Everything Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Does In a Day | Vanity Fair

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i do get nervous when i post uh not as often as i used to when you're able to be first out of the gate with a position it can often inspire other people to come and join along and that can be one of the most impactful things in politics really hello vanity fair this is congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez and this is everything i do in a day i am an aspiring morning person i want to be a morning person i'll do my best to be a morning person but i find that i stay up late i do a lot of my thinking late at night and work late at night but i wish i was one of those 4 am go for a jog happy as as a clam during covid i admit i've become something of a night owl so i'll get up between seven and eight am usually my dog is like really cozied up he's a little spoon i'll usually have five to ten text messages waiting for me sent at all points of the night i try to trim down on email as much as possible and so it's usually text slack messages i can be a little bad when it comes to social media use sometimes i'll check it right after i wake up i've been trying not to do that so much though if it's alternate side parking in new york city i put on my pants and some warm clothes and i go move the car i actually just got a car and i'm really lucky that i have not gotten a parking ticket in the last two weeks but about two days maybe the day after i got my car i did get pulled over for making a right on 23rd street when i wasn't supposed to but i got a warning so that was good if i'm lucky enough to uh to not need to head outside right away i'll make a cup of coffee in my greca breakfast it's usually toast with a little bit of peanut butter or almond butter on it as something to get some protein in pretty quickly that or smoothie i've been trying to drink less coffee lately so i switched to matcha tea in the morning and i've had this little ritual i got a little milk frother i heat up the milk i make the matcha the most important part of my morning routine has been drinking water i like to put some lemon in my water and i try to drink it pretty slowly and mindfully i'll look out my window i'll try to look at the clouds passing by just really slow down for even a minute five minutes in the morning and that's been my little meditative practice recently i will wash my face put on some vitamin c moisturize and throw on some sunscreen i will go get dressed uh read through some news safari is my news app i go to the new york times i'll check the washington post i'll look at long form articles in places like the atlantic and then i look at some other kind of less mainstream um news outlets new republic in these times etc i've been trying to stay away from the phone a little bit but i do um pull up my phone and i look at my calendar for the day and then i'm usually out the door by 9 9 30 in the morning i love my days in new york i love my neighborhood i like my neighbors it feels i mean it's home new york is home so it's definitely more comfortable in new york but dc is beautiful and um i love seeing my colleagues in person here at home i'll wake up and i may have a press hit that day i may have things that i have to film or i walk to my office if i'm in dc my first order of business is a committee hearing i'll walk over to the capitol for an oversight committee hearing or a financial services hearing a committee hearing that starts at 10 a.m can last till 1 pm with a break and then often times after that congress will call votes and so i'll have to prepare i have to read through my votes and what we're kind of deciding on that day and then i'll head over and run to the capitol and cast my first vote of the day my breaks if i get them are kind of rotate throughout the day so pretty much wherever there's a pocket between maybe an interview and an internal meeting sometimes it's 11am sometimes it's 3pm sometimes i don't get a break at all sometimes i have a break and then it ends up getting filled up with a meeting so it's really any time between meetings that i can squeeze in a little break that's that's when it happens for me there's no regular set schedule lately it's been zoom zoom zoom zoom and zoom but i will also be heading team meetings internally preparing and doing research for upcoming hearings talking through and workshopping legislation that we're trying to roll out and also talking to other candidates for office and see how we can support other progressive folks to be able to run for office and be successful a lot of what i and how i prioritize has to do with what my community is prioritizing and asking for in a given moment that also requires a lot of flexibility and sometimes i will have to move things around in order to address an issue whether it's police brutality or whether it's taking out a stance on climate change so much of it and my job is responsive to what the public and what our communities and people need work never really stops as a member of congress you have to be on call 24 7 especially for rapid response in breaking news you have to kind of set hard rules for yourself even though there's no off so i try to be done with work by 6 pm knowing that there will be plenty of times that i'll be working till seven eight ten o'clock at night and so really the key to that kind of a demanding schedule i think is flexibility i do my own tweets i do my own instagram but we do have a team that helps with facebook that's a little bit more writing intensive sometimes my day is so busy that i don't get a chance to look at things until the end of the day and i'll look through and try to catch up on a few things i'll generally just kind of intersperse and see if there's anything that we either need to respond to or that we should be speaking about very often narratives whether it's around social justice health care raising the minimum wage acting on climate change they policy will advance in news cycles and they'll be very responsive to the moment and so it's really important to be on call to help define the narrative and the message of that moment i do get nervous when i post not as often as i used to but especially if i know that i'm vocalizing a position that has not been vocalized before or vocalizing a position that i may be the first out of the gate with it's really nerve-wracking but the thing that is really special about it is that when you're able to be first out of the gate with a position it can often inspire other people to come and join along and that's can be one of the most impactful things in politics really so if it's a light night and i'm lucky and i'm done by six maybe i'll be able to go out to dinner with my partner or with um some friends i'll take deco my dog out for a nice long walk in the community and we'll come back later in the evening as i kind of do my whole self-care routine i'll wash my face again i'll get ready for the evening i've been developing a habit of really awful reality television to just totally unplug at night it's been actually pretty successful in helping me forget about everything that's going on i've been watching um selling sunset [Laughter] lately around 10 p.m i'll check if there's any other breaking news that has kind of hit if there's anything that i need to kind of brace during the day because very often if i walk out in the capital in the morning there'll be reporters asking me about a development that may have happened at 1am or midnight the night before you kind of have to intermittently check and so i'll check around 10 o'clock at night or sometimes a development will happen late at night and i'll kind of check in make sure if it needs to be responded to right now or if it can wait until the morning we try to have our phone off before getting into bed i'm a little more successful in dc where i have a separate alarm clock in new york i have to get another alarm clock and so i have found that when we're able to put away our phones before bed it's a lot more relaxing you're able to help yourself a lot more but i've definitely been caught in some late night news cycles and that's just it is what it is i'll brush my teeth i'll change my invisalign i'll wash my face put on like a inactive and then i will moisturize my face and go to bed i hate going to bed early it's the right thing to do it's the responsible thing to do but i'm just a night owl i feel like i'm getting fomo by going to sleep early so my ideal bedtime is probably like 11 30 or midnight i'm a pretty good sleeper when i'm out i'm done and i'm asleep until i wake up in the morning thank you so much vanity fair that's everything i do in a day
Channel: Vanity Fair
Views: 3,541,674
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aoc, in a day, aoc in a day, aoc vanity fair, aoc vanity fair interview, aoc interview, everything aoc does, aoc does in a day, aoc daily routine, aoc daily, daily routine aoc, alexandria ocasio cortez, alexandria ocasio cortez vanity fair, alexandria ocasio cortez in a day, alexandria ocasio-cortez, alexandria ocasio-cortez in a day, alexandria ocasio-cortez day, alexandria ocasio-cortez interview, alexandria ocasio-cortez vanity fair, vanity fair
Id: R6reyiSpKuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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