Everything about Mad Cat-Lon | Kenshi Lore

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if you are familiar with kenshi's lore you probably aware that keni takes place in the post-apocalyptic world but what was keni like before the fall in the beginning it was a home to technologically advanced human civilization who have built robots and invented many technological Marvels but as some of you undoubtedly know the uprising of skeletons brought about the fall of that Civilization but this video is not about that this video is about a certain skeleton who attempted to rebuild a civilization and even join forces with humans this video is about mad catlon before we talk about Caton's character let's first talk about what happened after the fall as you know all skeletons come from the first Empire the name first Empire refers to the advanced human civilization which built set skeletons and later met its Doom at their hands all humans that managed to survive forgot about their glorious past over the Millennia even though skeletons are susceptible to memory loss due to Hardware Mal functions some of them still remember the days of the first Empire and they decided to band together in an attempt to recreate what was lost and so the Second Empire was born after thousands of years the skeletons hate for Humanity waned and they enlisted their help and even lived side by side for a while their empire was vast but it was not even close to the first Empire in terms of technological advancements they did try to salvage some lost artifacts but since thousands of years have passed and their memories are rooted away they could not reinvent what they had lost they also boasted a large and Powerful Army comprised of battle hardened skeleton Warriors who fought against Bandits and Pirates and made the Wasteland a relatively safe place to live as long as you were within the borders of the Empire to solve an internal conflicts they formed a police force which was also comprised mainly out of skeletons it is not entirely certain how long the Second Empire has lasted but it was long enough for humans to grow weary of the skeleton's iron rule if you ever encounter catlon it will become apparent to you that he hates humans he will say the following lines upon encountering you have I come to soon I had to thrw them all Traer sing with the humans treason now we are nothing what was the point of it all have you tried looking after humans they're monsters as they grow in numb so do their capacity for evil and they won't even notice if they do it I was not the monster he finishes his monologue by screeching loudly and louing at you and will make short work of your character if it wasn't strong enough and if you manag to withstand his initial onslot you will quickly find out who he was referring to as his THS you will be surrounded by 120 of the so-called storm THS these skeletons do not have a head and presumably no Ai and they are basically walking weapons with no Free Will and like other skeletons but what drove catlon to Madness from his monologue we can deduce that he had a hand in building or ruling the the Second Empire and most likely tried to make amends with humans as well but he saw through their treachery and came back to his roots but apparently other skeletons did not approve of this and this is when he started kidnapping and lobotomizing other skeletons to make him serve him and share his ideals it is unknown what kind of government the Second Empire had but from the word empire we can assume that he was an emperor or a monarch of some kind but if it wasn't an Empire then he was probably an elected official or a military General due to his Mar prowess before catlon descended into madness he was a great Visionary the Second Empire compared to the current state of keni was extremely Advanced skeletons humans and Sheek worked tirelessly to recreate the first Empire while for Organics the first Empire was something of a myth for skeletons it was their past and their reality even though skeletons are Immortal their memory is still corruptible due to old age and they have to undergo memory wipes every few centuries so that they do not go mad since catlon was spearheading the Reconstruction of the civilization it is possible that he had detailed memories of what was lost he didn't simply remember vague Echoes of the past like the other skeletons he remembered details about the technology and Society this could only mean one thing catlon neglected the need for memory wipes this could have contributed to his descent into madness as his mind crumbled under thousands of years of experience the human revolts Cults and general unrest could have been the straw that br broke the camel's back his memory got corrupted to the point that he does not differentiate the timelines anymore it is likely that to him the memories of humans destroying Behemoth and Waging War against skeletons and the memories of humans trying to build a second empire were happening within a span of few years therefore when he finally went mad he forgot that this was for the most part his idea and thought that the skeletons simply forgave the humans for their crimes but in his mind the wounds were still fresh so he decided to take matters into his own hands and continue the war which ended ended thousands of years ago after the second empire collaps under Caton's paranoia overall unrest and famine skeletons humans and other citizens scattered all over the world but catlon remained in the capital alone surrounded only by his mindless thrs he resides there even now sitting on his roding throne his mind is still darkened and the centuries of seclusion and hatred only deepen his Madness but he's still a formidable Foe and even if you manage to survive the journey through ashlands you will need an army of kill Warriors to defeat him and his throlls in order to find catlon you need to make your way to the location named Caton's Exile it is located in the ashlands and you can obtain the exact location from the Bug Master if you defeat him and loot his map after reaching the Caton's Exile you will see two domes one of these domes is Caton's throne room and the other one houses his army of THS it is best to First clear out the throlls because if you attack catlon they will be summoned to his defense after getting rid of the throlls make your way to the main do and face catlon he is a master of every weapon type and has extremely high toughness strength and perception on top of that he is wearing specialist ancient Samurai armor and is wielding the falling Sun one of the best weapons in the world if catlon is killed the Ashan will become slightly safer and some enemies will seee spawning and if emperor tangu of the United cities calls you a servant you will have an option to intimidate him this is it for today if you like this video don't forget to like And subscribe and if you have any ideas for future videos leave a comment down below also if you want to catch my videos earlier get the art I used in my videos take 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Channel: PhoenixDash
Views: 811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kenshi, lore, games, kenshi lore, interesting, narration, phoenixdash, videogame, rpg, skeleton, skeletons, robot, robots, second empire, mad, cat-lon, catlon, character
Id: AE94ykoiDcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 49sec (409 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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