when I like go to a party or I'm with my friends this is usually this is nice this is really nice these are like my favorite chains both of these are my parents when they were like 2021 or whatever now very close to my parents me and my parents love each other this is my hard drive see OPN is basically just my brand and clothing line that a lot of like fans purchase as well all the pieces of clothing that I designed for my like company and like all my music anything pretty much important to me that can be virtually stored I have a backup of this at home in case one yard tried to steal this from me there's probably like 100 one of these songs in this thing to be honest I keep them stored in here when I'm having some writer's block I kind of just go back to this hard drive and listen to some of the songs that I wrote there's no like same path that I'd take to make a song like this it's always happens and I'm very random late you know I have a beat first or we make the beat to a song I already wrote it's kind of like a very like care of this kind of process not kiss and a negative wait look here this in a way that kind of that things happen to me they have been a nothing's flourish the way they should these are my eyeglasses they are Warby Parker I basically buy about like ten of these same pairs of glasses I lose things a lot these just look okay on me I feel like I look like a nerd I need contacts I'm very blind the cameras blurry to me now so when I'm like performing the reason I don't work glass is because of course you can't really like jump around with glasses but also I can't see you so it's like great I'm not that nervous my dad sent me an email when I was on tour just like why are you jumping into crowds that's so unsafe these people barely know who you are how can you trust them yeah my dad cares for me this is my home hide when I'm making news on and no one's heard yet I just put in my iTunes when I wake up the next morning after not hearing it for a while and just tell Siri hey Siri play this the sound quality of this thing is really cool Apple doesn't pay me to market this I've been doing this because this actually sounds like pretty good this is actually not my home pod the good people I did cube brought this for me because my home pod was stolen last night at our Airbnb so to the people that stole our home pod you but this is all good material things aren't that important but when they're essential they're essential you see that this is my favorite perfume because I think men's cologne smells very strong and doesn't smell that good so I wear women's perfume because dudes pass me and they're like damn bro kind of kind of Cologne of that like it's perfume they feel like insecure and weird about it but then they asked me for the name and then go get it so you know we're changing gender norms out here show me you Vuitton I'm not a pronounce this mill fie fo fum it's just some cool that smells really good this is my pouch to go you have pouch that I got when I was in Mexico you're just recording music out there pouches are pretty announced what all the kids are doing normally I keep like my wallet on some chapstick because mothers always be Chad only something's wrong with fathers genetically I hate carrying things in my pocket that's literally why I have this next is my wallet this is going out as well I really like just go yard in general I think like the printing is really cool it's super consistent nothing ever changes and I like very simple designs and I like cardholder while it's just because I hate fat ass while this that you have to like stuff in the back of your ass like that just sucks one thing that I have in this wallet is an amazing thing I lose my wallet a lot I have the tiles this is mat essential whoa I lose my wallet all the time and I love my wallet this is something very essential to me so this is an essential piece of my wallet which is essential to me which is essential to my life this is my Kiehl's moisturizes it just makes you look shiny and clean and not burning so anything that makes me like not about me it is always a plus I can't walk out the house in my face looking dry because nobody likes to ask you face well I have a youtube channel all about my routine and makeup tutorials if you want to go check it out that's a joke I don't have any of that these are some of my favorite new sneakers they're just like I I always think you should be wearing a piece of clothing or a pair of shoes that you designed or your friend design that represents something you believe in so yeah this is Cantu loyal which is the oil I spray my hair a lot it just smells really really good I have a song about it when I live a very true life I comb the things I talk about these are rubber bands that I wear for my hair to tie them into these little things almost all pigtails what everyone's going if I didn't tie my hair you think I just got out of it you know it's been fun it's been a great day hope you go home and learn a lot from this and tell your friends 1.5 bye thank you [Music]
Channel: GQ
Views: 3,167,617
Rating: 4.9489198 out of 5
Keywords: essentials, rapper, 10 essentials, jewelry, rapper's jewelry, amine, amine rapper, aminé, amine 2018, amine interview, amine gq, favorite stuff, want list, amine favorite, amine favorites, favorite amine, amine 10 things, 10 things, amine explains, amine breaks down, 10 things amine, amine top 10, amine essentials, things amine, amine favorite things, gq, gq magazine
Id: uB8azavQt3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 13 2018
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